*** Newark Fanviews Here 5/18/10 ***



  • NoOne'sRivalNoOne'sRival Posts: 299
    I said it before, the boys were great..the crew was great....the crowd?? this may tell you about the crowd: there was a guy sitting two rows in front of us (section 8, row 12..not bad seats at all, mind you, the closest I've ever been anyway!) and he never shut down his laptop...I'm sure he had a deadline or was working on something, but both he and his girlfriend never seemed to take their heads off the computer. When they first got there, my daughter and I were curious about them, figured maybe he was a teacher grading some stuff, or a writer and had a dead line...perhaps even doing an article about the show. But, from what we could see on his screen, it didn't seem like that.. PLUS if he WAS doing a bit about the show, wouldn't he want to SEE some of it?

    It didn't ruin the show for me at all, cause I was hoppin the whole time!
    "Dream the dream others then...you will be no one's RIVAL!"
    "Doo do do do doo do doo, Doo do do do doo do doo..."
  • JD72576JD72576 Posts: 1
    thanks to the 10 club for great seats. we were rocking......almost as hard as the boys! they totally threw down and we were grateful. great show, great energy. NJ is thankful!!!!!!
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    Just want to say a few things about this show...

    First, it had my favorite set list of the three shows I saw this tour (Hartford, Boston, Newark). Any show with In Hiding in it is pretty much going to be tops for me, but also, it opened with Of the Girl, which I have waiting forever to hear it seems (maybe 10 years?). Additionally... Brain of J, DTE, Alone, Amongst the Waves, Immortality, BROTHER, Glorified G, Unthought Known, Inside Job, You Are, Whipping, Life Wasted... those were the highlights for me, but there was not one dud in the set (except, well, Jersey Girl). I also didn't feel like I had gotten enough of the Watchtower closer from Hartford, and they brought it back for my final show... nice!!

    Some people here are knocking the energy of the crowd, but from Section 18, I didn't notice any issue with it. The energy of the band and the crowd in Boston was definitely higher, but I think this show was my favorite overall... or at least on par with Boston. So glad I made the trip!

    One more thing...

    There was a guy sitting next to me who had been to many Pearl Jam shows, and he brought his apparently new girlfriend with him to this show. She had never seen a PJ show before, and when the crowd shook their hands in the air during the "hallelujah" part of Evolution, the look on her face was PRICELESS. hahahah... total shock and awe!
  • Walking the milesWalking the miles Toronto Posts: 549
    What a great show in Newark. Awesome list, Indiffrence and Immortality, In Hiding...,and how do I forget Unthought Known, it was really too bad about the crowd. The floors looked dead, My friend and I had travelled all the way from Toronto for that show and I expected Jersey people would be loud,.. not so much. Well now I have something to compare to a Toronto crowd. I have to say though we were in section 7 and in front of us was an older couple, maybe in there 60's and they rocked out all night, that was cool. Had a good time with some people from Baltimore after the show, but during the show I expected more from the audience. There were moments I thought the band was waiting for the crowd to come along and they never did. They missed the ride. I really hope PJ comes to Toronto soon, so we can treat them proper. Oh well I'm sure NYC is kickin ass.
    "Feel the path of everyday....which road you taking?"

    Barrie, ON '98
    Toronto, ON '00/'03/'06/'09/'11/'16(x2)
    Hamilton, ON '05/'11
    Newark, NJ '10
    London, ON '13
    Buffalo, NY '13
    Detroit, MI '14
    Ottawa, ON '16
  • After attending Newark and Msg1 here are my thoughts. I really don't care what the crowd is doing because I am there to see the band, and only the band!! Newark seats thru 10c were about 5 rows closer for me and I was seat 1 so had some room which I loved. At MSG,I was sandwiched between 300lb sumo wrestlers and 6'3 and taller guyd sitting right in front of me. Hard to see anything except big heads. :evil: Also everyone and their mother holding iphones over their head to record a song which is REALLY ANNOYING!! Newark setlist I also found to be more original and just a better vibe. With all this being said there is never a bad PJ show just different.
  • Hawk123 wrote:
    arriepjf wrote:
    What a night. First I want to thank the band for adding this show. At one point during the night Eddie mentioned that this show may not have even happened. I took my nine year old son because he earned the right to go by being a true fan of the music. He walks around the house listening to Pearl Jam on his Ipod, singing his favorite songs and annoying his two older brothers. He also is performing the beginning of “Given to Fly” for his upcoming guitar recital. (His mom’s favorite song)

    Next I need to thank the 10c; you guys really can through for us. We arrived about 7:00 pm to pick up out tickets and the women behind the glass gets out are tickets and then asks my son if this is his first concert. He excitedly smiles and says yes. She says to us “hold on a minute” and walks away. About two minutes later a guy comes over and asks my son the same question, he gives the same reply. The guy says “ well this is going to ruin your concert experience for the rest of your life and make your dad very happy” He hands us two tickets , section A row 2. Thank you, Thank you Thank you. I can’t say it enough.
    Someone mention earlier how extremely pleasant the staff at the Prudential Center were . I couldn’t agree more. Everyone was so nice and genially happy to be there.

