@@@@@Official Cleveland, Oh Set List Thread 5/9@@@@@



  • OMG wow what a show!!! Too tired to give a proper review but that fan that was called up to the front row for Smile was our own PJPixie!!!! She's been carrying that smile sign around for YEARS.
    I'm sooo happy for her!!!
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • Fan with Smile sign invited to stage to be serenaded...was given a harmonica.

    ...and some say the band hates signs 8-)
    You may have seen me:
    Cleveland 5/20/2006
    Pittsburgh 6/23/2006
    Columbia 6/16/2008
    Bristow 5/13/2010
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