a friend of mine is a manager at a fast food place. he said at least once a month they have to call the cops because someone comes through the drive through with their junk out of their pants. :?
some people are just weird ! plain and simple.
When I was in my early 20's I had a girlfriend who worked at Burger King. She was just about the cutest thing in the world and she worked the drive-thru window. Some guy came through the drive-thru a couple days in a row. Then on the 3rd or 4th day she took his money and when she came back to give him his food he had the biggest smile on his face. She looked down and he had his erect penis out of his pants so she could see it. She said she started crying and he took off.
just so you know, there are plenty of woman out there that post naked pics on craigslist too.
and really, everyone here are really fooling thier self they if they don't believe that women do this sort of thing too. I have been sent nude pics of women more than once.
some people just get off on this sort of thing, and it really unfair to pretend its just the men that are doing this.
thing is, as guys, we welcome chicks sending us naked pics...girls, as we've seen, not fans of the process
Well said. Girls have good reason to believe that men will like it and perhaps they'll welcome the attention they'll get in return from the men. (Wow - I just remembered! The guy who sent me an unsolicited picture of his abs messaged me forever after that saying I owed him a picture. ) But what reason do men have to believe that a woman (who's not his partner) would like to receive an unsolicited picture of him?
But my comment about women not doing this was more about women not calling up randm hotlines to masturbate over the phone. This happened frequently enough at the hotline where I worked that it was part of our training. Never once did I ever hear of a woman doing this. Nor have a heard of women masturbating to 911 operators, exposing themselves at school playgrounds, etc. But perhaps this kind of behaviour isn't really comparable to the unsolicited pictures from people you know or to Craigslist ads. An argument could be made either way, I guess.
Just as a side note, back in the 80s I was a volunteer for a hotline and later I spent 10 years working as a staff person for an information line. When I was volunteering I had a teenage girl call and pretend to be a boy, who was a masturbater. A few years after that, when I was a staff person, I was talking to one of the staff at the suicide prevention line, who described the very same girl to me (same name, same story). She was what we referred to as a "chronic caller" because she called back regularly trying to speak to someone who wouldn't recognize her and call her bluff.
I'll admit, this was the only woman caller like that I ever dealt with. I had several men over the years.
I don't know if you can classify anything done between anyone, whether they be a couple or not, in the same category as what's being discused here though. I mean, what we are talking about here, is the people that consider sending pictures of their various naked body parts to others, totally unrequested and uncalled for. Yes it's the same as chicks (or guys) walking around naked under a coat, and flashing people...that's strange as well....strange also is the desire for women to flash themselves after copious (or not so copious) amounts of alcohol,....personally that's not something I have ever understood. But to classify couples wanting ohave sex in a semi public place in the same category is not something I would agree with. Couples that do that are most likely looking to up the excitement level, the fear of getting caught etc, adds to the adrenalin....but its CONSENTUAL...that's the difference I think.
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldn't you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do about some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? i bet you would be even MORE repulsed. just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
Post edited by the wolf on
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
But my comment about women not doing this was more about women not calling up randm hotlines to masturbate over the phone. This happened frequently enough at the hotline where I worked that it was part of our training. Never once did I ever hear of a woman doing this. Nor have a heard of women masturbating to 911 operators, exposing themselves at school playgrounds, etc. But perhaps this kind of behaviour isn't really comparable to the unsolicited pictures from people you know or to Craigslist ads. An argument could be made either way, I guess.
Just as a side note, back in the 80s I was a volunteer for a hotline and later I spent 10 years working as a staff person for an information line. When I was volunteering I had a teenage girl call and pretend to be a boy, who was a masturbater. A few years after that, when I was a staff person, I was talking to one of the staff at the suicide prevention line, who described the very same girl to me (same name, same story). She was what we referred to as a "chronic caller" because she called back regularly trying to speak to someone who wouldn't recognize her and call her bluff.
I'll admit, this was the only woman caller like that I ever dealt with. I had several men over the years.
