all ive seen on this family leads me to believe those children are well cared for. i think its great. better a family of 19 well brought up loved children than an only child in an abused or neglected situation.
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i just need to say
I could really care less, since it's their family and they support themselves, but my opinion is the same as yours lol...
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I think it's DIFFERENT, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing...
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
If they wanted to make a living off their stupid billion person family they should at least do something noble and adopt 18 children. Now that's a show I'd like to see promoted.
if they were truly people of god who believed that children were a blessing, they would feed some of the mouths that have already been born into this world with those millions they've made with their celebrity. but cutting that religious bullshit away and calling a spade a spade, i think the duggars had as many children as they have had for the same exact reason any couple has any amount of children: the desire for genetic immortality. the only reason they didn't stop at a logical point in the reproductive cycle is probably because they feel as though they have an example to set, and that example has to do with the mindset that they are too godly a couple to use contraceptives.
if they were truly people of god who believed that children were a blessing, they would feed some of the mouths that have already been born into this world with those millions they've made with their celebrity. but cutting that religious bullshit away and calling a spade a spade, i think the duggars had as many children as they have had for the same exact reason any couple has any amount of children: the desire for genetic immortality. the only reason they didn't stop at a logical point in the reproductive cycle is probably because they feel as though they have an example to set, and that example has to do with the mindset that they are too godly a couple to use contraceptives.
wow really.. genetic immortality??? the moment you have 1 child youre immortal genetically so long as that child survives to reproduce. i have a grandchild already so my name is fame.
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i just need to say
wow really.. genetic immortality??? the moment you have 1 child youre immortal genetically so long as that child survives to reproduce. i have a grandchild already so my name is fame.
in a biological sense, yes that's what it is. i don't want to argue with individuals about their reasons for having kids on a conscious level. yeah, most couples i know have kids to share their love with one another. and heck, some people have kids just to please their own overbearing parents, or to hold a significant other as emotional hostage. but when it comes down to it really, the only (subconscious) reason why people have any urge to have children at all is to pass on their own genes. biology 101.
wow really.. genetic immortality??? the moment you have 1 child youre immortal genetically so long as that child survives to reproduce. i have a grandchild already so my name is fame.
in a biological sense, yes that's what it is. i don't want to argue with individuals about their reasons for having kids on a conscious level. yeah, most couples i know have kids to share their love with one another. and heck, some people have kids just to please their own overbearing parents, or to hold a significant other as emotional hostage. but when it comes down to it really, the only (subconscious) reason why people have any urge to have children at all is to pass on their own genes. biology 101.
whatever. i have kids cause i was drunk at the time. true story.
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lie beside me
i just need to say
wow really.. genetic immortality??? the moment you have 1 child youre immortal genetically so long as that child survives to reproduce. i have a grandchild already so my name is fame.
in a biological sense, yes that's what it is. i don't want to argue with individuals about their reasons for having kids on a conscious level. yeah, most couples i know have kids to share their love with one another. and heck, some people have kids just to please their own overbearing parents, or to hold a significant other as emotional hostage. but when it comes down to it really, the only (subconscious) reason why people have any urge to have children at all is to pass on their own genes. biology 101.
The Duggars are just representing the old-style family that didn't use contraceptives and would breed until they couldn't breed no more. They are probably in the 1% of Americans out there like that. I wouldn't find them threatening--I'm sure its not a trend that will catch on. Families can't afford to raise that many any more anyway. Large families like that were more of an asset to farms and so forth. Plus, the notion of go forth and multiply is outdated. We have too many humans on the planet and not enough fresh water and trees to take care of the planet. But I digress.
As far as contraceptives go, my hubz and I don't use any either. It doesn't mean we are trying to be godly. The simple, old-fashioned "pulling out" seems to work for us so we ran with it. It might bite us in the butt down the road, but I plan to get my tubes tied within the next year, so I guess we've been lucky so far. I understand that many people still got pregnant with just "pulling out" or "pull & pray". To each his own I suppose.
you know i have people bug eyed when i tell them i have 4 kids.. they seem to think thats a large family.
