Point being made regarding my previous post...you know, this is supposed to be spirited debate, not "fuck em" to the people we disagree with; but that is your right to say that, just not educated as you accuse the tea "baggers" of being.
A couple of points: Did you even read the post or did you just see that I disagreed with your analysis so you decided to take an elitist attitude.
You say a couple of interesting things in one post in particutlar: you say I don't know what they are so pissed about, then you say, "I think", as an opinion! So you are in essance acting out what you accuse!
So when you're checking out CNN, when you're on your knees, sitting in your bucket to catch what leaks out of your spongy comprehension, do you think that these are just rowled up people just because Obama is in the White House; Do you ever listen, think, or anything but nod and say, "uh huh", and "fuck those tea baggin' backwoods, inbread, lowest common denominators of flacid wastes of space bags of bones"?
And man, if I didn't get another reversed racism comment...think of that one on your own? I wonder why there still racist, someone disagrees with someone on content alone, and just because Obama's black, you disagree with him, you're a racist? What ever happend to thinking??? And I love the generalizing!!! How awesome is that? 1 is all the same? There's no individual thought process with similar values, coming together to be heard as one voice...And a story, a story written by someone with ideals and preformed values writes an article (not saying right or wrong, just that this person has a mind, and he implements thought into words on paper) about a malitia, to be decided in a room by politicians, and look how it's spelled out, every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way! Oh, and I really like the comment about our forefathers, the one where you could swear that that person was there. I know this is unpopular thinking in circles around hear, but I'm glad that some people had the courage to not parlay to the thinking of the populous. Makes me damn proud to be honest.
Point being made regarding my previous post...you know, this is supposed to be spirited debate, not "fuck em" to the people we disagree with; but that is your right to say that, just not educated as you accuse the tea "baggers" of being.
A couple of points: Did you even read the post or did you just see that I disagreed with your analysis so you decided to take an elitist attitude.
You say a couple of interesting things in one post in particutlar: you say I don't know what they are so pissed about, then you say, "I think", as an opinion! So you are in essance acting out what you accuse!
So when you're checking out CNN, when you're on your knees, sitting in your bucket to catch what leaks out of your spongy comprehension, do you think that these are just rowled up people just because Obama is in the White House; Do you ever listen, think, or anything but nod and say, "uh huh", and "fuck those tea baggin' backwoods, inbread, lowest common denominators of flacid wastes of space bags of bones"?
And man, if I didn't get another reversed racism comment...think of that one on your own? I wonder why there still racist, someone disagrees with someone on content alone, and just because Obama's black, you disagree with him, you're a racist? What ever happend to thinking??? And I love the generalizing!!! How awesome is that? 1 is all the same? There's no individual thought process with similar values, coming together to be heard as one voice...And a story, a story written by someone with ideals and preformed values writes an article (not saying right or wrong, just that this person has a mind, and he implements thought into words on paper) about a malitia, to be decided in a room by politicians, and look how it's spelled out, every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way! Oh, and I really like the comment about our forefathers, the one where you could swear that that person was there. I know this is unpopular thinking in circles around hear, but I'm glad that some people had the courage to not parlay to the thinking of the populous. Makes me damn proud to be honest.
:thumbup: I like your post, I think that people get a little too comfortable with their American way of life
and thinking and either don't know or forget what it took to make America a free country, my thought on that
is that we could loose that freedom if it is not protected always.
The founding fathers had no rights to act upon and rebelled to form their own nation in some sort of method of justice and freedom from tyranny.
The tea-party and these militias merely disagree with government policy, have all the freedoms in the world and are not the victim of tyranny by any means.
There is no commonality between the two in any reason or fact.
As for state and federal laws, we live in a federalist state. Unless we want to back to civil war, the colony setup or breaking the union apart - federalism is necessary - and yes, even if you disagree with some of the laws and policies.
point being that our founding father's would be called criminal's today just as the these militia guy's are,
but as far as these guy's go what about federal law don't it over ride state law ?
disagreement is what started the civil war these two have everything in common, the dates have changed
but the Idea's are the same.
Point being made regarding my previous post...you know, this is supposed to be spirited debate, not "fuck em" to the people we disagree with; but that is your right to say that, just not educated as you accuse the tea "baggers" of being.
A couple of points: Did you even read the post or did you just see that I disagreed with your analysis so you decided to take an elitist attitude.
You say a couple of interesting things in one post in particutlar: you say I don't know what they are so pissed about, then you say, "I think", as an opinion! So you are in essance acting out what you accuse!
