Depp Pleads for the "West Memphis Three"

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Johnny Depp Pleads For Justice in Murder Trial ... s-three%2F
Johnny Depp Pleads For Justice in Murder Trial ... s-three%2F
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
Post edited by Unknown User on
The death penalty is sick, barbaric, and pointless.
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
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as of now there is evidence being analyzed in ways that were not available before. everyday we are a little closer to justice but still have a good way to go.
for anyone truely interested and want more information on the WM3 case, i highly recomend visiting and/or
Never discusses what a sick, demented, disgusting human being Damien Echols was/is....BEFORE he was CONVICTED of murder????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
if you have factual evidence to back your claim, by all means, share it with me.
Because he said something offensive to his parents one time? Sure, he should therefore be crucified.
Edit: Come to think of it, I called my parents some pretty colourful things when I was younger. I also had an interest in the occult and wore black. So where do I fit on your scale of the sick, demented, and disgusting?
I'm sure you could do something more productive with that pitchfork you're wielding Speedy.
In the black community, they believe these boys did it and that is that!
They should have got a change in venue immediately.
His mental illness was severe enough, to put him on permanent disability.....Long before he was convicted of murder.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
as for 'well -documented run-ins with the law', can you give me some examples?
heather, you are completely right. i have been to WM a few times myself and it is a very delicate subject there. of course, i can understand why -- the horrific murders of 3 small boys is difficult enough, but add in the questionable nature of the arrests and trials and you have a real controversy.
me, too (love Depp)
I agree (interesting article)
and thanks for posting from me, too
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
"So I made a mistake, ONE mistake, can't a man start over?! DO I HAVE TO KEEP PAYING?! Maybe I should make another mistake... maybe I should make two."
The West Memphis Three are still behind bars as we speak. This isn't history, this is the here & now.
aha!!! now we know why you fled the uk!!! :shock:
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Hopefully something good will come of this 48 hours news broadcast. for once, these programs seem to have gotten it right, it seems like the show will be tilted in favor of the Wm3, which of course is good.
American justice, the american judicial system really will be meaningless to me, until these 3 men are released.
I was asked to do jury duty a few years back, and had a huge speech ready to give, why I felt I wouldnt and couldnt serve, one of those reasons was because I gave money to and have supported the wm3, and that I didnt feel I could serve on a jury, any jury, as long as the wm3 remained in jail. I would do the same thing. My speech is still ready for when they call me up.
civilization is overrated anyways. i am right there with you, I am against the death penalty, but I am also against the whole prison industrial complex. The building of more jails, the jailing of more citizens is absolutely insane. The United States jails more citizens than any other country in the world. 2 million plus and counting. Over 1 million are black and latino men, jailed for non violent drug offences.
The issue is bigger than the death penalty, bigger than the wm3 even. Its about a society and world that jails citizens for no reason, or rather for being black, latino, native american, politically outspoken etc...
All one needs to know about the justice system is this 403 treaties were put on the table by native americans. every single one, every last one of them was refused and not honored by american society.
getting the wm3 out of jail should be a top priority but it doesnt end there. thats just where the real work begins.
hey speedy, lets get to buisness. give me hard, concrete, preferably dna evidence that proves any of the wm3 were at the crime scene, or murdered the 3 boys. Unless and until you can provide that, your case is worthless. Go on drinking the koolaid. I live in the real world. No DNA of the wm3 was ever found at the crime scene. No dna of the boys was found on Damien, Jessie, or Jasons homes or clothes. No one saw the wm3 with the boys. None of the wm3 bragged to friends about killing the 3 boys, as would be expected of teen killers. for 3 inexperienced teen amateur killers, they pulled off a perfect crime scene, if your story is to be expected. they not only werent seen by anyone with the boys, but they left no dna behind, and none of the dna was found anywhere on their person. How do teen killers do that? How is that possible?
the truth is, Hobbs is the killer. He is the only person whose dna was found at the crime scene. He was with the 3 boys the day of the murders, and lied about it to police. He is an abusive man, he is a convicted peeping tom and drug user. Hobbs killed the boys and has gotten away with it
i wonder how many times you've sang the lyric "she was diagnosed by some stupid fuck and mother agrees"
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
i have invested a lot of time and energy into this case and was completely ready to take on speedy in battle, but it looks like that won't be necessary... i am really impressed that you guys know a lot about the real facts of the case rather than just the media blitz surrounding it.
awareness is a top priority, not just for the 3 wrongly convicted, but for our judical system in general -- we are supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
don't forget to tune in (or set your dvr) to 48Hours on CBS this saturday!
