One idiot made the Milwaukee show look like a joke. I've heard that at other show's people have been yelling out. It was just a handful that wouldn't stop, but the icing on the cake was the drunk guy who got thrown out.
I was wetting myself when I scored 4th row center for the show. The idiot was in row 5 and 2 seats over from me.
In fact. He was Row E Right Center Seats 1 & 2. Can we please revoke his membership for this embarrassment.
He was swearing, hitting the chairs in front of him while "rocking out". he sang so loud and wasn't even in tune or singing the lyric's right. People compained 4 times before the ushers came to throw him out. and that's when he put of the fight and had to be dragged out.
It almost ruined my night......but how can 4th row center really be ruined.
Seriously..........They need to revoke his membership. If it was his buddies membership, that guy was just as annoying. I would never let a friend act like that.
And yes, mandi...balconies are creepy. It's like sitting in the bleacher seats at a Yankees game, I would think. :eek:
But I still had a great time prior to the balcony.
Really? In terms of songs or the fans? I liked the songs at DC1 better, but I thought Ed was in a much better mood at DC2. Even my friend who was at DC1 thougth ED was pissed most of the night. I think the fans at DC1 were much worse. a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
I find it very strange in all of these threads that people differentiate between a large and small venue. The problem isn't whether or not it is easier to hear these morons in a small venue, it's that they are making the noise to begin with, whether it's at NJPAC or MSG or wherever. I have watched the concert experience devolve until it got to the point where I'd get an anxiety flare if the band I'm watching decided to do a slower song, then the conversations start, the yelling interrupts, all that idiocy.
I have been in MSG when it has been like a church (I should say, how a church used to be, the racket that goes on during Mass these days really isn't any different either, come to think of it), people use to know when to rock out and when to shut the fuck up. If I may go back to when knighthood was in flower, you know the synth break in Won't Get Fooled Again? No one made a sound during it back in the day, the communal intensity was unreal, but once Daltrey screamed, everyone erupted, and not to be heard on a bootleg or to get the band's attention (that was so unheard of once upon a time, it's ludicrous).
The problem is that not everyone is there for the music -- when you are truly there for the love of the music, you keep your big yap shut, you don't go out for the Olympic drinking team, and you share with your fellow concertgoers, not confront them or torture them. To so many people, what's really a sacred experience for so many of us is just a night out, or so they can say they've been there, because the guy in the next cubicle will think they're hip the next morning, whatever...Christopher Morley once wrote, the only response to beauty is silence. Dig it.
"Over the dirt, we soar,
on a search for anything pure."
Say Goodbye
jeff aTONEment
"See, he's got me kinda riled already...jerk..."
Stoney, about Eddie, with love! (And to his face!)
You can't have it both ways..... Ed loves the arena shaking sing-alongs at MSG and various other places with Betterman and such. He revels in it. He's had us in the crowd doing it for 15 years now.
Are we all really that surprised people have a hard time containing themselves at smaller venues? They're essentially acting the same way they do at bigger places. It's not like PJ fans are used to small shows. People are ridiculously excited to see Eddie up close.
Everyone agrees that PJ fans are incredibly passionate, it's hard to ask people to lower that passion from a 10+ to a 3 at these shows. This is the frontman for Pearl Jam, not the Pope during a lecture, people will go nuts. And I think it's hypocritical to say that people at these shows are annoying, when countless times, people HERE say that people sitting down at Pearl Jam shows get annoyed with THEM for jumping out and dancing.
I just don't understand.. Most of the people who attend these shows either went through the stress of getting them from the 10C, the misery of getting them through TM or they paid a few hundred dollars off of some random ticket website so why would anyone want to act like an idiot? You're seriosuly going to spend the time and effort to get great tickets for someone you probably idolize then you're going to piss him off? Really? Ed's doing us a favor by having these solo shows (I think, at least). I consider myself so lucky to be able to see him this close up and in such a intimate atmosphere.
It's like people who pay $10 to see a movie then talk through the whole thing.. Why would you even waste your money and ruin it for everyone else?
