Why do Conservatives deny Climate Change?



  • MrMerkinballMrMerkinball Posts: 1,978
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.
    This very quote has been used time and time again throughout history:

    "Prove it. Prove that the Sun doesn't revolve around the Earth"

    "Prove it. Prove that the Earth isn't flat"

    Even when staring cold had facts in the face, there will always be those who deny it because it represents a threat to their current existence,

    But even if I am wrong and you are right....isn't it a better way to live? Conserve, renew, re-use, plan for the future? It just seems smarter.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.
    This very quote has been used time and time again throughout history:

    "Prove it. Prove that the Sun doesn't revolve around the Earth"

    "Prove it. Prove that the Earth isn't flat"

    Even when staring cold had facts in the face, there will always be those who deny it because it represents a threat to their current existence,

    But even if I am wrong and you are right....isn't it a better way to live? Conserve, renew, re-use, plan for the future? It just seems smarter.

    DANG !!! I'm with Johnnyguitarwatson on the climate change issue but you are right about renew and re-use,
    the world can't be abused for ever but.. I think the tree hugger's take their cause a little to far a lot of times.

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.

    it's called climate change now because people assumed global warming meant that the weather was ONLY going to get hotter ... the reality is that the earth IS warming but the consequences aren't that the temperatures are going to rise everywhere ... the consequences are that we are playing with the world's climate - artifiically adjusting it resulting in more extreme variances in weather which may in turn cause some areas to go into a deep freeze or suffer drought or as we are seeing everywhere mass flooding ...

    there is plenty of proof out there ... it's not hard to find ... but you'll never find it googling "global warming is a fraud" ...

    i could explain it to ya - but you need to be open to understanding it ...

    and godfather - the thing with the environment is that it is all around us ... the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, etc ... take second hand smoke for instance ... it's the leading cause of lung cancer amongst patients who don't smoke ... that is an environmental issue ... breathing toxins causes cancer ... now, look at all the areas we introduce toxins into our environment from pesticides to waste run off to our detergents ... people don't really think when they develop respiratory illnesses or cancer or anything that it's an environmental problem but i assure you ... it is ...
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    polaris_x wrote:
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.

    it's called climate change now because people assumed global warming meant that the weather was ONLY going to get hotter ... the reality is that the earth IS warming but the consequences aren't that the temperatures are going to rise everywhere ... the consequences are that we are playing with the world's climate - artifiically adjusting it resulting in more extreme variances in weather which may in turn cause some areas to go into a deep freeze or suffer drought or as we are seeing everywhere mass flooding ...

    there is plenty of proof out there ... it's not hard to find ... but you'll never find it googling "global warming is a fraud" ...

    i could explain it to ya - but you need to be open to understanding it ...

    and godfather - the thing with the environment is that it is all around us ... the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, etc ... take second hand smoke for instance ... it's the leading cause of lung cancer amongst patients who don't smoke ... that is an environmental issue ... breathing toxins causes cancer ... now, look at all the areas we introduce toxins into our environment from pesticides to waste run off to our detergents ... people don't really think when they develop respiratory illnesses or cancer or anything that it's an environmental problem but i assure you ... it is ...

    no argument here, but I sill have hard time believing climate change is man made.

  • Stypo420Stypo420 Posts: 519
    Godfather. wrote:
    no argument here, but I sill have hard time believing climate change is man made.


    so you agree that man made things may be causeing ilness because of there presents around us (enviormental) but you don't think those effects stretch beyond effecting humans? As in climate change dosen't exsit? or it does but it's naturel and not caused by man?

    is there something I'm missing?
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    lgoose420 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    no argument here, but I sill have hard time believing climate change is man made.


    so you agree that man made things may be causeing ilness because of there presents around us (enviormental) but you don't think those effects stretch beyond effecting humans? As in climate change dosen't exsit? or it does but it's naturel and not caused by man?

    is there something I'm missing?

    yes it's natural in my opinion and not man made, it is as it's been for million's of years..ever changing.
    I don't think your missing anything, I believe what I do and you believe as you do, there is no proof that I have heard that man has changed the climate but as you say there is and no matter who is wrong or right it is what it is and arguing will not change the climate to what we want or need.

