Scientific Illiteracy and "Climategate"



  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    no i know noone who was affected by the drought. but then again i live in the biggest city in the country so why would i?? australia is a dry continent. droughts are part of the cycle. they come they go always have always will.

    what extreme weather??? we have enough trouble predicting the weather next week and youre gonna sit there and tell me weve got a lock on future climate patterns??

    im not denying a change in the climate, im just not gonna jump on the freaked out bandwagon that tells me were all doomed. the earth is how old??? has there been 'catastrophic' climate change before in her history?? im thinking yes.. so what were perhaps in the middle of here is a natural climatic cycle. could we cut pollution? of course we could. and we should. but until someone grabs the situation by the balls and does something absolutely constructive were all gonna continue to piss in the wind, choose sides and call each other playground names.

    your drought in 2003 was the worst on record

    are you seriously using the "we can't predict weather line"? ... firstly, local weather patterns are highly variable but still - go follow the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks and tell me how often they are wrong ... secondly, when talking about global weather patterns - you can see the extreme weather ... look at the phillipines this fall ... typhoon after typhoon ... flood after flood ...

    i will tell you now - that we are NOT ALL doomed ... i can tell you tho that many people will suffer and that many have ... we, in the developed countries are the cause of this and ultimately we need to be part of the solution ...

    as with other issues - you can simply say you don't really care as it will not likely affect you - it's a common value system ... but as i've said to others - you should at least educate yourself on the topic ... your prime minister is pretty much about to commit political suicide by pushing forth an emissions cut program ... if i had to point to leaders who have taken the so called bull by the horn ... it would be Kevin Rudd ...
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    "Natural climate changes" have killed off large portions of the planet's life before, so that's a weak argument not to worry. Then again the "We're all doomed" crowd can be a bit on the much side. We won't all die unless we do someting, but many will, and societal consequences of stuff like mass migration is anyone's guess. So since it seems we are influencing this, we should act to stop it. However, i find it unlikely to get much off the ground until things get desperate, unfortunately.


    yes ... thank you ... :mrgreen:
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    polaris_x wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    The only problem here is that all of the overwhelming science and evidence you are talking about has been tainted with, and the actual documents have either been thrown away or destroyed. Common sense evidence says that in the last ten years the earths atmosphere has actually cooled. I'm 38 years old and I think the earth should have died twice already and we were supposed to run out of oil 10 years ago.

    unfortunately for all of us - nothing you say is true (except likely your age) ... you will not have any credible source to prove otherwise - i know this for a fact because others have tried only to be proven to post links to uncredible websites ... you too will likely point to some article that shows that one year was cooler than the year before and therefore prove your cooling ... but the reality is the last 10 years have been the warmest on record ...

    common sense would also tell you that the weather is fucked - it's -50 in some parts of canada now, much of the phillipines was under water this fall, it goes on and on ... and if you are going to refer to -50 as the earth cooling - all you are doing is showing you don't really understand the issue at all ...

    Sorry, but I don't believe in your religion. If you want to believe we're all going to die, then go ahead and believe it. Can't hurt anybody......except yourself that is.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mb262200 wrote:
    Sorry, but I don't believe in your religion. If you want to believe we're all going to die, then go ahead and believe it. Can't hurt anybody......except yourself that is.

    thanks for totally proving my point ... if you read what i wrote just a few posts ago ...
    polaris_x wrote:
    i will tell you now - that we are NOT ALL doomed ... i can tell you tho that many people will suffer and that many have ... we, in the developed countries are the cause of this and ultimately we need to be part of the solution ...

    but feel free to continue to not educate yourself on the issue - can't hurt anyone - well, actually it can and it has ...
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    polaris_x wrote:
    no i know noone who was affected by the drought. but then again i live in the biggest city in the country so why would i?? australia is a dry continent. droughts are part of the cycle. they come they go always have always will.

    what extreme weather??? we have enough trouble predicting the weather next week and youre gonna sit there and tell me weve got a lock on future climate patterns??

    im not denying a change in the climate, im just not gonna jump on the freaked out bandwagon that tells me were all doomed. the earth is how old??? has there been 'catastrophic' climate change before in her history?? im thinking yes.. so what were perhaps in the middle of here is a natural climatic cycle. could we cut pollution? of course we could. and we should. but until someone grabs the situation by the balls and does something absolutely constructive were all gonna continue to piss in the wind, choose sides and call each other playground names.

