espn, you suck



  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    FrankY59 wrote:

    I have been livid about the whole power outage thing all day today. It was horrible coverage. Also, ESPN is abll about the personalities. These guys are just dying to make a name for themselves. Chris Berman sucks.

    I wonder if NBC will really affect ESPN's ratings. I remember CNNSI was a 24 hour sports network that did not last.

    cnnsi didn't have any games though. just some college hoops I believe.

    the nbc network will have hockey to start with. and they can promote sunday night nfl games. not a strong foundation, but it's a start.
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    Newch91 wrote:
    I'm probably in the minority, but I really love ESPN's college basketball analysts and commentators for games and College Game Day.

    i kind of a agree. dick vitale is a clown at this point though. and digger phelps is a bit of a douche.

    love bill rafferty. everyone else is okay in my book.

    I agree. Sean mcdonough is the most underrated announcer of all time. I like jay bilas a lot. bob knight is the man. rafftery is good.

    vitale is a turd. he and berman need to take their schticks get lost at sea together
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    Newch91 wrote:
    One thing I hate about ESPN is the constant coverage of the NFL and college football every single day, including the offseason.

    I will say that I love espn U. especially during college football season. tom luginbill is awesome. joe tessatore shoudl get more air time...he is really good too

    I will watch espn U even if there aren't games on. no chance in hell I'm watching espn, except for college gameday
  • Newch91Newch91 Posts: 17,560
    The Fixer wrote:
    Newch91 wrote:
    One thing I hate about ESPN is the constant coverage of the NFL and college football every single day, including the offseason.

    I will say that I love espn U. especially during college football season. tom luginbill is awesome. joe tessatore shoudl get more air time...he is really good too

    I will watch espn U even if there aren't games on. no chance in hell I'm watching espn, except for college gameday
    Yeah, ESPNU can have all college football coverage they want on; just not ESPN. There are more sports in the world than football. They're basically silent about baseball during the offseason except when something big happens. Even when it's baseball season, there is still more football coverage than baseball.
    Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
    "Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    Newch91 wrote:
    The Fixer wrote:
    Newch91 wrote:
    One thing I hate about ESPN is the constant coverage of the NFL and college football every single day, including the offseason.

    I will say that I love espn U. especially during college football season. tom luginbill is awesome. joe tessatore shoudl get more air time...he is really good too

    I will watch espn U even if there aren't games on. no chance in hell I'm watching espn, except for college gameday
    Yeah, ESPNU can have all college football coverage they want on; just not ESPN. There are more sports in the world than football. They're basically silent about baseball during the offseason except when something big happens. Even when it's baseball season, there is still more football coverage than baseball.

    MLB Network blows espn away. except when dan plesac, harold reynolds, eric byrnes, or kevin millar are on
  • Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,876
    The Fixer wrote:
    vitale is a turd. he and berman need to take their schticks get lost at sea together

    Yep....both of these 2 need to go away.

    Vitale just yells uncontrollably and loves everybody......has he EVER criticized anybody??? Berman is just a complete clown.
  • Newch91Newch91 Posts: 17,560
    The Fixer wrote:
    Newch91 wrote:
    The Fixer wrote:
    I will say that I love espn U. especially during college football season. tom luginbill is awesome. joe tessatore shoudl get more air time...he is really good too

    I will watch espn U even if there aren't games on. no chance in hell I'm watching espn, except for college gameday
    Yeah, ESPNU can have all college football coverage they want on; just not ESPN. There are more sports in the world than football. They're basically silent about baseball during the offseason except when something big happens. Even when it's baseball season, there is still more football coverage than baseball.

    MLB Network blows espn away. except when dan plesac, harold reynolds, eric byrnes, or kevin millar are on
    MLB Network is great. One of the best channels invented. I love their countdown shows. Some great stuff on there. I recorded like 4 of them on Saturday.
    Shows: 6.27.08 Hartford, CT/5.15.10 Hartford, CT/6.18.2011 Hartford, CT (EV Solo)/10.19.13 Brooklyn/10.25.13 Hartford
    "Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    ESPN Classic needs to bring back "Cheap Seats", then maybe I would change my mind about the whole family of networks. At least they still show reruns sometimes, it definitely needs a DVD release though.

