Does Soundgarden = Matt + Ayotte?



  • As much as I hate to even respond to this, I suggest you read this
    cause even the old folk who... you know... go back with the band to waaaaaay back in the day can get banned on here. Just saying.

    Whatever man, try to ban me if you want, but that just proves to me you guys can't handle someone disagreeing with your tripe. It was Dewie who said he was just "pointing out the stupidity in my last statement" which I take exception too because A: I'm far from stupid, especially when it comes to this band
    and B: I didn't even write said statement

    So, go ahead and try and make me the villain here, all I did was say a little more respect should be shown to the band, which is in the posting guidelines too, and not say crap like the new album blows. So sorry I take exception to that.

    Relax, man. I didn't mean to attack you (even though I admittedly couldn't resist a comment on the 'age' remark) and this wasn't directed only at you, but I admit that it could be misunderstood in that way. Sorry for that. What I merely wanted to get across is that this is exactly the kind of thread that results in trouble with the mods. But again, I was just saying...
  • So, go ahead and try and make me the villain here, all I did was say a little more respect should be shown to the band, which is in the posting guidelines too, and not say crap like the new album blows. So sorry I take exception to that.

    I've seen nothing in this thread that constitutes disrespect to the band, so that's completely off-base. Some folks said they're more excited at the prospect of a Soundgarden reunion than they have been about the things Pearl Jam has done in the last few years, which is a matter of their personal opinion, not an indictment of the band. I'll say that the prospect of SG doing a tour has me more excited than I was for the last two PJ tours.

    Also, you didn't just say that, "a little more respect should be shown to the band..." You said that people who don't have something good to say about the band should, "Shut the fuck up." You state that this forum is not available to people who have criticism for the band, even honest and well-reasoned criticism (" can say what you want about being entitled to an opinion, which you are, just air it somewhere else.") Which seems odd considering what you told me, "there are no rules here, it's called freedom of speech and I encourage it." You then go on later to post, "I don't think it's nice to criticize somebody's art, or act like it's your god given right." Which is funny, because I do feel it's my right to criticize somebody's art. I don't think we are all required to smile and nod at art just because it's art. Art is part of a discussion between an artist and their audience, and the better the art is, the more intense the discussion.

    What really blows me away is that you mock those of us who have participated in these threads and these forums and these discussions, and yet you're making grand pronouncements about what is or isn't allowed here. This is a community that many of us have been a part of for years, and your arrogant assertions about what is and isn't allowed or welcome here strike many of us as some sort of joke. You have literally threatened Dewey ("I'm not going anywhere and anytime you write something I'll be there to tear it down. See ya around DewEY"), and yet you call the rest of us nerds? Why don't you park the El Camino, put down the Miller High Life, trim the mullet, and calm the fuck down? I've seen trolls here before (like in April '03 after the Bu$hleaguer incident in Denver... oh, hey, I was at that show) but you really take the cake. For you to assert that your fan-dom is superior to any of the rest of us, is absurd. You may have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the frat boys yelling for "Jeremy" back in '92, but the rest of us have built friendships and creative enterprises around this band and this forum. I started my first band as a result of a Pearl Jam show, and I owe the direction of my life ever since to that moment. I'm not in any competition to be the biggest fan here, but I'm not some Johnny-come-lately, either.

    If you want to disagree with someone about PJ's last three albums, or how that compares to the prospects of an SG reunion, then go right ahead. But you don't have any right to tell us we can't say something on here. If you think we're a bunch of geeks for posting on this forum, then leave us alone and stop trying to be one of us. But be clear on this point: You don't own this band, and you don't own us fans, and you don't own this forum. So stop trying to make the rules around here.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • Fair enough man. Believe me the last thing I want to argue about is Pearl Jam. Something that brings me so much joy should never become stressful. I'm a defensive person by nature, I can't help it, and when I feel that something I love is in need of defending, I sometimes leap before I look, so for that I'm sorry. I agree that debate is healthy as long as it's done with respect, and to say that something I think is great "blows" is disrespectful. Especially when this is a fan club site. I guess I was just surprised to see such negativity towards what I consider to be a great album. And that's why I brought up the age thing in the first place. I'm not exactly new to this thing that is Pearl Jam, and I would never go as far as saying that Backspacer is their best effort, I personally think that is yet to come. But I do think the majority of it is a great record. If I did not like it, I would never pretend I did, or blindly love it because it has the PJ name on it. I rank the albums, the songs, the shows, just like everyone else does, and I can see that there are A LOT of different opinions on what is classic and what's not. Some people just know how to express themselves without sounding too much like their opinion is right, when there is no such thing as an concrete answer on what is good or bad art. It's in the eye/ear of the beholder.

    So for one I would like agree to disagree and look forward to the Soundgarden reunion and the continuance of Pearl Jam, and just be thankful they even exist. Long live the "Seattle Sound" past and present!
  • Thanks for calming down a bit...

    I guess some of us forget that, however many years ago when we joined the forums, we had those moments of discussing the greatness of Pearl Jam. After a few years of that, though, we start to get a little more critical, and examine everything with a little more care. I know I was really thrown by Binaural, and I've had some trouble re-connecting with the band after that. I thought Riot Act was a phenomenal record, although one that didn't grab me as emotionally as Yield, No Code, Vitalogy, VS, or Ten. I thought the eponymous album was epic, and Backspacer has a lot more energy than the last few records, which I also appreciate. These are all my opinion, and I hope you can respect that.