    We get to our seats; we are stage left on Stone Gossard’s side. My son Dylan was too small to see over the 1st row as they stood along the barrier. I was able to have him stand on a front row seat right in front of me, which put him about the same height as me and his view was great.

    Pearl Jam hits the stage and Eddie comes out in a Chicago Bear’s jersey and my son is wearing his Giant’s jersey so they connected right away. They open with “Of the Girl” which is one of my favorite openers and then into “Brain of J”. Dylan knows every word and what a way to start the show, we are rockin. Hearing the Backspacer songs is a highlight for me and is the first Pearl Jam album my son really got into ( Besides Eddie Vedder solo “Into The Wild” ) These songs sound so fresh and are great live. I completed the album by getting “Supersonic”. Now I am hoping for “Parachutes” at my next show to close out that record, which will be at MSG on Friday.

    Sometime during this set Mike comes near the center of the stage and throws out a bunch of picks. Other thanks to the guy who brought one over and handed it to Dylan. Someone nearby commented that it was better than catching a foul ball. We agree!!

    After the first set I noticed an opening along the barrier in the 1st row, dead center in front of Eddie. I told my son to see if he could get in there and get a better view. The kind people made room for him and I could still keep a good eye on him. During “Life’s Wasted” Eddie makes one to one contact as Dylan sings along word for word. Just Awesome!! At the end of the song Eddie reaches out with his wine bottle like he was going to give some to Dylan, a very funny moment!!

    The next song is “Alive” , another song Dylan knows very well.( He was hoping for “ Black “ which is the song he loves most, but like all of us here I told him he would have to attend many shows before he can get to see all his favorites.) Sometime during the song Eddie comes out with a tambourine and walks rightt over to Dylan and hands it to him. WOW. What a night. Thank you so much Pearl Jam for giving us an experience of a lifetime. This is something we will never forget! We love you all !!!!

    PS -There was post about an exhausted 14 year old and you wondering about the kid in the first row and where he got his energy. I don’t have a answer but I can tell you he was still going on our long train ride back to Mastic Beach LI. He was picking out tunes for our car ride from the train station home and we were watching you tube videos when we got home. Although he did sleep till noon and missed school , but we had already planned on that .

    Great post. Glad your son enjoyed the show, sounds like one he will never forget.

    I am so happy for your son! What a great experience, and one he will Never forget! What a way to start his concert history! I too brought my 9 year old son to his first show that night and had no idea that it was possible to get moved up to the second row. The 10 c is new to me, but we had a great night anyway. I went early to get the tickets and did not bring my son to the window (lesson learned). I think it is awesome that Dylan brought home the tambourine and pick! Can it get any better? Life is good!
  • MahaloevMahaloev Posts: 305
    edited May 2010
    Great time last night! Hit the lotto front row!!!!!! First time ever and loved it! Wanted to post my pics some are good most are not as it's really hard to take photos while shaking in disbelief!