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lie beside me
i just need to say
if they were truly people of god who believed that children were a blessing, they would feed some of the mouths that have already been born into this world with those millions they've made with their celebrity. but cutting that religious bullshit away and calling a spade a spade, i think the duggars had as many children as they have had for the same exact reason any couple has any amount of children: the desire for genetic immortality. the only reason they didn't stop at a logical point in the reproductive cycle is probably because they feel as though they have an example to set, and that example has to do with the mindset that they are too godly a couple to use contraceptives.
exactly, who are they to decide what they do with their lives. those assholes. :roll:
I'm not a parent, so I may be off base with my opinion, but is it not important for a child's development to get a lot of attention from their parents? If you had 18 siblings, there is only so much love and attention that can be dished around.
I'm not a parent, so I may be off base with my opinion, but is it not important for a child's development to get a lot of attention from their parents? If you had 18 siblings, there is only so much love and attention that can be dished around.
They got it down, seriously.
After raising the first 3 or 4, those 3 or 4 raise the next 3 or 4, and then that 6 or 8 raise the rest of the kids, and then the parents just keep on fucking, and making the cover of US Weekly.
I'm not a parent, so I may be off base with my opinion, but is it not important for a child's development to get a lot of attention from their parents? If you had 18 siblings, there is only so much love and attention that can be dished around.
They got it down, seriously.
After raising the first 3 or 4, those 3 or 4 raise the next 3 or 4, and then that 6 or 8 raise the rest of the kids, and then the parents just keep on fucking, and making the cover of US Weekly.
never has raising children ever fallen solely on the parents. childrens development relies on so many people throughout their lives that to assume a family of 19 kids will somehow be left lacking something is just blindness. hilary clinton was not kidding when she said it takes a village. i doubt the duggar children are going to be wanting from love.
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i just need to say
Why does it piss so many people off. I'll admit that when I saw the mag. headline about their 19th kid, my first reaction was wtf?! But as long as they'r being responsible and providing for them, what business is it of mine? Those who are on welfare and still irresponsibly popping kids out, however, are cutting into the state's money, and therefore some money taken out of my paycheck--so that is my business.
they have a television show and are now willingly posing for magazine covers. first off, if they didn't have the television show providing them with ridiculous (and unmerited) boon, i doubt that they would have the money to feed those children responsibly. secondly, they have a television show for christ sakes... they have made their lives the business of others. they took up a television contract knowing that they are of a subcultural mindset, and probably did so to prove a point: that they obviously consider themselves and their numerous offspring far more godly than those of us in this country who choose to use contraceptives, and, gasp!, have extramarital sex without any intention of procreating. that being said, i think i am allowed to judge the duggars all i want, and i think they're nuts.
Snap! I have this pic on an old MySpace page. It got a lot of compliments when I first posted it.
How quaint, the family "only" had 14 kids back then! 5 children and 1 grandchild ago. Tee Hee! I would not be making fun of them if they did not whore out their kids on television. In fact, I have noticed many positive aspects of huge families: Healthier children due to less processed food, drugs, and vaccines. The kids tend to have good social manners, and are literate.
On the negative side, the Duggars had their children so close together that the babies did not benefit from long-term breastfeeding (if any.) A woman's reproduction will shut down for a year and half whilst her body focuses all of its resources on making food for one child. Michelle seems to have thrown this value out the window to instead become pregnant ASAP every time. To me, that is quantity over quality.
Snap! I have this pic on an old MySpace page. It got a lot of compliments when I first posted it.
How quaint, the family "only" had 14 kids back then! 5 children and 1 grandchild ago. Tee Hee! I would not be making fun of them if they did not whore out their kids on television. In fact, I have noticed many positive aspects of huge families: Healthier children due to less processed food, drugs, and vaccines. The kids tend to have good social manners, and are literate.
On the negative side, the Duggars had their children so close together that the babies did not benefit from long-term breastfeeding (if any.) A woman's reproduction will shut down for a year and half whilst her body focuses all of its resources on making food for one child. Michelle seems to have thrown this value out the window to instead become pregnant ASAP every time. To me, that is quantity over quality.
you are aware that once a baby starts a supplimental diet, ie not totally breastfed, and that this can start anywhere from 4/5 months, a woman can start menstruating, which means she can fall pregnant. perhaps michelle duggar follows a feeding routine that millions of women around the world have done and continue to do without detriment to their children.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
you are aware that once a baby starts a supplimental diet, ie not totally breastfed, and that this can start anywhere from 4/5 months, a woman can start menstruating, which means she can fall pregnant. perhaps michelle duggar follows a feeding routine that millions of women around the world have done and continue to do without detriment to their children.