    your drought in 2003 was the worst on record

    are you seriously using the "we can't predict weather line"? ... firstly, local weather patterns are highly variable but still - go follow the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks and tell me how often they are wrong ... secondly, when talking about global weather patterns - you can see the extreme weather ... look at the phillipines this fall ... typhoon after typhoon ... flood after flood ...

    i will tell you now - that we are NOT ALL doomed ... i can tell you tho that many people will suffer and that many have ... we, in the developed countries are the cause of this and ultimately we need to be part of the solution ...

    as with other issues - you can simply say you don't really care as it will not likely affect you - it's a common value system ... but as i've said to others - you should at least educate yourself on the topic ... your prime minister is pretty much about to commit political suicide by pushing forth an emissions cut program ... if i had to point to leaders who have taken the so called bull by the horn ... it would be Kevin Rudd ...

    yes.. on record. in the scheme of things records havent been kept that long have they???

    lets just wait before we start proclaiming kevin rudd the messiah shall we??

    extreme weather for the earth or for the people to cope with???

    ive never said nor been of the opinion that simply cause i wont be affected that i dont care. in fact ive never said i dont care. and i dont think ive ever put forth that opinion either. all i said was i wasnt going to be freaked out by the doomsayers.
    hear my name
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  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    yes.. on record. in the scheme of things records havent been kept that long have they???

    lets just wait before we start proclaiming kevin rudd the messiah shall we??

    extreme weather for the earth or for the people to cope with???

    ive never said nor been of the opinion that simply cause i wont be affected that i dont care. in fact ive never said i dont care. and i dont think ive ever put forth that opinion either. all i said was i wasnt going to be freaked out by the doomsayers.

    first off - i want to say that i re-read my previous post to you and it comes across very aggressive and i apologize ...

    yes, records have not been kept that long but that doesn't undermine our level of scientific understanding now ... we can clone sheep! ... what if i put a toxic pile of sludge in your house - how many years of studies do you require to know that you're likely gonna die from exposure?

    we all know the higher up you go - the less power one has ... your pm is trying to do things that are not gonna be easy ... he likely will fail ... but his failure as the failure of other world leaders ultimately fall on the people ... for us not recognizing the problem at hand and demanding action ...

    not sure what you are asking about extreme weather ... basically my point is that although the earth is warming - that isn't our immediate impact ... by artificially affecting the temperature we are causing the global climate system to adjust and in doing so - we are creating more extreme weather ... we had -50C temperatures across the prairies here in Canada - that is not normal ... everywhere you look - there are more and more examples of not normal weather ...
  • No matter what your opinion on the subject, doesn't it seem ironic as hell that the president who campaigned on "Change", for some reason thinks that the earth's ecosystem and temperature should NOT change?

    I don't know the truth on this debate (I have an opinion like everyone else), but I think before we commit trillions of dollars to something we should have more than a scientific "consensus". Science is governed by fact, not consensus of opinion.

    I also think the fact that Obama seems convinced he can control the weather now proves that he is an egomaniac, a narcissist, and not as smart as he and some others think he is.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    polaris_x wrote:
    first off - i want to say that i re-read my previous post to you and it comes across very aggressive and i apologize ...

    yes, records have not been kept that long but that doesn't undermine our level of scientific understanding now ... we can clone sheep! ... what if i put a toxic pile of sludge in your house - how many years of studies do you require to know that you're likely gonna die from exposure?
    we all know the higher up you go - the less power one has ... your pm is trying to do things that are not gonna be easy ... he likely will fail ... but his failure as the failure of other world leaders ultimately fall on the people ... for us not recognizing the problem at hand and demanding action ...

    not sure what you are asking about extreme weather ... basically my point is that although the earth is warming - that isn't our immediate impact ... by artificially affecting the temperature we are causing the global climate system to adjust and in doing so - we are creating more extreme weather ... we had -50C temperatures across the prairies here in Canada - that is not normal ... everywhere you look - there are more and more examples of not normal weather ...

    i live in a house thats lined with asbetos.. lets see what effects that has on the health of me and my children before we start dumping a toxic pile of sludge on my living room rug shall we??

