I wonder sometimes how I love the same band as everyone else.
I think the PJ boys, especially Mike, could one up a lot of these stories. You might not be listening to the right band.
hmm.. like Mike, I quit. Life has been good and the stories are much more respectful of who i want to be in life. I'm guessing he would agree to that too.
"Something stinks over there and it just won't go away. I think the damn cat is pissing in the corner."
thats a good one- would be hard to keep a straight face
Yeah...and I knew exactly why she was saying but I never flinched, never gave any inkling that I was going to admit anything and to this day I have not. It finally came out that she knew about it all this time a couple of months ago but even then I said nothing. Deny til you die....
That was the first time I had ever done such as that....I figured I would have done it at some point in my college years but never did. Of course, when that happened five years ago I was probably even more rowdy than I was during my college years
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
I wonder sometimes how I love the same band as everyone else.
I think the PJ boys, especially Mike, could one up a lot of these stories. You might not be listening to the right band.
hmm.. like Mike, I quit. Life has been good and the stories are much more respectful of who i want to be in life. I'm guessing he would agree to that too.
Those who wind up quitting usually have the greatest, craziest stories of all. C'mon, share, we won't judge you. Well, I might, but the rest are good people.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Those who wind up quitting usually have the greatest, craziest stories of all. C'mon, share, we won't judge you. Well, I might, but the rest are good people.
Sorry to disappoint but they were sooo terrible that I had to go to a hypnotist to erase my mind of the memories. Otherwise, I couldn't go on
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
First night in University Res... Drank about a bottle and a half of wine... Met a girl, she invites me to her room... I ask about he room-mate... The girl says 'Oh, she forgot her key, things will be ok!' So I was happy. We start hooking up, shirts are off, then I hear the door open and see the lights turn on. Of course instead of trying to make up some sort of explanation, my drunken head tries to make a joke by simply saying "Um... This is exactly what it looks like!"... I was told to leave shortly thereafter.
Good times.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Besides the times I blacked out and didn't remember anything, one time that comes to mind is when I was in the Navy in Jacksonville, FL, we went out drinking one night right before leaving on deployment and I got super hammered. At the gate to the base, we were stopped to show ID's to get back on base. I was passed out in the passengers seat and my buddy was hitting me to wake up and get my ID out. I was fumbling in my pockets for my ID (they were green back then, not white like now) and I pull out a piece of Doublemint gum cause all I saw was the green. So here is my drunk ass trying to get back on a military base with a stick of gum. So the guard asked me to step out of the vehicle. He was of spanish or mexican descent, I couldn't tell, so I said to my buddy driving, "I didn't know the Spanish re-took Florida."
Not funny.
He pulled me aside and searched my pockets for my ID and to add insult to injury while all this was happening, I threw up all over his shoes. The other guard actually started laughing which helped my case cause the guy wit puke on his boots was more embarrassed than pissed. Once he found out that I was of age to drink and was able to get on base with a valid ID, he told me to go back to my ship and sleep it off. Most of this was a haze for me while it was happening but the other 3 guys that were with me who weren't as drunk were more than happy to tell me about it the next day.
Hanging out with two friends in the wee hours of the night. We had some OJ and Everclear Grain Alcohol (Devil's Water). We went to Taco Bell with the drunken munchies. I got a chicken/cheese quesadilla. Got bakc to the hang out spot...got so blotto drunk that I vomited up all the quesadilla, which I couldnt eat to this day even if I wanted to, and if I still ate dead animals.
The real kicker though is that I went outside to urinate, got my goods out and began relieving myself....passed out, fell on my back, pissed all over myself.
My friend came out and found me out cold, covered in my own urine, dick in hand...next to a pile of half digested chicken quesadilla.
I haven't touched Everclear since. :?
did i not tell you to play cards nicely with youre friends and a couple of beers
Damn....I just wrote a few stories and then lost my connection.....I guess someone above it stopping me from looking like a complete loser.....thanks Kat.
Oh boy, which one to tell. The first one that comes to mind, I don't really want to share, but I will cause I don't know any of you.....hahaha.
