I am a straight edger. I have always suggested, either you legalize ALL drugs, or you ban them all including alcohol and tobacco. My parents are in the medical field. Forms of heroin, and pot and what not obviously are of use to patients sometimes. And if pot is used to help out a patient who has cancer, then obviously its being suggested pot has some good uses. Why is it illegal? Alcohol and tobacco have no postive uses, and in both cases are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths a year. No one is dying of pot use.
Second, legalizing pot would start to help end this ridiculous farce of a drug war. In reality, the people who get thrown in jail or arrested for drug use, are overwhelmingly non violent criminals. I am not in favor of drugs, obviously as I am straight edge, but it seems absurd to be people should be thrown in jail for selling or using pot. Race also is dealt with, in legalizing pot. The majority of prisoners are people of color. Most of those are in for nonviolent drug use. The reason most drugs have been banned, is in large part, because of racism. The white media and mainstream created this atmosphere and hype that people of color would go insane and blood thirsty if they smoked pot. Obamas election was only a symbolic act in terms of dealing with racism. Want to really deal with race and mend race relations? Release those in prison sent their because of nonviolent drug use, discontinue the insane drug war, and discontinue the sort of covert/overt spying on people in the inner city reguarding this issue. In terms of the inner city, I could to a certain extent care less in terms of arresting/jailing drug users. It is meaningless and only breeds racism and more distrust of both white and black communities
Third, legalizing pot AND HEMP would allow growers and manufacturers to create an alternative to our oil based economy. Hemp has an unlimited amount of uses, and frankly, it seems wise to me to create hemp paper, rather than cutting down more old growth forests. legalizing pot would be the only way to unlink pot and hemp in peoples minds. One cant smoke hemp, yet its still illegal to start an industrial hemp factory.
I think it depends on your definition of addiction. While yes it is not physically addictive, it is very much psychologically addictive. As is just about everything in life is.
I've known plenty of people who smoke everyday because they 'can't function' without it. That to me is an addiction.
it less addictive than chocolate, coffee, or cheeseburgers. Should those items be criminalized, too? They are are all more harmful to the body...
I'm not advocating keeping it illegal or making it legal. I was just making a comment that in my opinion marijuana IS addictive.
At the end of the day, it is still harmful to the body, at least when it is inhaled, so it annoys me when people say 'well it isn't as bad as.......'
Make pot butter and bake cookies. It a total diffent body buzz..actually, chocolate nobake cookies are great with the butter!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
Personally, I don't know if it needs to be legalized, as already said it would put many out of a job, though I feel that it would employ many too as farms would be created and dispensaries, etc.
But... I do feel that medical marijuana is necessary, for there is no reason to strip someone of a medicine which can potentially have astronomical healing effects. MS, AIDS, glaucoma, etc. There have been a multitude of scientific studies done to illuminate the healing properties of marijuana, so if nothing else it should be legalized for those whom need it in that way.
who would it put out of a job?
it would create jobs. an enitre industry would be spawned......hemp.
so much shit can be made out if that plant, if only the motive were there.
profit guides us, in capitalism, whats best for mankind is often over looked.
and if i want to take some bonghits before i play my guitar, or not, fuck you, its none of your business.
First we need to stop using the wordsound "marijuana". It was a made up racially charged word used as propaganda by william randolph hearst (the largest newspaper publisher in the county at the time -1930's). The mexican marijuana menace was told to make black and mexican men lust-filled rapists and killers. It was a deliberate attempt to change what americans had known forever as cannabis-hemp.
When representatives voted to make "marijuana" illegal, many had no idea they were making hemp illegal.
Second - a main reason for making hemp illegal is the cotton and textile industry. The cotton gin is wrongfully accredited as a techno breakthrough helping to usher in the industrial age. At the same moment the hemp decorticator machine was patented to vastly increase hemp production time. We all know the strength of the southern cotton industry (it did enslave millions).
Added to the industrial espionage , later on, is the petrochemical industry. Hemp could cleanly replace every petro product in existence including transport fuel. Look around you, prob 75 percent of everything around you is plastic or petrol derived. So hemp is the biggest threat to these guys.
Third - hemp was legal in this country until the 1930's. That is modern history. It is not too late to get this straightened out.
Evolution Music Studios presents:
DO THE EVOLUTION - a 20th Anniversary Tribute Celebration
Second, legalizing pot would start to help end this ridiculous farce of a drug war. In reality, the people who get thrown in jail or arrested for drug use, are overwhelmingly non violent criminals. I am not in favor of drugs, obviously as I am straight edge, but it seems absurd to be people should be thrown in jail for selling or using pot. Race also is dealt with, in legalizing pot. The majority of prisoners are people of color. Most of those are in for nonviolent drug use. The reason most drugs have been banned, is in large part, because of racism. The white media and mainstream created this atmosphere and hype that people of color would go insane and blood thirsty if they smoked pot. Obamas election was only a symbolic act in terms of dealing with racism. Want to really deal with race and mend race relations? Release those in prison sent their because of nonviolent drug use, discontinue the insane drug war, and discontinue the sort of covert/overt spying on people in the inner city reguarding this issue. In terms of the inner city, I could to a certain extent care less in terms of arresting/jailing drug users. It is meaningless and only breeds racism and more distrust of both white and black communities
Third, legalizing pot AND HEMP would allow growers and manufacturers to create an alternative to our oil based economy. Hemp has an unlimited amount of uses, and frankly, it seems wise to me to create hemp paper, rather than cutting down more old growth forests. legalizing pot would be the only way to unlink pot and hemp in peoples minds. One cant smoke hemp, yet its still illegal to start an industrial hemp factory.
Wishlist Foundation-
it would create jobs. an enitre industry would be spawned......hemp.
so much shit can be made out if that plant, if only the motive were there.
profit guides us, in capitalism, whats best for mankind is often over looked.
and if i want to take some bonghits before i play my guitar, or not, fuck you, its none of your business.
When representatives voted to make "marijuana" illegal, many had no idea they were making hemp illegal.
Second - a main reason for making hemp illegal is the cotton and textile industry. The cotton gin is wrongfully accredited as a techno breakthrough helping to usher in the industrial age. At the same moment the hemp decorticator machine was patented to vastly increase hemp production time. We all know the strength of the southern cotton industry (it did enslave millions).
Added to the industrial espionage , later on, is the petrochemical industry. Hemp could cleanly replace every petro product in existence including transport fuel. Look around you, prob 75 percent of everything around you is plastic or petrol derived. So hemp is the biggest threat to these guys.
Third - hemp was legal in this country until the 1930's. That is modern history. It is not too late to get this straightened out.
DO THE EVOLUTION - a 20th Anniversary Tribute Celebration