So when you're checking out CNN, when you're on your knees, sitting in your bucket to catch what leaks out of your spongy comprehension, do you think that these are just rowled up people just because Obama is in the White House; Do you ever listen, think, or anything but nod and say, "uh huh", and "fuck those tea baggin' backwoods, inbread, lowest common denominators of flacid wastes of space bags of bones"?
And man, if I didn't get another reversed racism comment...think of that one on your own? I wonder why there still racist, someone disagrees with someone on content alone, and just because Obama's black, you disagree with him, you're a racist? What ever happend to thinking??? And I love the generalizing!!! How awesome is that? 1 is all the same? There's no individual thought process with similar values, coming together to be heard as one voice...And a story, a story written by someone with ideals and preformed values writes an article (not saying right or wrong, just that this person has a mind, and he implements thought into words on paper) about a malitia, to be decided in a room by politicians, and look how it's spelled out, every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way! Oh, and I really like the comment about our forefathers, the one where you could swear that that person was there. I know this is unpopular thinking in circles around hear, but I'm glad that some people had the courage to not parlay to the thinking of the populous. Makes me damn proud to be honest.
the best line of this incoherent ramble...
every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way!
The founding fathers had no rights to act upon and rebelled to form their own nation in some sort of method of justice and freedom from tyranny.
The tea-party and these militias merely disagree with government policy, have all the freedoms in the world and are not the victim of tyranny by any means.
There is no commonality between the two in any reason or fact.
As for state and federal laws, we live in a federalist state. Unless we want to back to civil war, the colony setup or breaking the union apart - federalism is necessary - and yes, even if you disagree with some of the laws and policies.
point being that our founding father's would be called criminal's today just as the these militia guy's are,
but as far as these guy's go what about federal law don't it over ride state law ?
disagreement is what started the civil war these two have everything in common, the dates have changed
but the Idea's are the same.
Next you'll be bring up the Crusades and the War of 1812 as examples of how super duper the teabaggers are...
disagreement is what started the civil war these two have everything in common, the dates have changed
but the Idea's are the same.
But what's that idea really? If you feel wronged, grab a gun and take whatever you feel you aren't getting?
That's seems to me to be the "idea" here.
My stance would be that the moment you reach for the gun, you've basically lost, protecting freedom-wise. There may be rare exceptions under extreme totalitarian rule where that is not the case, but it applies to all modern, open countries. (and yes, the US is definitely without a doubt in that category) Few or none real changes have ever happened through violence. Real changes happen over time and through ideas and behaviours. Violence (or threat of it) just shakes things up a bit right now.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
those who fail to remember our history are destine to relive it.....heard that somewhere
guy's don't get too riled up I'm not even sure what a teabagger is,you guy's can handle thing's the way you wish,this country has fought war's so you can have that freedom...or dose that matter anymore since we are in the here and now ?
Should we applaud and laud Al Queda for arming themselves and fighting for their brand of freedom, virtuosity and fighting back as well? Seems to fit perfectly within the parameters of fighting for what a group feels is right and standing up for their sense of injustice? Do they as well resemble our fore fathers - is there not a gaping hole in the middle of your argument? Something perhaps to do with methods, availability and pragmatism to change things around you? But let's not add any history or facts to the issue, let's talk how we can pat a group on the back for arming themselves when they have every available means necessary to create change for a variety of methods.
Anyone care to discuss this question? No one has touched it...
There's a clear and vast difference between protesting, standing up for the values our nation was founded upon compared to forming an armed militia. What purpose do they really have? We have police and similar - so protection is out. Is it to rebel against our current government - very possible. And whether you are for or against their ideas/beliefs - one man's freedom fighters is another man's terrorist group.
those who fail to remember our history are destine to relive it.....heard that somewhere
guy's don't get too riled up I'm not even sure what a teabagger is,you guy's can handle thing's the way you wish,this country has fought war's so you can have that freedom...or dose that matter anymore since we are in the here and now ?
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Al Queda ? try telling them about your Rights as a American btw we are talking about America right ?
police officer's are payed to up hold state and federal law's and if one of those laws interferes with your freedom then that just too bad....right ?
like I said do as you wish it's your life and if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.
Al Queda ? try telling them about your Rights as a American btw we are talking about America right ?
police officer's are payed to up hold state and federal law's and if one of those laws interferes with your freedom then that just too bad....right ?
like I said do as you wish it's your life and if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.
yeah, too bad...that's how things work...christ, is it that hard...?
