t/a don't get your panties in a wad Bro, all I said was this is interesting and nothing more and on top of that wtf do really know about the personal life of nobama..you or me, all I did was post something I thought was interesting and never said I know this for fact but if you know different...for fact, please prove it beyond reasonable doubt instead of getting all wiggy about it,maybe you can dig something up on CNN after all they must be the true source on nobama knoledgie right
ez man not too many people really know what is going on in the nobama mind heart and home and I'll bet you and I ain't one of em.
t/a don't get your panties in a wad Bro, all I said was this is interesting and nothing more and on top of that wtf do really know about the personal life of nobama..you or me, all I did was post something I thought was interesting and never said I know this for fact but if you know different...for fact, please prove it beyond reasonable doubt instead of getting all wiggy about it,maybe you can dig something up on CNN after all they must be the true source on nobama knoledgie right
ez man not too many people really know what is going on in the nobama mind heart and home and I'll bet you and I ain't one of em.
so is it conceivable to you that obama is a muslim? how about santa claus?
don't you think that the vetting process for being president is pretty strict. don't you think that if he was a muslim it would be common knowledge like kennedy being roman catholic was common knowledge?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
t/a don't get your panties in a wad Bro, all I said was this is interesting and nothing more and on top of that wtf do really know about the personal life of nobama..you or me, all I did was post something I thought was interesting and never said I know this for fact but if you know different...for fact, please prove it beyond reasonable doubt instead of getting all wiggy about it,maybe you can dig something up on CNN after all they must be the true source on nobama knoledgie right
ez man not too many people really know what is going on in the nobama mind heart and home and I'll bet you and I ain't one of em.
so is it conceivable to you that obama is a muslim? how about Santa Claus?
don't you think that the vetting process for being president is pretty strict. don't you think that if he was a muslim it would be common knowledge like Kennedy being roman catholic was common knowledge?
Santa claus?...a muslim, sat it so !
I don't know the vetting process for being president, to tell you truth some times I wonder, it seems like a good ol' boy process of appointment..come to think of it there ain't too much that money and/or favor won't buy in the world today,look what we got stuck with in Cali for Governor. :shock:
You people are wacked!! Is there anybody here that is not an anti american terorists supporter that is pissed off about this?
you are directing your anger at the wrong people. direct your anger at the Bush Administration. they are the ones who messed up big time here.
and i say this often too you. i'm hoping one day it might sink in. being critical of ones government (past or present), does not make someone anti american.
No, suporting the release of an AlQaida member by blaming it on our president does. I don't give a fuck what we did to THIS DIRTBAG. They should've put a bullet between his eyes. I do not hold sympathy for AlQaida because I am blinded by Bush hatred.
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
thought this was interesting so cut and paste it
feel free to figure this one out.
If you check Obama's last trip over seas. His wife left just after their visit to France ,
as stated below. She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country.
Think about it. All pieces of the puzzle.
I was at a Blockbusters renting videos, and as I was going along the wall,
there was a video called "Obama". There were two ARAB men next to me. We
talked about Obama. I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home
following her visit in France, instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband...
They told me she couldn't go to Saudi Arabia , Turkey or Iraq!
I said "Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia , Turkey and Dubai ." They said that
Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law he would not be allowed to bring his wife
into countries that accept Sharia Law.
I just thought it was interesting that two Arabs at Blockbusters accept
the idea that we're being led by a Muslim who follows the Islamic creed.
They also said, that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .. It
was a signal to the Muslim world.
When I heard this it made sense to me, but there were also a couple
blank spots. So, I sent it to a friend who is a Middle Eastern Scholar and expert,
Dr. Jim Murk.
Here is his explanation that states a little more clearly what the Arabs at Blockbuster were saying.
"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically
oriented trip to any nation which practices shari'ah la, which includes
Saudi Arabia. That is why Obama left Michelle in Europe, or at home, when he
went to Arab countries. He knows Muslim protocol; this included his bowing
to the Saudi king.
Obama is regarded as a Muslim in these countries simply
because he was born to a Muslim father. Note that he has downplayed his
Christianity--even spoke of his Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus --by
not publicly joining a Christian church in D.C., but simply attending the
chapel or services at Camp David. He also played down the fact that the
United States is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the
largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense! He has also publicly
taken the part of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel. Finally, he
ignored the National Day of Prayer. He is bad news.
America is NOT a Christian Nation. Sure, the majority of its Citizens claim to be one of the many Christian sects... but, as a nation, we do not prescribe to one religion.