    i dont know that we are creating more extreme weather for reasons ive stated before. sure -50 is wild. it certainly seems wild to me but i wouldnt say its unusual enough to be freaked out about. our records just dont go back that far enough for comparison. here in australia our indigenous people have an oral culture, so there is no written record of the environment that covers any significant amount of time. but what i do know is many of our flora species require fire to reproduce. fortunately australia is frequented by bushfires. if there are more fires these days than previously id say a contributing factor to that is most likely arson. but that doesnt preclude the frequency of bushfires rising due to environmental factors. factors that are a part of a cycle. a natural cycle that has been in place since the dawn of time. im not saying this is gospel but its a view i can reconcile with.

    the extreme weather i speak of is perhaps not so extreme. the earth has certainly coped with it before. tis how she got to be what she is today. BUT to mankind it is extreme cause we cant cope or find it difficult to cope with the changes.
    hear my name
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    i just need to say
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    edited December 2009
    Increase of carbon dioxide in air is real, and so are its effects ... 0_Spivack/

    I am a retired chemist who worked at the GE Global Research Center for 16 years after teaching chemistry at SUNY Cobleskill for 15 years.

    I will confine my comments in this letter to known facts: Not projections or predictions. None of what I am about to say is controversial, it is the simple truth.

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a naturally occurring gas that is produced by all air-breathing living things, volcanoes and the weathering of some rocks. It is absorbed by the sea and by green plants. For long periods of time, a balance between production and absorption leads to a steady low concentration of CO2 in the air. This balance can and has been disturbed in the distant past, with the CO2 levels increasing or decreasing in the air as a consequence. In general, times of high CO2 have been warm or hot (think forests at the poles) and times of low CO2 have been cold (think most of Earth covered in ice).

    Before the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 content of the air was about 0.028 percent. Since about 1750 it has been rising and the rate at which it is rising is increasing. It is now at about 0.038 percent; that is nearly a 36 percent increase in 150 years after about 10,000 years of remaining nearly constant. Most of that increase has occurred in the last 50 years. The rate of increase coincides with the increasing rate at which humans have been burning fossil fuels. There is no doubt whatever that this increase is being caused by human activity.

    Yes, it is true that plants need CO2 to survive. But the growth of all the plants on Earth and the tremendous capacity of the ocean to absorb CO2 have not been able to keep up with the rate we are producing it. About half of what we produce gets absorbed and about half remains in the air.

    Consider any object. Pour heat into it and allow heat out. If the heat coming in is equal to the heat going out, then the temperature of the object will not change. If the heat going out is less than the heat coming in, the object will warm up.

    The sun is our source of heat. For 10,000 years, the heat coming in from the sun has been balanced by the heat that Earth radiated to space and the temperature of Earth remained fairly constant. When we add a greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, it traps some of the heat that would otherwise have left Earth and gone into space. Now we have a situation where the heat leaving is less than the heat coming in and Earth must warm up. This is so simple a idea that it cannot be wrong.
    Effective heat source

    Yes, it is true that CO2 is not the most important greenhouse gas. That role is played by water vapor. Humans do not directly affect the amount of water vapor in the air. But a cubic yard of CO2 is much more effective at heating up the atmosphere than a cubic yard of water vapor, so the relatively small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has a profound effect. As the planet warms due to CO2 additions to the air, the atmosphere holds more water vapor, so we get a double whammy: Warming caused by both gases increases.

    Those are the facts. If we do nothing about curbing our fossil fuel burning, the planet will warm up.

    We are presently engaged in an uncontrolled experiment with Earth’s climate and the risks are high. Do we take the risk, continuing business as usual because our only concern is our economic recovery? That reasoning would have us ignore the effects we have on the planet and all other living things so that we might increase our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) next quarter.
    Moment of opportunity

    It also ignores the tremendous economic opportunities that an international agreement on controlling CO2 emissions presents to us. All the world is now clamoring for more efficient machines that use less fuel, and energy sources that are independent of fossil fuels. Who in the world is better than the United States at inventing new devices and methods? This is the economic opportunity of a lifetime; the greatest since the exploitation of petroleum.