It is not necessary to take SPEEDY on in battle......
So what do you think Misskelley was thinking, when he confessed to the murders???
Actually when he confessed the second time, with his lawyer present???
What was going through his mind???
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
what was going through his mind when he confessed he watched the kids get raped, which never happened but at the time is what the cops thought did occur????
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
What's going through your mind? Why do you you choose to ignore the facts of this case?
Misskelley, whose IQ was reported to be 72 (making him borderline mentally retarded), was questioned alone; his parents were not present during the interrogation.[3] Misskelley's father gave permission for Misskelley to go with police, but did not explicitly give permission for his minor son to be questioned or interrogated.[3] Misskelley was questioned for roughly twelve hours; only two segments, totaling 46 minutes, were recorded.[15] Misskelley quickly recanted his confession, citing intimidation, coercion, fatigue, and veiled threats from police.[3] During Misskelley's trial, Dr. Richard Ofshe, an expert on false confessions and police coercion and Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley, testified that the brief recording of Misskelley's interrogation was a "classic example" of police coercion.[11] He has further described Misskelley's statement as "the stupidest fucking confession I've ever seen."[16] Critics have also stated that Misskelley's "confession" was in many respects inconsistent with the particulars of the crime scene and murder victims, including (for example) an "admission" that Misskelley "watched Damien rape one of the boys." Police had initially suspected that the boys were raped due to their dilated anuses, but forensic evidence later proved conclusively that the murdered boys had not been raped at all, and their dilated anuses were a normal post-mortem condition.[3][17][18]
Subsequent to his conviction, a police officer also alleged that Misskelley had also confessed to her. However, once again, no reliable details of the crime were provided.[3]
Misskelley was a minor when he was questioned, and though informed of his Miranda rights, he later claimed he did not fully understand them.[3] The Arkansas Supreme Court determined that Misskelley's confession was voluntary and that he did, in fact, understand the Miranda warning and its consequences.[19] Misskelley specifically said he was "scared of the police" during his first confession.[20] Portions of Misskelley's statements to the police were leaked to the press and reported on the front page of the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper before any of the trials began.[3]
Shortly after Misskelley's original confession, police arrested Echols and his close friend Baldwin. It must also be noted that eight months after his original confession, on February 17, 1994, Misskelley made another statement to police with his lawyer Dan Stidham in the room continually advising Misskelley not to say anything. Misskelley ignored this advice continually and went on to detail how Damien and Jason abused and murdered the boys, while he watched until he decided to leave. Misskelley's attorney, Dan Stidham, who was later elected to a municipal judgeship, has written a detailed critique of what he asserts are major police errors and misconceptions during their investigation.[21]
WTF was going through his mind????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Because if that were the case, we would all be in a mental hospital....right???
I guess I am not the only one who has a problem ignoring the facts........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
You can all throw a big party, and have him over at your houses. Hell, maybe you can all give him a job babysitting your children.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Just Give Me Some Truth. All I Want Is The Truth!
10.08.00 Alpine Valley
09.23.02 Chicago
06.18.03 Chicago | 06.21.03 Alpine Valley
10.03.04 Grand Rapids
10.05.05 Chicago
05.16.06 Chicago | 05.17.06 Chicago | 06.29.06 Milwaukee
08.02.07 Chicago | 08.05.07 Chicago
08.23.09 Chicago | 08.24.09 Chicago
05.07.10 Noblesville | 05.09.10 Cleveland
09.03.11 Alpine Valley | 09.04.11 Alpine Valley
07.19.13 Chicago
10.17.14 Moline
08.20.16 Chicago
08.18.18 Chicago
09.18.22 St. Louis
09.05.23 Chicago