And can you really argue that you can't expect people to be able to calm down just cause normal PJ shows are loud and crazy? Really? (Using the movie metaphor again..) Isn't that like saying someone who goes and watches comedies all the time shouldn't be expected not to laugh through a drama? If someone doesn't know how to change their behavior to the appropriate level for situations then.. I just don't know.. It's sad.
You can't have it both ways..... Ed loves the arena shaking sing-alongs at MSG and various other places with Betterman and such. He revels in it. He's had us in the crowd doing it for 15 years now.
Are we all really that surprised people have a hard time containing themselves at smaller venues? They're essentially acting the same way they do at bigger places. It's not like PJ fans are used to small shows. People are ridiculously excited to see Eddie up close.
Everyone agrees that PJ fans are incredibly passionate, it's hard to ask people to lower that passion from a 10+ to a 3 at these shows. This is the frontman for Pearl Jam, not the Pope during a lecture, people will go nuts. And I think it's hypocritical to say that people at these shows are annoying, when countless times, people HERE say that people sitting down at Pearl Jam shows get annoyed with THEM for jumping out and dancing.
Come on guys, just enjoy the shows.
Were you at any of the shows? Ed must have told the crowd to be quite and relax 4 -5 times at one of the shows I was at. I didn't let it ruin the shows, but yelling for ED to play Jeremy when he is on stage by himself is a little absurd. Its some thing to yell and scream at a huge 20000 seat show, but he was asking pretty nicely and giving some storng hints he was trying something different. a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
You can't have it both ways..... Ed loves the arena shaking sing-alongs at MSG and various other places with Betterman and such. He revels in it. He's had us in the crowd doing it for 15 years now.
Are we all really that surprised people have a hard time containing themselves at smaller venues? They're essentially acting the same way they do at bigger places. It's not like PJ fans are used to small shows. People are ridiculously excited to see Eddie up close.
Everyone agrees that PJ fans are incredibly passionate, it's hard to ask people to lower that passion from a 10+ to a 3 at these shows. This is the frontman for Pearl Jam, not the Pope during a lecture, people will go nuts. And I think it's hypocritical to say that people at these shows are annoying, when countless times, people HERE say that people sitting down at Pearl Jam shows get annoyed with THEM for jumping out and dancing.
Come on guys, just enjoy the shows.
this has nothing to do with people not containing themselves ... it's guys/gals who need to get drunk to have a good time and have no clue how they are behaving ...
is it unreasonable to think that someone who goes to a monster truck event can also go to a play? ... this is eddie vedder solo at an intimate venue ... he isn't playing arenas for a reason ... to think that someone cannot distinguish between a full on pj rock concert and something like this is to say people are truly stupid ...
these are assholes - they exist everywhere ... it's not surprising they show up at these shows but what is surprising is that we should tolerate them ...
this has nothing to do with people not containing themselves ... it's guys/gals who need to get drunk to have a good time and have no clue how they are behaving ...
is it unreasonable to think that someone who goes to a monster truck event can also go to a play? ... this is eddie vedder solo at an intimate venue ... he isn't playing arenas for a reason ... to think that someone cannot distinguish between a full on pj rock concert and something like this is to say people are truly stupid ...
these are assholes - they exist everywhere ... it's not surprising they show up at these shows but what is surprising is that we should tolerate them ...
like i said,it's the law of get a mass gathering of people and you are guaranteed to have some assholes present.throw LQ in and it's gas on a fire.
I guess i'm a rarity in that i can get my buzz on before a show yet still act appropriately.holy shit! imagine that?!
I find it very strange in all of these threads that people differentiate between a large and small venue. The problem isn't whether or not it is easier to hear these morons in a small venue, it's that they are making the noise to begin with, whether it's at NJPAC or MSG or wherever. I have watched the concert experience devolve until it got to the point where I'd get an anxiety flare if the band I'm watching decided to do a slower song, then the conversations start, the yelling interrupts, all that idiocy.
I have been in MSG when it has been like a church (I should say, how a church used to be, the racket that goes on during Mass these days really isn't any different either, come to think of it), people use to know when to rock out and when to shut the fuck up. If I may go back to when knighthood was in flower, you know the synth break in Won't Get Fooled Again? No one made a sound during it back in the day, the communal intensity was unreal, but once Daltrey screamed, everyone erupted, and not to be heard on a bootleg or to get the band's attention (that was so unheard of once upon a time, it's ludicrous).