What is being stated above... is kinda scary. Replace 'Muslim' with 'Jew'... what's the difference? Does that mean there is also some sort of tainted stigma attached to a Jewish President... by Christians?
There is nothing in any of our laws that states our President must be Christian. And all of the 'Founding Fathers being Christians' arguements... that I am predicting will crop up soon... check your history books.
God is mentioned in our founding documents... not Jesus. God is not owned by the Christians. God is the same God of Judaism and Islam.
Finally... if we really ARE a Christian Nation... why don't we act more Christ-like?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
You people are wacked!! Is there anybody here that is not an anti american terorists supporter that is pissed off about this?
you are directing your anger at the wrong people. direct your anger at the Bush Administration. they are the ones who messed up big time here.
and i say this often too you. i'm hoping one day it might sink in. being critical of ones government (past or present), does not make someone anti american.
No, suporting the release of an AlQaida member by blaming it on our president does. I don't give a fuck what we did to THIS DIRTBAG. They should've put a bullet between his eyes. I do not hold sympathy for AlQaida because I am blinded by Bush hatred.
i don't see anyone here holding sympathy for Al Qaeda. not a single person. i see people critical of the Bush admin for creating the situation.
you say people are blinded by Bush hatred. incorrect. if you paid attention, you would see that the majority of people who post here have been critical of Gitmo period, and and plenty of people have been critical of Obama's handling of it too.
It would have been nice to just hear one person on this thread say they're pissed off, or call this guy a scum or a dirtbag. I personaly don't give a fuck what G.W ordered on this guy. We know what he did, we know he will try to do it again, and our federal court cut him loose. You all know where I stand and I know where you all stand so there's no sense in going around in circles about it. So hello....and goodbye.
It would have been nice to just hear one person on this thread say they're pissed off, or call this guy a scum or a dirtbag. I personaly don't give a fuck what G.W ordered on this guy. We know what he did, we know he will try to do it again, and our federal court cut him loose. You all know where I stand and I know where you all stand so there's no sense in going around in circles about it. So hello....and goodbye.
sorry man, if you want a thread where everyone is all lovey dovey and all agrees with each other i would try my hand in the porch....it just so happens that not all of us feel the same way you do...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
you are directing your anger at the wrong people. direct your anger at the Bush Administration. they are the ones who messed up big time here.
and i say this often too you. i'm hoping one day it might sink in. being critical of ones government (past or present), does not make someone anti american.
No, suporting the release of an AlQaida member by blaming it on our president does. I don't give a fuck what we did to THIS DIRTBAG. They should've put a bullet between his eyes. I do not hold sympathy for AlQaida because I am blinded by Bush hatred.
In Nottingham on wednesday there were a group of approx. one dozen orange jumpsuit clad protesters. 'Guantanamo No' the caption read. As it was a week day and not a saturday, the socialist worker bods were not out. The only corner of Cuba the Jack managed to hold onto. K S Mohammed will more likely than not be executed by an American court for his part in 9/11. Osama has already promised reprisals. Like it or not the age we live in is one of fear. But when has it not been? There has never been a point in history where the was no war going on somewhere in the world...violence maybe the last refuge of the man backed into a corner, but would you want sharia law in the US/UK/europe? I personally would not like to be stoned to death because I was a believer of a different faith than islam.
How I choose to feel is how I am...I will not lose my faith, It's an inside job today.
Manchester Aug 17th 2009
Hyde Park June 25th 2010
Manchester June 20th & 21st 2012
Leeds July 14th 2014
In Nottingham on wednesday there were a group of approx. one dozen orange jumpsuit clad protesters. 'Guantanamo No' the caption read. As it was a week day and not a saturday, the socialist worker bods were not out. The only corner of Cuba the Jack managed to hold onto. K S Mohammed will more likely than not be executed by an American court for his part in 9/11. Osama has already promised reprisals. Like it or not the age we live in is one of fear. But when has it not been? There has never been a point in history where the was no war going on somewhere in the world...violence maybe the last refuge of the man backed into a corner, but would you want sharia law in the US/UK/europe? I personally would not like to be stoned to death because I was a believer of a different faith than islam.
ya, fuck those Muslim assholes!!!! They're sooooo fucken evil..... :roll:
Islam & Muslims are not the problem. The particular branch of Islam, Wadi (originating in Saudi Arabi/Yemen) which is taught in certain madras' around the world and which some terrorist cells adhere to, is funded by the sale and trafficing of various things the world over, not least of which is the sale of narcotics, humans (into sweatshops/prostitution), illegal arms etc.