    http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=1 ... 1490885249

    hope you all can see them let me know!
    Post edited by Mahaloev on
    The Stars, the Snow, the Fire
  • EDDMBEDDMB Posts: 117
    I dont know why so many people are talking about the crowd from this show.Its about the MUSIC.I dont compare NJ to NYC.MSG is always louder.More hardcore fans,from NYC and the world.I sat in non 10c seats,sec 344 for MSG 1.Met 2 great fans from Australia.Was MSG 1 a better show??..Yes.The audience at MSG 1 were nuts.I was more fired up in my city.I live in Manhattan.Its a more intense place,everybody went wild at MSG 1.That being said,the audience in Newark were good,not great.I know EV metioned it(being kinda quiet),I was in section D(10C seats) and everybody was having a great time and singing.Maybe since I had 10c seats, I was around alot of great 10c fans.The band were fantastic and played quite a few rare songs this night.More so than MSG 1.Opening with Of The Girl then into Brain of J( :shock: ),Brother(yes!!!),Alone(wow!!!),Leatherman( :o ),Footsteps( :D ),In Hiding,Glorified G,Lukin,Once,Whipping ( :o ).Go ( :D a personal fav of mine), was the best song of the night.The crowd sang word for word for that one(at least in my section).Indifference and then Watchtower closed the show.They also played some of my favorites from this past decade,Inside Job (Mike with the double neck guitar !!!!),You Are,Life Wasted and Supersonic ,off the new cd,sounded great.They dont play that punk rock tune often for some reason.Again,I know the crowd were a bit low key.I have to say,there was alot of pot in the air.More so than in past PJ shows.Maybe 75% of the Rock were stoned?I feel the bands performance this night was top.I loved the show.Im glad the show happened,as EV said,"..this show almost didnt happen.Im glad we are here." Agreed.:D
    1994 - Paramount - NY - 04.17
    1996 - Randalls Island,NY - 09.29
    1998 - MSG - 09.11
    2000 - Forum - Milan ,IT - 06.22
    2000 - Jones Beach,NY - 08.23, 24 & 25
    2003 - Nassau Coliseum,NY - 04.30
    2003 - MSG - 07.08 & 09
    2005 - Spectrum,PA -10.03
    2006 - Continental Arena,NJ - 06.03
    2006 - Olympic - Barcelona,Spain - 09.01
    2008 - MSG -NY,NY - 06.24 & 25
    2009 - Spectrum-Philadelphia,PA- 10.28 & 30
    2010 - Prudential Center,NJ - 05.18
    2010 - MSG - NY,NY - 05.20 & 21
    2011 - Beacon Theater,NYC - 06.22 (EV)
    2012 - M.E.N Arena - Manchester - 06.21
    2012 - Isle Of Wright Festival - England - 06.23
    2013 - Barclays Center , Bklyn NY - 10.18 & 19
    2016 - BB&T - Ft Lauderdale , FL - 04.08
    2016 - American Airlines Arena - Miami ,FL - 04.09
    2016 - Amalie Arena - Tampa ,FL - 04.11
    2016 - MSG - NY,NY - 05.01& 02
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    This show almost didnt happen for my friend and i. No ten club tickets and it seemed like it was out of the way. We hadd a long couple of days before and drank like fish before and after the Boston show. Slept an hour then drove back to NYC, showered and bearly made the train to Newark. We both went there tired and just wanting a relaxxxing show. We werent planning on rockin out like normal because come on.....NEWARK???? :? Dammit who were we kidding?! We ALWAYS rock out at shows cuz its like being pre programmed! The set was GRRRREAT. It seemed like the crowd was slackin to fill up the place but it filled out nicely. You would think that for it being that packed, thered be more people into the show. There were little clumps of people that were exxxcited but there were A LOT of people looking like they were at a golf tournament! :o And before you all start yelling at me saying who cares about the crowd or why pay attention..... our seats were up high so we hadd a view of everything without even trying. And people in our entire section were sitting the WHOLE time til ONCE came on. Some lady even hadd the nerve to ask us to SIT for a few songs. helloooo?!!! NO SITTING!!!!!! I felt badd for the boys cuz they gave their all and the majority of the crowd sucked. And sure, people were tired from Boston. :roll: whatever, NO EXXXCUSE!!!!!

    The BEST part of the night was getting to hear IMMORTALITY that i requested!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D It goes to show the boys DO get word about the board and what people want and dont want. Sooooo many amazing songs and a great performance from the boys. I think they should NEVER play that area again though and just stick to MSG!!!! :D Maybe the newark crowd was made up of all Boston fans trying to teach them to not play JUST ONE show in Boston anymore! :lol:
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • iamloco724iamloco724 Brooklyn NY Posts: 1,441
    looking for a good pic of the setlist if anyone has it or can take one if they have the setlist
  • MahaloevMahaloev Posts: 305
    The best part of the evening for me was when Ed told the story of how him & Stone came up with the lyrics & arrangement for 'Daughter'. Playing their guitars in the bathroom because the acoustics sounded way better in there than in their 'crappy' hotel room. I wish I would have recorded that...Another significant moment for me. Then to tag 'Daughter' with 'WMA' then followed by 'Unthought Known', was incredible & meaningful. I think I may have shed a tear @ that very moment.
    The Stars, the Snow, the Fire
  • MahaloevMahaloev Posts: 305
    'Daughter/WMA/Unthought Known'...Please, no laughing @ my crazy singing! Well, you can laugh a little because I did. :D I sound waaay better in person, maybe? ;)

    btw...I remember saying in my mind just before Ed went into 'WMA', "Just sing it. Just do it. Sing it. Please sing it." & then, he grabs his head &..."He won the lottery..." It was just, incredible.

    http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php ... 9779&saved

    The Stars, the Snow, the Fire
  • teajuiceteajuice Posts: 1
    The crowd at the Newark show @ Pru just BLEW. I think Eddie knew it too. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't come back again. I went to Hartford and MSG as well and man, what a HUGE difference.