    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    ESPN Classic needs to bring back "Cheap Seats", then maybe I would change my mind about the whole family of networks. At least they still show reruns sometimes, it definitely needs a DVD release though.


    those guys were brutal
    81 is now off the air

  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    81 wrote:
    ESPN Classic needs to bring back "Cheap Seats", then maybe I would change my mind about the whole family of networks. At least they still show reruns sometimes, it definitely needs a DVD release though.


    those guys were brutal

    Yeah, I don't anybody felt their wrath quite like Steve Garvey. They were always clowning on him.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,430
    I'd like to crane kick Chris Berman and Vitale, but my latest least favorite has to be Neal Everett. Seems like the nerdiest, schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche in the world. The only thing I asked for this Christmas is for somebody, anybody to give that guy a piledriver. I guess if you're feelin extra nice, go kick the crap out of Stephen A Smith while you're at it.

    And what's with the sidebar that tells you what's coming up on SC. I doesn't serve a purpose if they're not gonna follow it, and I'm all for Tim Tebow, but GODDAMMIT!!! he doesn't deserve to have entire show dedicated to him. There can't be that much to analyze.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    DewieCox wrote:
    I'd like to crane kick Chris Berman and Vitale, but my latest least favorite has to be Neal Everett. Seems like the nerdiest, schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche in the world. The only thing I asked for this Christmas is for somebody, anybody to give that guy a piledriver. I guess if you're feelin extra nice, go kick the crap out of Stephen A Smith while you're at it.

    And what's with the sidebar that tells you what's coming up on SC. I doesn't serve a purpose if they're not gonna follow it, and I'm all for Tim Tebow, but GODDAMMIT!!! he doesn't deserve to have entire show dedicated to him. There can't be that much to analyze.

    Oh, there isn't enough stuff to talk about, so they just make up stuff to talk about with Tebow. Last week they did a bit about "Did you ever wonder what Tebow would look like if he threw right handed?" and then essentially just mirrored the video so it looked like he was a righty, then broke down his throwing motion as a righty, which is the same thing as when he throws left, because that's what the video was, only reversed. I thought that was extremely stupid, but then on Sunday during the game CBS did it too.

    As for "nerdiest schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche", I thought that was Scott Van Pelt.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,430
    DewieCox wrote:
    I'd like to crane kick Chris Berman and Vitale, but my latest least favorite has to be Neal Everett. Seems like the nerdiest, schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche in the world. The only thing I asked for this Christmas is for somebody, anybody to give that guy a piledriver. I guess if you're feelin extra nice, go kick the crap out of Stephen A Smith while you're at it.

    And what's with the sidebar that tells you what's coming up on SC. I doesn't serve a purpose if they're not gonna follow it, and I'm all for Tim Tebow, but GODDAMMIT!!! he doesn't deserve to have entire show dedicated to him. There can't be that much to analyze.

    Oh, there isn't enough stuff to talk about, so they just make up stuff to talk about with Tebow. Last week they did a bit about "Did you ever wonder what Tebow would look like if he threw right handed?" and then essentially just mirrored the video so it looked like he was a righty, then broke down his throwing motion as a righty, which is the same thing as when he throws left, because that's what the video was, only reversed. I thought that was extremely stupid, but then on Sunday during the game CBS did it too.

    As for "nerdiest schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche", I thought that was Scott Van Pelt.

    SVP doesn't bother me. Maybe b/c he was around when SC was still kinda entertaining. Doesn't really strike me as arrogant either. He's always pretty self deprecating on his radio show.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    I've never heard his radio show, but he annoys me for some reason. He comes across so smarmy to me, but he can be somewhat entertaining from time to time.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    Mark May is a douche.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    Suave.27 wrote:
    Mark May is a douche.