Our fore-fathers had no rights and armed and rebelled to create our nation in order to remove themselves from tyranny of oppression. Things like taxation without representation, no right to free speech or organize or vote, etc. Legitimate claims because they had no alternative to change things around them.
Why is it ok to merit people who's first instinct to disagreement with policy is to arm themselves, form militia's and potentially threaten violence? How is this a rational, logical practice when we live in a society where no such tyrannies object us from changing everything around us? Please explain this simple fact. The reality is, as you claim "if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.", is not justification for rebellion, but merely a lunatic's extremist response to disagreement with policy and practice.
I for one hope none of these militia members vote or participate in government at any level, because it would only show their hypocrisy. If they participate in our system, it shows they believe they can fix it with justified, normal methods, but simply prefer threats of violence instead which is what the heart of this issue deals with.
Al Queda ? try telling them about your Rights as a American btw we are talking about America right ?
police officer's are payed to up hold state and federal law's and if one of those laws interferes with your freedom then that just too bad....right ?
like I said do as you wish it's your life and if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
this has been great fun guy's ,a very cool debate for sure even teetering on personal attack's.
there are leeders and followers and we need both. it would not matter what i said to you all
I would be wrong , and you to me so.... good night gracie.
actually i do, and i do not see what my location has to do with anything in this thread, so what are you talking about? care to contribute to the discussion or just post random irrelevent questions??
if you don't believe in guns yer not a true 'merican!
just move to canada at least if you break your arm you won't have to sell your car to pay for it
I'm beginning to wonder if we should just let these morons secede, and take the entire group of right wing teabagger states with them.
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
"It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
I'm beginning to wonder if we should just let these morons secede, and take the entire group of right wing teabagger states with them.
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
yeah let them go..i agree with you starfall, good post.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
No, violence is not the answer. What is the answer when our officials don't listen to the people and they decide to implement their segregated will on the people? 90% of these posts are based on assumption and pure discontent for those who you disagree with, and with that, I rest my case...as far as a senator standing in the way for extending unemployment, did I really read that? Oh, I get it, another case for action with no comprehension of the cause. It's reported that a Republican said no to extending unemployment, that's it! Just that he is a Republican and he said "no" to people.
OK, now the why...
WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! WE ARE BROKE. About 5 states ready to file for bankruptsy and a government official implements the ideals set for by the opposite party, PayGo, where we do not implement more spending if we have no money, but hey, money just grows on trees.
The truth is, most don't want the truth. They want someone to blame for everything. I'm done with this post, and concede that you can't have an honest debate when those you debate are not honest. It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
But it was kind of fun...
Go Cubs!
No, violence is not the answer. What is the answer when our officials don't listen to the people and they decide to implement their segregated will on the people? 90% of these posts are based on assumption and pure discontent for those who you disagree with, and with that, I rest my case...as far as a senator standing in the way for extending unemployment, did I really read that? Oh, I get it, another case for action with no comprehension of the cause. It's reported that a Republican said no to extending unemployment, that's it! Just that he is a Republican and he said "no" to people.
OK, now the why...
WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! WE ARE BROKE. About 5 states ready to file for bankruptsy and a government official implements the ideals set for by the opposite party, PayGo, where we do not implement more spending if we have no money, but hey, money just grows on trees.
The truth is, most don't want the truth. They want someone to blame for everything. I'm done with this post, and concede that you can't have an honest debate when those you debate are not honest. It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
But it was kind of fun...
Go Cubs!
who are you even talking to?? we have a quote feature on here so everyone knows who you are addressing...
and yes it is the republicans stalling the unemployment benefits...same as jim bunning, by himself, last month when he is retiring and will never held accountable in an election. these people are delaying things because they CAN and for no other purpose. they turn their backs and FUCK WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE OUT OF WORK AND HAVE MORTGAGES TO PAY AND WILL LOSE THEIR HOMES WITHOUT THESE BENEFITS!! so fuck jim bunning and the other republicans in the senate for playing politics with peoples' lives.
but back to my original point of this thread, it looks like this idea of a state sponsored militia is losing favor in oklahoma, so that is good...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
No, violence is not the answer. What is the answer when our officials don't listen to the people and they decide to implement their segregated will on the people? 90% of these posts are based on assumption and pure discontent for those who you disagree with, and with that, I rest my case...as far as a senator standing in the way for extending unemployment, did I really read that? Oh, I get it, another case for action with no comprehension of the cause. It's reported that a Republican said no to extending unemployment, that's it! Just that he is a Republican and he said "no" to people.
