you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
HA HA HA !!!!!! We used to get our cows high,we'd grab them by the horns and blow smoke into their noses.
you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
HA HA HA !!!!!! We used to get our cows high,we'd grab them by the horns and blow smoke into their noses.
you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
HA HA HA !!!!!! We used to get our cows high,we'd grab them by the horns and blow smoke into their noses.
where was this?
where did you grow up, godfather?
Lakeside California, a very small town that dose not allow new const. unless the old structure burnt down..
even new housing is very limited.I remember during the early to mid 80's I was reading the paper and the front page had a article that read "Lakeside the meth capital of the world" and I knew the shit was gonna hit the fan in Lakeside and it did, the fed's were handing out 10 year sentences like popcorn at a carnival,it was crazy.
a buddy of mine used to do that to his dog all the time, and it pissed me off. I thought it was cruel. One guy once got my dog drunk at a party my brother had, and we nearly kicked the shit out of him for doing it.
you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Lakeside California, a very small town that dose not allow new const. unless the old structure burnt down..
even new housing is very limited.I remember during the early to mid 80's I was reading the paper and the front page had a article that read "Lakeside the meth capital of the world" and I knew the shit was gonna hit the fan in Lakeside and it did, the fed's were handing out 10 year sentences like popcorn at a carnival,it was crazy.
i was hoping you'd have said the midwest was where you grew up.
"the meth capital of the world" seems to be everywhere.
meth is so fucked up.
it is beyond belief that people use that garbage.
I agree. Pot took a lot away from me for a few years. I lived in a haze of laziness and inambition. But that's because I didn't understand moderation. I was a stupid kid. But even as a stupid kid, I NEVER would have done what this girl did. She was dumb as a post before she discovered pot.
Godfather: being a pot-smoker does NOT make one an idiot by any stretch. Do you have any idea the statistics on the average pot-smoker? Doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, and yes, also the less fortunate, etc. Is THAT what drugs do to you? No, what this person is doing is being a fucking idiot, drugs or no drugs.
Billy I,m not saying people don't make mistakes with out or with out pot or any other drug,but pot and other drugs do affect some/or a lot of peoples judgment and decisions and most people who have used any drugs would agree with that, the late 70's and 80's up till the early 90's were a wild times and know what the effects are and the loses involved there's not much you can tell me that I haven't already experienced and it all equates to wasted time and life,I was lucky and a lot of my friends were not so live and learn or learn from those around you.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
i was hoping you'd have said the midwest was where you grew up.
"the meth capital of the world" seems to be everywhere.
meth is so fucked up.
it is beyond belief that people use that garbage.
that's the thing I never understood about hard drugs. What makes a person WANT to do that to themselves the first time? Like Layne Staley? What was the driving force behind injecting heroin into his system the first time? Boredom? Go get a fucking Xbox then.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
you know what i don't like that idiot pot smokers do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
Funny you mention, when this thread came up I thought about that when we were young. None of us had kids but there would always be some ass blowing smoke at some poor pet. I never got that and it usually prompted my quick exit before I gave them a piece of my mind. Usually taking said pet for a little fresh air. People sometimes don't think you know. They don't think whats its like to be the other guy, in this case animal.
that's the thing I never understood about hard drugs. What makes a person WANT to do that to themselves the first time? Like Layne Staley? What was the driving force behind injecting heroin into his system the first time? Boredom? Go get a fucking Xbox then.
i understand heroin.
it's pretty much natural, right?
i've smoked opium one time.
it was when i was a teenager.
it was beyond amazing.
hash, great buzz.
but you'll swear to god you better have more of it.
probably not a good idea to use it unless you have great willpower.
that meth shit is straight poison, all man made chemicals that destroy your central nervous system.
nice teeth, nice hair, nice skin. nice organs in your gut. nice nasal cavity fulla holes.
nice collaped veins from needle work.
it sucks.
I think people use hard drugs to escape from things they can't look at. Themselves or their guilt or hurt.
I also think along with this there is a personality that is a "consumer" needing something to ingest all the time, be it drink, food, cigs, drugs. This personality over indulges in the consumable of choice and sometimes that escalates to very hard drugs. John Belushi whom I adore might be an example. Although its Kathy Smith I blame for his death even if I shouldn't.
