Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
edited December 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
I think I have it...

It feels like i've been tired forever! No matter how much sleep I get i'm still exhausted. If I come home from work and lay on the couch i'm out like a light for a couple of hours. Most day's I can't stay awake past 9 - 9:30pm and I don't have to wake up for work until 6:30am. That's more than 9 hours a night which should be plenty for the average person but me no I could sleep 12 a night and that still wouldn't be enough. I mean i'm not lazy, I work out at least 4 days a week and eat well so it's not that. It's gotten so bad that my husband won't even go to the movies with me anymore because I fall asleep in the damn theater! I've talked to my doctor about it and he just say's that some people are just more tired than others and there's nothing really you can do about it. My job doesn't help the situation either. I'm so bored 95% of the time (like right now!) that it makes me feel even more exhausted. It's really starting to affect my life in a negative way...I feel as though i'm missing out on things because i'm sleeping so damn much.

Anybody else have the same problem?
If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
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  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724

    But I have Sleep Apnea which has similar symptoms.

    I'd recommend going to a sleep clinic.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    I am always tired.

    A lot of the times, I am just mentally exhausted. It's like I can't wake up.

    I take vitamins, drink water, get a B-12 shot...and I'm still ready to wrap up my day by 2pm.

    I'm in a similar boat.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    do you have the other symptoms? Chronic sore throats and muscle pain are just a couple.
    My roommate from years ago did have it and it messed with her life for years before it was diagnosed.
    Read up on it then ask your doctor again for any testing available, doctors can sometimes be dismissing.
    If your family and friends are noticing a change probably something is up
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    I have never had that problem but it sounds like the first thing you could try would be to get a job that doesn't bore you to tears. It may be the cause of the problem. Your body and mind may be trying to escape from the situation!
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    pandora wrote:
    do you have the other symptoms? Chronic sore throats and muscle pain are just a couple.
    My roommate from years ago did have it and it messed with her life for years before it was diagnosed.
    Read up on it then ask your doctor again for any testing available, doctors can sometimes be dismissing.
    If your family and friends are noticing a change probably something is up

    No I haven't had a sore throat in a long time but I do have muscle pains sometimes but I just attribute that to weather or too much exercise.
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    justam wrote:
    I have never had that problem but it sounds like the first thing you could try would be to get a job that doesn't bore you to tears. It may be the cause of the problem. Your body and mind may be trying to escape from the situation!

    I know I wish I could find a new job but with the recession and all it's pretty hard...especially where I live where there is a huge strike going on (which my husband is a part of) so nobody is really hiring.
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412

    Can you bring something challenging to do?
    Can you look around the place for problems to solve?
    Even knitting or sewing or crossword puzzles?
    Anything to keep you from feeling trapped in the dullest place?!
    Maybe there's a way to improve the place as a way to relieve your boredom?
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    Jukee wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    do you have the other symptoms? Chronic sore throats and muscle pain are just a couple.
    My roommate from years ago did have it and it messed with her life for years before it was diagnosed.
    Read up on it then ask your doctor again for any testing available, doctors can sometimes be dismissing.
    If your family and friends are noticing a change probably something is up

    No I haven't had a sore throat in a long time but I do have muscle pains sometimes but I just attribute that to weather or too much exercise.
    My friend was a nurse worked double shifts and always thought she was just run down. It feels like that I think. Its a virus I believe- I see her once every few years of late and she told me it got so bad she just took to bed a lot. That was when she knew something was not normal. She is fine now. Not sure if it just runs its course or if there was treatment or both. Maybe read the symptoms list on google and if most fit check again with your Doc.
    Mama always said "know your own body".
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    justam wrote:

    Can you bring something challenging to do?
    Can you look around the place for problems to solve?
    Even knitting or sewing or crossword puzzles?
    Anything to keep you from feeling trapped in the dullest place?!
    Maybe there's a way to improve the place as a way to relieve your boredom?

