
Sleeper show of the Tour?



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    ski4ski4 Posts: 261
    cleveland indeed
    best show i have seen locally yet
    followed by c bus
    "The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
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    Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,532
    cleveland or newark-hartford was a great time, but cleveland and newark had better setlists

    boston and msg are disqualified from any sleeper conversations
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    skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
    Get_Right wrote:
    cleveland or newark-hartford was a great time, but cleveland and newark had better setlists

    boston and msg are disqualified from any sleeper conversations
    I agree with this...it was fantastic! :)
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    sd150448sd150448 Posts: 110
    sleeper show?.....no such thing.....only sleeper crowds.....pj always delivers
    they give it their all so the crowd should too.....if I have to punch (friendly like) one more person to get them moving....so help me!.....I've always got bruises on my bruises....a great time everytime
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    En La ClandestinidadEn La Clandestinidad Telford, PA by way of Kansas City, MO and Milwaukee, WI, Phoenix, AZ and East Greenbush, NY Posts: 3,625
    Far and away Newark, that set lest was unbelievable. Loved the Of the Girl opener, then Brain of J, an amazing playing of Brother and Alone, Inside Job, my first Go! But the #1 highlight for me had to be the Immortality into In Hiding. I had never heard either of those songs and then to get two of my favorites back to back!!!! Woohoo!!

    Can't wait to relive this one again.
    Formerly Brew Crew Tix
    “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
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    rlaidepeasrlaidepeas St. Louis, MO Posts: 305
    What makes a show a sleeper show? Are we just going by setlist? Are we going by the crowd and energy? The problem is people can't really know how well a show went over unless they were there. But at the same time, that brings up another problem - People only seem to vote for shows they were at. Ok, I realize i'm contradicting myself, but they are both legit points that have to be considered. Let's take a poll - how many of you went to more than 2 or 3 shows this mini-tour? Ok - some of you - Now, out of those people, how many of you saw shows in the Midwest? How many of you only saw shows on the east coast? How many of you saw both? Of the shows you saw, why did you prefer one over the other?

    For the record, I only saw Kansas City and St Louis. Both shows had their moments. I had floor seats 24 rows back, dead center in KC, and I did enjoy the show, but in St Louis, I had wing seats on Stone's side, only 5 rows up and that was more fun. I also dug the St Louis setlist a bit more. But Am I qualified enough to say St Louis is a sleeper show on the tour - No, because I didn't see any of the other shows besides these two. Both shows rocked, and I"m sure if some of you were there, you'd dig them just as much as the Ohio shows, but who knows? It's so subjective. There's no right or wrong answer.
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    ski4ski4 Posts: 261
    sd150448 wrote:
    sleeper show?.....no such thing.....only sleeper crowds.....pj always delivers
    they give it their all so the crowd should too.....if I have to punch (friendly like) one more person to get them moving....so help me!.....I've always got bruises on my bruises....a great time everytime

    this kills me
    what someone decides to do at a show is really no concern of anyone?
    they paid to get in . they can enjoy the show however they feel like it.
    if they aren't running around screaming during a song, it does not make them a hinderance to a concert.
    shit .... maybe they have a broken foot or are sick or what ever. maybe they are so in awe they just want to take it all in. to each their own.

    as long as between songs they show approval and applaud that is all that is required in my book.

    if people need the surrounding audience to be spastic for a show to be good.?? maybe they should join a support group or something. i think the band can appreciate that . i don't think they will perform less inspite of it.

    they are infact professionals that get paid a lot to perform. pearl jam doesn't choke unlike our own lebron :)

    that being said a sleeper show should be based on band performance.
    and with this band that would almost entirely be dependant on songs played.
    it's a close call this tour indeed. i still go with cleveland :)
    "The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
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    Vedder_Girl77Vedder_Girl77 Posts: 4,335
    Out of the 5 shows that I saw on this tour...Boston was the best...setlist wise and crowd wise.
    8/29/00, 7/3/03, 5/24/06,6/28/08 & 6/30/08, 10/9/09,10/28/09, 10/30/09 & 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10 & 5/21/10, 10/23/10 & 10/24/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 9/23/11, 9/22/12, 9/30/12, 7/16/13, 7/19/13
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    smanchacsmanchac Posts: 255
    Newark - sleeper show

    Why? everyone thought it would suck, the crowd was asleep (except for me!) but the setlist was amazing.

    I also went to msg 1-2. While i thought msg1 was the best concert ive ever seen (by any band) msg2 was also great with the rarities and awesome crowd and setlist.

    But newark was great for the setlist. No one thought it would be good (ALOT of negative talk about it before hand) and it was an amazing show (minus the crowd)

    So my answer is - Newark New Jersey May 18th 2010.

    Msg 1 was amazing... the best unthought known ive ever seen, and then the Ypu are - Crazy mary was a truly epic experience for me (and the other parts were awesome too!)
    2000 10.14 10.15
    2003 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.8 4.9 4.11 4.13 6.9 6.10
    2004 10.8
    2008 6.14 6.17 6.22
    2009 9.21 9.22 9.25 10.4
    2010 5.18 5.20 5.21
    2012 7.4 7.5 7.7 7.9 7.10 9.30
    2013 7.19 10.21 10.22 10.25 12.4 12.6

    35 Shows; 1040 Songs
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    RiotZactRiotZact Posts: 6,217
    smanchac wrote:
    Newark - sleeper show

    Why? everyone thought it would suck, the crowd was asleep (except for me!) but the setlist was amazing.

    I also went to msg 1-2. While i thought msg1 was the best concert ive ever seen (by any band) msg2 was also great with the rarities and awesome crowd and setlist.

    But newark was great for the setlist. No one thought it would be good (ALOT of negative talk about it before hand) and it was an amazing show (minus the crowd)

    So my answer is - Newark New Jersey May 18th 2010.

    Msg 1 was amazing... the best unthought known ive ever seen, and then the Ypu are - Crazy mary was a truly epic experience for me (and the other parts were awesome too!)

    This is exactly what I thought when I saw the setlist.
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    evolvedmammalevolvedmammal Posts: 187
    05 - St. Johns I II
    06 - Toronto I II
    08 - DC NYC I II
    09 - Calgary Toronto
    11 - Calgary Edmonton
    13 - Calgary

    Openers : Cant Keep, Small Town, Severed Hand, Release X3, Hard to Imagine X2, Why Go, Of the Girl X2, Wash,.......
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    shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,179
    I didn't attend any other show besides Indy but I have been to 25 shows and that crowd was "Porch" away from being like the Evenflow video. Also, solid set with Release as an opener and Rats sprinkeled in.
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    Dark EnergyDark Energy Here Posts: 203
    as long as between songs they show approval and applaud that is all that is required in my book.

    if people need the surrounding audience to be spastic for a show to be good.?? maybe they should join a support group or something. i think the band can appreciate that . i don't think they will perform less inspite of it.
    they are infact professionals that get paid a lot to perform. pearl jam doesn't choke unlike our own lebron :)[/
    I certainly don't need the crowd around me to be "spastic", in fact I started my message by saying the show was great. BUT, I do know from experience that the band can feed off of a really intense crowd and up their game a little. State College '03 is a great example. One of the reasons that show was so great, is that the band really fed off the wild crowd. Ithink the reason they played so long was that the crowd went nuts during the encores.

    And I agree LeBron is a complete choker.
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    InHerOwnWorldInHerOwnWorld Posts: 592
    St. Louis was amazing. But I only went to Boston and St. Louis. Boston isn't a sleeper show though. 8-)
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    ski4ski4 Posts: 261
    as long as between songs they show approval and applaud that is all that is required in my book.

    if people need the surrounding audience to be spastic for a show to be good.?? maybe they should join a support group or something. i think the band can appreciate that . i don't think they will perform less inspite of it.
    they are infact professionals that get paid a lot to perform. pearl jam doesn't choke unlike our own lebron :)[/
    I certainly don't need the crowd around me to be "spastic", in fact I started my message by saying the show was great. BUT, I do know from experience that the band can feed off of a really intense crowd and up their game a little. State College '03 is a great example. One of the reasons that show was so great, is that the band really fed off the wild crowd. Ithink the reason they played so long was that the crowd went nuts during the encores.

    And I agree LeBron is a complete choker.

    i can see what you are saying! especially in have prolonged encore's
    i just can't see rating a performance of the band based on the crowd. !
    this past cleveland show ( i think) was the best performance i have seen from these guys in cleveland,
    regardless of audience. they just brought it.

