Nightmare on Elm Street 2010

Anyone seen it yet?
Friend of mine (big film buff) wants to go and see it with me - knowing my love of the original.
Have they ruined it?
Friend of mine (big film buff) wants to go and see it with me - knowing my love of the original.
Have they ruined it?
Just a dude growing veg
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm interested to see what they have done with it. I hope we get a decent F.K. back story.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I haven't even seen the trailer! I only know about because a co-worker mentioned it yesterday!
Yeah, I know what you mean. I was 9 when the first one came out and remember watching it on my own on something I remember being called 'VHS'. I insisted on watching it in the dark too! Daft twat that I was.
Thank God they shelved the Poltergeist remake, for now at least.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
That's why I've stayed away from Clash of the Titans. You don't mess with Harryhausen!
See? Perfect example!
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
I agree, it was ruined before they ever began filming :(
what if they remake shitty 80's movies to make them better? just a thought.....
then we might see a Garbage Pail Kids remake or a CHUD remake.
i will still see Freddy in 2010.....
It's A Booooooooooy!
i'll see it sometime.
btw, how fuck would it have been if my mom & dad did go through with naming me Fred?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Holy crap!...CHUD?!
man, that's funny.
If they re-make the original Terminator, I'll throw an official tantrum.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
on a side note, i read a pretty good article talking about the current state of hollywood and how and why these remakes are getting done, and with no name actors. the economy has hurt everyone, movie companies included. like everyone else, the pressure is to do more with less and one of the ways to do that is to take (A) an established franchise and add to it (B) actors who don't require $25,000,000 paychecks. It simultaneously helps control costs and taps into an already established market.
It seems like everyone Hollywood lacks creativity to such an extent that they'll just spout out a re-make of any classic movie they can think of.
I'm still waiting for them to stoop to a new low and re-make "Weekend at Bernie's" :roll:
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Some actors should take a paycut....
Is it really going to hurt you to receive $10 million as opposed to $25 million?
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
no, but i think the thought process is......"i'm crispin glover, and by ME being in this movie alone.... it will make a lot of money. since i'm the talent, i should make the money." i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that theory, its the same one used by professional athletes who also make exuberant amounts of cash... you have to pay the talent, bottom line. but i'm sure there's a lot of egos that's involved. "hey, you paid tom wilson $20 million for his last movie, so pony up, or i'm heading to New Line to work on their film." exaggeration? sure. but don't think there's not egos involved.
on one hand, i think its great that these companies are starting to realize this a bit and maybe someday it does help drive the costs down and then it won't cost a family of five $75 to go to a movie. probably not, but at least its a start.
anyways, modern horror films are garbage and rubbish. huge body counts and lots of blood really doesnt equal scary. the modern horror films that have made an impact on me, blair witch, open water, house of the devil, house of 1000 corpses, devils rejects, wolf creek, hostel, paranormal activity.
all these with the exception of hostel really arent heavy on the blood and gore factor. its much more about tension. thats whats missing from nearly every modern horror flick. tension. scaring someone is a real art form. and it takes as i said more than some blood and dead bodies to pull it off. most modern horror films just arent scary, flat out. there is a reason why the new trend the past few years has been to remake the classics, texas chainsaw, last house on the left, hills have eyes etc... Those are the classics, the perfect horror films if you will. And again, even those, arent full of blood and gore. they are scary as hell, but the tension seals the deal. the girl screaming bloody murder for what is it like 5 minutes in the original texas chainsaw massacre, when she is at the dinner table with leatherfaces family, thats about as scary as any body and blood in modern horror. and the film open water was brilliant in large part because we are left to wonder ourselves what happened, same with blair witch. we arent spoonfed answers in these two films. what happened is up to us, any ending a director could come up will inevitably be critiqued and criticized, and people will say "its not scary", or "that was stupid". With open ending, more psychological horror films, like blair witch, like open water the viewers imaginations create the endings, and our own imaginations are often far scarier places than any thing a director might put on screen.
what the hell happened after heather dropped the camera in blair witch? What happened to the couple in open water? those are questions that will keep one up at night.
What?! there's going to be a second Goonies??
Yeah, I see what you mean. But I still can't help get a little irritated when I hear of these talents getting a little excited about losing a couple mil.
It's not a good idea to complain about fame when all the peopel that watch you only see it as a privilege. :?
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
I agree with your point here. A lot of modern horror movies are just the same old crap. But, every once in a while a damn good horror movie will pop up. Like "Wolf Creek", good modern horror film. perhaps I'm too snobby, but I think a horror film is really dependent on it's premise...I mentioned The Terminator earlier, which some people may argue is not a horror film, I like to think that it is. The premise in that movie to me is pretty terrifying...
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Please tell me this isn't true!
That's what happens when you let a guy like Michael Bay get the rights to produce these movies. Why would anyone let a guy that looks like this:
touch anybody's work?
Just remember boys and girls, he also brought back the Jason franchise, and the worst is yet to come...he also has his name attached the The motherfucking Birds remake. :roll:
As of right now, no that's not true. Richard Donner had a sequel, but not everyone was signed on to do it...that was about 5 years ago, and he believes now that it'll never happen. As far as a long as Steven Spielberg is alive, it looks as that won't happen either.
But as with everything in Hollywood, nothing is sacred and anything can be taken over and made any day now...
They have even replicated the iconic scenes from the original (Nancy in the bath and his glove comes up from between her legs - the scene where she's on the bed and Freddy 'stretches' the wall above her - the scene where the blonde is tossed into the air whilst her boyfriend watches).
I guess they're using the term 'remake' quite literally.
Oh, and Freddy's voice is just wrong.
There seems to be a massive 80's 'thing' at the moment in the UK (don't know if it's reflected anywhere else in 10C land...).
They've made an A-Team film, remade TRON (WTF!?), there's a film out called Hot Tub Time Machine where the characters (including 80's ledge and hero John Cusack) travel back to the 80's. We've got a series of programmes due to be aired on the BBC about the 80's...
What next!?
Could have been a lot worse, but could have been so much better.