    The thing with my job is that I ALWAYS have to look busy like I have work to do. So there's no way I could bring a book or anything else. So I pretty much just surf the internet all day which kinda gets boring day after day. But thank you for the suggestions I just feel as this job is hopeless and it'll always be boring!
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    I think you might want to take South of Seattle's suggestion about the sleep clinic. Sleep apnea can keep you from getting restful sleep, so that you feel tired all the time.

    I've had that experience before with a tedious kind of job. One way that I handled it was by doing volunteer work. I used to work on my volunteer stuff while I was on the job. Just a thought. ;)
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Jukee wrote:
    Anybody else have the same problem?

    I do. I've often wondered if I have chronic fatigue syndrome, but it's not something that everyone takes seriously & I'm not really sure if there's a good way to be evaluated for it.

    I'm tired all the time & can sleep more than anyone I know. I've been this way since I can remember. They actually put me on Ritalin as a kid because I couldn't stay awake during school. I had mono in elementary school & I think I recently read that CFS is a virus that's related to mono. If that's true, I wonder if there's any connection there.

    Whatever the problem is, it certainly effects my quality of life. I'm always late to work because I can't get up in the morning & much of the time I'm too tired to think straight. I once failed a class in college called "walking fitness". All you had to do was show up & walk around the track for an hour & I failed because I could never get there on time. It was a 10:30 AM class.

    If you find out any new information, please keep us posted.
  • This thread is making me tired.........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    No but seriously, think I'm in a similar boat here...I don't think I have chronic fatigue syndrome....

    but...I habitually sleep in very late, and I mean VERY late. If I don't have to get up for work, I will sleep in til 1pm, 2pm, 3 pm.

    It's so whole life basically, all throughout high school etc, I was such a good morning person. Now it's like a total 180. Guess it has to do with staying up late though.

    My advice to the OP.....Try changing your habits up. It sounds like what you're doing now obviously isn't working, so try something else. You said you eat well and work out 4 times a week,....maybe try working out a little less? I dunno....just keep switching it up until you figure something out that works or at least helps.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Just remembered what the virus I read about is called: Epstein-Barr Virus.
  • i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007
    Yeah I came DOWN with 'GLANDULAR FEVER' about a good 5 years ago now which Nearly KILLED ME!..and From it i got "CFS"...BUT getting Better by the year!...JUST Simple Exercise tires YOU out SO MUCH!
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    A friend of mine has had it for quite a number of years. She gets the aching muscles etc. Some days she literally can't get up from the sofa. But she does have good days when she can move around and live a relatively normal life. Initially they thought she was suffering from depression, which she has had in the past but after tests they confirmed the diagnosis.

    If you're really concerned, I would go back and see your doctor again. I'm suggesting or assuming anything, but could it be due to your disatisfaction with your job? Could you be a little down? I know this sounds silly, but I read somewhere that one of the contributing factors to depression was boredom - it might have been nonsense.

    Anyway if you're eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise that's a great.

    Oh just remembered something else to do with tiredness which might be worth looking into. A few years ago another friend of mine was continuously tired, to the point where she had to take naps every afternoon, which was difficult when she was at work. She also developed small random lumps on her legs. Anyway she went to see her doc, had some tests and it turned out she had a gluten allergy. She started a gluten-free diet, her energy levels improved, she didn't feel so sleepy all of the time, the naps went out the window and she now leads a perfectly normal life, in fact she has more enery and get up and go than a lot of people I know.

    Anyway, hope this helps.
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Melbourne, Australia Posts: 15,165
    I wake up with a headache and dry eyes on weekends and the headache lasts all day.
    I think it's because I go bed too late, but even midnight isn't late and I feel this way.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • TinyFistsTinyFists Posts: 142
    edited December 2009
    There is no test for CFS - it's diagnosed by a process of elimination. If they can't figure out what's wrong but you still have a specific set of symptoms (not just extreme tiredness, but things like the sore throats that others have mentioned), you may be diagnosed as having it. I've heard it described as really just being a term for a (very real) collection of symptoms that the doctors cannot explain. It doesn't mean very much but they have to call it something. And just because they cannot find the cause of how you are feeling doesn't mean there isn't one (or that it's all in, or because of, your mind...although of course, you probably know if the current state of this could be having an effect on you physically). I think it's important to push for thorough investigations.