The problem is that not everyone is there for the music -- when you are truly there for the love of the music, you keep your big yap shut, you don't go out for the Olympic drinking team, and you share with your fellow concertgoers, not confront them or torture them. To so many people, what's really a sacred experience for so many of us is just a night out, or so they can say they've been there, because the guy in the next cubicle will think they're hip the next morning, whatever...Christopher Morley once wrote, the only response to beauty is silence. Dig it.
This was the case since the first EV show here in Vancouver..worst show I've ever been to (only because of the crowd).
I remember posting a rant about it immediately after the show and people thought I was just being anal. Seems like the same thing has been happening at every show.
I love Pearl Jam but I pretty much want nothing to do with being part of a "jamily" or the rabid fanbase.
I think maybe at his next intimate acoustic show, Ed should follow a similar policy the way he did with cameras. Any obscene yelling and youre out. Fans arent there to listen to a couple of morons try and get their 2 seconds of fame.....especially drunk, disrespectful morons.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
the set of ass wipes Yesterday was huge. Teher were guys and girls screaming all night no matter how many times he asked and pleaded for them to shut up. The guy kicked out was right behind me, what an ass. He was screaming at the top of his lungs all night long (until removed) shouting out song titles, stupid comments, singing louder than Ed at times! First security asked him to leave nice, then he starts crying and whining I'll just put my head down and shut up I prommise...they said sorry too late for that so he flips out and starts screaming during a song mind you, he resists three guards kicking and screaming, [punching anyone he can hit trying to get away from the security, he hit a fan standing by them in his seat trying to enjoy the show in the head I believe, he was pissed security was begging him not to hit the fucker back. A total inconsiderate prick. He was seriously 2 inches from the people infront of him and was just screaming as loud as he could, not even singing to a song. This isn't even an exaggeration it was far and away the worst crowd I have ever been in. There were more than a few jags too. It really spoiled parts of the nights for many of us. Completely impossible to ignore that annoying.
the show got wayy better after they ejected his ass, but more guys statred piping in, it just would not end
ED even yells out SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
venue: a+
sound : a+
Ed- in great spirits and WAYYY patient
drunk fans F- any way too many
other fans were great, singing along was outstanding
I don;t think Ed or PJ will be returning for a long time after that(unless they redeem theirselves tonight)
I was at Ed's NYC II show and thought it was "pretty good" in terms of fan yelling. there was definately a couple points where he stopped and said no more, but overall, it didn't wreck it for me...curious what others thought how bad NYC II was on the "bad" scale...
I feel very fortunate that none of that really happened in Newark. except for one guy who was yelling (not that loud though) over and over again "Strangest Tribe...Strangest Tribe"...friggin tool.
You mean you did not hear the "Footsteps" dude? The guy actually revealed himself in the fanview thread, apparently not realizing that outside the theater, people were talking about him, NOT in a good way.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Those of us who saw the shows should be glad we did. Due to his frustrations with the crowds, I'd be surprised if ev ever takes on a venture like this again.
10C shows only - yes! But, maybe we're giving ourselves too much credit? I'm sure there are some loud, obnoxious douchebags who renew their membership every year.
20. ottawa - may '16
19. ottawa - may '11
18. montreal - sept '11
17. toronto - aug '09
16. toronto - aug '08 (ev solo)
15. toronto - aug '08 (ev solo)
14. montreal - aug '08 (ev solo)
13. montreal - aug '08 (ev solo)
12. toronto - may '06
11. ottawa - sept '05
10. mansfield, ma - july '03
9. NYC - oct '00 (nader rally)
8. mansfield, ma - sept '00
7. DC - sept '98 (voters for choice)
6. NYC - sept '98
5. east rutherford, NJ - sept '98
4. montreal - aug '98
3. augusta, me - sept '96
2. toronto - sept '96
1. gimli - aug '93
Damn this is so frustrating. Why do a minority of asshats have to ruin/make others look like pricks
There has been a lot of media coverage about the attitude of some Americans at the Olympics and how they have been asked to curb their attitudes as its not sportsman like.