It was the May 24 weekend (first big weekend in Canada to kick off a big drunk fest) started drinking in the early morning....continued all day long and into the wee hours of the morning. Don't know when I passed out, but woke up in the morning, me and the boys were going to a buddies cottage to meet him. In the car all we could smell was SHIT. Figuring someone has stepped in shit, we all checked our shoes and we were all clean. Get to buddy's cottage, I goto the bathroom to change and relize it was me that smelled like SHIT. At some point when I was passed out, I SHIT myself. I proceeded to clean up without letting the boys know it was me that smelt like shit. I took the pants and threw them in the bushes at the side of the house, hoping to never hear about it again. Then my buddy tells me his dad was cleaning up around the cottage seen a pair of pants in the bushes and thought some kid had died beside his cottage, untill upon closer inspection, found out it was just pants. We had a huge laugh when he told us about what his dad found.To this day they don't know it was me. Swear to god it is a true story
2005 - London
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1 2018 - Fenway 1&2 2022 - Hamilton, Toronto 2023 - Chicago 1&2 2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
Got one more I should share (not pround of it either, but who cares) Started drinking after a long day of roofing, continued to the bar. Last call comes around, me and my buddy order as many rum & cokes as we can with what money we have. Works out to be 8 rum & cokes a piece. We down them, get in the car to drive home (yeah not real smart, only 21 then) drop him off at his place. I continue home, getting tired, come to the stop light, next thing I'm being woke up by a cop. I fell a sleep at the light with my foot on the break. Needless to say, I got a DUI. Worst part was I was only a block from home. Best part, I never killed anyone and have never drove drunk again.
2005 - London
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1 2018 - Fenway 1&2 2022 - Hamilton, Toronto 2023 - Chicago 1&2 2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
I remember yelling at this girl i dont really like and then nothing/. Woke up the next morning and was told she spent the entire night in the bathroom crying. I apologized
ugh barcardi watermelon rum= still to this day cant deal with anything watermelon flavored!
i had a long walk back to my friends house from a party, i remember "taking a break" and laying down in someones front yard and then woke up the next morning and puked all over my boyfriends bed, wall and floor on my way to the bathroom. supposedly i had a fun time at the party, but the pictures from that night look more like a mess than a fun time. :?
damn rum, now i stick to beer, jager and most importantly the green for a good night :twisted:
This isn't my drunken story, but I'm nominating someone.
The guy behind me at the SLC Pearl Jam show last September puked all over my fucking back. I still don't know why I didn't turn and punch him in the face. I guess I was in such a good mood being at a PJ show that I was a bit understanding. Plus, I've been there.
That bastard should've bought me a t-shirt though. :evil:
If that happened to me, I think I would puke instantly.
I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream... If I knew where it was I would take you there.
I was stuck at a horrible hotel party with my girlfriend and about twenty of her girlfriends (I was 19 at the time and the only guy allowed at the party) and all they had to drink was Fresca and Absolut Citron...needless to say, I drank a ton of that crap and got to realizing I was gonna throw up, but I was sitting in this hotel suite's living room surrounded by all these girls, one of which was my cousin...so I decided there was no way in Hell I was gonna make it all the way to the door without puking everywhere, so I got the bright idea to throw up and hold it in my mouth, then calmly walk to the door, exit the room and find a nice little trash can in the hallway to puke into with a bit of privacy...so, I proceeded to throw up and it pretty much went all over me, I then got up, went out the door and threw up about eight more times as I was walking down the hallway of this hotel without even breaking stride...so much for the trash can idea...piles of vomit lining the hotel's hallway...I then managed to stumble over to a vending machine, fall down and throw up about five or six more times...once all the chundering was over, I stood up, promptly took a piss right on the fresh pile of puke, took off my shirt, put it in a trash can (oh, THERE'S the trash can!!!)...returned to the room, threw on a sweatshirt and laid off the booze...about ten minutes after I got back to the room, everyone started to crash and I brushed my teeth and hopped into bed with my girlfriend...she then proceeded to tear my sweatshirt off me, which, in turn, tore my freshly applied nipple ring out (fucking hell!) we then did the deed with about fifteen passed out girls spread out on the floor surrounding our bed......what a night...... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Oh to be so young and so fucking stupid
"No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
The last time when I was reallllly drunk and spewing was my 28th birthday which was nearly three years ago now....had a handful of beers, 5 jager shots in a row, a joint then got in a taxi to go to a concert I was really looking forward to seeing. I remember looking at the support act, buying a few more beers and that's it! I have photos of me dancing and watching the main gig but I can't remember a fucking thing. I have no idea what the band even looked like or even if they got on stage. I was soooo drunk. The next thing I remember is being in the taxi on my way home and somehow managing to hold my spew in. As a walked across my yard to my front door, I started spewing these massive projectile vomits but as I kept walking I was kinda of running into them with my long black skirt. My bf undressed me, threw me in the shower and continued on partying with all my mates at my house while I had fun straining to spew bile....over and over and over. My stomach was so sore!
