LBJ was a diversion.
He MAY have had SOME involvement IN THE COVER UP, and he may have been induced in to SOME involvement before the fact, but i would assume any such involvement would have been very LIMITED.
The confession of E. Howard Hunt definitely makes it VERY hard to disbelieve JFK conspiracy in general, as Hunt was NEVER one to fabricate stories for his own aggrandizement. In fact, Hunt went out of his way to SUE, in civil court, a magazine that attempted to link him to the assassination way back in the 1980's.
Beyond the miles and miles of discrepancies, falsifications, and cover-ups that CLEARLY point to US government involvement (along with several OTHER factions: ie. mafia, vatican, private oil interests, ALL neatly inter-related in a swirling chain of elitist interests) in the murder of our first Catholic president, "Number Thirty Five", i believe it is Hunt's confession itself which seals the deal. The man just had ZERO cause to outright lie about his (and his colleagues at the CIA) involvement in Kennedy's murder.
His facts jive neatly with several other sources, including Oswald himself, who was convinced that his contact in Mexico, codenamed "Mr. Bishop" or "Maurice Bishop", was indeed David Atlee Phillips, the CIA's then Director of Operations for the Western Hemisphere.
Beyond those implicated (named directly) by EH Hunt, one has to expand the circle further to get closer to the "real" truth.
Those OTHER players most probably involved (implicated either by motive, or by circumstance) are:
Allen Dulles -- founding CIA director, still director until he was fired by Kennedy after Bay of Pigs, would have had a HUGE grudge on this account. He was also the second director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and had previously been a Princeton graduate law partern at Sullivan & Cromwell -- the mega international law firm that was in part responsible for the formation of General Electric AND US. Steel, has massive ties to Wall Street mega banks, the Rockefellers, the DuPont's, etc etc. He ALSO HAD INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE BUSH FAMILY, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN, IG FARBEN, AND THE NAZI REICH [this is further expounded upon in the epic expose against the Bushs, Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker].
George Herbert Walker Bush -- all you need to do is read Family of Secrets by Russ Bakers to have MORE than a fucking handful of SERIOUSLY DAMNING questions for Mr. President, New World Order proponent & Former CIA Director George HW Bush.
He, like EH Hunt, WAS IN DALLAS THE NIGHT BEFORE and (as Russ Baker proves) THE DAY OF KENNEDY'S MURDER. There is a phone conversation transcript of him phoning the FBI just minutes after the Kennedy story broke to report a suspicious fellow who he alleges made threats against the president's life. Why was this information given to the FBI AFTER JFK's death? Why was the man he accuses WORKING UNDER BUSH as a volunteer at the Young Republicans association in texas? WHY DID HE END UP ON BUSH'S CAMPAIGN STAFF 3 DECADES LATER !??! Why did George De Mohrenschildt (Russian emigre, and admitted close associate of Oswald) write a PERSONAL letter to George HW Bush when he was CIA director in the mid-late 70s requesting help for FEAR OF HIS LIFE? After being reassured by Bush personally that this was a misunderstanding, and that he was in no danger, WHY DID DE MOHRENSCHILDT END UP DEAD IN HIS HOME JUST BEFORE TESTIFYING IN FRONT OF CONGRESS ON THE MATTER OF JFK'S ASSASSINATION?
The Owners of the Federal Reserve -- Largely the same players as many others mentioned elsewhere in Kennedy conspiracy theory, these folks would have been LIVID about Kennedy's EO 11110 which gave authority back to the Treasury itself to PRINT NON FEDERAL-RESERVE, GOLD\SILVER BACKED HARD CURRENCY.
The Oil Fat Cats -- again, largely overlapping with both CIA and Fed Res interests, these fuckers would also have been LIVID about Kennedy's plans to substantially reduce the Oil Depletion allowance tax credit scheme.
The Mafia -- and particularly Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana (both of whom turned up dead around the time of the House Select Committee Investigations, along with De Mohrenschildt) are implicated by sources left and right in this matter. There names ALSO dubiously appear in the CIA's OWN paper trail, as part of "The Jewel Files" which, under Item #2 (Item #1 being ENTIRELY redacted, and most likely being an admission about JFK's assassination itself!) lists these two figures as being HIRED BY THE US GOVERNMENT TO ASSASSINATE CASTRO!
The Vatican -- POSSIBLY THE ULTIMATE PLAYER IN THIS WHOLE GAME, the Vatican has direct and covert links to just about every other player heretofore named in the conspiracy. Certainly they are very well linked to The Mafia, and to the Nazis, but also one only needs to look to the large number of meetings US officials have with Cardinals and the Pope to understand just how interconnected the Vatican Government (and all its shady goings-on) is to the not-so-open workings of the US Government (and the "intelligence" agencies in particular).
That's my summary in brief.
PS -- Check out the "death bed" confession of Chauncey Holt, a CIA criminal for hire, who lays bare a great swath of the behind the scenes workings of the Kennedy assassination. Perhaps nothing of enormous import, but certainly a LOT of interesting facts that will lead to a better understanding of what was going on at the ground level that day -- like why the "three tramps" were in that railroad car at all, how the fake SS indentifcations were made, more backstory on oswald, etc.
Also, for the serious JFK (RFK, AND Jonestown also) afficianado, EVIDENCE OF REVISION is a MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY!!!
If you think the assassination of ONE MAN trumps THE WAGING OF A DECADE LONG HOT GROUND WAR THAT KILLED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF US CITIZENS, AND COUNTLESS VIETNAMESE & CAMBODIANS, then you need to reevaluate your stance on things in general.