Wow! Thanks for sharing - that's a first for me to hear about. Just goes to show that anything's possible, I guess. :(
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldn't you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do about some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? i bet you would be even MORE repulsed. just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldn't you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do about some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? i bet you would be even MORE repulsed. just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
why not ? so if a guy sends you a pic to your phone of his stuff that's fucked up, but if you walk into a PUBLIC place and see two people in the flesh fucking, that's not MORE fucked up? :?
Post edited by the wolf on
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I don't know if you can classify anything done between anyone, whether they be a couple or not, in the same category as what's being discused here though. I mean, what we are talking about here, is the people that consider sending pictures of their various naked body parts to others, totally unrequested and uncalled for. Yes it's the same as chicks (or guys) walking around naked under a coat, and flashing people...that's strange as well....strange also is the desire for women to flash themselves after copious (or not so copious) amounts of alcohol,....personally that's not something I have ever understood. But to classify couples wanting ohave sex in a semi public place in the same category is not something I would agree with. Couples that do that are most likely looking to up the excitement level, the fear of getting caught etc, adds to the adrenalin....but its CONSENTUAL...that's the difference I think.
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldnt you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do if not worse about it than some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
Ok, in the scenario you've just described...yeah..that's not on. BUT I was referring to semi- public places...like a park or in a cubicle or something...not a fully public place where the likliehood is that someone will walk in. I guess in a situation like this, there are degrees...and I was referring to the degree that some couples like the extra excitement, not that they'd be doing it in a totally public place. And yes, if I walked into a public toilet and there was a couple having sex right there, I'd feel a little violated. BUT, if that same couple were in a cubicle and you walked in, and you didn't know they were there, because you couldn't see them...would you feel as violated? I mean...in that instance, they aren't hurting anyone, so what's the harm...although I feel the need to point out that sex in toilets is kinda gross....but using it as an example...how can you class something you can't see as a violation to you? If you can see them having sex, yes...it's wrong, but if they are somewhere...semi concealed say...and they can see others, but others can't see them...then how is that in the same league as sending someone illicit pictures of themselves.
I would also like to add, that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and people's morals and ethics usually determine what they will find acceptable...I'm just saying, if a couple is doing something that isn't hurting anyone else and is consentual...then that's not in the same league as sending someone unsolicited pictures.
I would also like to add, that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and people's morals and ethics usually determine what they will find acceptable...I'm just saying, if a couple is doing something that isn't hurting anyone else and is consentual...then that's not in the same league as sending someone unsolicited pictures.
i agree. to be honest, neither would bother me to much. lol. but i would be pissed off either way, if say my gf were to have both happen to her. it all depends on the person.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldn't you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do about some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? i bet you would be even MORE repulsed. just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
why not ? so if a guy sends you a pic to your phone of his stuff that's fucked up, but if you walk into a PUBLIC place and see two people in the flesh fucking, that's not MORE fucked up? :?
i dont have a phone but someone did send me a pic of his prick in an email. it disappointed me that he did cause i told him more than once not to. it def showed a lack of respect. i wasnt horrified though.
as for the couple fucking in the public toilets... lets just say itd make me a hypocrite if that offended, let alone bothered me.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
just so you know, there are plenty of woman out there that post naked pics on craigslist too.
and really, everyone here are really fooling thier self they if they don't believe that women do this sort of thing too. I have been sent nude pics of women more than once.
some people just get off on this sort of thing, and it really unfair to pretend its just the men that are doing this.
thing is, as guys, we welcome chicks sending us naked pics...girls, as we've seen, not fans of the process
Well said. Girls have good reason to believe that men will like it and perhaps they'll welcome the attention they'll get in return from the men. (Wow - I just remembered! The guy who sent me an unsolicited picture of his abs messaged me forever after that saying I owed him a picture. ) But what reason do men have to believe that a woman (who's not his partner) would like to receive an unsolicited picture of him?
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
i dont have a phone but someone did send me a pic of his prick in an email. it disappointed me that he did cause i told him more than once not to. it def showed a lack of respect. i wasnt horrified though.
as for the couple fucking in the public toilets... lets just say itd make me a hypocrite if that offended, let alone bothered me.