Fucking jager! :x Fun though!
I don't vomit very often anymore....drink too much and too regularly. I do love a good spew story though....mine or someone elses. :thumbup:
i guess i was around 17 and a bunch of us went over to a friends house...all he had was peppermint schnapps in flask=size bottles...so there's about 6-7 of us in a circle just bullshitting and passing the schnapps...every time it gets to me i chugg it like it's water...all my friends were like "dude take it easy!"...i reply "what? it's just scope!" :roll:
so after we had gone through about the third or fourth bottle, i was pretty wasted and a bit belligerent (i'm usually a happy drunk but every once in a while weird things happen in my brain)...so somebody yanks my hat off my head and starts a game of keep away...well that just set me off...started pushing people, cussing them out...i get my hat back and storm out of the house toward my car...a couple friends calm me down and i go back inside...didn't last long as people started giving me shit for being a crankypants and that's it, i'm outta there!...i get to my car, puke in the street and take off
the next thing i remember is waking up in bed the next morning...to this day i don't remember how i got home
Alright...here's my worst drunk story... I don't know if its a good or bad thing that this didn't happen until the age of 29 ...
I was in Cuba about 2 months, and the culprit was Sex on the Beach (which is rare for me to drink to begin with, should have seen the outcome coming) we were in the hotel lobby bar, we started drinking at about 9pm. We were having a great time, and the drinks were going down way to good. We met a bunch of people and there was probably about 15 of us gathered in the lobby bar. The next few hours were great, we were laughing, telling stories and so on. Then, my memories get blurry. The next thing I know, its 6:30am...and I'm passed out on the lobby bar washroom floor, in a dress of course :roll:
Luckily I was with good company and was brought back to my room safely in one peice. The next morning I wake up, with a huge bruise on my forehead (I'm assuming I did a header into the bathroom door) and my dress is hanging on the balcony ( I was sick all over it). I had my camera with me the whole time so I could see the next day as I was looking through the pictures where things started going downhill, lol. Also, my friend had thought it would be hilarious to take pictures of me hanging over the toilet. That day I had people coming up to me saying "Hi Julie, how are you feeling today?" I had no idea who they were...
It was not my finest hour. And there were quite a few pictures on my camera that I had to tuck away for safe keeping :oops:
I was stuck at a horrible hotel party with my girlfriend and about twenty of her girlfriends (I was 19 at the time and the only guy allowed at the party) and all they had to drink was Fresca and Absolut Citron...needless to say, I drank a ton of that crap and got to realizing I was gonna throw up, but I was sitting in this hotel suite's living room surrounded by all these girls, one of which was my cousin...so I decided there was no way in Hell I was gonna make it all the way to the door without puking everywhere, so I got the bright idea to throw up and hold it in my mouth, then calmly walk to the door, exit the room and find a nice little trash can in the hallway to puke into with a bit of privacy...so, I proceeded to throw up and it pretty much went all over me, I then got up, went out the door and threw up about eight more times as I was walking down the hallway of this hotel without even breaking stride...so much for the trash can idea...piles of vomit lining the hotel's hallway...I then managed to stumble over to a vending machine, fall down and throw up about five or six more times...once all the chundering was over, I stood up, promptly took a piss right on the fresh pile of puke, took off my shirt, put it in a trash can (oh, THERE'S the trash can!!!)...returned to the room, threw on a sweatshirt and laid off the booze...about ten minutes after I got back to the room, everyone started to crash and I brushed my teeth and hopped into bed with my girlfriend...she then proceeded to tear my sweatshirt off me, which, in turn, tore my freshly applied nipple ring out (fucking hell!) we then did the deed with about fifteen passed out girls spread out on the floor surrounding our bed......what a night...... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Oh to be so young and so fucking stupid
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
I was 14 (yes I know ridiculously young) and needed some dutch courage to kiss my new bf. Chugged down a whole lotta gin - straight, then went off to meet him at the school dance. Felt fine until I walked into the dark dance hall. I don't remember much of that night - though everybody else still all these years later still like to reminise about it. Apparently I was all over him like a rash and the Monday at school all of his teachers were checking his neck for hickies and giving him high 5's. Must have worked well though cos we are still together 14 years later, though I have not touched gin since, even the smell of it
I used to work for a auto parts store and we went to a car audio suppliers product launch night. We were on really good terms with our company rep, and as soon as myself and the guys from work arrived, the rep told the bar staff that all our drinks were on his tab!!!!!! Woofreakinhoo!!! So we were slamming down bundy's like they were lolly water. We were all drunk by the time the information session started, great start for learning new products. Then when it was over we get in a maxi taxi and they had passes to some strip club.....we get there and they weren't open on a wednesday night! The guys were asking if I really wanted to go with them, to which my response was basically I'm going where the bar tab goes! So the only place they could find that open and sold alcohol was a very seeding strip joint in the valley called the Red Garter (all brisbanites will know this one!!!). Oh and they were the skankiest looking strippers out, so continued to get drunker and drunker. We left there at 4am the next morning in a cab, did a couple drop offs on the way and I was the last as I lived the furtherst away. So I had to pay the cab fare from my bosses house to my house (about 15 mins trip). That's ok.
