So Will the Cubs go all the way this year???



  • I'm a HUGE Red Sox fan, and I always root for the Cubs!!! If both go to the Series I plan on getting the Cubs "C" and Sox "B" Logo's for a tattoo. Since my initials are C.B. it works.

    (This Post May Have Been Edited By AT&T)
  • Nope, they'll choke in the end. They always do. Go Cards!!!
    I wish I were the verb "to trust" and never let you down
  • now that my jays are out, im on the cubs bandwagon.
    do they still have Henry Rowengartner and Chet Steadman?





    -- That kid in that movie was also in the American Pie movies btw.....
  • White Sox beat Cubs 1-0 in Game 7 letting the curse live on. As Paul Konerko catches the last out you can hear Ernie Banks mutter... "200 years".
    Indy 2000
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    Don't Call Me Edmund
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,321
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,484
    i'm still hoping the astros will somehow sneak in there....
  • Gonzo1977Gonzo1977 Posts: 1,696
    Cubs 2008

    All signs point to YES!!
  • In 2006 the Cards won a world series with the help of Carp and Wano and little David Eckstein.

    Don't forget the help of a crap AL team. The Tigers' season was a fluke.

    Sorry to say it to all the haters out there, but this year is the Cubs year. I've been going to games since 1981 and I can say that the bandwagon effect won't really be felt in Chicago, but it sure as hell will be felt in other cities where people swich loyalties like T-shirts. As much as I hate Cards fans and White Sox fans (and believe me, I do hate them with every fiber of my being, even though I've got more than a few friends of that curious persuasion) at least they are real fans who live and die with their teams and would never think of jumping ship. In a way, I've got more respect for those true fans who hate me for being a Cub fan, than those moral equivalists who say you root for your team and I'll root for mine and who cares who wins, it's just a game.

    The beautiful thing about sports is that the sentiment of "My country, right or wrong" is wholly deplorable, whereas "my team, right or wrong" can be admirable, because people's lives and livlihood don't hang in the balance. It's a healthy outlet for black and white fanaticism (no coincidence that's "fans" root word) so that we can approach life in all it's complexity; those varrying shades of grey.

    In short: Go Cubs Go!
  • this is the phils year, maybe someday the cubs will go all the way, just not these days...this the phils time!
    5/27/06 5/27/06 6/01/06
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  • only a cards fan could make up a nickname as poor as the scrubs and celebrate how many posts they have at the same time. as always "the cardinals take it in the pujols". as for the cubs, our team is looking as strong as ever, but i will withhold my prediction for fear of being a part of the many curses that have plagued us for so long. cards suck, go cubs

    So you combat a post about Cards fans nicknames for the Cubs with the oh so original "take it in the Pujols" line?


    Fuck the Cubs.
  • voodoopug wrote:

    Zambrano, aside from his no hitter, has been terrible and sore lately
    Hardin can only pitch 80-90 pitches, Marmol is not Marmol (Circa May)
    Dempster has been solid, but can he keep it up?
    Wood (can he pitch several days in a row?)

    Z has had a few bad outings, but his arm strength is right. During the no-no he was flirting with 100mph on a few pitches. He hasn't thrown that strong in a long time. So clearly, we need to make sure Z gets 12 days of rest between each start. Jokes aside, and the inevitable post-no-no collapse, his arm is right now, and he is such a fierce competitor that he's gonna be able to will his way through the post-season if his arm isn't there. What I'm trying to say is that inlike Mark Prior you won't see him throwing towels or games.

    No arguments about Hardin, but I think you're wrong about Marmol. He really struggled before and after the all-star game, but now his arm is right, and that slider is still fooling people who have seen it all year.

    Dempster has been so solid all year long, that the only thing that is calling his post season performance into question is that old Cubbie fear/superstition/personification of Murphy's Law.

    Wood has proven that he can pitch back to back to back to back a few times this year. The only caveat is that you don't want to make him go two innings and then go the next day and the one after it. He can do it; his arm is strong enough, but he has always had a problem with mechanics when his arm gets tired. The 3/4 delivery on that 90s slider is what blew his arm out, and he hasn't yet got that speed back on that pitch all these years later. What I'm trying to say is that I'm more worried about injury than fatigue with him, as I've seen him pitch his way successfully through fatigue, until he hurt himself. As he goes is how the team goes, and I'd love nothing more than to see him on the mound at Wrigley if & when the Cubs win the World Series.

    The lynchpin is going to be Marmol, because he is going to be called on to go two or more innings at crucial times to keep Woody fresh.

    I loved seeing Marquis hit a grand slam and account for 5 RBIs, but I don't think he's got a spot on the playoff roster. I'd like to see Hoffpauir make the team. With the way that the team has been hitting amid a sub par year from Lee (although a mere look at the stats wouldn't seem to bear that out until you get to GIDP), I think the firepower is there and the pitching is right. That said, even the best don't necessarily make it without a bit of luck. I think & hope this is the year, but even if it isn't, this is a fun team to watch.
  • G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
    Cubs are doing it this year. There's no question or Ed wouldn't have wroted the song.
  • Ok, I've been a Cubs fan my whole life...I've been through it all well since the 80's anyway and I seriously think if they have ever had a chance to do it this is their year! However, that being said. If they for some reason do not make it this year I will probably self destruct and go down in a blaze of glory. I cried in 03 and last year when they got swept by the Diamondbacks I about lost it. I can't deal with another post season upset. I hope Eddie's song broke the curse!
    I am the Lizard King I can do anything
  • We have a solid starting 3 pitchers who all have October experience. We have some crazy good youngsters and we have more supportive energetic fans then both the Devil Rays and the California Angels.

    The Citzens bank park is a nice place but the fans are sooo rude and drunk that they put the Boston fans to shame. "Manny's a tranny" was what the idiots behind me were saying the whole game I went to while a little kid was sitting in front of them. Swearing and being stupid the whole time is a little ridiculous.

    It should be Red Sox and Cubs but I would love to have a revenge series Red Sox-Mets we have a very solid first baseman these days so I think we will be fine, oh and we don't have Graffiano at second anymore either.

    If the Red Sox lose to the Rays because of pitching I will pull for the Cubs but that is the only thing that could possibly happen.
    Mansfield 1 2000
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  • dana_bdana_b Posts: 141
    Gonzo1977 wrote:
    Cubs 2008

    All signs point to YES!!

    Oh YES - all powerful Magic 8 Ball!!
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