That sounds like the woman would spend a lot of time being pregnant with the next baby AND still suckling the older one at the same time. Spreading herself too thin.
The mother of one of my sister's little godsons had two kids twelve months apart. When the younger baby was a few months old, the mother BROKE HER LEG walking on soft grass in her backyard. Her bones were depleted.
I have not heard of Mrs. Duggar having such issues.
And no, I don't agree with their decision to raise so many children.
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i just need to say
that's all I have to say about that.
explain this to me. why do you think theyre fucked up.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
I agree...
I could really care less, since it's their family and they support themselves, but my opinion is the same as yours lol...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
but why are they fucked up??? tell me why you think that.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
If they wanted to make a living off their stupid billion person family they should at least do something noble and adopt 18 children. Now that's a show I'd like to see promoted.
The last thing we need is more humans...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
wow really.. genetic immortality???
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
in a biological sense, yes that's what it is. i don't want to argue with individuals about their reasons for having kids on a conscious level. yeah, most couples i know have kids to share their love with one another. and heck, some people have kids just to please their own overbearing parents, or to hold a significant other as emotional hostage. but when it comes down to it really, the only (subconscious) reason why people have any urge to have children at all is to pass on their own genes. biology 101.
whatever. i have kids cause i was drunk at the time. true story.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
you know i have people bug eyed when i tell them i have 4 kids.. they seem to think thats a large family.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
exactly, who are they to decide what they do with their lives. those assholes. :roll:
After raising the first 3 or 4, those 3 or 4 raise the next 3 or 4, and then that 6 or 8 raise the rest of the kids, and then the parents just keep on fucking, and making the cover of US Weekly.
How many is too many?
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
never has raising children ever fallen solely on the parents. childrens development relies on so many people throughout their lives that to assume a family of 19 kids will somehow be left lacking something is just blindness. hilary clinton was not kidding when she said it takes a village. i doubt the duggar children are going to be wanting from love.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
they have a television show and are now willingly posing for magazine covers. first off, if they didn't have the television show providing them with ridiculous (and unmerited) boon, i doubt that they would have the money to feed those children responsibly. secondly, they have a television show for christ sakes... they have made their lives the business of others. they took up a television contract knowing that they are of a subcultural mindset, and probably did so to prove a point: that they obviously consider themselves and their numerous offspring far more godly than those of us in this country who choose to use contraceptives, and, gasp!, have extramarital sex without any intention of procreating. that being said, i think i am allowed to judge the duggars all i want, and i think they're nuts.
How quaint, the family "only" had 14 kids back then! 5 children and 1 grandchild ago. Tee Hee! I would not be making fun of them if they did not whore out their kids on television. In fact, I have noticed many positive aspects of huge families: Healthier children due to less processed food, drugs, and vaccines. The kids tend to have good social manners, and are literate.
On the negative side, the Duggars had their children so close together that the babies did not benefit from long-term breastfeeding (if any.) A woman's reproduction will shut down for a year and half whilst her body focuses all of its resources on making food for one child. Michelle seems to have thrown this value out the window to instead become pregnant ASAP every time. To me, that is quantity over quality.
you are aware that once a baby starts a supplimental diet, ie not totally breastfed, and that this can start anywhere from 4/5 months, a woman can start menstruating, which means she can fall pregnant. perhaps michelle duggar follows a feeding routine that millions of women around the world have done and continue to do without detriment to their children.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That sounds like the woman would spend a lot of time being pregnant with the next baby AND still suckling the older one at the same time. Spreading herself too thin.
The mother of one of my sister's little godsons had two kids twelve months apart. When the younger baby was a few months old, the mother BROKE HER LEG walking on soft grass in her backyard. Her bones were depleted.
I have not heard of Mrs. Duggar having such issues.
and anyways, what if everyone has misunderstood... what if it really meant math...
boy would the duggars look dumb...