OK, now the why...
WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! WE ARE BROKE. About 5 states ready to file for bankruptsy and a government official implements the ideals set for by the opposite party, PayGo, where we do not implement more spending if we have no money, but hey, money just grows on trees.
The truth is, most don't want the truth. They want someone to blame for everything. I'm done with this post, and concede that you can't have an honest debate when those you debate are not honest. It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
But it was kind of fun...
Go Cubs!
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
By SEAN MURPHY and TIM TALLEY, Associated Press Writer Sean Murphy And Tim Talley, Associated Press Writer – Tue Apr 13, 8:54 pm ET
OKLAHOMA CITY – A Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor who endorsed the idea of a state citizen militia is retreating from his earlier position that the force would be used to oppose the federal government.
State Sen. Randy Brogdon said Tuesday that a militia would instead be used as an auxiliary state force during emergencies because the Oklahoma National Guard falls under federal control.
Brogdon was among some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature and tea party leaders who had said creating a new volunteer militia could help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.
Tea party movement leaders say they've discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
So you say violence isn't the answer yet make excuses for people forming armed militia's at the sole reason which you say below - they won't listen to your particular opinions and perspectives? We have every method available in our nation to change our leaders (nationally or locally) - become active and organize. This is how every and any political campaign has become powerful in our history. Picking up arms is merely a cop-out.
No, violence is not the answer. What is the answer when our officials don't listen to the people and they decide to implement their segregated will on the people?
Also, you ramble on vaguely throughout most of this post - yet at the same point say the below, which actually sums up quite well most of what you've posted throughout this thread.
It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I'm beginning to wonder if we should just let these morons secede, and take the entire group of right wing teabagger states with them.
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
Something tells me that if this were to happen, it would very much resemble North and South Korea. The redneck teabagging idiots ignoring the needs of thier people to build arms(N.Korea)....all the while the progressives spending their money on infrastructure and health care(S.Korea). Those racist idiots can have all the arms in the world....but we will still be way more powerful.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I'm beginning to wonder if we should just let these morons secede, and take the entire group of right wing teabagger states with them.
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
Um California is already going down the toilet because of control spending and Big Government. I would love it if all of you leftist could have your own state or states,but all of you would just bankrupt it like you have California then you would come to our side of the country like abunch of damn locust and fuck our side up.
Um California is already going down the toilet because of control spending and Big Government. I would love it if all of you leftist could have your own state or states,but all of you would just bankrupt it like you have California then you would come to our side of the country like abunch of damn locust and fuck our side up.
hey its picasso painting with the wide brush again... really is there any way of proving this is what would happen?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I am a bit confused by your comments and please quit generalizing about "the left"... it merely detracts from any point you could be making.
Are you saying that big government and budgeting being capped is a bad thing? If so, the alternative is merely large deficits which pile up debt over long periods.
Um California is already going down the toilet because of control spending and Big Government. I would love it if all of you leftist could have your own state or states,but all of you would just bankrupt it like you have California then you would come to our side of the country like abunch of damn locust and fuck our side up.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
I'm beginning to wonder if we should just let these morons secede, and take the entire group of right wing teabagger states with them.
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
Um California is already going down the toilet because of control spending and Big Government. I would love it if all of you leftist could have your own state or states,but all of you would just bankrupt it like you have California then you would come to our side of the country like abunch of damn locust and fuck our side up.
Because "your side" (whatever the hell that means) is doing so well, how do you explain that most of the states who spend more federal money then they generate are red states?
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
OMG !!! I'll bet it's one of those right handed leftest hillbilly redneck guy's with a American flag
and top secret flair gun that shoots at the other side.
OMG !!! I'll bet it's one of those right handed leftest hillbilly redneck guy's with a American flag
and top secret flair gun that shoots at the other side.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
No, violence is not the answer. What is the answer when our officials don't listen to the people and they decide to implement their segregated will on the people? 90% of these posts are based on assumption and pure discontent for those who you disagree with, and with that, I rest my case...as far as a senator standing in the way for extending unemployment, did I really read that? Oh, I get it, another case for action with no comprehension of the cause. It's reported that a Republican said no to extending unemployment, that's it! Just that he is a Republican and he said "no" to people.
OK, now the why...
WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! WE ARE BROKE. About 5 states ready to file for bankruptsy and a government official implements the ideals set for by the opposite party, PayGo, where we do not implement more spending if we have no money, but hey, money just grows on trees.