I get what your saying. on both counts
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I would also like to add, that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and people's morals and ethics usually determine what they will find acceptable...I'm just saying, if a couple is doing something that isn't hurting anyone else and is consentual...then that's not in the same league as sending someone unsolicited pictures.
i agree. to be honest, neither would bother me to much. lol. but i would be pissed off either way, if say my gf were to have both happen to her. it all depends on the person.
one would piss me off... the other would make me laugh.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
I actually think this is the most plausible explanation, especially since I believe plenty of "normal" guys do it. I don't think (for the most part) that they're sexual deviants, perverts, control freaks, people who get off on the shock value, etc. When it comes to men sending pictures of their dicks, abs, etc to women they're talking to and hoping to get with, I think they tend to really believe that this is an acceptable form of flirting or something.
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
I actually think this is the most plausible explanation, especially since I believe plenty of "normal" guys do it. I don't think (for the most part) that they're sexual deviants, perverts, control freaks, people who get off on the shock value, etc. When it comes to men sending pictures of their dicks, abs, etc to women they're talking to and hoping to get with, I think they tend to really believe that this is an acceptable form of flirting or something.
so flashing your cock via electronic means is flirting now??? jeez i think id prefer to be punched in the arm. :roll:
as i said before unsolicited cockshots are fair game to be shared among friends.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
jeez i think id prefer to be punched in the arm. :roll:
Awesome! You just brought back memories for me of when I first started to realize my good friend in high school really liked me. He and I and another male friend were talking, and when the other guy and I left he said, "Wow, Joe really likes you!" Of course I was baffled 'cuz I thought we were all just friends, and he pointed out that Joe kept kind of kicking my feet the whole time we were talking. (I really realized he liked me when we went to Homecoming together as just friends and he got really hard during a slow dance with me. Of course he tried to hide it - he didn't drop his pants and show me.) Ah... I miss the simple, good ol' days!
(I really realized he liked me when we went to Homecoming together as just friends and he got really hard during a slow dance with me. Of course he tried to hide it - he didn't drop his pants and show me.) Ah... I miss the simple, good ol' days!
(I really realized he liked me when we went to Homecoming together as just friends and he got really hard during a slow dance with me. Of course he tried to hide it - he didn't drop his pants and show me.) Ah... I miss the simple, good ol' days!
so picture of my crank - bad
rubbing my crank against you - good
see !!!! we can't win !!!!! there is no understanding the female of the specis !!!
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
I actually think this is the most plausible explanation, especially since I believe plenty of "normal" guys do it. I don't think (for the most part) that they're sexual deviants, perverts, control freaks, people who get off on the shock value, etc. When it comes to men sending pictures of their dicks, abs, etc to women they're talking to and hoping to get with, I think they tend to really believe that this is an acceptable form of flirting or something.
I think it was in the other thread about this that I mentioned that I just read an online article about how common sexting has become, especially among teens. I had thought of sexting as sort of a consensual thing between 2 people but after reading it I learned that the definition has expanded to include flirtation. Some of the problems that happen for teens are pictures being shared by the persons who received them or other people using their phones. Teenagers don't think about the implications or long term harm that could come with any of these things.
The article gave the example of a 14 year old girl in Florida who committed suicide in August. Last May she sent a picture of her breasts to a boy she liked. Another girl at her school used the boy's phone to forward it to numerous people and the first girl was ridiculed unmercifully. She was suspended by her school for a week and her parents grounded her and took away her phone. No one else at the school was punished.
The article wasn't so much about sexting as about "cyberbullying" but the point was that technology has taken interpersonal relationships and all their implications to new levels. :shock:
I think it was in the other thread about this that I mentioned that I just read an online article about how common sexting has become, especially among teens. I had thought of sexting as sort of a consensual thing between 2 people but after reading it I learned that the definition has expanded to include flirtation. Some of the problems that happen for teens are pictures being shared by the persons who received them or other people using their phones. Teenagers don't think about the implications or long term harm that could come with any of these things.
The article gave the example of a 14 year old girl in Florida who committed suicide in August. Last May she sent a picture of her breasts to a boy she liked. Another girl at her school used the boy's phone to forward it to numerous people and the first girl was ridiculed unmercifully. She was suspended by her school for a week and her parents grounded her and took away her phone. No one else at the school was punished.