  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,294
    Again, I think the jury is still out on climate change but he is another debunk.

    http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andr ... _your_eyes
  • Stypo420Stypo420 Posts: 519
    Godfather. wrote:
    lgoose420 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    no argument here, but I sill have hard time believing climate change is man made.


    so you agree that man made things may be causeing ilness because of there presents around us (enviormental) but you don't think those effects stretch beyond effecting humans? As in climate change dosen't exsit? or it does but it's naturel and not caused by man?

    is there something I'm missing?

    yes it's natural in my opinion and not man made, it is as it's been for million's of years..ever changing.
    I don't think your missing anything, I believe what I do and you believe as you do, there is no proof that I have heard that man has changed the climate but as you say there is and no matter who is wrong or right it is what it is and arguing will not change the climate to what we want or need.


    Fair enough I'm all for everyone being able to have there own thoughts. I just think it is blind to say there is no proof. When scientific evidence does exist, in fact as I'm sure other mentioned it exists for both sides. I just tend to listen to the people not being paid by the oil industry to have a particular conclusion come out of their work. So there is plenty of evidence it is just weather you choose to be rational or turn a blind eye to it. I prefer the Big Picture that includes major industries buying off scientists to create there own narrative all you have to do is follow the money.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Godfather. wrote:
    yes it's natural in my opinion and not man made, it is as it's been for million's of years..ever changing.
    I don't think your missing anything, I believe what I do and you believe as you do, there is no proof that I have heard that man has changed the climate but as you say there is and no matter who is wrong or right it is what it is and arguing will not change the climate to what we want or need.


    there is plenty of proof ... you just have to believe it instead of reading the links the PR machine puts for such as the thing shadowcast put out ...

    the jury is NOT out ont his matter ... it's widely accepted as fact amongst much of the world now ... the only holdouts are people who still listen to right wing propaganda machines ...
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    blind or open eye, who really has what ?
    what I mean by that is who can we really believe because the money flows in both directions
    and I think that money is a great mind changer...eye closer/eye opener.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    it's widely "accepted as fact" amongst much of the world now......now that's a great sales job well done,
    guess who got the most money, :D

    sorry guy's I just have a hard time with this theory, do you all think that if the world completely stopped polluting our ocean's and air that the climate would stop changing ?, there is undeniable evidence that the climate has been changing long before man started polluting it,the earth is constantly changing and has been,one of the thing's that comes to mind is sea shells in the middle of the dessert along with fossils of prehistoric fish
    I know that sounds a little off the subject (dessert/fish) but it's all part of the ever changing earth and climate .I will give you all this...pollution ain't helping any.

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Godfather. wrote:
    it's widely "accepted as fact" amongst much of the world now......now that's a great sales job well done,
    guess who got the most money, :D

    sorry guy's I just have a hard time with this theory, do you all think that if the world completely stopped polluting our ocean's and air that the climate would stop changing ?, there is undeniable evidence that the climate has been changing long before man started polluting it,the earth is constantly changing and has been,one of the thing's that comes to mind is sea shells in the middle of the dessert along with fossils of prehistoric fish
    I know that sounds a little off the subject (dessert/fish) but it's all part of the ever changing earth and climate .I will give you all this...pollution ain't helping any.


    so ... you are of the belief that man cannot affect weather patterns? ... if so, ever hear of a greenhouse? ... in a greenhouse, we can grow plants that otherwise not grow based on the natural climate ... we can grow tomatoes in the winter because of greenhouses ... man affects the climate of a greenhouse to enable it to grow tomatoes ... that is essentially what we are doing with the world's climate ...
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    it's widely "accepted as fact" amongst much of the world now......now that's a great sales job well done,
    guess who got the most money, :D

    sorry guy's I just have a hard time with this theory, do you all think that if the world completely stopped polluting our ocean's and air that the climate would stop changing ?, there is undeniable evidence that the climate has been changing long before man started polluting it,the earth is constantly changing and has been,one of the thing's that comes to mind is sea shells in the middle of the dessert along with fossils of prehistoric fish
    I know that sounds a little off the subject (dessert/fish) but it's all part of the ever changing earth and climate .I will give you all this...pollution ain't helping any.


    so ... you are of the belief that man cannot affect weather patterns? ... if so, ever hear of a greenhouse? ... in a greenhouse, we can grow plants that otherwise not grow based on the natural climate ... we can grow tomatoes in the winter because of greenhouses ... man affects the climate of a greenhouse to enable it to grow tomatoes ... that is essentially what we are doing with the world's climate ...

    that's what they say but I don't believe it (greenhouse).

