human interaction
Posts: 748
I think I need more of it. The only real people I talk to most days is the person at the front desk at the gym and the people in my office. Sometimes I go to trivia with my coworker and her friends, and I play soccer once a week if it's the season...other than that pretty much anyone I talk to is online-- facebook, email, etc. Does anyone else feel like this? I've never really understood the concept of so called loneliness-- is this it? Or is this just the consequence of modern life?
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"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
1) you get human interaction
2)It could look good on your resume
3)intrinsic satisfaction
4)meeting new people could potentially set up a network of other future interactions
I've always been one for the alone time too. I remember being in high school and the major thing I was concerned about for college was living with a roommate and not getting any alone time! My job is pretty solitary though- mostly just me and the spreadsheets and research...I have officemates but we don't exactly chit-chat al day.
Pretty sad how it seems that you can't even have a 'friend' to talk to 'just to talk'.
- Christopher McCandless
I can never think of volunteer work I would like to do. the only thing I've done on a recurring basis is write content for a website-- at home! Besides at this point in time I'm looking for a second paying job, so I don't think I could handle two jobs AND volunteer work. I'm just not that good.
I read something recently that said that some enormous percentage of of study subjects said they don't have someone to confide in wrt to big issues concerning them. I completely understand that-- I don't think I really do. I have a lot of "friends" but they don't live anywhere near here. I also think people are so wrapped up in their own lives that you just don't feel comfortable confiding in others anymore, like you're bothering people. And I think there's so much pressure to be "happy" and "together" that telling someone something is bothering you is seen as a weakness.
Oh sweet Jesus: it's true then, I'm not real. I am a figment of comebackgirl's imagination.
Sounds like my world except i live with the gf. I've alway been a loaner so it doesnt bug me much.
totally! I have tried to reach out to become friends with people, but they are so wrapped up in their problems, they are not interested in the usual, shopping, lunch, coffee stuff. I have lost a lot of trust in people in the last few years, I'm not even that young. I thought people would have outgrown the gossip, rumor spreading, drama etc. I heard that a recent study showed that today's college graduates are 75% less empathetic than those 10 years sad that a trait like empathy could drop so fast.
I still try to be empathetic or kind towards people but sometimes I feel like it's a losing battle.
- Christopher McCandless
they're always watching
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
yeah I am a very empathic person by nature. I am also always willing to make friends with people, but it seems like no else is! Even if you get to know someone through some recurring interaction, interacting with them in a different context is virtually impossible! I think people think that if they are open to making new friends it will seem like they don't already have friends or have their own life.
- Christopher McCandless
Children and teens seem to bond quickly, where as it seems like adults become close friends at a VERY slow pace. At least, that's been my experience.
well then, get a 2nd job that deals with people interaction, bartender or barista.
as far as volunteering goes, you like music...why not look for things that revolve around that.
there's volunteer work with rock music? like what?
I would LOVE to bar tend, and was really hoping I could do it, but I've decided it's just impossible. There's no way I could close a bar on a week night and get up and work 9-10 hours the next day and work out and everything else. I talked to bar tender at my favorite pub recently and he told me it's really difficult when it's your only job! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do for extra work. It's really hard because my full time job isn't 9-5. It's whenever to whenever it takes to get it done.
you can find a public radio station and answer phones during pledge drives, set up information booths at music festivals and next to merch tables in music venues.
I agree, though I don't think I've ever been one to bond with one person super quickly. I remember when I started college, it seemed like everyone paired up and became super close immediately. That sort of thing only happened to me once, when I went to a massive orientation for the company I started at right after college. In particular, I really clicked with the guy I happened to be sitting next to the first day. Everyone kept asking us if we were friends from the same college. There were a few people I bonded with quickly! Unfortunately none of us were working in the same city :(. Even when I started grad school, it took me a long time to really feel like I was friends with people. I know some adults who seem to bond with people really fast, I think a lot depends on your personality.
It does kinda suck because it's rare to meet people you could be friends with, and then that's narrowed down even further to people who are open to making a connection.
cool we don't have too many small venues left around here, but it's always a possibility. damn now I'm just thinking about how I want to tend bar.
Then be friendly, people will come and go, these passing relationships important as all things happen for a reason.
Our everyday interaction with "strangers" is also very important, it's easily dismissed.
We can make someone's day better with a smile or a kind word or gesture.
These everyday interactions make a life blessed, the human bond happens in a fraction of a second and they all count!
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That's what my cats are for... wait a second, all they do is lay around and glare at me between bouts of licking their ass.
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I hardly get any as I've worked from home for 2 1/2 years. Nobody phones anymore it's all emails. I've never met half of my customers and the only face to face I get is the old boy who walks his dog on my walk in the mornings and a Portuguese fella who runs the cafe I get my coffee from.
I blame technology and the internet. :twisted:
I saw a bunch of kids this morning waiting at a bus stop and everysingle one of them was staring at some handheld device. None were actually communicating with each other.
Freak Show Revival
Everywhere I look
See blank eyes
On plastic devices
In a death grip
Before the face
Vision that should be
On the road ahead
On other worlds underfoot
And stars above
On the person
Sitting across the table
Everybody is wishing
They were someplace else
Hearing another voice
Living any kind of life
Other than the one in which
They find themselves
Wanting to disappear
Into hand held dimensions
Used to joke
About those unable
To see beyond
The end of their nose
Never realizing
How horribly unfunny
It might appear
With these shiny tumors
Sprouting from fingertips
And cheekbones
Ushering in
A whole new age
Of separation
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that's so true
Lately I'm getting too much human interaction. I feel way too over-stimulated. I keep fantasizing about being alone in a hotel room...white walls...white sheets...just me and a book. Then I realized that sounds an awful lot like an insane asylum
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"