The article wasn't so much about sexting as about "cyberbullying" but the point was that technology has taken interpersonal relationships and all their implications to new levels. :shock:
speaking of prom. heres an unsolicited picture of a sexy prom dress.
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I think it was in the other thread about this that I mentioned that I just read an online article about how common sexting has become, especially among teens. I had thought of sexting as sort of a consensual thing between 2 people but after reading it I learned that the definition has expanded to include flirtation. Some of the problems that happen for teens are pictures being shared by the persons who received them or other people using their phones. Teenagers don't think about the implications or long term harm that could come with any of these things.
The article gave the example of a 14 year old girl in Florida who committed suicide in August. Last May she sent a picture of her breasts to a boy she liked. Another girl at her school used the boy's phone to forward it to numerous people and the first girl was ridiculed unmercifully. She was suspended by her school for a week and her parents grounded her and took away her phone. No one else at the school was punished.
The article wasn't so much about sexting as about "cyberbullying" but the point was that technology has taken interpersonal relationships and all their implications to new levels. :shock:
Excellent point. So, so sad though. :(
Agreed, I thought it was one of the saddest stories I'd seen in a long time.
I think it was in the other thread about this that I mentioned that I just read an online article about how common sexting has become, especially among teens. I had thought of sexting as sort of a consensual thing between 2 people but after reading it I learned that the definition has expanded to include flirtation. Some of the problems that happen for teens are pictures being shared by the persons who received them or other people using their phones. Teenagers don't think about the implications or long term harm that could come with any of these things.
The article gave the example of a 14 year old girl in Florida who committed suicide in August. Last May she sent a picture of her breasts to a boy she liked. Another girl at her school used the boy's phone to forward it to numerous people and the first girl was ridiculed unmercifully. She was suspended by her school for a week and her parents grounded her and took away her phone. No one else at the school was punished.
The article wasn't so much about sexting as about "cyberbullying" but the point was that technology has taken interpersonal relationships and all their implications to new levels. :shock:
Excellent point. So, so sad though. :(
Agreed, I thought it was one of the saddest stories I'd seen in a long time.
that is a sad story. I remember reading about it. I still can't believe the girl is the only one who was suspended !!! the girl that sent the pic to all her friends should have some sort of punishment. IMO
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
I actually think this is the most plausible explanation, especially since I believe plenty of "normal" guys do it. I don't think (for the most part) that they're sexual deviants, perverts, control freaks, people who get off on the shock value, etc. When it comes to men sending pictures of their dicks, abs, etc to women they're talking to and hoping to get with, I think they tend to really believe that this is an acceptable form of flirting or something.
so flashing your cock via electronic means is flirting now??? jeez i think id prefer to be punched in the arm. :roll:
as i said before unsolicited cockshots are fair game to be shared among friends.
I sure as hell hope this isn't flirting! LOL I am with you on this one!
I could see if there's some flirtation going on...sexual talk of some sort, etc. - the guy may just be that dumb or socially inadequate to think a woman might like it. If it comes straight out of the blue though - I think he's much more of a deviant or getting off on the reaction. You would think there would be some sort of lead up to it.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Well said. Girls have good reason to believe that men will like it and perhaps they'll welcome the attention they'll get in return from the men. (Wow - I just remembered! The guy who sent me an unsolicited picture of his abs messaged me forever after that saying I owed him a picture. ) But what reason do men have to believe that a woman (who's not his partner) would like to receive an unsolicited picture of him?
I'll admit, this was the only woman caller like that I ever dealt with. I had several men over the years.
I guess that is what I'm trying to say, I think in a way you can classify it in the same category. The couples, or even the chick I went out with for a bit, she needed that extra bit to get her there. I found it odd, that's why I stopped seeing her. The people that send these pics unsolicited need that extra edge to get them off. It's not consentual so it makes it more deviant. But both are forms of exhibitionism, so they do fall in the same class. wouldn't you feel the same way about walking into a public restroom and a couple were fucking as you do about some dude sending you a pic of his junk ? i bet you would be even MORE repulsed. just because its consentual for the couple, YOU didn't agree to it.
so yeah, it's the same thing in my eyes.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Wow! Thanks for sharing - that's a first for me to hear about. Just goes to show that anything's possible, I guess. :(
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
why not ? so if a guy sends you a pic to your phone of his stuff that's fucked up, but if you walk into a PUBLIC place and see two people in the flesh fucking, that's not MORE fucked up? :?