Stubbled up the stairs home in bloody 4 inch heels, so drunk I couldn't get my house key in the lock, woke up my bf, who was far from impressed at the state I was in and the time it was. By this time it was 5.30am and I had to start work at 8am. Had a shower and a short snooze, still so drunk I couldn't drive to work, so the less than impressed bf had to drive me there. The whole way to work I had my head hanging out the window like a dog just for the fresh air. When I got to work the walls all looked blue, when really they were grey.
Couldn't go home because the store owner, store manager and the 2 other guys who all went were there hung over as well. We were all so sick that we had buckets behind the spare parts counter ready for us to spew into and we took turns in serving customers. One of the guys ended up staying at the front counter so he didn't have to walk anywhere, and we took turns at having sleeps in the audio fitting bay!
Then a few weeks later I got my bank statement and there was a wierd transaction that said to check my signed records WTF??? So I rang the bank got an investigation launched cos I had no idea wtf that was about. The day I got the letter from the bank apologising for the inconvenience and refunding that amount back to my account, I remembered it was the cab charge!!!
The bf never really liked me going out with the boys from work after that, and I never told him about the strip joint until about 4 years later when he took off from a wedding and got drunk and I found a coaster from the same strip joint on the floor when he got back...he started shiting his pants when I waived it in front of his drunk face.....then his jaw dropped when I told him it was the shittiest strip joint I'd ever been too!!!!!
Hanging out with two friends in the wee hours of the night. We had some OJ and Everclear Grain Alcohol (Devil's Water). We went to Taco Bell with the drunken munchies. I got a chicken/cheese quesadilla. Got bakc to the hang out spot...got so blotto drunk that I vomited up all the quesadilla, which I couldnt eat to this day even if I wanted to, and if I still ate dead animals.
The real kicker though is that I went outside to urinate, got my goods out and began relieving myself....passed out, fell on my back, pissed all over myself.
My friend came out and found me out cold, covered in my own urine, dick in hand...next to a pile of half digested chicken quesadilla.
I haven't touched Everclear since. :?
did i not tell you to play cards nicely with youre friends and a couple of beers
Where the hell were you to give my stupid ass advice from age 16-19?? I would've liked to avoid that alcohol ticket I got when I was 17.
7/2/06 - Denver, CO
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Well this is my second story I posted, gotta a million of em I'm sure. My daughter reminded me of this one- how could I forget, they won't let me
I put in a couple very small ponds next to our pool a couple seasons back, maybe one is 2 ft by 2ft or so the other a little bigger on the path that leads back to the house.
Anyways first weekend after I put them in I'm up there partying with husband, long night, lots of wine, weed and PJ. He puts out the torches- its dark and he knows I'm heading inside just ahead of him. He turns to follow and I hear him say "Where'd she go" and then "Oh my God are you ok?" I fell head first- face down into the smallest pond- it felt like putting my head in a toilet or something. Murky stinky water, I came up with a mouthful of mud and greens. The family laughs often at the thought of it, me too really, what were the chances of even hitting something so small? it basically just fit my face perfect :!:
Come to think of it now most of my stories involve falling down
oh yeah,like the time I lost my mini marshmellows on a snowy night in Georgia whilst enjoying a peppermint patty wandering the neighborhood 'nother story.