    It is time for the human race to get into really long-range planning, so that we and our children’s children might enjoy a fulfilling future.
    Post edited by Jeanwah on
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    it really is fairly simple science - the fact many still don't understand this is a sign that people aren't really interested in learning ...
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    polaris_x wrote:
    it really is fairly simple science - the fact many still don't understand this is a sign that people aren't really interested in learning ...
    Or that they really don't want to know the truth and taking a hard look at reality.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    polaris_x wrote:
    first off - i want to say that i re-read my previous post to you and it comes across very aggressive and i apologize ...

    yes, records have not been kept that long but that doesn't undermine our level of scientific understanding now ... we can clone sheep! ... what if i put a toxic pile of sludge in your house - how many years of studies do you require to know that you're likely gonna die from exposure?
    we all know the higher up you go - the less power one has ... your pm is trying to do things that are not gonna be easy ... he likely will fail ... but his failure as the failure of other world leaders ultimately fall on the people ... for us not recognizing the problem at hand and demanding action ...

    not sure what you are asking about extreme weather ... basically my point is that although the earth is warming - that isn't our immediate impact ... by artificially affecting the temperature we are causing the global climate system to adjust and in doing so - we are creating more extreme weather ... we had -50C temperatures across the prairies here in Canada - that is not normal ... everywhere you look - there are more and more examples of not normal weather ...

    i live in a house thats lined with asbetos.. lets see what effects that has on the health of me and my children before we start dumping a toxic pile of sludge on my living room rug shall we??

    i dont know that we are creating more extreme weather for reasons ive stated before. sure -50 is wild. it certainly seems wild to me but i wouldnt say its unusual enough to be freaked out about. our records just dont go back that far enough for comparison. here in australia our indigenous people have an oral culture, so there is no written record of the environment that covers any significant amount of time. but what i do know is many of our flora species require fire to reproduce. fortunately australia is frequented by bushfires. if there are more fires these days than previously id say a contributing factor to that is most likely arson. but that doesnt preclude the frequency of bushfires rising due to environmental factors. factors that are a part of a cycle. a natural cycle that has been in place since the dawn of time. im not saying this is gospel but its a view i can reconcile with.

    the extreme weather i speak of is perhaps not so extreme. the earth has certainly coped with it before. tis how she got to be what she is today. BUT to mankind it is extreme cause we cant cope or find it difficult to cope with the changes.

    Global warming or not, i'd be getting rid of the asbestos :D
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Jeanwah wrote:
    polaris_x wrote:
    it really is fairly simple science - the fact many still don't understand this is a sign that people aren't really interested in learning ...
    Or that they really don't want to know the truth and taking a hard look at reality.

    O.K. So let's take a hard look at it. What do you suppose we do? It's not like the people preaching it are doing anything about it......besides acceping all kinds of grant money and paying other countries $100,000,000,000 a year. COMMON SENSE!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    mb262200 wrote:
    Global warming or not, i'd be getting rid of the asbestos :D

    its on the list. :thumbup:
    hear my name
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    i just need to say
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mb262200 wrote:
    O.K. So let's take a hard look at it. What do you suppose we do? It's not like the people preaching it are doing anything about it......besides acceping all kinds of grant money and paying other countries $100,000,000,000 a year. COMMON SENSE!

    1. there has to be some compensation to the developing countries that are most suffering from global climate change since it's the rich countries that are the main cause

    2. we need to break free from this paradigm where corporations are governing and are the only voices gov'ts listen to ... we can fight climate change and the solution is actually pretty simple - there is a lack of political will mainly from the big polluters because they govern in the interests of the industries that pollute
  • RoughMixRoughMix back of a lorry Posts: 385
    polaris_x wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    O.K. So let's take a hard look at it. What do you suppose we do? It's not like the people preaching it are doing anything about it......besides acceping all kinds of grant money and paying other countries $100,000,000,000 a year. COMMON SENSE!

    1. there has to be some compensation to the developing countries that are most suffering from global climate change since it's the rich countries that are the main cause

    2. we need to break free from this paradigm where corporations are governing and are the only voices gov'ts listen to ... we can fight climate change and the solution is actually pretty simple - there is a lack of political will mainly from the big polluters because they govern in the interests of the industries that pollute

    Developing countries such as Zimbabwe.Whose leader was the main cause of changing his country from the "bread basket" of Africa to a dust bowl.He kicked out all the white farmers and now he blames it on climate change.Where do you think his share of the pie will go?
    "They don't give a shit Keith Moon is dead,
    is that exactly what I thought I read."
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    we cant even get together to stop war or poverty, so what chance do you think the earth has??
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    RoughMix wrote:
    Developing countries such as Zimbabwe.Whose leader was the main cause of changing his country from the "bread basket" of Africa to a dust bowl.He kicked out all the white farmers and now he blames it on climate change.Where do you think his share of the pie will go?

