what's tacky is that it was probably alcohol that got her knocked up in the first place, they should serve it to keep others drunk so that the viscious cycle of mandatory gift giving continues in the face of all condom manufacturers!
hey now!
this is my nephew's future wife we're talking about here! :evil:
i know, i know....kidding.....
and no, she's not knocked up. they actually are a very responsible couple, very smart in all ways. she probably looks at it from a efficiency pov, instead of well.....erm, tacky.
BD.....omg....that was priceless!
it's like a kiddie thank you...
and you bet.....quite a nice bridal registry....they have a wedding website.....and we DID, happily, buy a really nice gift. we do LOVE them, but yea.....manners are manners.
well blow me down and shiver me timbers
they have a wedding website
this is my nephew's future wife we're talking about here! :evil:
i know, i know....kidding.....
and no, she's not knocked up. they actually are a very responsible couple, very smart in all ways. she probably looks at it from a efficiency pov, instead of well.....erm, tacky.
what are their ages?
he's 28, she's 29.
they are a lovely couple.
this is the only negative i can say about her, at all.....well, her family is a little too politically conservative for me ....but then again, so is my oldest sister and my nephew. so yea.
and yes, exactly why i asked other people's thoughts, to see if as lizard said, this is a 'new thing'...as in a generational thing. i do think it is, but it still saddens me, b/c yes...i do still think it is a very tacky, and unthoughtful, practice.
decides2dream, did you receive a mailed invitation for the shower to your home?
i think i mentioned it earlier - the maid of honor hand-wrote out EACH invitation and accompanying envelope. i was actually surprised about that, very old school. :
Oh sorry - I must have missed it. I already said I thought it was tacky, but esp. now. If they can take the time (and they have the addresses already!) to handwrite invitations so they can GET PRESENTS, they can take the time to write addresses on the thank you notes.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
This would have to be one of the "new things" I dont agree with.
I understand that neccessity is the mother of invention, but does anyone else think that todays society has lost touch with the benefits of just doing, and instead has become irrationally compulsive about making everything easier?
decides2dream, did you receive a mailed invitation for the shower to your home?
i think i mentioned it earlier - the maid of honor hand-wrote out EACH invitation and accompanying envelope. i was actually surprised about that, very old school. :
Oh sorry - I must have missed it. I already said I thought it was tacky, but esp. now. If they can take the time (and they have the addresses already!) to handwrite invitations so they can GET PRESENTS, they can take the time to write addresses on the thank you notes.
no apologies necessary....
and yes, my thoughts exactly.
the maid of honor apparently went to all the trouble of hand-writing everything...so you bet...i think the bride can go to the 'trouble' of hand-writing thank yous, including the envelopes, to all the people who showed up for her non-alcoholic shower and brought her gifts!
This would have to be one of the "new things" I dont agree with.
I understand that necessity is the mother of invention, but does anyone else think that today's society has lost touch with the benefits of just doing, and instead has become irrationally compulsive about making everything easier?
if i ever get married, my best man is wearing the kool aid costume!!
and no alcohol?? traders joes - case of 2 buck chuck 24 bucks...everybody's happy
if you do get hitched i SO need an invitation!
and no kidding, 2 buck chuck is good. there are few things worse than attending a bad wedding, i went to one that was SO boring and staid and the food sucked even though i know they paid a TON of money for it. booooooooooo
oh HELL no. i would have filled out a card thanking them for being such bitches and left it for 'em. but that's just me
seriously though, how much of a lazy punk ass twit do you have to be ??
and don't EVEN get me started on there being no booze? so they're cheap on top of all that? what did they toast with? kool-aid? was this the best man?
well, it was only the bridal shower, not the wedding...i cannot even imagine a dry wedding. :shock:
and you didn't fill out your card, just addressed the envelope....but yes, glad to know i am not alone in feeling it's uber tacky, just too lazy.
and norm, sad to say, our trader joe's are not allowed to sell their cheap wine in our stores, no liquor allowed. tho this was in jersey, so idk if they have the same liquor laws as NY, but whatever. i agree with whoever said about letting me know no alcohol and could byob. bridal showers are tough enough, but sans alcohol? :wtf: haha.
went to my nephew's fiancee's bridal shower yesterday. firstly, no alcohol of any form was served :shock: ....that was new to me, and yea, not so fun. haha. bridal showers are tough enough to attend, but cold-stone sober, yikes. however, my query is about this:
there was a basket set up with envelopes and thank you cards in it. that's right, the actual thank you cards i assume that will be sent to all guests to thank them for their gifts, and each guest was meant to address their own envelope for their thank you card. :? :shock: :roll:
i'm sorry, i am all for efficiency and saving time, but cmon.....someone bought you a gift, i think you can manage to write out your own thank you card and address the envelope! hell, you can type up labels on your computer, hopefully have a master list of guests, do a mail merge, whatever. it's not like i expect a hand-written envelope, but to ask your guests to fill it out themselves, yea....utterly tacky in my book. me, my sis and my mom didn't do it.