Funny you mention, when this thread came up I thought about that when we were young. None of us had kids but there would always be some ass blowing smoke at some poor pet. I never got that and it usually prompted my quick exit before I gave them a piece of my mind. Usually taking said pet for a little fresh air. People sometimes don't think you know. They don't think whats its like to be the other guy, in this case animal.
i feel most people never have had the shit kicked out of them properly.
parents of said young people need to have family night where they discuss the goodness and the evils
of mankind. proper parenting is essential. kids can be a bit wild and that's fine. harming animals and others is bullshit. a person has to stick up for the better of mankind. zero tolerance is the name of the game.
now i sound like im typing in the death penalty thread.
holy shit...
I have one cat that loves to either get high, or just loves the smell. I have never blown smoke at her or anything, but if I light up, rest assured, 10 seconds later I will look down and find her in my lap. She loves it.
My word of advice, avoid the drugs that somebody had to use bleach and gasoline to create. If sunshine and water were vital ingredients, you should be fine.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I have one cat that loves to either get high, or just loves the smell. I have never blown smoke at her or anything, but if I light up, rest assured, 10 seconds later I will look down and find her in my lap. She loves it.
My word of advice, avoid the drugs that somebody had to use bleach and gasoline to create. If sunshine and water were vital ingredients, you should be fine.
yes some critters love the burning weed.
it is funny.
if someone is making up a batch of dope that has such chemicals as lighter fluid, battery acid, and anhydrous ammonia in it. it's best to run away.
who fuckin shoots up those kinds of chemicals?
idiots do.
usually those people dislike weed smoking.
they are mentally challenged.
i was hoping you'd have said the midwest was where you grew up.
"the meth capital of the world" seems to be everywhere.
meth is so fucked up.
it is beyond belief that people use that garbage.
that's the thing I never understood about hard drugs. What makes a person WANT to do that to themselves the first time? Like Layne Staley? What was the driving force behind injecting heroin into his system the first time? Boredom? Go get a fucking Xbox then.
Honestly the thing that makes some people take hard drugs is the same thing that convinced them to do pot,
it's hard to put into words if you are strong enough to JUST SAY NO that is great ! but what about the rock stars we all admire that got wrapped up in H and other hard drugs are they idiots also? guys like Hendrix and many others even the guitar player for PJ did some time in a rehab and I'll bet if you ask them they might tell you they tried pot first because it was a harmless drug, if you haver never been there then will never know and if that's the case you have made a wise decision in your life.
but yes agree doing hard drugs is a stupid move on anybodys part.
I was HEAVILY pressured to take acid as a teen, but I never would. I heard all these stories of people taking it and freaking the hell out. All I could think was "why would I put something in my system that is PURELY chemical and man-made?". You'd have to be retarded to do that, IMO. Although, I used to do shrooms all the time, so I guess I'm partially retarded!
I tried coke once, hated it (well, the next morning I hated it), and vowed never to do it again. My g/f at the time wasn't so lucky. She LOVED it, and developed a bit of a habit of it.
Maybe it's my utter fear of needles that helps me never to want to inject anything. I just couldn't do it. But also knowing how addicting it is, how harmful it is, I don't get why anyone would want to do it. I've been to the depths of hell and back in my life, and STILL never wanted to try it. So I just don't understand.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I have tried every drug under the sun and never developed any chemical addictions. The gateway drug theory has been proven to be a complete crap proposal. It's just more of the war on drugs, reefer madness, type bullshit. For example, out of the hundreds of pot smokers I have known in my life, maybe 1% has gone on to use and have some sort of problem with a 'harder" drug. So, I guess you could say smoking pot is an actual deterrent to other drug use. Breathing is a gateway drug. Twinkies are a gateway drug...
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
i think some musicians use harder drugs to explore what is behind certains doorways in their mind.
it becomes a dangerous habit.
whatever it takes to write a brilliant tune will be done.
the life of an artist can be painful.
it seems to me that musicians are actually expected to be high.
it's a shame, but its the way its been for a very long time.
look at that fuckin band guns n roses... every picture i have ever saw of them, the band members were holding bottles of jack daniels, smoking cigs and looking like hell.
it sells to young people like hotcakes.
every single rock band i know of writes tunes about addiction.
it is terrible.
it's the personality, addictive personalities.
every one of them.