    Again - you need to look to see who is responsible for Africa now. Colonialism created borders that made no sense - the developed countries have raped and pillaged Africa for years now. If Africa doesn't comply - we fund rebel groups and supply them with cheap weapons so we can install western friendly gov'ts.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    we cant even get together to stop war or poverty, so what chance do you think the earth has??

    you're right ... the same barriers for all the problems too ...
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    You really can't blame people for thinking global warming is a hoax when people are not even allowed to ask questions. If they are not hiding anything then answer the damn questionsthat people have. ... re=related
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    You really can't blame people for thinking global warming is a hoax when people are not even allowed to ask questions. If they are not hiding anything then answer the damn questionsthat people have. ... re=related
    then let me ask you this, what is the point of answering questions when your mind is already made up about the topic?? there is nothing anybody can say to some of you people to prove anything so why bother....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    You really can't blame people for thinking global warming is a hoax when people are not even allowed to ask questions. If they are not hiding anything then answer the damn questionsthat people have. ... re=related
    then let me ask you this, what is the point of answering questions when your mind is already made up about the topic?? there is nothing anybody can say to some of you people to prove anything so why bother....

    I don't believe there is any valuable proof towards G.W. Too many lies and tainted docs. to make me believe. I think Al Gore should somehow be punished for the lies and the misleadings in the school systems that he has created.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    You really can't blame people for thinking global warming is a hoax when people are not even allowed to ask questions. If they are not hiding anything then answer the damn questionsthat people have. ... re=related
    then let me ask you this, what is the point of answering questions when your mind is already made up about the topic?? there is nothing anybody can say to some of you people to prove anything so why bother....

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    You really can't blame people for thinking global warming is a hoax when people are not even allowed to ask questions. If they are not hiding anything then answer the damn questionsthat people have. ... re=related
    then let me ask you this, what is the point of answering questions when your mind is already made up about the topic?? there is nothing anybody can say to some of you people to prove anything so why bother....

    your mind is made up already, so why waste everyone's time by asking questions when nothing is going to sway you either way or make you see anything any differently? you have all the answers, right?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    I said ditto thinking of all the times i've answered peoples questions but get the response that i'm not answering questions because they are not the answers some people want to hear. Never said I have all the answers so take your fucking attitude somewhere else.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    I said ditto thinking of all the times i've answered peoples questions but get the response that i'm not answering questions because they are not the answers some people want to hear. Never said I have all the answers so take your fucking attitude somewhere else.
    the thing is you DID NOT answer those questions in the other skirted them or changed the subject every time. i love how you threaten and lash out at people that disagree with you and say fuck them like to a few other posters on here. this is three times you have said such things to me. you can't winthe debate so you get angry and lash out like a 3 year old. its quite of these days maybe you will earn yourself a little the way, i see your clever screen name change is not working out so well for you is it?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    I said ditto thinking of all the times i've answered peoples questions but get the response that i'm not answering questions because they are not the answers some people want to hear. Never said I have all the answers so take your fucking attitude somewhere else.
    the thing is you DID NOT answer those questions in the other skirted them or changed the subject every time. i love how you threaten and lash out at people that disagree with you and say fuck them like to a few other posters on here. this is three times you have said such things to me. you can't winthe debate so you get angry and lash out like a 3 year old. its quite of these days maybe you will earn yourself a little the way, i see your clever screen name change is not working out so well for you is it?

    Go gyrate on a plunger and suck some of that brain out of your ass. :lol:
  • otterotter Posts: 769
    It is f'n freezin!! What do you man made global warming peeps want to do? Start man-made global cooling?
    I found my place......and it's alright
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    I said ditto thinking of all the times i've answered peoples questions but get the response that i'm not answering questions because they are not the answers some people want to hear. Never said I have all the answers so take your fucking attitude somewhere else.
    the thing is you DID NOT answer those questions in the other skirted them or changed the subject every time. i love how you threaten and lash out at people that disagree with you and say fuck them like to a few other posters on here. this is three times you have said such things to me. you can't winthe debate so you get angry and lash out like a 3 year old. its quite of these days maybe you will earn yourself a little the way, i see your clever screen name change is not working out so well for you is it?

    Go gyrate on a plunger and suck some of that brain out of your ass. :lol:
    nice one...its obvious who is the mature one in this conversation...and you wonder why nobody on the train takes you seriously or values your "contributions"...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    ummmm yeah......I was drunk last night.
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