More states to introduce anti-illegal immigration laws ... migration/
Rhode Island state Rep. Peter Palumbo has filed a bill that looks nearly identical to Arizona's. It requires law enforcement to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally -- provided they don't stop someone on that basis alone. The proposal empowers police to turn over illegal immigrants to federal custody and also bars local jurisdictions from limiting immigration enforcement. Several other provisions in the bill are based on Arizona's law.
Palumbo, a Democrat, told Fox News that Arizona residents were "merely trying to protect themselves" and that the Rhode Island bill could help the state save millions every year.
Rhode Island state Rep. Peter Palumbo has filed a bill that looks nearly identical to Arizona's. It requires law enforcement to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally -- provided they don't stop someone on that basis alone. The proposal empowers police to turn over illegal immigrants to federal custody and also bars local jurisdictions from limiting immigration enforcement. Several other provisions in the bill are based on Arizona's law.
Palumbo, a Democrat, told Fox News that Arizona residents were "merely trying to protect themselves" and that the Rhode Island bill could help the state save millions every year.
Post edited by Unknown User on
why would you watch or read fox news?
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
why wouldn't you?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
why wouldn't you?[/quote]
mike, i don't know you, but my guess is you're an idiot.
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
why wouldn't you?[/quote]
mike, i don't know you, but my guess is you're an idiot.[/quote]
That's not a very nice thing to write on a Friday.
That's not a very nice thing to write on a Friday.[/quote]
sundays, fridays, tuesdays, thursday, the same
ANYONE who watches foxnews for anything other than comedy, is an idiot.
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
why wouldn't you?[/quote]
mike, i don't know you, but my guess is you're an idiot.[/quote]
That's nice of you.
sundays, fridays, tuesdays, thursday, the same
ANYONE who watches foxnews for anything other than comedy, is an idiot.[/quote]
You really need to back away from the computer.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The title of the thread is misleading, though. One lone bozo (have you looked this guy up??) introducing the matter - which will get promptly voted down in RI - does not constitute "more states introducing anti-illegal immigration law". This is like the thread where someone posted, "NY wants to to ban salt in restaurants!" because one state legislator put the idea out there. Individual legislators don't speak for entire states.
I'll be shocked if a Democratic state ever passes a law like this.
nothing to worry about. Keep your fucking papers with you like I have to keep my dl and proof of insurence.
Yup. And anytime anyone is pulled over their car should be searched. Or, if the neighbor calls police on you, they should be able to search your house when they arrive. If you're not doing anything illegal, then there's nothing to worry about.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
sundays, fridays, tuesdays, thursday, the same
ANYONE who watches foxnews for anything other than comedy, is an idiot.[/quote]
Liberals..... :roll: judgemental.
For the record.....i'm not too upset about it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
the polls i have seen favor immigration reform, but NOT this bullshit that passed in arizona and NOT the proposed ammendment to deport the LEGAL babies of those born here to illegal mothers. they were born here so they are citizins...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I have a question for you, since you are the strongest advocate for deportation of all illegal immigrants.
My father entered this country illegally and was deported back in the 70's, then reentered illegally again, just to clarify his reason for coming; He wanted to provide a better life for my mom and two sisters (left them back in Mex and worked the fields of CA). Anyways, since he came to the US illegally and recently became a citizen (abt 6 or so yrs ago- he is now 70) should he also be deported or his citizenship yanked? Considering he didn't obey the law and entered the country illegally. Reagan eventually got him a social security number, which enabled him to remain in the US-and continue to work legally.
He has never asked the Government for anything, he has never broken the law except when crossing the border (not even a traffic ticket), never stolen anything, never received anything from the Government, still pays taxes, and always speaks of the USA as the number 1 country in the World.... He has been here over 40 years.... my sisters and my mother also came here illegally (sisters were babies)- they are all US citizens, if you think my father should be sent back, then I guess they should also go back....
Should my brother and I be deported because technically we are anchor babies....?
If you're going to represent the tea party's conservative belief's then I would expect you to elaborate on this.
I support the US securing its borders... I am not suggesting or encouraging people to come to this country illegally. But if they are starving to death and have no hope, then they have to do what they have to do.....
I hate to generalize, but the US does have part in all this mess, with people trying to get in illegaly.
