creation by evolution

God said let there be light and 14 billions years later, here we all are. At what point of our evolution did we cease to be soulless? When did God insert the soul? At what point did humans, having mastered the primal needs of food and shelter, have enough of a grasp on good and evil to be responsible for our eternal souls? At what point of our physical evolution did God sit back and say, "OK, close enough. Here is a soul. Now go do your best or worst, I'll see you when it's all over, and we'll chat"?
I mean really. I would like to know?
I mean really. I would like to know?
fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
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"what a long, strange trip it's been"
in my sober state i'll guess.........probably the time that humans invented the concept of organised religion. That's when it all went tits-up.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Well said, Jordy
I was just sitting back thinking everybody must be high today but me with all the topics going around.
well that's nice and open minded....
Why can't someone have blind faith? If someone wants to believe and develop a personal connection with a higher power why not let them?
I'm pretty sure you already know this, but just because someone believes in something with all their heart, that doesn't make it true. Every single one of us can "lay claim" to God. It amounts to jack and shit, but we can still do it.
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well it amounts to jack and shit to you, but if it amounts to something material to someone else...then what's the problem?
If religion builds and develops their spirit/moral reasoning in a healthy manner....then I say good for them.
Have all the faith you want, I too believe in a higher power. Just do not tell me that your way is the only way.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
but this reasoning should go for all theories; including atheism and people who believe purely in science.
Allow me to butcher a batman quote, if I may. I don't give a fuck what man-made religion you subscribe to, it's what you do that defines you. If you need to believe in a big white beard in the sky in order to do the right thing, then go for it. Still doesn't make it real.
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which is contradictory to saying you can't impose and beliefs on another person.
is reality the same in the science world versus the world of blind faith and spirituality?
look at the economy; it's something that is entirely created by human theories and only exists through blind faith, yet on a global scale a large majority of people believe in its existence even though there's no science that can prove it.
Creation by evolution took +/- 14 billion years. Creationists need to open their minds to science. I asked my southern baptist mother her opinion of this 35 years ago and she said simply that god's days must be longer than ours. Maybe this simple logic could help some creationists ease their way into accepting the real time wonder of it fucking all.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I'm with you on this one.. I dont believe in god or any religion for that matter, it's YOUR life, no ones going to save you when the going gets tough, except for yourself.. the decisions one makes in life, shapes who they are and their life, i guess i just don't get the hype? i like to think I am in 100% control of what i do in my life, and i don't like making decisions based on an old book of stories.
makes much more sense to live in the present tense
I totally agree with you both! To believe blindly in something that can never be proven makes absolutely no sense to me. Once our brains mature, we can comprehend that Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy aren't real, why is god any different (IMO). I know there will be some haters who will attack me for saying that!! Really I don't care what anyone chooses to believe its personal.
2012 watch it go to fire??
Do you, then believe all of the Mayan teachings?
Do you, for example, believe that humans were first made of mud, then wood, then amber before the flesh, blood, and bone variety we are now?
If so, then you can wait anxiously for 12/21/2012. I will choose not to loose any sleep over this, and trust me the bong will be dusted off to be sure.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
You've just turned the one hitter into a two hitter, my friend. If I make it to a third maybe I'll ponder over those questions... unless I get the munchies first. I do have priorities.
And why do I suddenly have this song in my head:
But having personal beliefs is nothing to do with organised religion imo - the two can coincide, but aint the same.
someone hinted at my point earlier - different doctrines/churches/whatever all fighting and hating and waging war in the name of the same bloke/lassie/deity (or Mr. A.N. Other to u & me)......i mean, whichever arsehole set the hole thing in motion has a lot to answer for.
That and the inventor of Hello Kitty. That shit is evil.
:? my head hurts. I think its time for bed. g'night.
it's ok dude.. at least Batman is real.
Even science takes faith in something that cannot be proven.
For example, most people would acknowledge that gravity is a concept that has been proven. But what if we woke up tomorrow and gravity doesn't exist anymore? Doesn't it take faith to believe that it will still be there?
And what's with all the comments about laying claim to God. I don't even know what that means.
And you can say what you want about religion and churches, but I know that many, many churches do a whole lot of good out in the world. Far too much good to simply be dismissed by close minded arrogance.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Science takes faith in something that cannot be proven? And your example is what if gravity was no longer present?!?!? umm, WHAT?
Even if this theoretical disaster should occur, don't you think scientists would be the first to give us tha basic understanding of why it happened...not a priest, monk, or nun? that is of course after all the scientists, nuns, and Pearl Jam fans were scooped up out of the atmosphere and given velcro shoes.
Many people in this thread are stating their beliefs. nothing wrong with that last I checked. And as I agree with many people in this thread, I dont think anyone here is bashing the good that your average church, synagog, etc. does. However, I dont think you can argue that religion hasnt been the catalyst for many wars and a lot of violence. There are more than two sides to this coin, of course.
CLose minded? I don't think so, I admit that I believe Batman is real.