    I guess for most of us, it's that sharing the discussion makes us see the music in completely different light and perspective... Someone will point out something that I've never really heard that way before, and it will open everything up. And that's why we might be more critical of the band even though we're some of the hardest-core fans.

    Sometimes that criticism is less respectful, less thought-out, or just plain rude, and your point there is well-taken. I have a hard time with someone who says this song or that album "sucks," without adding to the discussion by really delving into the topic. Say the drums didn't sound as big, or sounded too big, or the guitars sounded thin, or sounded too thick, or Ed's voice was too loud or too quiet. Say you didn't like the key or the time signature or the lyrics or whatever, but participate in the debate.

    So, in the spirit of the forums and all that, peace dude.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • Thanks for calming down a bit...

    I guess some of us forget that, however many years ago when we joined the forums, we had those moments of discussing the greatness of Pearl Jam. After a few years of that, though, we start to get a little more critical, and examine everything with a little more care. I know I was really thrown by Binaural, and I've had some trouble re-connecting with the band after that. I thought Riot Act was a phenomenal record, although one that didn't grab me as emotionally as Yield, No Code, Vitalogy, VS, or Ten. I thought the eponymous album was epic, and Backspacer has a lot more energy than the last few records, which I also appreciate. These are all my opinion, and I hope you can respect that.

    I guess for most of us, it's that sharing the discussion makes us see the music in completely different light and perspective... Someone will point out something that I've never really heard that way before, and it will open everything up. And that's why we might be more critical of the band even though we're some of the hardest-core fans.

    Sometimes that criticism is less respectful, less thought-out, or just plain rude, and your point there is well-taken. I have a hard time with someone who says this song or that album "sucks," without adding to the discussion by really delving into the topic. Say the drums didn't sound as big, or sounded too big, or the guitars sounded thin, or sounded too thick, or Ed's voice was too loud or too quiet. Say you didn't like the key or the time signature or the lyrics or whatever, but participate in the debate.

    So, in the spirit of the forums and all that, peace dude.

    i know that being a musician makes me hear things a different way than most of my non-musician friends. i think i am not the easiest person to impress. when i was younger and never picked up a guitar it took much less to impress me. but now that i am able to play these songs and i know how to create these sounds it does not impress me as much. and that's not a shot at the band in any way, but i think that being a musician allows me to be able to tell when any band really brings everything they have to an album or show and whether it is "phoned in". i am not above criticizing this band or any band, and I like MIG kind of got lost during the binaural and to a lesser extent riot act eras, but i came out of the funk i was in and i appreciate those records now, but not as much as nearly every other one. i have been on this forum a long time and have learned a lot from most of the posters on here, so i was shocked to see what was happening in this thread. MIG spoke my thoughts exactly in his last two posts.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Peace, sounds good. For the record I just want to note that I've NEVER had a mullet, well maybe in grade six but I wasn't in charge of my hair then, however I do think El Caminos are cool and I wish I had one, and Miller High Life SUCKS ASS! And I hate frat boys and would never stand shoulder to shoulder with them. I was there with my brother and two buddies and we all still love PJ today. We went to Lolla to see the Peppers and left there PJ fans fo life! I knew they were special right from that day. What's funny is is that SG were also there and Matt was with them and they were higher on the bill. Then PJ blew up and leap frogged SG. Funny how things work out.
  • I must say: Very impressive how you guys sorted that out. One more reason to be proud of the M&G people. :D
    Oh, and I had a mullet once when I was a child! :D But then again, I'm from Germany and I'm afraid that's some kind of a cliché for Germans in the 80s... But then again, we have better beer...
  • Ha ha, funny how the M&G forum ended up being about everything but M&G! Off topic to say the least.

    I for one hope Matt does get another Ayotte kit, with Sabian cymbals and then his whole setup will be Canadian, like me!
  • 12345AGNST112345AGNST1 Posts: 4,906
    Wow uhh... Nice thread

    anyway Matt used DW drums with soundgarden, not Ayotte.
    5/28/06, 6/27/08, 10/28/09, 5/18/10, 5/21/10
    8/7/08, 6/9/09
  • Wow uhh... Nice thread

    anyway Matt used DW drums with soundgarden, not Ayotte.

    Good call. He used the Ayotte kit when he first played with PJ.
  • Brisk. wrote:
    So yeah.. you have an SG reunion but you gotta have that drum kit of the finest sounding ever..

    Yup Matt needs to bring back a Ayotte kit fr sure! 8-)
    Let them wash away
    All those yesterdays
    All those yesterdays
    All those paper plates
  • Wow uhh... Nice thread

    anyway Matt used DW drums with soundgarden, not Ayotte.

    Well I'm not sure i agree on that.
    Matt used Ayotte on Down on the upside. I have the basstabs-book as proof.
    check out:

    also I think Chris pretty much switched to Fender Telecaster instead of the Gretch/les Paul combo. ;)

    I'm not picking a fight, I just remebered him using Ayotte, I have a drummerfriend who was a big Cameron-fan at that point

    I'm going to bed
    PJ - Roskilde Festival - June 30th 2000
    PJ - Heineken Jammin' Festival - July 6 2010
    PJ - Oslo, Norway - July 9 2012
    SG - Oslo, Norway - October 17 1996
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