Believe it or not I have never been to a bridal shower that served alcohol. I live in the Bible Belt. Bridal showers might be fun if alcohol was served. Or at least it would ease the pain.
I CANNOT BELIEVE that you were asked to address your own thank you card! Ha! I guess it could have been worse. You could have been asked to write the note on the inside.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
The card thing is tacky, but I'm not sure I've ever heard of a bridal shower around these parts serving alcohol. They're usually early in the day, aren't they? I guess if it were held in the evening I could see it.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
well, it was only the bridal shower, not the wedding...i cannot even imagine a dry wedding. :shock:
Ugh - tell me about it. Much of my mom's side of the family is in AA, so I was sober for both of my weddings.
In fact, the first wedding was completely dry, 'cause it was held at a state park, so no alcy was allowed anyway. It was waaaaay too quiet!
Back to topic: Having you address your own envelope is laughable. Seriously tacky. And - this is a new thing set on becoming a trend??? :roll:
Well, I hope I'm up for a job against this generation when they decide to ask their interviewers to fill out the return envelope of their thank you card for them.
i been to several showers where i had to address the envelope myself.
i was at a BABY shower this past saturday and there was PLENTY of alcohol flowing.
believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
well blow me down and shiver me timbers
they have a wedding website
i have a bamboo wedding testicle scratcher
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
he's 28, she's 29.
they are a lovely couple.
this is the only negative i can say about her, at all.....well, her family is a little too politically conservative for me
and yes, exactly why i asked other people's thoughts, to see if as lizard said, this is a 'new thing'...as in a generational thing. i do think it is, but it still saddens me, b/c yes...i do still think it is a very tacky, and unthoughtful, practice.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Oh sorry - I must have missed it. I already said I thought it was tacky, but esp. now. If they can take the time (and they have the addresses already!) to handwrite invitations so they can GET PRESENTS, they can take the time to write addresses on the thank you notes.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I understand that neccessity is the mother of invention, but does anyone else think that todays society has lost touch with the benefits of just doing, and instead has become irrationally compulsive about making everything easier?
Is there an app for this yet?
no apologies necessary....
and yes, my thoughts exactly.
the maid of honor apparently went to all the trouble of hand-writing everything...so you bet...i think the bride can go to the 'trouble' of hand-writing thank yous, including the envelopes, to all the people who showed up for her non-alcoholic shower
and that last line made me laugh.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Asking guests to fill out their own thank yous the epitome of tacky.
oh HELL no. i would have filled out a card thanking them for being such bitches and left it for 'em. but that's just me
and don't EVEN get me started on there being no booze? so they're cheap on top of all that? what did they toast with? kool-aid? was this the best man?
which actually would be cool as all hell, especially if he broke thru shit. but these lame-oids don't sound like they got that kinda flavor.
and no alcohol?? traders joes - case of 2 buck chuck 24 bucks...everybody's happy
and no kidding, 2 buck chuck is good. there are few things worse than attending a bad wedding, i went to one that was SO boring and staid and the food sucked even though i know they paid a TON of money for it. booooooooooo
well, it was only the bridal shower, not the wedding...i cannot even imagine a dry wedding. :shock:
and you didn't fill out your card, just addressed the envelope....but yes, glad to know i am not alone in feeling it's uber tacky, just too lazy.
and norm, sad to say, our trader joe's are not allowed to sell their cheap wine in our stores, no liquor allowed. tho this was in jersey, so idk if they have the same liquor laws as NY, but whatever. i agree with whoever said about letting me know no alcohol and could byob. bridal showers are tough enough, but sans alcohol? :wtf: haha.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
even still, yeah, very tacky! and if the bridal shower is that remedial, god knows what the wedding will be like lol
I CANNOT BELIEVE that you were asked to address your own thank you card! Ha! I guess it could have been worse. You could have been asked to write the note on the inside.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Ugh - tell me about it. Much of my mom's side of the family is in AA, so I was sober for both of my weddings.
In fact, the first wedding was completely dry, 'cause it was held at a state park, so no alcy was allowed anyway. It was waaaaay too quiet!
Back to topic: Having you address your own envelope is laughable. Seriously tacky. And - this is a new thing set on becoming a trend??? :roll:
Well, I hope I'm up for a job against this generation when they decide to ask their interviewers to fill out the return envelope of their thank you card for them.
i was at a BABY shower this past saturday and there was PLENTY of alcohol flowing.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!