Canadian flag prank has California townsfolk seeing red
It was a prank people...get over yourselves, have them replace the flag and apologize. Why involve the cops more than you have to, people need to leave the cops for important things.
It was a prank people...get over yourselves, have them replace the flag and apologize. Why involve the cops more than you have to, people need to leave the cops for important things.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
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More than likely, they'll be fined, or made to do community service. Seems fair enough to me.
You got to spend it all.....
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No shit, the article states that it's a misdemeanor, the point is people need to chill and cops need to quit wasting time on minor disputes.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Agreed 100%. We fuckin rock, and we have real health care to boot.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Chill out ? :x :wtf: It was a 911 memorial..
F.U. :evil:
What if two Americans did this to one of your one of your flags ? I bet you would be singing a different tune.
and if your Healthcare is so great than why did this guy come here for heart surgery ?
and again one person anecdotal evidence does not make a comprehensive argument for or against any one healthcare system...don't make me bring back one of the several healthcare threads where you were made to look silly....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I Could care a less if someone did that to our flag, it's a piece of fuckin material, patriotism is in your heart, not on a flag. Most likely if that had happened here the police would been able to get an apology and them to pay for the flag and everyone would have been happy,
As for that guy, he's the premier of NFLD, he's a millionaire and decided to go to the Florida for his heart surgery, our system doesn't allow jumping the queue, he paid for it himself. He would have had the surgery in plenty of time here, he just choose to pay and get it quicker in the Florida. Yeah our system is good.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Well if its so good then why would he have had to wait ? How do you know he had pleanty of time? If he did then why didn't he wait ?
There's the difference. To you it's just a peice of material. To most Americans it's more than that. Except people like gimmenotruth who could give a shit. It symbolizes freedom and liberty. Our forefathers and some of our grand parents died fighting in WW2 for that flag. You canadians have never had to fight for anything as far as I know when it comes to defending your country, But I will give credit where credit is due. There are canadian forces fighting in the middle east.
Are you ignorant, we were in WW1 before you and WW2 before you, You are not helping the right wing cause, they already think you're ignorant.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Because he had the $$$$ to go to the states.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
ewwwwwwww. im so scared :roll: Dude I may look silly to you or to other people on here, But canada's healthcare system is not the liberal utopia that you think it is. Sure it may have it's perks in some cases,but just look at the stats. Go look at the survival rate if you get cancer,see how long you have to wait for certain procedures like MRI's or cat scans ect.. I could post link after link.
No Im not ignorant but we lost way more troops in WW2.
You think I give a shit what they think ? I know I will never change any hearts or minds in this place.
now stick to the issue please...
you should REALLY check your facts before you post on here. your ignorance of Canada's history is hilarious and you should probably not post about something you have no knowledge know what assuming does don't you?
the soldiers you spoke of did not die for the flag. most of them were drafted and died fighting for the intangible things that the flag represents. it is just a symbol. you carry whatever meaning you attach to that symbol in your heart. its a symbol the same as any sports team logo is a symbol. it may symbolize "freedom and liberty" to you, but to others it can symbolize things both great and sinister. i don't judge you for what you believe, and you should not judge anyone else for what they believe the flag represents...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
for example, if a track athlete has bilateral shin pain and you think they have a stress fracture, the test of choice following x ray would be an mri, but insurance will not pay for mris on both shins most of the time so you have to settle for ordering a bone scan, which is not as sensitive and only shows increased metabolic activity instead of the signal change you are looking for to make that diagnosis between stress reaction and stress fracture. and believe it or not, there is a difference in managing both of those in america the insurance companies are dictating what tests you can have and are also dictating and interfering with appropriate treatment. i see this happen at least twice a week. i can give you tons of examples about how things get denied, but you seem to know everything so i will not attempt to educate you...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Please by all means educate me. Maybe if you weren' such an a hole sometimes I might listen to what you have to say. I know our system has flaws,but im sorry I would not change it for canada's system. or a system like it.
That's not what I meant. What i meant was we lost more trrops in ww2 than we did ww1. Not we lost more than another country.and of course I don't want to loose any lives . I wish we had never had to fight in any of these wars.
if you would keep your system over canada's system that is your choice, but my choice is to trade mine for a system like theirs.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
well that's all good and everything ,but i hear a lot of stories from doctors that seem to think just the opposite from what you posted about that whole argument about tort reform. So who the hell am I suppose to believe ? A politician or a doctor ?
No your'e not a dumbass. I think what lukin meant was why didnt I mention WW1 along with WW2. I think that's what he meant. Fuck who knows it's kinda late.
okay I can agree on that..
I love how programmed you are to associate patriotism with militarism. It's so fucking obvious from an outsider's POV, but to you it's normal. Speaking generally; Canadians associate patriotism with hockey, doughnuts, beer, nature. Americans lean so quickly toward dying and fighting and defending and power symbols and war...
and...I shouldn't even address this, because it borders on the sickest form of patriotism - competing death tolls....but fuck dude, if we were talking ANY stat, I'd have to call you on the words PER CAPITA mean anything to you? can you seriously look at these stats and say "we lost more troops in WW2"....You realize we have less than 1/10th (that's .1 in metric
edit: read the rest of what you've posted, and I don't buy it, sorry...I don't understand your defense of confusing what lukin said or post emotionally and made another unreasoned statement.
and if its all about who lost the most men then I think Poland wins... Poland is therefore greater than the US. I hope prftclefts can cope with knowing that Poland lost more men per capita than his own country did... ergo all of Poland must be much more patriotic than him... he must be shamed by that... he should really move away.
anyway, back to the thread title... its a piece of material.
you guys and your love of flags crack me up... its beyond funny.
now here's a true flag.
Why didn't they just pop down to Walmart and buy one for $5 instead?
probably cuz they were waiting for them to be made in china ...
i'm not the kind of person that views things like flags to be the sacred pieces some do ... if there was no malice - then i think a slap on the wrist is cool but on the other hand i know a lot of people don't see it the same way so ultimately whatever the pranksters get in terms of punishment they will have to take ...
Im not comparing militarism with patriotism. All I meant was Our Flag means a lot to Us and different things to different people,and to a lot of people they think of all the struggles we have been through. or from the reveloutionary war to the attacks on 911, Or it could mean something entirly different to someone who came here from a different country to make a better life for them and their family. On the other hand we have people like this who don't like our flag or this country,yet they still choose to live here. ... poster.jpg
I wasn't comparing who lost more and when. Im sorry if that's the way you interpreted it,what i meant was we as americans lost more troops in WW2 than in WW1. And maybe Iam wrong about that and if I am than I misspoke,again just so we are clear I was not trying to say that we lost more trops than any other country. For what it's worth though one death is too many as far as I am concerned.
once Americans get over this bullshit, maybe we can get working on important things.
Wonder what the reporters families and the other innocents in Iraq that were gunned down think the flag stands for?
Screw per capita terms. How about the real numbers:
By that yard stick, the coolest cats in WW2 were Russia, Germany and China. Hell, Russia lost so many men that the russian demographic is skewed to this day with far more women than men.
As for the flag, it's just a flag. Bad taste on the part of the canadians, surely. Make them replace it, go right ahead. Throw in a fine for good measure in the size of what's the going rate for public urination or something.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965