How the hell do you get out of the friend zone?

this is a more of a question for girls to answer...but how can guys get out of the friend zone?
i don't even know how i manage to get there in the first place. i just like being really nice. girls always tell me that i'm "too nice." then i look at their jackass boyfriends that treat them like such garbage and i can't even imagine compelling myself to act like that.
i don't understand! it's like i'm doing good things for the wrong reason.
please help. thanks.
i don't even know how i manage to get there in the first place. i just like being really nice. girls always tell me that i'm "too nice." then i look at their jackass boyfriends that treat them like such garbage and i can't even imagine compelling myself to act like that.
i don't understand! it's like i'm doing good things for the wrong reason.
please help. thanks.
Beavis: All my friends are brown and red? What does that mean?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Thats not much help really, sorry.
I disagree. The longer I know a guy, the more attracted, or unattracted depending on the guy, he becomes to me. Attraction can and does build over time.
Does this girl know how you feel about her? How long have you been in the "friend zone." There is a good chance she has no clue how you feel. Guys always claim to be clueless about this stuff, but girls are too. Tell her how you feel and gauge her reaction.
Just be brave and kiss her when the opportunity arises. She'll let you know at that point whether she's interested or not.
The longer you go without attempting anything, the more she'll think you're not interested in her that way.
but i mean will that destroy my relationship with her as a friend if she rejects me?
i'm only 18 and i don't drink or whatever but it seems that everyone who has a girlfriend got her that way because of a drunk hook-up. love these days is just all unacquainted. i hate it.
i just want some woopie without making all these sacrifices.
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
I'll tell you an adult secret that I learned the hard way.
You will ALWAYS want her to be more than your friend so being afraid to jeopardize the friendship is really just being afraid that you'll find out she doesn't want you. BUT.
And, listen to this, this is the important part. You'll get more hurt if you go on being her friend for a long time because you'll just grow to love her more and more and then you'll have to face the rejection later.
Think about's better to get it out of the way earlier rather than after investing months or years into her.
If you get rejected, it'll hurt later MORE.
take heed to these words, mi amigo.
someone said it earlier that women/girls make a decision about whether you're sexually attractive or not very quickly....and they're right. If they're not interested sexually at the start, they'll play the friend card. She could grow attracted to you but if you know you want more,lay it on the table now. If you don't, it does equal more hurt later.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
I completely agree with this. The only guys I've ever truly fallen in love with have been my friends first. I have no (serious) interest in guys I hardly know or guys who want to be with me but wouldn't want to be my friend.
Instead of just laying it out there though, I would suggest flirting with her. Let her know how you feel in a less direct way and gauge her response. That way you'll open the door for her to start thinking of you in that way.
That's up to you. If you're a big baby about it and can't handle rejection or won't take no for an answer or don't want to be friends with her unless she wants to get with you, then THAT'S what will destroy your relationship - not the mere fact that you're attracted to her and you let her know. It's all about how you handle it.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. But if you mean that all you really want is to fuck her and you're not really interested in friendship, then pull your head out of your ass and leave the poor girl alone. Go find a prostitute; don't disrespect your friend.
Whores are fun people.
Joel??? Is that you??? I didn't know you liked Pearl Jam!
good stuff!!!
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
That will be 5 dollars.
we dated 10 years ago
stayed mated
and then got back together about 18 months ago
so it is possible to do
their was alot of booze involved to begin with
Don't listen to them, OP! Just because they don't know how to get out of the friend zone doesn't mean it's not possible.
suspected jaded males that got rejected?
Exactly! Then they just all convince themselves that this is just the way it is and poor guys like the OP, if he believes them, are doomed from the start. And us poor women are stuck with a bunch of guys who think they have to play games.
the only games i like to play are monopoly and such
silly boys!
stay single and fuck as many as girls while you are young. also its called fucking or sex not woopie.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Exactly! Whatever happened to just being honest with one another?
haha. no i mean that all the guys i know who are getting action right now, the assholes who treat their girlfriends like complete shit; never giving them any attention, telling them what to do when they do give it to them, pretty much just being in a relationship for ass; got their girlfriend from a drunk hook-up. i don't want to get hammered and then just hook up with a girl. i think that is just a poor excuse in order to get laid. i don't care if people say "well i'm shy" or "i just feel more comfortable when i'm drunk." you don't go to a job interview drunk just so that you'll feel more comfortable. that's the type of sacrifice i do not want to take in order to get some. it's just unnecessary to me.
one more thing...i'm trying to get more affiliated with this girl that i volunteer with at this mentoring program. i only see her once every other week but i think she's really attractive and would like to spur some type of conversation with her so that i could start something. she's a little older than i am...but would it be weird if i just went up to her and started talking to her? how should i approach someone who i've never talked to before in that kind of environment? i'm typing this there's a ladybug who keeps crawling up and down my laptop screen and keyboard. symbolic?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Have fun...
Date lots of girls....
Have fun
Date hundreds of girls......
Have fun..........
Date thousands of girls...................
Have fun...........
Most of all......
Have fun....
As far as the sex???
When it happens....It happens.....
Dont drive yourself crazy over it....
When it happens.....It happens.................
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
but if a girl does it shes a slut or a hoe?
and its the boys that fuck anything that move that call these girls sluts n hoes