I thought this unfair as its only a few. In fact its basically just the basketball team (and fvck they're good) that have caused the stir but perception then becomes the whole American team. Now whilst you guys are loud - the whole team being 'painted' arrogant when in fact its only a few percent is a terrible shame.
Sorry for the rant. Im upset
I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Are we all really that surprised people have a hard time containing themselves at smaller venues? They're essentially acting the same way they do at bigger places. It's not like PJ fans are used to small shows. People are ridiculously excited to see Eddie up close.
Well, yes, I am surprised, even though I am a notorious cynic. Eddie's "velvet seats" comments come to mind.
Let me put it this way: I would have loved to go to PJ's Hartford show in June, but the family and I had tickets for Shakespeare that evening. We all went, and I guarantee you that not one of us was shouting "Wooo!" or "Do the balcony scene from 'Romeo and Juliet'!" My boys, no models of good behavior, sat quietly and paid attention to the play.
The next day, we drove to Massachusetts, went to Mansfield 1, and all four of us were happy to go completely crazy, yelling, screaming, dancing like idiots. It was great fun, the most fun we have had as a family in forever.
It's all about context. There is a time and a place for everything. Back in the dark ages, I went to a Catholic school; we had a dress code, not uniforms. The administration explained that they had found that students behaved better when "dressed up." School-sanctioned "jeans days" always were rowdier. It's something to think about.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Well, yes, I am surprised, even though I am a notorious cynic. Eddie's "velvet seats" comments come to mind.
Let me put it this way: I would have loved to go to PJ's Hartford show in June, but the family and I had tickets for Shakespeare that evening. We all went, and I guarantee you that not one of us was shouting "Wooo!" or "Do the balcony scene from 'Romeo and Juliet'!" My boys, no models of good behavior, sat quietly and paid attention to the play.
The next day, we drove to Massachusetts, went to Mansfield 1, and all four of us were happy to go completely crazy, yelling, screaming, dancing like idiots. It was great fun, the most fun we have had as a family in forever.
It's all about context. There is a time and a place for everything. Back in the dark ages, I went to a Catholic school; we had a dress code, not uniforms. The administration explained that they had found that students behaved better when "dressed up." School-sanctioned "jeans days" always were rowdier. It's something to think about.
There were a few people there who were very crude and self indulgent. They were only thinking of themselves. There was a very large man on the second floor that kept shouting and when the security guys went and talked to him, he said it was his right!
Ed did do pushups but it wasn't cuz the crowd was unruly. He had, at least on four occasions, asked for the guy(s) to stop shouting. At one point he said, I'm going to ask as nice as I can... "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?" Then awhile later the guy shouted out again and he fell to the floor on his face, knocking a few things down - definitely done just to show his frustration, layed there for about a minute and then started doing pushups. He was frustrated and just working it out....
The majority of the crowd was peaceful and respectful. I was embarrassed and a bit angry at the few who could shed a bad light on the fine Jammers that do live in the area.
I posted a bulletin on my myspace page this morning about this. You can check it out. My screen name there is Tammymarie67 :-)
7/8 & 9 95; 6/26/98, 10/8/00 ;10/9/00;4/23/03; 6/18/03; 6/21/03; 5/17/06; 6/26/06; 6/29&30/06; 8/5/07; 8/23 and 8/24/09;5/3/10;5/7/10; PJ20 9/3 and 9/4/2011; 9/30/2012,7/19/13, 10/3/14, 10/20/14, 4/26/16, 8/20/16, and 8/22/16
4th row.. NO SHIT! That is just so awesome
4 row is the holy grail.. its the new front row;)
you think that there aren't assholes in the 10C who would do the same things????