The truth is, most don't want the truth. They want someone to blame for everything. I'm done with this post, and concede that you can't have an honest debate when those you debate are not honest. It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
But it was kind of fun...
Go Cubs!
Yeah, I'm gonna tell my tale come on,
Come on, give a listen
Cause I was born lonely down by the riverside
Learned to spin fortune wheels, and throw dice
And I was just thirteen when I had to leave home
Knew I couldn't stick around, I had to roam
Ain't good looking, but you know I ain't shy
Ain't afraid to look it girl, hear me out
So if you need some lovin, and you need it right away
Take a little time out, and maybe I'll stay
But I got to ramble (ramblin' man)
Oh I got to gamble (gamblin' man)
Got to got to ramble (ramblin' man)
I was born a ramblin' gamblin' man
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah alright here we go now now
I'm out of money, cause you know I need some
I ain't around to love you now, and I gotta run
Gotta keep moving, never gonna slow down
You can have your funky world, see you 'round
A couple of points: Did you even read the post or did you just see that I disagreed with your analysis so you decided to take an elitist attitude.
You say a couple of interesting things in one post in particutlar: you say I don't know what they are so pissed about, then you say, "I think", as an opinion! So you are in essance acting out what you accuse!
So when you're checking out CNN, when you're on your knees, sitting in your bucket to catch what leaks out of your spongy comprehension, do you think that these are just rowled up people just because Obama is in the White House; Do you ever listen, think, or anything but nod and say, "uh huh", and "fuck those tea baggin' backwoods, inbread, lowest common denominators of flacid wastes of space bags of bones"?
And man, if I didn't get another reversed racism comment...think of that one on your own? I wonder why there still racist, someone disagrees with someone on content alone, and just because Obama's black, you disagree with him, you're a racist? What ever happend to thinking??? And I love the generalizing!!! How awesome is that? 1 is all the same? There's no individual thought process with similar values, coming together to be heard as one voice...And a story, a story written by someone with ideals and preformed values writes an article (not saying right or wrong, just that this person has a mind, and he implements thought into words on paper) about a malitia, to be decided in a room by politicians, and look how it's spelled out, every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way! Oh, and I really like the comment about our forefathers, the one where you could swear that that person was there. I know this is unpopular thinking in circles around hear, but I'm glad that some people had the courage to not parlay to the thinking of the populous. Makes me damn proud to be honest.
:thumbup: I like your post, I think that people get a little too comfortable with their American way of life
and thinking and either don't know or forget what it took to make America a free country, my thought on that
is that we could loose that freedom if it is not protected always.
disagreement is what started the civil war these two have everything in common, the dates have changed
but the Idea's are the same.
the best line of this incoherent ramble...
every tea party goer is a packin' pissed off ball of rage just ready to blast anyone in the face who stands in there way!
Next you'll be bring up the Crusades and the War of 1812 as examples of how super duper the teabaggers are...
here and now, my friend...here and now...
But what's that idea really? If you feel wronged, grab a gun and take whatever you feel you aren't getting?
That's seems to me to be the "idea" here.
My stance would be that the moment you reach for the gun, you've basically lost, protecting freedom-wise. There may be rare exceptions under extreme totalitarian rule where that is not the case, but it applies to all modern, open countries. (and yes, the US is definitely without a doubt in that category) Few or none real changes have ever happened through violence. Real changes happen over time and through ideas and behaviours. Violence (or threat of it) just shakes things up a bit right now.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
guy's don't get too riled up I'm not even sure what a teabagger is,you guy's can handle thing's the way you wish,this country has fought war's so you can have that freedom...or dose that matter anymore since we are in the here and now ?
Anyone care to discuss this question? No one has touched it...
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
police officer's are payed to up hold state and federal law's and if one of those laws interferes with your freedom then that just too bad....right ?
like I said do as you wish it's your life and if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.
yeah, too bad...that's how things work...christ, is it that hard...?
suddenly everyone is an anarchist...I love it...
Why is it ok to merit people who's first instinct to disagreement with policy is to arm themselves, form militia's and potentially threaten violence? How is this a rational, logical practice when we live in a society where no such tyrannies object us from changing everything around us? Please explain this simple fact. The reality is, as you claim "if you like being led around by the nose then good,so be it.", is not justification for rebellion, but merely a lunatic's extremist response to disagreement with policy and practice.