    i know i go nuts at each show , that's all im concerned with :)
    bruised is an understatement from this show. the guy behind me kept slamming my shoulder i recently had surgery on, right on the suture line. i was like yeee owwwww each time a new song started lol
    it was great though he and i were going ballistic :)
    "The only thing I ever saw that came close to Objective Journalism was a closed-circuit TV setup that watched shoplifters in the General Store at Woody Creek, Colorado." hst
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    WobbieWobbie Posts: 29,698
    listening to columbus, right now............SLEEPER!!!!! :thumbup:
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
    VIC 07
    EV LA1 08
    Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
    Columbus 10
    EV LA 11
    Vancouver 11
    Missoula 12
    Portland 13, Spokane 13
    St. Paul 14, Denver 14
    Philly I & II, 16
    Denver 22
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    CheekyCatCheekyCat Cincinnati Posts: 23
    I was wide awake in Columbus and I am now listening to the boot. :mrgreen:
    "The waiting drove me mad..."
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    nbakyfannbakyfan Posts: 231
    I went to four shows, Columbus, Indy, and MSGs. Out of them I enjoyed Indy the least, but still had fan. I was sick Indy and sleep deprived from post Columbus parting and the long lines, terrible traffic, and awful parking lot didn't help too much. I hope they choose to play at the Conseco Field House if they play indy again.
    06/24/06: Cincy
    06/18/08: Columbia
    08/23/09 & 08/24/2009: Chicago
    05/06/2010: Columus
    05/07/2010: Indy
    05/20/2010 & 05/21/2010: NYC
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    jrnycjrnyc Posts: 537
    Hartford was great!!
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    sd150448sd150448 Posts: 110
    edited June 2010
    listen ski4 or whoever wrote that crap about standing with your arms crossed is "OK".......

    I certainly didn't say "spastic"....."enthusiastic" would be a better choice of words
    when you fly your way across countries and even continents to be there...shouldn't you be?
    The band DOES feed off the crowd's energy and it should be an EVEN exchange
    I'm sorry, I guess you are one of THOSE people...too bad :(
    life's too short to be a stiff at a pj show
    Post edited by sd150448 on
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    CantKeepMeHereCantKeepMeHere Posts: 2,177
    MSG 1 is the sleeper
    we all knew MSG 2 and boston would be stellar, but so is MSG 1
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    2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
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    SVRDhand13SVRDhand13 NYC Posts: 25,955
    MSG 1 is the sleeper
    we all knew MSG 2 and boston would be stellar, but so is MSG 1

    MSG 1 cant be the sleeper pick IMO. MSG shows are hyped up more than any other shows except possibly the Gorge shows and last year's Philly shows. I actually thought MSG 1 would be better.
    severed hand thirteen
    2006: Gorge 7/23 2008: Hartford 6/27 Beacon 7/1 2009: Spectrum 10/30-31
    2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
    2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
    2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
    2017: RRHoF 4/7   2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4   2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18 
    2022: MSG 9/11  2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
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    CantKeepMeHereCantKeepMeHere Posts: 2,177
    SVRDhand13 wrote:
    MSG 1 is the sleeper
    we all knew MSG 2 and boston would be stellar, but so is MSG 1

    MSG 1 cant be the sleeper pick IMO. MSG shows are hyped up more than any other shows except possibly the Gorge shows and last year's Philly shows. I actually thought MSG 1 would be better.

    I would take MSG and Boston out of the running for sleeper personally but others mentioned it on here and I was impressed with just how great it was when I was there and thinking that MSG 2 would be a let down...
    I am an idiot
    My Pearl Jam Fan Videos
    Best on the web - check them out
    <left><a href='http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4676758738_20a07ec4f1_m.jpg/'><img src='http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4676758738_20a07ec4f1_m.jpg' border='0' alt='Image Hosted by flickr.com'/></a><br/>
    2008 Bonnaroo - 2009 Philly 2&3 - 2010 MSG 1&2
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    BanjoBanjo Posts: 272
    I'm glad the Newark show is finally getting some love. That might be my favorite of all the shows I've been to. The setlist was awesome, the building is beautiful (my first time there...I'm not really a hockey fan), and I'm not really concerned with the crowd not being overly animated. People in the fanviews complained about the sound, I was a few rows in front of the soundboard and I thought it sounded great.
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    idreaminredidreaminred Posts: 314
    morgie2 wrote:
    Definitely, without question, Hartford.

    I am in total agreement!
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    curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 3,421
    Banjo wrote:
    I'm glad the Newark show is finally getting some love. That might be my favorite of all the shows I've been to. The setlist was awesome, the building is beautiful (my first time there...I'm not really a hockey fan), and I'm not really concerned with the crowd not being overly animated. People in the fanviews complained about the sound, I was a few rows in front of the soundboard and I thought it sounded great.

    +1 I thought the sound was great in Newark.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
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    JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,002
    morgie2 wrote:
    Definitely, without question, Hartford.

    I am in total agreement!

    Hartford gets my vote, too.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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    sd150448sd150448 Posts: 110
    you wanna know something fellow fans??.....this is a brutal subject
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