I have tried every drug under the sun and never developed any chemical addictions. The gateway drug theory has been proven to be a complete crap proposal. It's just more of the war on drugs, reefer madness, type bullshit. For example, out of the hundreds of pot smokers I have known in my life, maybe 1% has gone on to use and have some sort of problem with a 'harder" drug. So, I guess you could say smoking pot is an actual deterrent to other drug use. Breathing is a gateway drug. Twinkies are a gateway drug...
I have tried every drug under the sun and never developed any chemical addictions. The gateway drug theory has been proven to be a complete crap proposal. It's just more of the war on drugs, reefer madness, type bullshit. For example, out of the hundreds of pot smokers I have known in my life, maybe 1% has gone on to use and have some sort of problem with a 'harder" drug. So, I guess you could say smoking pot is an actual deterrent to other drug use. Breathing is a gateway drug. Twinkies are a gateway drug...
"The only people against drugs are the people who've never done drugs or the people who SUCKED at doing them."
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
i think some musicians use harder drugs to explore what is behind certains doorways in their mind.
it becomes a dangerous habit.
whatever it takes to write a brilliant tune will be done.
the life of an artist can be painful.
it seems to me that musicians are actually expected to be high.
it's a shame, but its the way its been for a very long time.
look at that fuckin band guns n roses... every picture i have ever saw of them, the band members were holding bottles of jack daniels, smoking cigs and looking like hell.
it sells to young people like hotcakes.
every single rock band i know of writes tunes about addiction.
it is terrible.
it's the personality, addictive personalities.
everyone of them.
I just saw a documentary about Sid Barret and Pink Floyd what a sad story about Sid, he wrote some great stuff frying on acid....3-4 times a week, just freakin crazy.
have you ever heard a song called "be careful with that ax Eugene" on the Uma Guma album....very intense !
I have tried every drug under the sun and never developed any chemical addictions. The gateway drug theory has been proven to be a complete crap proposal. It's just more of the war on drugs, reefer madness, type bullshit. For example, out of the hundreds of pot smokers I have known in my life, maybe 1% has gone on to use and have some sort of problem with a 'harder" drug. So, I guess you could say smoking pot is an actual deterrent to other drug use. Breathing is a gateway drug. Twinkies are a gateway drug...
"The only people against drugs are the people who've never done drugs or the people who SUCKED at doing them."
I just saw a documentary about Sid Barret and Pink Floyd what a sad story about Sid, he wrote some great stuff frying on acid....3-4 times a week, just freakin crazy.
have you ever heard a song called "be careful with that ax Eugene" on the Uma Guma album....very intense !
I'm just for this thing called "personal responsibility." Pretty simple, actually. Freedom to poison your own body, if that's what you choose to do. Otherwise the State is laying claim to your flesh - if so, what do you actually fucking own in this world? This story isn't telling of the "drug," it is telling of that foolish little girl. If you don't agree (if you think pot is the culprit) then I assume that you are anti-guns as well? Anti-cars? Let's just put nerf padding on everything in this world so everyone is safe? Please protect us, government! I need to be led! I can't think for myself! I can't handle a bong hit of dirt weed! Please take it away along with all of my other freedoms! Make me worship your god! Oh god yes the sadism is great! Please tell me I live in the most free country in the world then take all my money and freedoms and send my son off to die for your profit! This is awesome! USA! USA! USA! Rock, flag and eaggggggggggllllllllllllllle!
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
I'm just for this thing called "personal responsibility." Pretty simple, actually. Freedom to poison your own body, if that's what you choose to do. Otherwise the State is laying claim to your flesh - if so, what do you actually fucking own in this world? This story isn't telling of the "drug," it is telling of that foolish little girl. If you don't agree (if you think pot is the culprit) then I assume that you are anti-guns as well? Anti-cars? Let's just put nerf padding on everything in this world so everyone is safe? Please protect us, government! I need to be led! I can't think for myself! I can't handle a bong hit of dirt weed! Please take it away along with all of my other freedoms! Make me worship your god! Oh god yes the sadism is great! Please tell me I live in the most free country in the world then take all my money and freedoms and send my son off to die for your profit! This is awesome! USA! USA! USA! Rock, flag and eaggggggggggllllllllllllllle!