Well this is my second story I posted, gotta a million of em I'm sure. My daughter reminded me of this one- how could I forget, they won't let me
I put in a couple very small ponds next to our pool a couple seasons back, maybe one is 2 ft by 2ft or so the other a little bigger on the path that leads back to the house.
Anyways first weekend after I put them in I'm up there partying with husband, long night, lots of wine, weed and PJ. He puts out the torches- its dark and he knows I'm heading inside just ahead of him. He turns to follow and I hear him say "Where'd she go" and then "Oh my God are you ok?" I fell head first- face down into the smallest pond- it felt like putting my head in a toilet or something. Murky stinky water, I came up with a mouthful of mud and greens. The family laughs often at the thought of it, me too really, what were the chances of even hitting something so small? it basically just fit my face perfect :!:
Come to think of it now most of my stories involve falling down
oh yeah,like the time I lost my mini marshmellows on a snowy night in Georgia whilst enjoying a peppermint patty wandering the neighborhood 'nother story.
I bet everytime you walk past those ponds you can taste the slime!
I think the PJ boys, especially Mike, could one up a lot of these stories. You might not be listening to the right band.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
That was the first time I had ever done such as that....I figured I would have done it at some point in my college years but never did. Of course, when that happened five years ago I was probably even more rowdy than I was during my college years
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Those who wind up quitting usually have the greatest, craziest stories of all. C'mon, share, we won't judge you. Well, I might, but the rest are good people.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Good times.
Not funny.
He pulled me aside and searched my pockets for my ID and to add insult to injury while all this was happening, I threw up all over his shoes. The other guard actually started laughing which helped my case cause the guy wit puke on his boots was more embarrassed than pissed. Once he found out that I was of age to drink and was able to get on base with a valid ID, he told me to go back to my ship and sleep it off. Most of this was a haze for me while it was happening but the other 3 guys that were with me who weren't as drunk were more than happy to tell me about it the next day.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
It was the May 24 weekend (first big weekend in Canada to kick off a big drunk fest) started drinking in the early morning....continued all day long and into the wee hours of the morning. Don't know when I passed out, but woke up in the morning, me and the boys were going to a buddies cottage to meet him. In the car all we could smell was SHIT. Figuring someone has stepped in shit, we all checked our shoes and we were all clean. Get to buddy's cottage, I goto the bathroom to change and relize it was me that smelled like SHIT. At some point when I was passed out, I SHIT myself. I proceeded to clean up without letting the boys know it was me that smelt like shit. I took the pants and threw them in the bushes at the side of the house, hoping to never hear about it again. Then my buddy tells me his dad was cleaning up around the cottage seen a pair of pants in the bushes and thought some kid had died beside his cottage, untill upon closer inspection, found out it was just pants. We had a huge laugh when he told us about what his dad found.To this day they don't know it was me. Swear to god it is a true story
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
i had a long walk back to my friends house from a party, i remember "taking a break" and laying down in someones front yard and then woke up the next morning and puked all over my boyfriends bed, wall and floor on my way to the bathroom. supposedly i had a fun time at the party, but the pictures from that night look more like a mess than a fun time. :?
damn rum, now i stick to beer, jager and most importantly the green for a good night :twisted:
If that happened to me, I think I would puke instantly.
If I knew where it was I would take you there.
Fucking jager! :x Fun though!