    PruCenter was the best in terms of acoustics. XL Center sucks as a venue, but the crowd and setlist rocked. MSG was the best overall performance.
  • It's been a whirlwind... was at this show and both MSGs.... this may have been my favorite setlist w/ Immortality, Alone, Brother, Footsteps... but I don't think the band fed off the audience the way they did in MSG II. But who cares - Newark was still a GREAT show. damn happy I went! :D
    Camden - 5/28/06; Camden - 6/20/08; MSG - 6/25/08; Newark - (Ed Solo) 8/7/08; Philly - (Ed Solo) 6/12/09; Philly - 10/30/09; Philly - 10/31/09; Newark - 5/18/10; MSG - 5/20/10; MSG - 5/21/10
  • edwhoedwho Posts: 811
    plus Ed threw a pick at Stone and made a joke about the band going 20 years but ending tonight. it appeared good natured but left us wondering what was going on??

    I believe this happened after Jersey Girl. From what I could see, before Jersey Girl, coming back on stage after the break, Ed could not read the lyrics at the foot of his mike stand and needed to reposition his mike stand and lyrics towards Stones side to get better lighting. Stone sat on the drum riser and played tambourine for Jersey Girl so no worries about Ed in his space, but once the song was over Stone immediately served Ed an eviction notice. Hence Ed’s comment (paraphrased) “twenty years together is about to come to an end tonight.”

    Three Fish

    July 1996 San Francisco

    June 1999 Chicago

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    edwho wrote:
    plus Ed threw a pick at Stone and made a joke about the band going 20 years but ending tonight. it appeared good natured but left us wondering what was going on??

    I believe this happened after Jersey Girl. From what I could see, before Jersey Girl, coming back on stage after the break, Ed could not read the lyrics at the foot of his mike stand and needed to reposition his mike stand and lyrics towards Stones side to get better lighting. Stone sat on the drum riser and played tambourine for Jersey Girl so no worries about Ed in his space, but once the song was over Stone immediately served Ed an eviction notice. Hence Ed’s comment (paraphrased) “twenty years together is about to come to an end tonight.”

    would explain why he let stone sing thursday night at msg1 and why they picked songs he gets solos on at msg2
  • AmyMooreAmyMoore Posts: 141
    ^ LOL
    Stone didn't have the right guitar for the next song. The comment was how it was unprofessional, and would never happen at a Springsteen show. Can't really be construed as something between Ed and Stone, since it was Stone's tech that handed him the wrong guitar.

    Go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBLOEk6FYqA
  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    What were the other 3 shows you saw? Those songs you mentioned, were some highlights for me too. Though, i didn't care for Jersey Girl. Sorry, not a Bruce fan.
  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    cutz wrote:
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    What were the other 3 shows you saw? Those songs you mentioned, were some highlights for me too. Though, i didn't care for Jersey Girl. Sorry, not a Bruce fan.

    I went to Boston, and both MSG shows too....I loved MSG2, but Newark topped them all for me!
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,997
    cutz wrote:
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    What were the other 3 shows you saw? Those songs you mentioned, were some highlights for me too. Though, i didn't care for Jersey Girl. Sorry, not a Bruce fan.

    I went to Boston, and both MSG shows too....I loved MSG2, but Newark topped them all for me!

    I'm with you there. I thought Newark was real good! I too, went to both MSG shows. I actually liked MSG 1 better then MSG 2. Wanted to do Boston, but couldn't swing it, with it being on a Monday night(i couldn't take off from work). That frickin' work ALWAYS seems to get in the way of everything> :lol:
  • MT236122MT236122 Pittsburgh Posts: 135
    I had a great experience at the Newark show. I picked up a single 10C ticket from the forum - partnered with a veteran of 50+ shows. We had section 19 / 3rd row with an excellent view of the stage. I had no complaints with the setlist - especially pleased to hear Inside Job, In Hiding, & Amongst the Waves.

