
Do you think PJ would play a benefit show near the Gulf?



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    Gary CarterGary Carter Shea Stadium Posts: 14,002
    maybe they can do a tour of arena's that are near beaches affected by this. pearl jam can call it the oil spill tour. start at new orleans and end at halifax.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

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    LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,030
    stoneg wrote:
    I guess I am more into it because it is right on my doorstep.
    you're not alone, bro

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
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    demetriosdemetrios Canada Posts: 88,981
    metsfan wrote:
    maybe they can do a tour of arena's that are near beaches affected by this. pearl jam can call it the oil spill tour. start at new orleans and end at halifax.

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    usamamasan1usamamasan1 Posts: 4,695
    BP does not "suck"

    your engine sucks. lazy people suck. elected officials who allowed this to happen suck. fire barack hussein obama. fire the people who issued permits to drill that deep without contingencies.

    pearl jam is not a "leader to rally behind"

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    It would be cool but no one cares about the south. So we are on our own. I'm 70 miles away from the gulf coast and it's going to really hurt tourism this year. I know people up in Atlanta that normally would come to Panama City Beach or Destin for a summer vacation are going to places like Myrtle Beach, SC now instead. I heard BP has some sort of insurance cap that they have that puts a limit on how much they are required to pay out. And the cleanup crews are only working 20 minutes every hour to pick up the tar balls off the beaches due to the heat.

    And the lack of regulation that required a second way to turn the valve off is what truly sucks.
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    ComeToTXComeToTX Austin Posts: 7,653
    BP does not "suck"

    your engine sucks. lazy people suck. elected officials who allowed this to happen suck. fire barack hussein obama. fire the people who issued permits to drill that deep without contingencies.

    pearl jam is not a "leader to rally behind"


    No, BP does suck. They're a repeat offender or did everyone forget this...

    On March 23, 2005, a fire and explosion occurred at BP's Texas City Refinery in Texas City, Texas, killing 15 workers and injuring more than 170 others. BP was charged with violating federal environment crime laws and has been subject to law suits from the victim's families. Later an $87 million fine was imposed by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which claimed that BP had failed to implement safety improvements following the disaster.

    The Texas City Refinery is the second-largest oil refinery in the state and the third-largest in the United States. BP acquired the Texas City refinery as part of its merger with Amoco in 1998. It had an input capacity of 437,000 barrels per day (18,354,000 gallons or 69,477,448 litres) as of January 1, 2005.

    The explosion occurred in an isomerization unit at the site resulting in the deaths and injuries. According to a report issued after the accident, actions taken or not taken led to overfilling the raffinate splitter with liquid, overheating of the liquid and the subsequent overpressurisation and pressure relief. Hydrocarbon flow to the blowdown drum and stack overwhelmed it, resulting in liquids carrying over out of the top of the stack, flowing down the stack, accumulating on the ground, causing a vapor cloud, which was ignited by a contractor's pickup truck when he repeatedly attempted to start the engine. The report identified numerous failings in equipment, risk management, staff management, working culture at the site, maintenance and inspection, and general health and safety assessments.
    This show, another show, a show here and a show there.
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    stonegstoneg Posts: 1,940
    BP does not "suck"

    your engine sucks. lazy people suck. elected officials who allowed this to happen suck. fire barack hussein obama. fire the people who issued permits to drill that deep without contingencies.

    pearl jam is not a "leader to rally behind"

    Pearl Jam is OUR common link.They bring us all together.It only takes 1 to make a spark.I was hoping WE the fans would be the leaders this time and have Pearl Jam help us out.
    Ft. Lauderdale 96'
    Tampa 00'
    West Palm Beach 03'
    House of Blues 03'
    Tampa 03'
    Kissimmee 04'
    West Palm Beach 08'
    Tampa 08'
    Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
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    TrixieTrixie Posts: 179
    stoneg wrote:
    I did not write this my boss's wife did.But that is what started the spark in my mind."So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the T.V. Benefits with celebrities and musicians giving heart felt speeches on the poor fisherman, wildlife, beaches, loss of income and sabotaged gulf economy? I find it rather strange how these people (including our own government) are so quick to help Haiti and other countries...but sit on their butts for this one."