I don't vomit very often anymore....drink too much and too regularly. I do love a good spew story though....mine or someone elses. :thumbup:
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
so after we had gone through about the third or fourth bottle, i was pretty wasted and a bit belligerent (i'm usually a happy drunk but every once in a while weird things happen in my brain)...so somebody yanks my hat off my head and starts a game of keep away...well that just set me off...started pushing people, cussing them out...i get my hat back and storm out of the house toward my car...a couple friends calm me down and i go back inside...didn't last long as people started giving me shit for being a crankypants and that's it, i'm outta there!...i get to my car, puke in the street and take off
the next thing i remember is waking up in bed the next morning...to this day i don't remember how i got home
not my finest hour
I was in Cuba about 2 months, and the culprit was Sex on the Beach (which is rare for me to drink to begin with, should have seen the outcome coming) we were in the hotel lobby bar, we started drinking at about 9pm. We were having a great time, and the drinks were going down way to good. We met a bunch of people and there was probably about 15 of us gathered in the lobby bar. The next few hours were great, we were laughing, telling stories and so on. Then, my memories get blurry. The next thing I know, its 6:30am...and I'm passed out on the lobby bar washroom floor, in a dress of course :roll:
Luckily I was with good company and was brought back to my room safely in one peice. The next morning I wake up, with a huge bruise on my forehead (I'm assuming I did a header into the bathroom door) and my dress is hanging on the balcony ( I was sick all over it). I had my camera with me the whole time so I could see the next day as I was looking through the pictures where things started going downhill, lol. Also, my friend had thought it would be hilarious to take pictures of me hanging over the toilet. That day I had people coming up to me saying "Hi Julie, how are you feeling today?" I had no idea who they were...
It was not my finest hour. And there were quite a few pictures on my camera that I had to tuck away for safe keeping :oops:
I feel the clap at the end is important.
I used to work for a auto parts store and we went to a car audio suppliers product launch night. We were on really good terms with our company rep, and as soon as myself and the guys from work arrived, the rep told the bar staff that all our drinks were on his tab!!!!!! Woofreakinhoo!!! So we were slamming down bundy's like they were lolly water. We were all drunk by the time the information session started, great start for learning new products. Then when it was over we get in a maxi taxi and they had passes to some strip club.....we get there and they weren't open on a wednesday night! The guys were asking if I really wanted to go with them, to which my response was basically I'm going where the bar tab goes! So the only place they could find that open and sold alcohol was a very seeding strip joint in the valley called the Red Garter (all brisbanites will know this one!!!). Oh and they were the skankiest looking strippers out, so continued to get drunker and drunker. We left there at 4am the next morning in a cab, did a couple drop offs on the way and I was the last as I lived the furtherst away. So I had to pay the cab fare from my bosses house to my house (about 15 mins trip). That's ok.
Stubbled up the stairs home in bloody 4 inch heels, so drunk I couldn't get my house key in the lock, woke up my bf, who was far from impressed at the state I was in and the time it was. By this time it was 5.30am and I had to start work at 8am. Had a shower and a short snooze, still so drunk I couldn't drive to work, so the less than impressed bf had to drive me there. The whole way to work I had my head hanging out the window like a dog just for the fresh air. When I got to work the walls all looked blue, when really they were grey.
Couldn't go home because the store owner, store manager and the 2 other guys who all went were there hung over as well. We were all so sick that we had buckets behind the spare parts counter ready for us to spew into and we took turns in serving customers. One of the guys ended up staying at the front counter so he didn't have to walk anywhere, and we took turns at having sleeps in the audio fitting bay!
Then a few weeks later I got my bank statement and there was a wierd transaction that said to check my signed records WTF??? So I rang the bank got an investigation launched cos I had no idea wtf that was about. The day I got the letter from the bank apologising for the inconvenience and refunding that amount back to my account, I remembered it was the cab charge!!!
The bf never really liked me going out with the boys from work after that, and I never told him about the strip joint until about 4 years later when he took off from a wedding and got drunk and I found a coaster from the same strip joint on the floor when he got back...he started shiting his pants when I waived it in front of his drunk face.....then his jaw dropped when I told him it was the shittiest strip joint I'd ever been too!!!!!
Where the hell were you to give my stupid ass advice from age 16-19?? I would've liked to avoid that alcohol ticket I got when I was 17.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
I put in a couple very small ponds next to our pool a couple seasons back, maybe one is 2 ft by 2ft or so the other a little bigger on the path that leads back to the house.
Anyways first weekend after I put them in I'm up there partying with husband, long night, lots of wine, weed and PJ. He puts out the torches- its dark and he knows I'm heading inside just ahead of him. He turns to follow and I hear him say "Where'd she go" and then "Oh my God are you ok?" I fell head first- face down into the smallest pond- it felt like putting my head in a toilet or something. Murky stinky water, I came up with a mouthful of mud and greens. The family laughs often at the thought of it, me too really, what were the chances of even hitting something so small? it basically just fit my face perfect :!:
Come to think of it now most of my stories involve falling down
oh yeah,like the time I lost my mini marshmellows on a snowy night in Georgia whilst enjoying a peppermint patty wandering the neighborhood