    You should definitely get checked out for things like sleep apnea, food allergies, thyroid problems, glandular fever, candida and very importantly, Lyme Disease: this is commonly misdiagnosed as CFS, as the symptoms are almost identical. Like CFS, it is a controversial area and testing and treatment is not straightforward.

    If you are diagnosed with CFS, there is no 'cure' although some people find that there are things which can help them a little, such as a regular B12 shot. You can think of it like this: if you put enough petrol (gas!) in your car to get through the week but knew that once it was gone, it was gone, you would drive as efficiently as possible. You have to treat the energy in your body the same and learn to conserve it. Doing what you can and not pushing yourself can help...or at least not make it any worse.

    Really hope this is of some use to you, or anyone else who thinks they might have it.
    Post edited by TinyFists on
    Try to tell me that you love me, throw your little punches at me...
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    TinyFists wrote:
    There is no test for CFS - it's diagnosed by a process of elimination.

    Yes basically that's what happened with my friend, I guess I didn't word it too well.
  • oona leftoona left Posts: 1,677
    I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    As someone above mentioned, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. They test for several (or many, depending on your insurance and their concern) maladies - if everything comes back negative, they choose one of a handful of conditions or syndromes for which there is no test. Then, a "Congratulations - You've Been Diagnosed!" banner drops from the ceiling, everyone in the office cheers, and you go on your way.

    Ooop, is my bitterness showing?

    Someone else recommended a sleep study - that'd be a good place to start, especially if you do not feel rested, even after a full night's sleep.

    I recommend (as mentioned above) going gluten free, and see if that doesn't help. Give it 3 or 4 weeks minimum. It worked wonders for me. It was difficult as all get out, but it really minimized how sluggish my body felt. Increased my alertness, as well.

    Also, CoQ10 is great (this supposedly takes 10 weeks to become effective, but I found it to be beneficial far sooner than that). Omega3 is also tremendously helpful.

    There are internal medicine doctors whom specialize in conditions such as this. You may be able to find one in your area, especially if you happen to be in or near a greater metropolitan area.
  • JoJo Posts: 2,098
    No I haven't had a sore throat in a long time but I do have muscle pains sometimes but I just attribute that to weather or too much exercise.[/quote]

    I had always had very physical jobs, so when I found myself unable to complete tasks because I was so tired, I knew something was up. I would have to sleep for a couple of hours through the day when it got so bad, and I had random muscle and joint pain which would swap places almost daily. I was diagnosed with Ross River Virus from a mozzie bite. Nothing you could do about it, but it was a relief to put a name to it.

    See a different Doctor 8-)
  • WobbieWobbie Posts: 30,663
    I attribute my CFS to the 75 lb. Golden Retriever who shares our bed.... the dog who likes to "snuggle." What I wouldn't give for just one good night of sleep!

    Seriously, I doubt I have it... but when I do seem to go through periods of extreme tiredness, it seems to be like fatigue breeds fatigue. The busier I am, the more energized I am. It's like how boredom leads to pointless eating (for me).

    Good luck.
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
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  • From Vitalogy:

    The wise man of old said: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
    If you permit no thought of disease and death to enter your mind you will have accomplished nine-tenths of the battle to stave off these foes.
  • Jukee wrote:
    I think I have it...

    It feels like i've been tired forever! No matter how much sleep I get i'm still exhausted. If I come home from work and lay on the couch i'm out like a light for a couple of hours. Most day's I can't stay awake past 9 - 9:30pm and I don't have to wake up for work until 6:30am. That's more than 9 hours a night which should be plenty for the average person but me no I could sleep 12 a night and that still wouldn't be enough. I mean i'm not lazy, I work out at least 4 days a week and eat well so it's not that. It's gotten so bad that my husband won't even go to the movies with me anymore because I fall asleep in the damn theater! I've talked to my doctor about it and he just say's that some people are just more tired than others and there's nothing really you can do about it. My job doesn't help the situation either. I'm so bored 95% of the time (like right now!) that it makes me feel even more exhausted. It's really starting to affect my life in a negative way...I feel as though i'm missing out on things because i'm sleeping so damn much.