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Really? In terms of songs or the fans? I liked the songs at DC1 better, but I thought Ed was in a much better mood at DC2. Even my friend who was at DC1 thougth ED was pissed most of the night. I think the fans at DC1 were much worse.
this is exactly what i was thinking but i hoped someone else would say it first, god forbid anyone ever speak a bad word about any 10c member.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
I have been in MSG when it has been like a church (I should say, how a church used to be, the racket that goes on during Mass these days really isn't any different either, come to think of it), people use to know when to rock out and when to shut the fuck up. If I may go back to when knighthood was in flower, you know the synth break in Won't Get Fooled Again? No one made a sound during it back in the day, the communal intensity was unreal, but once Daltrey screamed, everyone erupted, and not to be heard on a bootleg or to get the band's attention (that was so unheard of once upon a time, it's ludicrous).
The problem is that not everyone is there for the music -- when you are truly there for the love of the music, you keep your big yap shut, you don't go out for the Olympic drinking team, and you share with your fellow concertgoers, not confront them or torture them. To so many people, what's really a sacred experience for so many of us is just a night out, or so they can say they've been there, because the guy in the next cubicle will think they're hip the next morning, whatever...Christopher Morley once wrote, the only response to beauty is silence. Dig it.
on a search for anything pure."
Say Goodbye
jeff aTONEment
"See, he's got me kinda riled already...jerk..."
Stoney, about Eddie, with love! (And to his face!)
Are we all really that surprised people have a hard time containing themselves at smaller venues? They're essentially acting the same way they do at bigger places. It's not like PJ fans are used to small shows. People are ridiculously excited to see Eddie up close.
Everyone agrees that PJ fans are incredibly passionate, it's hard to ask people to lower that passion from a 10+ to a 3 at these shows. This is the frontman for Pearl Jam, not the Pope during a lecture, people will go nuts. And I think it's hypocritical to say that people at these shows are annoying, when countless times, people HERE say that people sitting down at Pearl Jam shows get annoyed with THEM for jumping out and dancing.
Come on guys, just enjoy the shows.
It's like people who pay $10 to see a movie then talk through the whole thing.. Why would you even waste your money and ruin it for everyone else?
And can you really argue that you can't expect people to be able to calm down just cause normal PJ shows are loud and crazy? Really? (Using the movie metaphor again..) Isn't that like saying someone who goes and watches comedies all the time shouldn't be expected not to laugh through a drama? If someone doesn't know how to change their behavior to the appropriate level for situations then.. I just don't know.. It's sad.
hhhmmmmmmm...i guess i didn't think this through enough!
how about mob rule shows? like with the quarter guy.Ed gives us personal permission to kick anyones ass who yells like an asshole.
wonder what happened?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
this has nothing to do with people not containing themselves ... it's guys/gals who need to get drunk to have a good time and have no clue how they are behaving ...
is it unreasonable to think that someone who goes to a monster truck event can also go to a play? ... this is eddie vedder solo at an intimate venue ... he isn't playing arenas for a reason ... to think that someone cannot distinguish between a full on pj rock concert and something like this is to say people are truly stupid ...
these are assholes - they exist everywhere ... it's not surprising they show up at these shows but what is surprising is that we should tolerate them ...
like i said,it's the law of get a mass gathering of people and you are guaranteed to have some assholes present.throw LQ in and it's gas on a fire.
I guess i'm a rarity in that i can get my buzz on before a show yet still act appropriately.holy shit! imagine that?!
Couldn't have said it better myself. Great Post!!
I remember posting a rant about it immediately after the show and people thought I was just being anal. Seems like the same thing has been happening at every show.
I love Pearl Jam but I pretty much want nothing to do with being part of a "jamily" or the rabid fanbase.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Just curious - those who were there, what did Ed have to say about his "endorsement" of Obama as stated in the review?
the set of ass wipes Yesterday was huge. Teher were guys and girls screaming all night no matter how many times he asked and pleaded for them to shut up. The guy kicked out was right behind me, what an ass. He was screaming at the top of his lungs all night long (until removed) shouting out song titles, stupid comments, singing louder than Ed at times! First security asked him to leave nice, then he starts crying and whining I'll just put my head down and shut up I prommise...they said sorry too late for that so he flips out and starts screaming during a song mind you, he resists three guards kicking and screaming, [punching anyone he can hit trying to get away from the security, he hit a fan standing by them in his seat trying to enjoy the show in the head I believe, he was pissed security was begging him not to hit the fucker back. A total inconsiderate prick. He was seriously 2 inches from the people infront of him and was just screaming as loud as he could, not even singing to a song. This isn't even an exaggeration it was far and away the worst crowd I have ever been in. There were more than a few jags too. It really spoiled parts of the nights for many of us. Completely impossible to ignore that annoying.