    There has been a lot of comments regarding the crowd. I know we were jumping up and down for the whole show. I wasn't paying too much attention to the people around me. Anyway, everyone enjoys music in there own way - some are hyper and some are relaxed. Enjoy the moment and don't worry about the people around you.
    Riding high amongst the waves
  • NYCPJNYCPJ nyc Posts: 764
    cutz wrote:
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    What were the other 3 shows you saw? Those songs you mentioned, were some highlights for me too. Though, i didn't care for Jersey Girl. Sorry, not a Bruce fan.

    I went to Boston, and both MSG shows too....I loved MSG2, but Newark topped them all for me!

    I agree! I didnt go to Boston, but looks like a great show with a sick set list (would have loved to have seen that one!). I went to the MSG shows and Newark - of course, the MSG shows were awesome, but Newark was my favorite. If they had asked me to prepare the set, it would have been awfully close to this one! (immortality, Alone, Brain of J, Brother, Glorified G!). I know a lot of people were slamming the crowd, but from where i was sitting, the crowd was really into it. And, in the end, its about the MUSIC (IMHO). Hunger Strike at MSG might have been my favorite moment from this tour (maybe all time), but Newark was my favorite show. Cant wait for the boots (ill pick up Newark, MSG1, MSG2, Boston and probably Hartford).
    6/3/06 (East Rutherford 2)
    6/24/08 (MSG1)
    6/25/08 (MSG2)
    7/1/08 (Beacon Theater -NYC)
    10/30/09 (Philly3)
    5/18/10 (Newark, NJ)
    5/20/10 (MSG1)
    5/21/10 (MSG2)
    10/18/13 (Brooklyn 1)
    10/19/13 (Brooklyn 2)
    5/1/16 (MSG 1)
    5/2/16 (MSG 2)
    3/30/20 (MSG)
    9/3/24 I(MSG1)
    9/4/24 (MSG 2)
  • PeTaLuMaPeTaLuMa New Jersey Posts: 54
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    Went to Hartford & Newark and I agree... Newark was a great show with an incredible set. I was one happy Jersey Girl too. Saw Bruce twice last year & my only disappointment was that he didn't play Jersey Girl. My wish came true when Eddie started singing. Couldn't believe my ears!
    Hey I see you're from the Reading area. I live in NJ now, but grew up in Laureldale.
  • YoullseeDragonsYoullseeDragons Posts: 2,144
    Newark was a great show! Brother, Leatherman, Alone, and Of a Girl as an opener. Great show, even if the band did not feed of the crowd. I liked Ed talking about the people in the back and catching 2 or 3 of them doing the dirty deed in the back. I did like when a girl behind me asked "what was the name of that song?', and I said "GO!". I understand they only sing "GO" a few times in the song. :roll:
  • YoullseeDragonsYoullseeDragons Posts: 2,144
    KB90013 wrote:
    This show was the highlight of the 4 that I went to this tour...it was pretty close to my ideal setlist. I got my Of a Girl opener, Alone, Brother, Immortality and Indifference...I was one happy Jersey Girl :-)

    Went to Hartford & Newark and I agree... Newark was a great show with an incredible set. I was one happy Jersey Girl too. Saw Bruce twice last year & my only disappointment was that he didn't play Jersey Girl. My wish came true when Eddie started singing. Couldn't believe my ears!
    Hey I see you're from the Reading area. I live in NJ now, but grew up in Laureldale.

    Laureldale!!! :o Grew up in South Egg Harbor, just a block over from the 4-H center. Still live in SEH, just a few blocks over by the school.
  • PeTaLuMaPeTaLuMa New Jersey Posts: 54
    Oh yeah... Laureldale was a real happening place (yawn) Now I live in Ringoes NJ and things are way more exciting here (double yawn). So that makes me a Jersey Girl... and I just loved that PJ played it. But Leatherman....hmmm not so much. I see you liked that one. I have to say, I was not expecting a high energy show. Figured they'd save it all up for MSG. I am happy to say I was VERY wrong.
  • mavimavi Posts: 941
    Listening to this show right now on PJ Radio. Almost done.

    Beautiful version of Indifference, which I'll take any day!
    "He who hears music, feels his solitude peopled at once" R. Browning
  • Jeremys SpokenJeremys Spoken Posts: 7,578

    What an amazing night. So glad I was here.

    2008 - MSG 6/24-6/25
    2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
    2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
    2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
    2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
    2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
    2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2

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