I for one hope none of these militia members vote or participate in government at any level, because it would only show their hypocrisy. If they participate in our system, it shows they believe they can fix it with justified, normal methods, but simply prefer threats of violence instead which is what the heart of this issue deals with.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
there are leeders and followers and we need both. it would not matter what i said to you all
I would be wrong , and you to me so.... good night gracie.
just move to canada
That way, we in states like California, New York, Illinois, Massachussetts and Michigan can have real democracy, instead of being told what to do by a Senator from Kentucky or Oklahoma, whose states have a population less than that of Greater Los Angeles or the New York City area. How the hell does Jim Bunning or Tom Coburn get away with denying unemployment benefits to the desperately needy people in California and the rest of the country? If they want to flush their states down the toilet, why do they have to drag the rest of us down with them?
We can also stop being such a massive war machine, and therefore concentrate on actually taking care of our people first instead of butting into other nations' business. If Israel wants weapons to oppress Palestinians, they can buy them from someone else. We can fund Medicare for all instead of Welfare for Corporations.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
OK, now the why...
WE HAVE NO MONEY!!! WE ARE BROKE. About 5 states ready to file for bankruptsy and a government official implements the ideals set for by the opposite party, PayGo, where we do not implement more spending if we have no money, but hey, money just grows on trees.
The truth is, most don't want the truth. They want someone to blame for everything. I'm done with this post, and concede that you can't have an honest debate when those you debate are not honest. It's amazing how consistently vague and vulgar hate can be.
But it was kind of fun...
Go Cubs!
who are you even talking to?? we have a quote feature on here so everyone knows who you are addressing...
and yes it is the republicans stalling the unemployment benefits...same as jim bunning, by himself, last month when he is retiring and will never held accountable in an election. these people are delaying things because they CAN and for no other purpose. they turn their backs and FUCK WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE OUT OF WORK AND HAVE MORTGAGES TO PAY AND WILL LOSE THEIR HOMES WITHOUT THESE BENEFITS!! so fuck jim bunning and the other republicans in the senate for playing politics with peoples' lives.
but back to my original point of this thread, it looks like this idea of a state sponsored militia is losing favor in oklahoma, so that is good...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Okla. lawmaker changes tone of militia support
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100414/ap_ ... ty_militia
By SEAN MURPHY and TIM TALLEY, Associated Press Writer Sean Murphy And Tim Talley, Associated Press Writer – Tue Apr 13, 8:54 pm ET
OKLAHOMA CITY – A Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor who endorsed the idea of a state citizen militia is retreating from his earlier position that the force would be used to oppose the federal government.
State Sen. Randy Brogdon said Tuesday that a militia would instead be used as an auxiliary state force during emergencies because the Oklahoma National Guard falls under federal control.
Brogdon was among some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature and tea party leaders who had said creating a new volunteer militia could help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.
Tea party movement leaders say they've discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Also, you ramble on vaguely throughout most of this post - yet at the same point say the below, which actually sums up quite well most of what you've posted throughout this thread.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Something tells me that if this were to happen, it would very much resemble North and South Korea. The redneck teabagging idiots ignoring the needs of thier people to build arms(N.Korea)....all the while the progressives spending their money on infrastructure and health care(S.Korea). Those racist idiots can have all the arms in the world....but we will still be way more powerful.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Um California is already going down the toilet because of control spending and Big Government. I would love it if all of you leftist could have your own state or states,but all of you would just bankrupt it like you have California then you would come to our side of the country like abunch of damn locust and fuck our side up.
hey its picasso painting with the wide brush again... really is there any way of proving this is what would happen?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Are you saying that big government and budgeting being capped is a bad thing? If so, the alternative is merely large deficits which pile up debt over long periods.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Because "your side" (whatever the hell that means) is doing so well, how do you explain that most of the states who spend more federal money then they generate are red states?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
and top secret flair gun that shoots at the other side.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/04/15/midw ... tml?hpt=T2
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Yeah, I'm gonna tell my tale come on,
Come on, give a listen
Cause I was born lonely down by the riverside
Learned to spin fortune wheels, and throw dice
And I was just thirteen when I had to leave home
Knew I couldn't stick around, I had to roam
Ain't good looking, but you know I ain't shy
Ain't afraid to look it girl, hear me out
So if you need some lovin, and you need it right away
Take a little time out, and maybe I'll stay
But I got to ramble (ramblin' man)
Oh I got to gamble (gamblin' man)
Got to got to ramble (ramblin' man)
I was born a ramblin' gamblin' man
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah alright here we go now now
I'm out of money, cause you know I need some
I ain't around to love you now, and I gotta run
Gotta keep moving, never gonna slow down
You can have your funky world, see you 'round