    I couldn't think of who he was off the top of my head, so I did a Google image search to refresh my memory and put a face to the name, and look what showed up at the very top...



    I guess you're not alone in your assessment.

    Actually all the first images were about him being a douche, pictures of T-Shirts that say "Mark May is a douche", and other similar images.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    edited September 2012
    Post edited by Stardog3.. on
  • FrankY59FrankY59 Posts: 1,049
    AS soon as I am about to post, the name drifts away...Oh yea, Stuart Scott! That's it right!? Anyway, maybe if the frames of your glasses were four times thicker than they already are...I would not notice your droopy eyelid! I feel bad actualy for his eyebrow that tries so hard (yet fails) to pull that lid up!

    This guy is singled handedly turning ESPN into BET/ESPN. But all in all, this networks has the worst combination of personalities ever assembled.

    Does anyone else get annoyed with all the women littering ESPN?! Or am I getting off topic here?!
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    FrankY59 wrote:
    Does anyone else get annoyed with all the women littering ESPN?! Or am I getting off topic here?!

    I don't have any problem with women on ESPN. There are some that seem to have no interest in sports though, I'm guessing it's just a step in a broadcasting career for them, and are more concerned with every story that has nothing to do with what happens on the field. Though even the men are getting that way.

    Some seem more concerned with off the field stuff, and "gossip" than sports. I'll never forget one time I watched a game and after the game was over the sideline lady went up to some guy and she started talking to him about the fact that his cousin (I think it was a cousin) just had a baby that night, expecting to get some flowery speech out of him, and you could tell the guy was confused. I don't even think he knew he had a cousin who was pregnant. He was all set to talk about the game, and here he is being cornered into some human interest story he didn't even know he was involved in, and he was like "Oh... uh... that's pretty cool".

    Then of course you have Rachel Nichols who I'm not even sure knows a thing about sports, she's sort of like an E! News reporter who crashed the ESPN party who seems lost unless she's camped out on Brett Favres lawn discussing what he did that day.

    There are plenty of women who know their sports, Mamasan probably knows more about football than half the guys on this board, but they just don't work at ESPN. A lot of these women on ESPN are just getting broadcast experience on their way to a journalism career, or are sticking around at ESPN because it probably pays well, even if they have no interest in sports.

    I do like Linda Cohn though, she's great. I haven't seen much of her lately though.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • Stardog3..Stardog3.. Posts: 1,527
    FrankY59 wrote:
    Does anyone else get annoyed with all the women littering ESPN?! Or am I getting off topic here?!

    I'm with SatansFuton on this one. I think I get annoyed by some of the men AND women on ESPN. I'm sure for some of them, it's just a HUGE step in their broadcasting career. I mean, if you are saying that the women shouldn't be on there just because they are women and sports are a "man" thing...well.....that's a pretty bold statement.
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    I've never heard his radio show, but he annoys me for some reason. He comes across so smarmy to me, but he can be somewhat entertaining from time to time.

    I agree that SVP isn't bad. Stu Scott is the worst IMO. He tries to act ghetto, but you know he's the whitest black dude ever. I'd bet money he gets in his car and blasts Hootie and the Blowfish when no one's around...then puts dmx (or whatever hardcore rap is out these days) on when he pulls up somwhere.

    Being fake is the worst trait people can have. Stu Scott is a clown. What a jerk off he is.
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    FrankY59 wrote:
    AS soon as I am about to post, the name drifts away...Oh yea, Stuart Scott! That's it right!? Anyway, maybe if the frames of your glasses were four times thicker than they already are...I would not notice your droopy eyelid! I feel bad actualy for his eyebrow that tries so hard (yet fails) to pull that lid up!

    This guy is singled handedly turning ESPN into BET/ESPN. But all in all, this networks has the worst combination of personalities ever assembled.