First of all I don't think a mass deportation is possible, and I do concede that there are people trying to work to feed their families. However, they broke the law so the ones that are still illegal need to be addressed. I am against amnesty.
My thoughts on your case are that they are citizens. However past practices show that amnesty does not work because it encourages more to come thinking they will get the same result. We are supposed to be a nation of laws and rewarding those that break the law is bad policy.
So there are things that need to be fixed to prevent more illegals from coming here and that includes; securing the border with the National Guard that is in Iraq, jailing employers that keep illegals on the payroll, and ending the anchor baby policy. What some fail to realize is that is an outdated policy, it was meant to make slave babies into citizens. We don't have slaves anymore, and the law is being abused.
I'm for seasonal workers if they get the proper permits, but once that harvest is done they need to return home.
The new law could be truly evil, where people who might appear to be Hispanic could find themselves harassed to such an extent, AZ law could look good. I don't know where I fall...from my experiences with working with the public I think it is highly likely I appear to be Hispanic to Anglos, and Anglo to Hispanics. Some people have all the luck, don't they? I am equally suspect to everyone.
I think the law in the city came about because of a recent incident wherein a sex offender recently is alleged to have raped a young girl at a health club. He was an illegal immigrant, whose mother works here legally. He had had many run-ins with the law here, but since he was under 18, his records were not available. CYFD, the equivalent of CPS, was not required to report his immigration status. Now he is over 18 and committed another sex crime. I gather he also has some form of disability. People here became outraged over the crime, which they should. Of course, life-long Americans do these things, too. And there's nowhere to deport them to. I understand and agree with the sentiment that this guy should not be here; he should be sent back to Mexico, and Mexico should deal with him, pay for his services, prison time, etc. I'm not sure how that would work though. Since the law kicked in after his crime, he is not subject to it, although he may get deported anyway in the end. However, I don't think he has as yet been deported and will get due process here, is my guess.
How does deporting a dangerous person work? So you deport someone, who let's say is a dangerous criminal upon arrest. When they get sent back to the motherland, whatever it is, will they be tried for their crime there? Do witnesses and victims travel to that country to try to get their own expense? Are you victimizing victims more? Do we try them here and spend our money on it, victimizing tax payers? What if you're illegal and you murdered someone? Would you just be deported and if the other country decided to let you go, you'd just go...and maybe come back here...and do it again? There's stuff with this that's unanswered to me and therefore very problematic. Just shifting a problem is kind of like a shell game. And there are costs that cannot be measured with money, such a human lives.
There is a part of me that doesn't like the scenario that says you wait for a horrendous, out of the ordinary crime, and then you use it to kind of paint everyone in a category with a very broad brush. Be afraid, very afraid of the illegal Other...they're all just waiting to attack from within. When action depends upon tarring "those people," it seems like an excuse for what might be your somewhat xenophobic tendencies to begin with. I'm all for a coherent immigration policy--it is time for it, for sure--but I wish the trigger for it would be reasoned thought and policy instead of a knee-jerk to an impaired idiot who IS NOT just like all the other illegal Hispanics in the area.
And for the Me Jerk part of much would deporting illegal immigrants cost me as a tax payer? I'm assuming the US pays for the deportation, which means me. But, I don't know. Do you? I know if they stay, we pay for the courts, etc. However, when we catch someone who's clearly a danger, at least we can definitively do something about him or her.
why wouldn't you?[/quote]
mike, i don't know you, but my guess is you're an idiot.[/quote]
I choose to gather my information from numorous sources in order to make a balanced decision on a topic. Should I just watch rachel maddow, keith oberman, anderson cooper, wolf blitzer?
you are kidding me right? just keep getting spoonfed the information with which you agree. That way none of your views will ever be challenged. Good idea.
Don't let your hatred for republicans blind you to the information you choose to read and gather.
and can you learn how to quote people? jesus. take five minutes and figure out how to do it right...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
hate and ignorance. . . . sounds a lot like what liberals do to conservatives daily. They choose to say things like "Rand Paul is a racist" instead of learning why he said he was against part of the civil rights legislation. It is just easier to call him a racist. Jesus christ. It is more important to search out and listen to ideas with which you disagree than to only listen to people who feel the same way.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
:twisted: :roll: ...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
count me in also...but I don't hate anybody...