    Anybody else have the same problem?

    i could just be talking out my ass, but you could just have a slight bit of the swine flu strain taking forever to get out of your system. your'e not the only one. i've talked to a couple people who say they can't seem to get enough sleep lately. try strectching alot--those endorphins are so good for your muscles. also try soaking in the tub in epsom salt.
  • From Vitalogy:

    The wise man of old said: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
    If you permit no thought of disease and death to enter your mind you will have accomplished nine-tenths of the battle to stave off these foes.

    mind over matter, baby! :D
  • oona leftoona left Posts: 1,677
    From Vitalogy:

    The wise man of old said: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
    If you permit no thought of disease and death to enter your mind you will have accomplished nine-tenths of the battle to stave off these foes.

    Be that as it may, that last one-tenth may be all a disease needs to plain ol' kick your ass.

  • I have Fibromyalgia, and CFS goes hand in hand with it. I'm usually tired all day up until what should be bedtime. My ass will drag from when I get up til about 10-11 P.M. and then i'm my most awake of the day, and can't go to sleep.
  • oona leftoona left Posts: 1,677
    I have Fibromyalgia, and CFS goes hand in hand with it. I'm usually tired all day up until what should be bedtime. My ass will drag from when I get up til about 10-11 P.M. and then i'm my most awake of the day, and can't go to sleep.

    May I ask what you do to be able to get through the day?
  • pickupyourwillpickupyourwill Posts: 3,135
    edited December 2009

    i could just be talking out my ass, but you could just have a slight bit of the swine flu strain taking forever to get out of your system. your'e not the only one. i've talked to a couple people who say they can't seem to get enough sleep lately. try strectching alot--those endorphins are so good for your muscles. also try soaking in the tub in epsom salt.

    and water would be good with the epsom salt. just a tub of it might be a bit...coarse. ;)
    Post edited by pickupyourwill on
  • I have Fibromyalgia, and CFS goes hand in hand with it. I'm usually tired all day up until what should be bedtime. My ass will drag from when I get up til about 10-11 P.M. and then i'm my most awake of the day, and can't go to sleep.

    my friend's mom has fibromyalgia. she is currently addicted to several pain medications that several "doctors" have put her on. they don't specialize in fibromyalgia so she's not getting the best treatment out there, nor can she afford that.

    part of the reason I even posted in this thread was because I've seen how it affects her life, her daughter's and everyone else around her.

    if you absolutley don't have to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia or cfs, then don't. find other ways to cope with it. the hell that the doctors put you through is not worth it. I think there are other natural approaches to dealing with it, imo. i would love to say more, but will bite my tongue (or maybe just stop typing? ;):D ) . strethching your legs does wonders--from someone who is on their feet most of the time. and massages. that's all I'm sayin'.
  • oona left wrote:
    I have Fibromyalgia, and CFS goes hand in hand with it. I'm usually tired all day up until what should be bedtime. My ass will drag from when I get up til about 10-11 P.M. and then i'm my most awake of the day, and can't go to sleep.

    May I ask what you do to be able to get through the day?

    I'm on a slew of medications, Vicodin, Cataflam (anti-inflammatory) lyrica (a FM drug, you've probably seen the commercials. it helps a bit but also makes me gain weight. When I stop taking it, I lose 10-15 pounds in a week, gain it right back when i start taking it again) a muscle relaxant to sleep, Lidoderm patches, another med to help sleep when I can't take the muscle relaxant. I also go to PT 3 times a week, which helps, although just temporarily. I'm home with 2 kids, 3 & 1 all day, so i don't get much of a chance to stop and think about it. But coffee helps, just don't drink it late, or you'll never sleep
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