    The reason there hasn't been a rush to set up benefit concerts, or donation rallies, etc. is because this isn't a "natural disaster" that is no one's fault. This is BP's fault, and the fault of every oil drilling company out there because I'm sure BP ain't the only one without a contingency plan. That said, however, years down the road when "all" payments have been made by BP (if they don't go bankrupt first and are therefore protected by the courts), then I could see it happening since this thing ain't going away any time soon.
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    LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,030
    If not a benefit show for the Gulf - maybe a b-side or two released off of Backspacer - download only. 99 cents each? It added last time. How much did PJ end up giving?

    1996: Ft Lauderdale
    1998: Birmingham
    2000: Charlotte, Tampa
    2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
    2004: Kissimmee
    2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
    2010: MSG2
    2012: Music Midtown
    2014: Memphis
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, JazzFest
    2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
    2022: Nashville
    2023: Ft. Worth II
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    FrankieGFrankieG Abingdon MD Posts: 9,099
    They shouldn't do a benefit show.... the fuckers at BP should pay for the entire clean-up themself... :evil:

    If they did do a benefit show, where would the money go? :?:
    2003: 7/14 NJ ... 2006: 6/1 NJ, 6/3 NJ ... 2007: 8/5 IL ... 2008: 6/24 NY, 6/25 NY, 8/7 EV NJ ... 2009: 10/27 PA, 10/28 PA, 10/30 PA, 10/31 PA
    2010: 5/20 NY, 5/21 NY ... 2011: 6/21 EV NY, 9/3 WI, 9/4 WI ... 2012: 9/2 PA, 9/22 GA ... 2013: 10/18 NY, 10/19 NY, 10/21 PA, 10/22 PA, 10/27 MD
    2015: 9/23 NY, 9/26 NY ... 2016: 4/28 PA, 4/29 PA, 5/1 NY, 5/2 NY, 6/11 TN, 8/7 MA, 11/4 TOTD PA, 11/5 TOTD PA ... 2018: 8/10 WA
    2022: 9/14 NJ ... 2024: 5/28 WA, 9/7 PA, 9/9 PA ---- http://imgur.com/a/nk0s7
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    RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    stoneg wrote:
    I did not write this my boss's wife did.But that is what started the spark in my mind."So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the T.V. Benefits with celebrities and musicians giving heart felt speeches on the poor fisherman, wildlife, beaches, loss of income and sabotaged gulf economy? I find it rather strange how these people (including our own government) are so quick to help Haiti and other countries...but sit on their butts for this one."

    I think maybe the problem is nobody is asking for money. I have visited a couple of sites regarding volunteering for cleanup. On one of the sites (I can't remember which one, but it was one regarding wildlife rehabilitation) it said all donations would go to other projects cuz BP is footing the bill for the Gulf. I presume that is how it is for beach clean-up etc. It just seems to me that the more people there are the better, but I guess there are liability issues with the toxic effects of the oil and dealing with wildlife. The website said that only those with state or federal certifications in wildlife rehab would be accepted as volunteers. I don't understand that. It seems like as long as you had the trained individuals to supervise other people could help. I hate to see all of the wildlife dying due to a lack of "certified" volunteers.

    As to projects for the lost revenue it would be hard to divy up. How would you distribute it? To governments? To businesses? To individuals? The task would be overwhelming at this point. And when it comes down to it, most of those people are going to have to find another way to make a living. This devastation will probably be with us for years and years to come. Short term funds are only that - short term for a long term problem. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but this is not a hurricane, or a tornado, or a bombing, it is something that will not go away for a long, long time.

    It is such a frustrating, enraging problem with seemingly no resolution.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
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