the show got wayy better after they ejected his ass, but more guys statred piping in, it just would not end
ED even yells out SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
venue: a+
sound : a+
Ed- in great spirits and WAYYY patient
drunk fans F- any way too many
other fans were great, singing along was outstanding
I don;t think Ed or PJ will be returning for a long time after that(unless they redeem theirselves tonight)
I'm a big ol farm boy that doesn't take disrespect very well. I'll take your ass out myself
You mean you did not hear the "Footsteps" dude? The guy actually revealed himself in the fanview thread, apparently not realizing that outside the theater, people were talking about him, NOT in a good way.
10C shows only - yes! But, maybe we're giving ourselves too much credit? I'm sure there are some loud, obnoxious douchebags who renew their membership every year.
19. ottawa - may '11
18. montreal - sept '11
17. toronto - aug '09
16. toronto - aug '08 (ev solo)
15. toronto - aug '08 (ev solo)
14. montreal - aug '08 (ev solo)
13. montreal - aug '08 (ev solo)
12. toronto - may '06
11. ottawa - sept '05
10. mansfield, ma - july '03
9. NYC - oct '00 (nader rally)
8. mansfield, ma - sept '00
7. DC - sept '98 (voters for choice)
6. NYC - sept '98
5. east rutherford, NJ - sept '98
4. montreal - aug '98
3. augusta, me - sept '96
2. toronto - sept '96
1. gimli - aug '93
i have heard at least one story from each show about boisterous drunkards and the almost equally annoying shoosh people.
to ed and fans that were there....
i'm so sorry. :(
There has been a lot of media coverage about the attitude of some Americans at the Olympics and how they have been asked to curb their attitudes as its not sportsman like.
I thought this unfair as its only a few. In fact its basically just the basketball team (and fvck they're good) that have caused the stir but perception then becomes the whole American team. Now whilst you guys are loud
Sorry for the rant. Im upset
Well, yes, I am surprised, even though I am a notorious cynic. Eddie's "velvet seats" comments come to mind.
Let me put it this way: I would have loved to go to PJ's Hartford show in June, but the family and I had tickets for Shakespeare that evening. We all went, and I guarantee you that not one of us was shouting "Wooo!" or "Do the balcony scene from 'Romeo and Juliet'!" My boys, no models of good behavior, sat quietly and paid attention to the play.
The next day, we drove to Massachusetts, went to Mansfield 1, and all four of us were happy to go completely crazy, yelling, screaming, dancing like idiots. It was great fun, the most fun we have had as a family in forever.
It's all about context. There is a time and a place for everything. Back in the dark ages, I went to a Catholic school; we had a dress code, not uniforms. The administration explained that they had found that students behaved better when "dressed up." School-sanctioned "jeans days" always were rowdier. It's something to think about.
A very good example indeed!!!!
I'm down with that.
Ed did do pushups but it wasn't cuz the crowd was unruly. He had, at least on four occasions, asked for the guy(s) to stop shouting. At one point he said, I'm going to ask as nice as I can... "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?" Then awhile later the guy shouted out again and he fell to the floor on his face, knocking a few things down - definitely done just to show his frustration, layed there for about a minute and then started doing pushups. He was frustrated and just working it out....
The majority of the crowd was peaceful and respectful. I was embarrassed and a bit angry at the few who could shed a bad light on the fine Jammers that do live in the area.
I posted a bulletin on my myspace page this morning about this. You can check it out. My screen name there is Tammymarie67 :-)
7/8 & 9 95; 6/26/98, 10/8/00 ;10/9/00;4/23/03; 6/18/03; 6/21/03; 5/17/06; 6/26/06; 6/29&30/06; 8/5/07; 8/23 and 8/24/09;5/3/10;5/7/10; PJ20 9/3 and 9/4/2011; 9/30/2012,7/19/13, 10/3/14, 10/20/14, 4/26/16, 8/20/16, and 8/22/16