
just curious what people may think.
went to my nephew's fiancee's bridal shower yesterday. firstly, no alcohol of any form was served :shock: ....that was new to me, and yea, not so fun. haha. bridal showers are tough enough to attend, but cold-stone sober, yikes. however, my query is about this:
there was a basket set up with envelopes and thank you cards in it. that's right, the actual thank you cards i assume that will be sent to all guests to thank them for their gifts, and each guest was meant to address their own envelope for their thank you card. :? :shock: :roll:
i'm sorry, i am all for efficiency and saving time, but cmon.....someone bought you a gift, i think you can manage to write out your own thank you card and address the envelope! hell, you can type up labels on your computer, hopefully have a master list of guests, do a mail merge, whatever. it's not like i expect a hand-written envelope, but to ask your guests to fill it out themselves, yea....utterly tacky in my book. me, my sis and my mom didn't do it.
went to my nephew's fiancee's bridal shower yesterday. firstly, no alcohol of any form was served :shock: ....that was new to me, and yea, not so fun. haha. bridal showers are tough enough to attend, but cold-stone sober, yikes. however, my query is about this:
there was a basket set up with envelopes and thank you cards in it. that's right, the actual thank you cards i assume that will be sent to all guests to thank them for their gifts, and each guest was meant to address their own envelope for their thank you card. :? :shock: :roll:
i'm sorry, i am all for efficiency and saving time, but cmon.....someone bought you a gift, i think you can manage to write out your own thank you card and address the envelope! hell, you can type up labels on your computer, hopefully have a master list of guests, do a mail merge, whatever. it's not like i expect a hand-written envelope, but to ask your guests to fill it out themselves, yea....utterly tacky in my book. me, my sis and my mom didn't do it.

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I am myself like you somehow
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
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And that's a capital T tacky...
and thank you...i was really surprised!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
No booze and filling out your own thank you cards.
Totally tacky
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
As far as the thank you card thing... Beyond tacky...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
in all honesty, this is my thought. i met her entire family at thanksgiving, and they ALL drank (my oldest sister, the one who is mother to said nephew, hosted thanksgiving) so i definitely think $$$. but ok, fine, i get it - bridesmaids are supposed to chip in for the shower, maybe they didn't have, or didn't want to, spend that cash. i don't really agree with that, but whatever.
glad everyone agrees on the tacky-factor for the cards tho, just wanted to verify i am not hopelessly out of touch with what is deemed 'acceptible' today, b/c yea....tacky!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
And the booze, I could never get through a shower without it. If its the money thing, then don't get it through the restaurant (or wherever its being held)- just buy it outside. That's a bit cheaper.
But no drinks... :evil:
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
oh yea, the maid of honor did do all that....and it's like, hello? she also (the moh) hand-wrote all the invites/envelopes....so someone, somewhere, has a master list of all our names/addys in attendance.
the shower was held in the bride's mother's home, so it was a VERY affordable shower.
believe me, both my sister and i were like wtf?! :wtf: :twisted:
glad most feel the same way tho. given my own sister, i wonder what she thought, b/c she was always the queen of perfect manners, but just shows...she's going to be a good mil and not say a word.
btw - we were never 'officially' asked to fill out the envelopes b/c we were an hour late. got hopelessly lost on our way, horrible directions from the evite site...so another guest filled us in.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The best shower I EVER went to was a baby shower, it was a Sunday and it was held at a local restaurant - so it was a brunch, with a bar, so cool.
Well, my girlfriend went into labor and never made it to the shower. Needless to say, the rest of us girls made a day of it and we were still celebrating about 11:00 that evening. It was football season and we must have hit three different bars that day and then ended up watching the Sunday night game too.
It was a blast.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I think you mentioned they wanted you to fill out just the addresses on the envelopes not the cards themselves, now if you had to make out your own thank you card that would be over the top tacky- filling out the envelope thats still a bit weird. Maybe a time crunch- is the wedding real soon maybe? just stretching for an explanation here.
But the card thing is ridiculous.
And that is coming from someone who just sent out 31 thank you cards.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I don't even drink, but I would certainly make booze available if it were my shower. Sheeeesh!!!
I was at a bridal shower this past weekend, and I was hitting that soda water like nobody's business, let me tell you.
And the envelopes?? Wow...
They also could have asked you to fill-in your name and type of gift on the thank you card to reduce their work-load even more.
In our wedding planning, we are trying to be consistent when we choose the level of quality for everything.
IMHO, all aspects of a wedding, no matter how swank or basic, shouldn't drastically vary.
If there was no alcohol what did you do?!?
Card thing not only tacky but rude!!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
what the fuck do i look like "your envelope filling out secretary?"
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i think i mentioned it earlier - the maid of honor hand-wrote out EACH invitation and accompanying envelope. i was actually surprised about that, very old school. for my sister's bridal shower a few years ago, i designed her invites on the computer, i input everyone's name/addys into my avery label program....so i did not hand-write a thing, tho i did put a lot of time/effort into designing the invitation and printing everything etc.
so hell yea.....i agree, just total laziness on the bride's part imo. tacky. and, the wedding is 2 months away, so plenty of time. hell, my bridal shower was one week before my wedding, and i hand-wrote all my thank-yous/envelopes and got em out in the post. it doesn't take that much time, cmon! :P
that is just beyond sad....
i do *get* it....oh, save time, so easy! but where is the forethought, the idea that yes.....it IS tacky to ask your guests to write out an envelope for the gifts they bothered to shop for and wrap to give to you?
as to the alcohol, i kinda figured the bridesmaids are simply watching their budget. i get it and understand. i didn't like it
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Thank you so much for the :fill in gift:. It will really come in handy. I'm sorry we did not have any alcohol at the bridal shower but I did not have the time to visit Costco in the short 3 months that this shower was being prepared. I hope to see you at the wedding. Please see the attached thank you card for the wedding which you need to fill in before the :2 weeks before wedding: and return so that I can make sure I do as little as possible
: Pre-stamped Signature:
PS - If ordering something from my bridal registry, please tell them your guest number :xxx: so it will be personal to me...
and then when you're done please feel free to kiss my fat fucking ass
them people are idiots
and i'd probably throw up at this bullshit wedding
thank god i am not invited
mr. harsh has spoken
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
hey now!
this is my nephew's future wife we're talking about here! :evil:
i know, i know....kidding.....
and no, she's not knocked up. they actually are a very responsible couple, very smart in all ways. she probably looks at it from a efficiency pov, instead of well.....erm, tacky.
BD.....omg....that was priceless!
it's like a kiddie thank you...
and you bet.....quite a nice bridal registry....they have a wedding website.....and we DID, happily, buy a really nice gift. we do LOVE them, but yea.....manners are manners.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
what are their ages?