  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,294
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    it's widely "accepted as fact" amongst much of the world now......now that's a great sales job well done,
    guess who got the most money, :D

    sorry guy's I just have a hard time with this theory, do you all think that if the world completely stopped polluting our ocean's and air that the climate would stop changing ?, there is undeniable evidence that the climate has been changing long before man started polluting it,the earth is constantly changing and has been,one of the thing's that comes to mind is sea shells in the middle of the dessert along with fossils of prehistoric fish
    I know that sounds a little off the subject (dessert/fish) but it's all part of the ever changing earth and climate .I will give you all this...pollution ain't helping any.


    so ... you are of the belief that man cannot affect weather patterns? ... if so, ever hear of a greenhouse? ... in a greenhouse, we can grow plants that otherwise not grow based on the natural climate ... we can grow tomatoes in the winter because of greenhouses ... man affects the climate of a greenhouse to enable it to grow tomatoes ... that is essentially what we are doing with the world's climate ...

    Green houses are a lot easier to control than....uh....what do you call it..........THE Planet..
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    shadowcast wrote:
    Green houses are a lot easier to control than....uh....what do you call it..........THE Planet..

    exactly ... we can't control the climate but that is what is essentially happening ... by artificially warming the planet we are affecting the weather patterns ... hence the increase in extreme weather events such as the warmest winter on record, mass flooding, record snowfalls in the south ... etc ...
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,294
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    yes it's natural in my opinion and not man made, it is as it's been for million's of years..ever changing.
    I don't think your missing anything, I believe what I do and you believe as you do, there is no proof that I have heard that man has changed the climate but as you say there is and no matter who is wrong or right it is what it is and arguing will not change the climate to what we want or need.


    there is plenty of proof ... you just have to believe it instead of reading the links the PR machine puts for such as the thing shadowcast put out ...

    the jury is NOT out ont his matter ... it's widely accepted as fact amongst much of the world now ... the only holdouts are people who still listen to right wing propaganda machines ...

    Hey I am just putting out the other side’s point of view. These are not some crazy "Tea Baggers" putting this information out there. There are very smart individuals on both sides but there is not enough data on Earth because it formed 4.5 billon years ago. This solar system is going to do what it God Damn pleases in my book. I am still in the decision process and still do my share to help out the planet if that is the case. But I have to admit I am leaning to calling a "Bullshit" on man made Global Warming.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    shadowcast wrote:
    Hey I am just putting out the other side’s point of view. These are not some crazy "Tea Baggers" putting this information out there. There are very smart individuals on both sides but there is not enough data on Earth because it formed 4.5 billon years ago. This solar system is going to do what it God Damn pleases in my book. I am still in the decision process and still do my share to help out the planet if that is the case. But I have to admit I am leaning to calling a "Bullshit" on man made Global Warming.

    sorry but there is no credible person opposing this view right now ... the "smart" individuals posing as climate skeptics are all funded by PR firms and Conservative think tanks ... your earth is 4.5 billion years old talking point has been addressed long ago ... saying there isn't enough data is akin to suggesting gravity is also inconclusive because we have no record of it from 1 million years ago ...
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,294
    polaris_x wrote:
    shadowcast wrote:
    Hey I am just putting out the other side’s point of view. These are not some crazy "Tea Baggers" putting this information out there. There are very smart individuals on both sides but there is not enough data on Earth because it formed 4.5 billon years ago. This solar system is going to do what it God Damn pleases in my book. I am still in the decision process and still do my share to help out the planet if that is the case. But I have to admit I am leaning to calling a "Bullshit" on man made Global Warming.

    sorry but there is no credible person opposing this view right now ... the "smart" individuals posing as climate skeptics are all funded by PR firms and Conservative think tanks ... your earth is 4.5 billion years old talking point has been addressed long ago ... saying there isn't enough data is akin to suggesting gravity is also inconclusive because we have no record of it from 1 million years ago ...