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Ok, in the scenario you've just described...yeah..that's not on. BUT I was referring to semi- public places...like a park or in a cubicle or something...not a fully public place where the likliehood is that someone will walk in. I guess in a situation like this, there are degrees...and I was referring to the degree that some couples like the extra excitement, not that they'd be doing it in a totally public place. And yes, if I walked into a public toilet and there was a couple having sex right there, I'd feel a little violated. BUT, if that same couple were in a cubicle and you walked in, and you didn't know they were there, because you couldn't see them...would you feel as violated? I mean...in that instance, they aren't hurting anyone, so what's the harm...although I feel the need to point out that sex in toilets is kinda gross....but using it as an example...how can you class something you can't see as a violation to you? If you can see them having sex, yes...it's wrong, but if they are somewhere...semi concealed say...and they can see others, but others can't see them...then how is that in the same league as sending someone illicit pictures of themselves.
I would also like to add, that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and people's morals and ethics usually determine what they will find acceptable...I'm just saying, if a couple is doing something that isn't hurting anyone else and is consentual...then that's not in the same league as sending someone unsolicited pictures.
I loved when Ed did this! Tons of people on here think he was rude though. I flat out loved it!
i agree. to be honest, neither would bother me to much. lol. but i would be pissed off either way, if say my gf were to have both happen to her. it all depends on the person.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
i dont have a phone but someone did send me a pic of his prick in an email. it disappointed me that he did cause i told him more than once not to. it def showed a lack of respect. i wasnt horrified though.
as for the couple fucking in the public toilets... lets just say itd make me a hypocrite if that offended, let alone bothered me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
they're not smart enough to understand the difference...the assume that if they like it, you'll like it
people that may seem intelligent in conversation may still have many social inadequacies in other areas of their personalities...
I get what your saying. on both counts
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
one would piss me off... the other would make me laugh.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I actually think this is the most plausible explanation, especially since I believe plenty of "normal" guys do it. I don't think (for the most part) that they're sexual deviants, perverts, control freaks, people who get off on the shock value, etc. When it comes to men sending pictures of their dicks, abs, etc to women they're talking to and hoping to get with, I think they tend to really believe that this is an acceptable form of flirting or something.
so flashing your cock via electronic means is flirting now??? jeez i think id prefer to be punched in the arm. :roll:
as i said before unsolicited cockshots are fair game to be shared among friends.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Awesome! You just brought back memories for me of when I first started to realize my good friend in high school really liked me. He and I and another male friend were talking, and when the other guy and I left he said, "Wow, Joe really likes you!" Of course I was baffled 'cuz I thought we were all just friends, and he pointed out that Joe kept kind of kicking my feet the whole time we were talking. (I really realized he liked me when we went to Homecoming together as just friends and he got really hard during a slow dance with me. Of course he tried to hide it - he didn't drop his pants and show me.) Ah... I miss the simple, good ol' days!
so picture of my crank - bad
rubbing my crank against you - good
Haha... it wasn't like that though.
see !!!! we can't win !!!!! there is no understanding the female of the specis !!!
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
The article gave the example of a 14 year old girl in Florida who committed suicide in August. Last May she sent a picture of her breasts to a boy she liked. Another girl at her school used the boy's phone to forward it to numerous people and the first girl was ridiculed unmercifully. She was suspended by her school for a week and her parents grounded her and took away her phone. No one else at the school was punished.
The article wasn't so much about sexting as about "cyberbullying" but the point was that technology has taken interpersonal relationships and all their implications to new levels. :shock:
Excellent point. So, so sad though. :(
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
that is a sad story. I remember reading about it. I still can't believe the girl is the only one who was suspended !!! the girl that sent the pic to all her friends should have some sort of punishment. IMO
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I could see if there's some flirtation going on...sexual talk of some sort, etc. - the guy may just be that dumb or socially inadequate to think a woman might like it. If it comes straight out of the blue though - I think he's much more of a deviant or getting off on the reaction. You would think there would be some sort of lead up to it.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"