I think that every state/kingdom/federal republic has a basic responsibilty to it's citizens to provide a level of dignity that is being slowly eroded around the world. Be it in the west with euthinasia, heath care...or the developing world - womens rights, press freedom, infant vaccination...etc
Or in 'closed' countries like Iran/North Korea where people are persectued just because their desired way of life is different from the state or party line.
Little know fact - according to british press (channel four news) the FBI has started training it's agent's at quantico to use facebook to 'befriend' suspects on most wanted lists
How I choose to feel is how I am...I will not lose my faith, It's an inside job today.
Manchester Aug 17th 2009
Hyde Park June 25th 2010
Manchester June 20th & 21st 2012
Leeds July 14th 2014
Little know fact - according to british press (channel four news) the FBI has started training it's agent's at quantico to use facebook to 'befriend' suspects on most wanted lists
i don't think that's anything new. i would assume that it has been happening for as long as social networking sites have been in existance.
surely by now, everyone should have figured out that you don't put anything on the internet you don't want the whole world knowing.
It would have been nice to just hear one person on this thread say they're pissed off, or call this guy a scum or a dirtbag. I personaly don't give a fuck what G.W ordered on this guy. We know what he did, we know he will try to do it again, and our federal court cut him loose. You all know where I stand and I know where you all stand so there's no sense in going around in circles about it. So hello....and goodbye.
sorry man, if you want a thread where everyone is all lovey dovey and all agrees with each other i would try my hand in the porch....it just so happens that not all of us feel the same way you do...
Maybe if he had called the thread "Pisses off me this shit bitching"?
ez man not too many people really know what is going on in the nobama mind heart and home and I'll bet you and I ain't one of em.
don't you think that the vetting process for being president is pretty strict. don't you think that if he was a muslim it would be common knowledge like kennedy being roman catholic was common knowledge?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
that's funny
Santa claus?...a muslim, sat it so !
I don't know the vetting process for being president, to tell you truth some times I wonder, it seems like a good ol' boy process of appointment..come to think of it there ain't too much that money and/or favor won't buy in the world today,look what we got stuck with in Cali for Governor. :shock:
Who CIA bin laden???? Is that who you're worried about?? Come on godfather, know your "real" enemy...
America is NOT a Christian Nation. Sure, the majority of its Citizens claim to be one of the many Christian sects... but, as a nation, we do not prescribe to one religion.
What is being stated above... is kinda scary. Replace 'Muslim' with 'Jew'... what's the difference? Does that mean there is also some sort of tainted stigma attached to a Jewish President... by Christians?
There is nothing in any of our laws that states our President must be Christian. And all of the 'Founding Fathers being Christians' arguements... that I am predicting will crop up soon... check your history books.
God is mentioned in our founding documents... not Jesus. God is not owned by the Christians. God is the same God of Judaism and Islam.
Finally... if we really ARE a Christian Nation... why don't we act more Christ-like?
Hail, Hail!!!
so who is it ? this should be a great "who dun it"
you say people are blinded by Bush hatred. incorrect. if you paid attention, you would see that the majority of people who post here have been critical of Gitmo period, and and plenty of people have been critical of Obama's handling of it too.
is there anyone home?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
do Jesus proud!
Manchester Aug 17th 2009
Hyde Park June 25th 2010
Manchester June 20th & 21st 2012
Leeds July 14th 2014
ya, fuck those Muslim assholes!!!! They're sooooo fucken evil..... :roll:
I think that every state/kingdom/federal republic has a basic responsibilty to it's citizens to provide a level of dignity that is being slowly eroded around the world. Be it in the west with euthinasia, heath care...or the developing world - womens rights, press freedom, infant vaccination...etc
Or in 'closed' countries like Iran/North Korea where people are persectued just because their desired way of life is different from the state or party line.
Little know fact - according to british press (channel four news) the FBI has started training it's agent's at quantico to use facebook to 'befriend' suspects on most wanted lists
Manchester Aug 17th 2009
Hyde Park June 25th 2010
Manchester June 20th & 21st 2012
Leeds July 14th 2014
i don't think that's anything new. i would assume that it has been happening for as long as social networking sites have been in existance.
surely by now, everyone should have figured out that you don't put anything on the internet you don't want the whole world knowing.
Maybe if he had called the thread "Pisses off me this shit bitching"?