    Were Dinosaurs here 160 millon years ago?

    But hey, I am all for this Global Warming fad/truth. Whatever makes us us ween ourselves off terrorist oil regimes and creating more jobs I am all for it. So if this is what it takes then Save the whales and our beach front properties!!!!!

    I have one more question and I am not being a smart ass I swear. I was reading the Farmers Almanac 81% accurate and they predicted the east coast getting slammed by snow. Does anyone any info on the accuracy of the Farmers Almanac?
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    polaris_x wrote:
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.

    it's called climate change now because people assumed global warming meant that the weather was ONLY going to get hotter ... the reality is that the earth IS warming but the consequences aren't that the temperatures are going to rise everywhere ... the consequences are that we are playing with the world's climate - artifiically adjusting it resulting in more extreme variances in weather which may in turn cause some areas to go into a deep freeze or suffer drought or as we are seeing everywhere mass flooding ...

    there is plenty of proof out there ... it's not hard to find ... but you'll never find it googling "global warming is a fraud" ...

    i could explain it to ya - but you need to be open to understanding it ...

    and godfather - the thing with the environment is that it is all around us ... the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, etc ... take second hand smoke for instance ... it's the leading cause of lung cancer amongst patients who don't smoke ... that is an environmental issue ... breathing toxins causes cancer ... now, look at all the areas we introduce toxins into our environment from pesticides to waste run off to our detergents ... people don't really think when they develop respiratory illnesses or cancer or anything that it's an environmental problem but i assure you ... it is ...
    haha so true
    "yeah come on guys, global WARMING doesn't exist... they've had snow in the UK and other places not known to usually have it, and millions of livestock have died in the worst winter in years to hit Mongolia.. and..."

    people are dense.
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    shadowcast wrote:
    Were Dinosaurs here 160 millon years ago?

    But hey, I am all for this Global Warming fad/truth. Whatever makes us us ween ourselves off terrorist oil regimes and creating more jobs I am all for it. So if this is what it takes then Save the whales and our beach front properties!!!!!

    I have one more question and I am not being a smart ass I swear. I was reading the Farmers Almanac 81% accurate and they predicted the east coast getting slammed by snow. Does anyone any info on the accuracy of the Farmers Almanac?

    the farmers almanac probably utilizes the same thing meteorologists use to forecast weather ... snow on the east coats could easily have been forecasted based on the presence of el nino this year ... which usually results in a suppression of low-pressure systems further south than normal ...
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955

    recycle, don't buy bottled water unless absolutely necessary, compost if you can, resuse as much as possible, take care of your forests, don't eat shark fin soup, buy local... etc etc.
    people who REFUSE THAT THE WORLD CAN LIVE BETTER if we just start being more RESPONSIBLE

    are idiots.
    so stop using "global warming is a fraud" as an excuse to idle your car.

    that is all.
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    polaris_x wrote:

    the farmers almanac probably utilizes the same thing meteorologists use to forecast weather ... snow on the east coats could easily have been forecasted based on the presence of el nino this year ... which usually results in a suppression of low-pressure systems further south than normal ...
    yes, but NOT used by Olympic organizers to foresee using the mountain closest to the pacific was a bad idea during el nino.... :lol:
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    haffajappa wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:

    the farmers almanac probably utilizes the same thing meteorologists use to forecast weather ... snow on the east coats could easily have been forecasted based on the presence of el nino this year ... which usually results in a suppression of low-pressure systems further south than normal ...
    yes, but NOT used by Olympic organizers to foresee using the mountain closest to the pacific was a bad idea during el nino.... :lol:

    they were too busy shutting down greek restaurants in town!
  • he still standshe still stands Posts: 2,835
    edited April 2010
    haffajappa wrote:

    Capitalists. They have a lot invested in this game and typically (not always) there have to be operational choices made in regards to $$$ vs. Environment. Also, if all consumers start thinking about coexisting and consuming only what they need, the economy will fail. Not only is that bad for jobs, it means that nice sum put away in the 401k won't be worth dick, so Mr. Capitalist won't be able to retire in Arizona and play golf until he wastes away his meaningless existence.
    Post edited by he still stands on
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    shadowcast wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    yes it's natural in my opinion and not man made, it is as it's been for million's of years..ever changing.
    I don't think your missing anything, I believe what I do and you believe as you do, there is no proof that I have heard that man has changed the climate but as you say there is and no matter who is wrong or right it is what it is and arguing will not change the climate to what we want or need.


    there is plenty of proof ... you just have to believe it instead of reading the links the PR machine puts for such as the thing shadowcast put out ...

    the jury is NOT out ont his matter ... it's widely accepted as fact amongst much of the world now ... the only holdouts are people who still listen to right wing propaganda machines ...

    Hey I am just putting out the other side’s point of view. These are not some crazy "Tea Baggers" putting this information out there. There are very smart individuals on both sides but there is not enough data on Earth because it formed 4.5 billon years ago. This solar system is going to do what it God Damn pleases in my book. I am still in the decision process and still do my share to help out the planet if that is the case. But I have to admit I am leaning to calling a "Bullshit" on man made Global Warming.

    I hear you, there is so much info out there supporting both side's that you need to look past what you read and make up your own mind.

  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    polaris_x wrote:
    haffajappa wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:

    the farmers almanac probably utilizes the same thing meteorologists use to forecast weather ... snow on the east coats could easily have been forecasted based on the presence of el nino this year ... which usually results in a suppression of low-pressure systems further south than normal ...
    yes, but NOT used by Olympic organizers to foresee using the mountain closest to the pacific was a bad idea during el nino.... :lol:

    they were too busy shutting down greek restaurants in town!
    HA yah that was ridiclous!
    like the bison burger thing and mcdonalds!
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    it is hard to be for business and for the environment at the same time. I don't think a lot of conservatives deny climate change, just the actual effect man has on it.
    I don't understand it all fully so i cannot comment one way or the other, but logically you would think we have some sort of effect on speeding up the process, but logic isn't always the best barometer.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    it is hard to be for business and for the environment at the same time. I don't think a lot of conservatives deny climate change, just the actual effect man has on it.
    I don't understand it all fully so i cannot comment one way or the other, but logically you would think we have some sort of effect on speeding up the process, but logic isn't always the best barometer.

    An economy based on the consumption of fixed resources will consume itself.

    It is in human's best interest to take our natural resources and their limited supply when considering world economy. We keep consuming fossil fuels, we will eventually run out, we consume ourselves. Thank those in power.
  • haffajappa wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:
    prove it. prove that man is causing global warming ...oh i mean climate change ...since thats what you are calling it now. in 10 years you'll be saying global cooling....it's all BS and just another way to fuck the middle class.

    it's called climate change now because people assumed global warming meant that the weather was ONLY going to get hotter ... the reality is that the earth IS warming but the consequences aren't that the temperatures are going to rise everywhere ... the consequences are that we are playing with the world's climate - artifiically adjusting it resulting in more extreme variances in weather which may in turn cause some areas to go into a deep freeze or suffer drought or as we are seeing everywhere mass flooding ...

    there is plenty of proof out there ... it's not hard to find ... but you'll never find it googling "global warming is a fraud" ...

    i could explain it to ya - but you need to be open to understanding it ...

    and godfather - the thing with the environment is that it is all around us ... the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, etc ... take second hand smoke for instance ... it's the leading cause of lung cancer amongst patients who don't smoke ... that is an environmental issue ... breathing toxins causes cancer ... now, look at all the areas we introduce toxins into our environment from pesticides to waste run off to our detergents ... people don't really think when they develop respiratory illnesses or cancer or anything that it's an environmental problem but i assure you ... it is ...
    haha so true

    "yeah come on guys, global WARMING doesn't exist... they've had snow in the UK and other places not known to usually have it, and millions of livestock have died in the worst winter in years to hit Mongolia.. and..."

    people are dense.

    People really are dense. funny seeing Global warming and coldest winter in years in the same sentence. Here in philly we just got over the most snow fall on record .... damn the global warming is brutal !
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