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I do agree that we should be free to do to ourselves what we wish, however,if there aren't laws against this sort of thing, who would protect the poor innocent kids from their ridiculously stupid parents?
the fact that we have to even construct laws so people will keep their kids safe (no smoking in cars with kids under 16, no cell phone use while driving, etc) just goes to show how collectively dumb we are as a species.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I love stories like this, where everyone can join together in outraged condemnation of a 19 year old's bad decision.
Dumb move, ya...not the end of the world. If social services have visited the home twice and found nothing else wrong...chalk it up to youthful stupidity, give her a stern talking to, maybe monitor her for a while if it will make all of those concerned citizens happy...but lets not ruin her life over one stupid choice.
I agree,there's one reason I am very anti drugs, mom thought it was cute with out thinking about the repercussions or what that baby's brand new data base(brain) is storing at that very moment.
are you against the legalisation of alcohol, godfather??
ha ha I don't drink are you going to throw the old alcohol and weed thing at me ? if that baby had a bottle of Jack and cigarette would your opinion be any different ?, i said nothing about legalization of pot or any drugs
only that I am very anti-drugs and that includes pot.
Anti drugs? Or just anti-illegal drugs? You're just trusting to the government to define which are good and which are bad, and you take them at their that right?
And yes...I will bring up the alcohol vs weed argument
Where is the outrage over the DOZENS of photos of babies supposedly drinking alcohol? The pic in question is no more or less stupid than all those shown above, so why single this woman out?
BTW: your blog article is almost 100% biased bullshit. I could easily debunk/refute nearly every word contained therein.
I'm just for this thing called "personal responsibility." Pretty simple, actually. Freedom to poison your own body, if that's what you choose to do. Otherwise the State is laying claim to your flesh - if so, what do you actually fucking own in this world? This story isn't telling of the "drug," it is telling of that foolish little girl. If you don't agree (if you think pot is the culprit) then I assume that you are anti-guns as well? Anti-cars? Let's just put nerf padding on everything in this world so everyone is safe? Please protect us, government! I need to be led! I can't think for myself! I can't handle a bong hit of dirt weed! Please take it away along with all of my other freedoms! Make me worship your god! Oh god yes the sadism is great! Please tell me I live in the most free country in the world then take all my money and freedoms and send my son off to die for your profit! This is awesome! USA! USA! USA! Rock, flag and eaggggggggggllllllllllllllle!
I would agree with you to a point but your post are always very angry and sarcastic to the point it's hard to take anything you post seriously, I hope thing's get better for you soon.
At least my anger is overt rather than passive... Actually the only time I'm ever angry is when I read this board. (no kidding) I don't know why I continue to torture myself.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
they get their animal(s) high.
put a cat in a box and blow the smoke into the box for the next 30 minutes.
that is a bullshit move and the idiots doing such should probably be beat with a crowbar.
blow the smoke at me.
i like it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
HA HA HA !!!!!!
where was this?
where did you grow up, godfather?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Lakeside California, a very small town that dose not allow new const. unless the old structure burnt down..
even new housing is very limited.I remember during the early to mid 80's I was reading the paper and the front page had a article that read "Lakeside the meth capital of the world" and I knew the shit was gonna hit the fan in Lakeside and it did, the fed's were handing out 10 year sentences like popcorn at a carnival,it was crazy.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"the meth capital of the world" seems to be everywhere.
meth is so fucked up.
it is beyond belief that people use that garbage.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
that's the thing I never understood about hard drugs. What makes a person WANT to do that to themselves the first time? Like Layne Staley? What was the driving force behind injecting heroin into his system the first time? Boredom? Go get a fucking Xbox then.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
i understand heroin.
it's pretty much natural, right?
i've smoked opium one time.
it was when i was a teenager.
it was beyond amazing.
hash, great buzz.
but you'll swear to god you better have more of it.
probably not a good idea to use it unless you have great willpower.
that meth shit is straight poison, all man made chemicals that destroy your central nervous system.
nice teeth, nice hair, nice skin. nice organs in your gut. nice nasal cavity fulla holes.
nice collaped veins from needle work.
it sucks.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I also think along with this there is a personality that is a "consumer" needing something to ingest all the time, be it drink, food, cigs, drugs. This personality over indulges in the consumable of choice and sometimes that escalates to very hard drugs. John Belushi whom I adore might be an example. Although its Kathy Smith I blame for his death even if I shouldn't.
i feel most people never have had the shit kicked out of them properly.
