When I met my husband the chemistry was so strong I sure wasn't thinking about politics over the years we have often voted for different parties so yes I would marry or be friends with or love someone with different views than mine
Well now friendship and love are a different story. I could be friends with or love just about anyone. But respecting a friend's beliefs and incorporating them into the way your raise your child are two different things. Falling in love with someone and being compatible life partners are two different things as well.
I would never want to marry somebody who supports abortion for the purpose of convenience. I would never want to marry somebody who supports needless war. I would never marry a liberal. I'd never marry a conservative. They are nothing but labels that force voters into little boxes for the benefit of the few. I want my children to be raised in a safe place that holds people accountable, including the few. I am lucky to have a wife who transformed from being a bleeding liberal. I did not force my ideology on her. She came to respect my core values and embraced many of them.
Well now friendship and love are a different story. I could be friends with or love just about anyone. But respecting a friend's beliefs and incorporating them into the way your raise your child are two different things. Falling in love with someone and being compatible life partners are two different things as well.
my parents got divorced many years ago, becuase they believed complete different things
I am just like my mom
Maria Shriver (from the Kennedy Family) and her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger