Stipe's influence on Vedder



  • WobbieWobbie Posts: 29,959
    norm wrote:
    They are both goofball dancers too!
    They are both goofball dancers too!

    ya think? :wtf: ... 8852065001

    check out Can't Get There From Here (page 2) for dancing

    ...and Radio Free Europe (page 2) for hair. :mrgreen:
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
    VIC 07
    EV LA1 08
    Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
    Columbus 10
    EV LA 11
    Vancouver 11
    Missoula 12
    Portland 13, Spokane 13
    St. Paul 14, Denver 14
    Philly I & II, 16
    Denver 22
  • locked wrote:

    Stipe and REM's sound/ song styles are in a totally different catgeory than Vedder / Pearl Jam.

    As a long time fan / concert go-er (bootleg collector of both) its clear to me that they have little in common other than most of the songs in each band's catalogue are centered primarily on the strength of the lead vocals.

    REM came out of the early 1980's "Indie" label scene (Like the Replacements, Throwing Muses, etc.) and leans more toward a sparse guitar melodic jangling sound... especially their early stuff.

    Pearl Jam came out of the early 1990's "Grunge" label scene, which in a way is the Seattle version of "Indie" but leans (very heavily IMO) on a heavy Metal / Hard Rock style in the vein of Led Zeppelin .
    Their song catalogue is bi-cameral in its focus on
    1) Hard rock / Punk
    2) Torch song / accoustic ballads

    Led Zeppelin was an innovator in this two-pronged song style and but relied more heavily on blues based numbers.

    Pearl Jam's hard rock songs are influenced by Ament, Stone & McCready's love of Led Zep, Hendrix, SRV, AC/ DC, Rolling Stones and Black Sabbath .

    Pearl Jam's accosutic stuff smacks of other infludences (Pete Townsend, James Taylor and Crowded House in particular).

    and I will assert that Eddie Vedder introduced a new style of rock vocals with the band's debut of "Ten" that was copied by some many poser bands in the grunge aftermath.

    nothing at all like Stipe's "confused / shy child" type vocals..

    I think locked's assessment of REM and PJ's influences has the ring of truth (and is really well-written). If I were to throw my 2cents in, according to Vedder (and I'm thinking of his speech at REM's induction to the RRHOF), he was influenced by Stipe. I also recall an interview from the 90's in which he mentioned "The Wrong Child" specifically (one of my favorite REM songs). How Stipe's influence manifests in Ed is hard to say. IMO it's the content of what Ed chooses to write about and the overall tone of some of his lyrics. Vocally I don't see much similarity, but again, that's me.

    Must say I love locked's descriptions of the band's sounds...REM "leans more towards sparse guitar melodic jangling sound" and Stipe's "confused / shy child" type vocals. So well put...
    "Let the ocean dissolve away my past"
    Boston 4/94; Phoenix 9/95; Hartford 9/98; Mansfield 8/00; Albany 4/03; Mansfield 7/03; Albany 5/06; Boston 5/06; London UK 6/07; Bonaroo 6/08; Hartford 6/08; Mansfield 6/08; Chicago 8/09; Philly 10/30/09 and 10/31/09
    EV: 2008: 4/15, 4/16, 8/1, 8/2, 8/9, 8/10. 2009: 6/8, 6/9
  • cdp1223 wrote:
    Yeah love them both....have never once thought about them together though. They just fit in two compartments of my brain I think.

    But also I LOVE early REM, which is pretty different than the stuff they have put out of late.

    that's how I see them too... within two compartments in my brain. Both complex, multi-faceted bands, but fundamentally different :) A combined tour is an interesting though though....would be amazing, but don't think it'll ever happen....

    "Let the ocean dissolve away my past"
    Boston 4/94; Phoenix 9/95; Hartford 9/98; Mansfield 8/00; Albany 4/03; Mansfield 7/03; Albany 5/06; Boston 5/06; London UK 6/07; Bonaroo 6/08; Hartford 6/08; Mansfield 6/08; Chicago 8/09; Philly 10/30/09 and 10/31/09
    EV: 2008: 4/15, 4/16, 8/1, 8/2, 8/9, 8/10. 2009: 6/8, 6/9
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