parents of said young people need to have family night where they discuss the goodness and the evils
of mankind. proper parenting is essential. kids can be a bit wild and that's fine. harming animals and others is bullshit. a person has to stick up for the better of mankind. zero tolerance is the name of the game.
now i sound like im typing in the death penalty thread.
holy shit...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
My word of advice, avoid the drugs that somebody had to use bleach and gasoline to create. If sunshine and water were vital ingredients, you should be fine.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
it is funny.
if someone is making up a batch of dope that has such chemicals as lighter fluid, battery acid, and anhydrous ammonia in it. it's best to run away.
who fuckin shoots up those kinds of chemicals?
idiots do.
usually those people dislike weed smoking.
they are mentally challenged.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Honestly the thing that makes some people take hard drugs is the same thing that convinced them to do pot,
it's hard to put into words if you are strong enough to JUST SAY NO
but yes agree doing hard drugs is a stupid move on anybodys part.
I tried coke once, hated it (well, the next morning I hated it), and vowed never to do it again. My g/f at the time wasn't so lucky. She LOVED it, and developed a bit of a habit of it.
Maybe it's my utter fear of needles that helps me never to want to inject anything. I just couldn't do it. But also knowing how addicting it is, how harmful it is, I don't get why anyone would want to do it. I've been to the depths of hell and back in my life, and STILL never wanted to try it. So I just don't understand.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
i think some musicians use harder drugs to explore what is behind certains doorways in their mind.
it becomes a dangerous habit.
whatever it takes to write a brilliant tune will be done.
the life of an artist can be painful.
it seems to me that musicians are actually expected to be high.
it's a shame, but its the way its been for a very long time.
look at that fuckin band guns n roses... every picture i have ever saw of them, the band members were holding bottles of jack daniels, smoking cigs and looking like hell.
it sells to young people like hotcakes.
every single rock band i know of writes tunes about addiction.
it is terrible.
it's the personality, addictive personalities.
every one of them.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
cool.good for you.
"The only people against drugs are the people who've never done drugs or the people who SUCKED at doing them."
I just saw a documentary about Sid Barret and Pink Floyd what a sad story about Sid, he wrote some great stuff frying on acid....3-4 times a week, just freakin crazy.
have you ever heard a song called "be careful with that ax Eugene" on the Uma Guma album....very intense !
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm just for this thing called "personal responsibility." Pretty simple, actually. Freedom to poison your own body, if that's what you choose to do. Otherwise the State is laying claim to your flesh - if so, what do you actually fucking own in this world? This story isn't telling of the "drug," it is telling of that foolish little girl. If you don't agree (if you think pot is the culprit) then I assume that you are anti-guns as well? Anti-cars? Let's just put nerf padding on everything in this world so everyone is safe? Please protect us, government! I need to be led! I can't think for myself! I can't handle a bong hit of dirt weed! Please take it away along with all of my other freedoms! Make me worship your god! Oh god yes the sadism is great! Please tell me I live in the most free country in the world then take all my money and freedoms and send my son off to die for your profit! This is awesome! USA! USA! USA! Rock, flag and eaggggggggggllllllllllllllle!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
the fact that we have to even construct laws so people will keep their kids safe (no smoking in cars with kids under 16, no cell phone use while driving, etc) just goes to show how collectively dumb we are as a species.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Dumb move, ya...not the end of the world. If social services have visited the home twice and found nothing else wrong...chalk it up to youthful stupidity, give her a stern talking to, maybe monitor her for a while if it will make all of those concerned citizens happy...but lets not ruin her life over one stupid choice.
Anti drugs? Or just anti-illegal drugs? You're just trusting to the government to define which are good and which are bad, and you take them at their that right?
And yes...I will bring up the alcohol vs weed argument ... =&gs_rfai=
Where is the outrage over the DOZENS of photos of babies supposedly drinking alcohol? The pic in question is no more or less stupid than all those shown above, so why single this woman out?
BTW: your blog article is almost 100% biased bullshit. I could easily debunk/refute nearly every word contained therein.
I would agree with you to a point but your post are always very angry and sarcastic to the point it's hard to take anything you post seriously, I hope thing's get better for you soon.
Sometimes a sardonic message is needed to get the point across, especially when dealing with dystopian scenarios such as this.
At least my anger is overt rather than passive... Actually the only time I'm ever angry is when I read this board. (no kidding) I don't know why I continue to torture myself.