    Does anyone else get annoyed with all the women littering ESPN?! Or am I getting off topic here?!

    I think women announcers should stick to womens sports. The sideline reporters are fine, just keep males in the booth.

    Stu scott has a fake eye. he was at a jets practice trying to catch balls from the JUGS machine and he took one in the eye. Apparently he doesn't have the best hands.
  • SatansFutonSatansFuton Posts: 5,399
    Ron Burgundy SportsCenter Audition.

    I'm sure you've probably seen it, but it never gets old.
    "See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
  • FrankY59FrankY59 Posts: 1,049

    I do like Linda Cohn though, she's great. I haven't seen much of her lately though.

    Do you like when she wears a short skirt and she is doing a bit talking to someone else on the bar height chairs with her legs crossed and her cellulite HD?!
  • FrankY59FrankY59 Posts: 1,049
    The Fixer wrote:
    Stu scott has a fake eye. he was at a jets practice trying to catch balls from the JUGS machine and he took one in the eye. Apparently he doesn't have the best hands.

    Is that really true?! No way, you cannot lose an eye with a football hitting you in the face. The guy still sucks.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,495
    The Fixer wrote:
    Newch91 wrote:
    I'm probably in the minority, but I really love ESPN's college basketball analysts and commentators for games and College Game Day.

    i kind of a agree. dick vitale is a clown at this point though. and digger phelps is a bit of a douche.

    love bill rafferty. everyone else is okay in my book.

    I agree. Sean mcdonough is the most underrated announcer of all time. I like jay bilas a lot. bob knight is the man. rafftery is good.

    vitale is a turd. he and berman need to take their schticks get lost at sea together

    sean mccdonough is great...only i still get bad feeling whenever i hear his voice because it immediately brings me back to joe carter..."way back aaaaand gone!" that call is etched into my brain. :x
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,495
    DewieCox wrote:
    I'd like to crane kick Chris Berman and Vitale, but my latest least favorite has to be Neal Everett. Seems like the nerdiest, schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche in the world. The only thing I asked for this Christmas is for somebody, anybody to give that guy a piledriver. I guess if you're feelin extra nice, go kick the crap out of Stephen A Smith while you're at it.

    And what's with the sidebar that tells you what's coming up on SC. I doesn't serve a purpose if they're not gonna follow it, and I'm all for Tim Tebow, but GODDAMMIT!!! he doesn't deserve to have entire show dedicated to him. There can't be that much to analyze.

    Oh, there isn't enough stuff to talk about, so they just make up stuff to talk about with Tebow. Last week they did a bit about "Did you ever wonder what Tebow would look like if he threw right handed?" and then essentially just mirrored the video so it looked like he was a righty, then broke down his throwing motion as a righty, which is the same thing as when he throws left, because that's what the video was, only reversed. I thought that was extremely stupid, but then on Sunday during the game CBS did it too.

    As for "nerdiest schmuckiest, yet most arrogant douche", I thought that was Scott Van Pelt.

    you are obsessed with tim tebow.

    scott van pelt is a giant douche bag....but i do admit that i sometimes listen to his radio show on sirius. sometimes :lol:
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    FrankY59 wrote:
    The Fixer wrote:
    Stu scott has a fake eye. he was at a jets practice trying to catch balls from the JUGS machine and he took one in the eye. Apparently he doesn't have the best hands.

    Is that really true?! No way, you cannot lose an eye with a football hitting you in the face. The guy still sucks.

    yeah, it's true. pretty sure he has a glass eye (I know he lost his vision in the eye where he got hit)
  • The FixerThe Fixer Posts: 12,837
    scott van pelt is a giant douche bag....but i do admit that i sometimes listen to his radio show on sirius. sometimes :lol:

    I like him and ryan racillo on the radio. SVP is nerdy, but I respect him because he knows his sports. That gives him a leg up on most sports radio personalities.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,495
    regarding the women on espn....get some jen brown: ... 98083&pg=2

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