If the powers that be can cover up an operation that started with US Warships ILLEGALLY (according to INTERNATIONAL LAW!) FIRING UPON VIETNAMESE TROOPS, including LYING DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC VIA PRESS CONFERENCE, and managing to shut up ALL THE TROOPS INVOLVED IN THE ACTUAL INCIDENT, then what leads you to believe that they could not cover up the murder of one measly executive !?!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i think E Howard Hunt exposed what happened, a few years back. He stated that LBJ ordered the murder of JFK. He listed several assassins-David Atlee Phillips, Cord Meyer (whose wife was having an affair with JFK), David Morales (CIA), Bill harvey, and a French shooter at the Grassy Knoll.
I think those men are responsible, and are killers. LBJ included.
Also,35 said they heard shots from the knoll. Why shouldnt they be taken seriously?
How about the 3 tramps? Was Woody harrelson's father one of them?
LBJ for sure ... I agree with your comments- I have read a lot about the LBJ connection -- Seems legit to me!
i think E Howard Hunt exposed what happened, a few years back. He stated that LBJ ordered the murder of JFK. He listed several assassins-David Atlee Phillips, Cord Meyer (whose wife was having an affair with JFK), David Morales (CIA), Bill harvey, and a French shooter at the Grassy Knoll.
I think those men are responsible, and are killers. LBJ included.
Also,35 said they heard shots from the knoll. Why shouldnt they be taken seriously?
How about the 3 tramps? Was Woody harrelson's father one of them?
LBJ for sure ... I agree with your comments- I have read a lot about the LBJ connection -- Seems legit to me!
i've never really looked into the assassination other than a video i think drifting by the storm posted a long time ago about CIA involvement so i've never read anything about LBJ being behind it but why didn't he seek a 2nd term? seems odd to have the president killed so you could take over then say you don't want the job
don't compete; coexist
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
i think E Howard Hunt exposed what happened, a few years back. He stated that LBJ ordered the murder of JFK. He listed several assassins-David Atlee Phillips, Cord Meyer (whose wife was having an affair with JFK), David Morales (CIA), Bill harvey, and a French shooter at the Grassy Knoll.
I think those men are responsible, and are killers. LBJ included.
Also,35 said they heard shots from the knoll. Why shouldnt they be taken seriously?
How about the 3 tramps? Was Woody harrelson's father one of them?
LBJ for sure ... I agree with your comments- I have read a lot about the LBJ connection -- Seems legit to me!
i've never really looked into the assassination other than a video i think drifting by the storm posted a long time ago about CIA involvement so i've never read anything about LBJ being behind it but why didn't he seek a 2nd term? seems odd to have the president killed so you could take over then say you don't want the job
Well it was pretty well documented that his years in the oval office took a humongous toll on LBJ. He died a few years after his term ended, in the mid 19's I think. A large part of his stress level, was the amazing toll Vietnam took on him. Just on an abstract level, you had the entire world literally up in flames, riots, protests, firebombings etc... You had Vietnam, which of course was HUGELY unpopular on both sides of the aisle. You had scores of protestors outside the white house, loudly chanting, "hey hey lbj, how many kids did you kill today"? and LBJ did indeed hear those chants. You had young people staging an outright revolt, completely abandoning their social roles. Nowadays we dont look at it as that wierd, but to people like LBJ and others of his generation, to have college kids, walking out of classes, or protesting the war, or merely dropping out of school to do drugs or whatever, that was a HUGE deal.
LBJ was often near the end of his term, photographed, with his head in his hands, clearly stressed out. He was literally driven to his death via all the pressure put on him about ending the war.
So as 1968 approached, and the world started to talk about who was gonna be president in 1968, its quite clear, by 1968, that the war, is not only unpopular with college radicals, but it was a mainstream position. 1968 saw the world literally on the brink of revolution. The Panthers, increasing riots over race, antiwar activism became violent and more radical, and you had cops videotaped on the evening news beating in the heads of college kids at the 68 DNC.
It also was clear that given the choice, at that time, between Nixon, Humphreys, LBJ or RFK, you werent going to be elected if you were anti Vietnam war. RFK was the only one who was that. LBJ stood no chance. He (LBJ)was under increasing pressure from black activists for not being radical enough in terms of civil rights and black equality.
It also point out the stark differences between then and now. We are in an eerily similar time now. Unpopular wars, wars unpopular with not just radicals but mainstream americans, we have a democrat president who is unwilling to pull out. The main difference of course beyond the lack of a draft, is the fact Bush, and Obama seem to not be affected by the protests at all.
As far as LBJ's involvement, I know a lot of people have come to that conclusion based on the infamous "wink" photo taken after he was sworn in.
In regards to the famous shot of Oswald holding his rifle and the Marxist papers there has always been the theory that the body belonged to a CIA agent and that the head was glued on above the chin.
These two photos are enlargements of the two photos found in the garage. The line where Oswald's real head was glued onto the two photos of another man's body at the chin line can be seen. A whole series of mistakes was made by the team who did this work. One of the most obvious is the way the shadow under Oswald's nose in the two photos tilts with his head. This shows that the same head photo was glued on at two different angles. These fake photos taken with a camera that didn't belong to Oswald were accepted as totally valid by the Warren Commission and the FBI. Marina Oswald was forced by the assassination team to testify that she took these two photos.
As far as LBJ's involvement, I know a lot of people have come to that conclusion based on the infamous "wink" photo taken after he was sworn in.
In regards to the famous shot of Oswald holding his rifle and the Marxist papers there has always been the theory that the body belonged to a CIA agent and that the head was glued on above the chin.
These two photos are enlargements of the two photos found in the garage. The line where Oswald's real head was glued onto the two photos of another man's body at the chin line can be seen. A whole series of mistakes was made by the team who did this work. One of the most obvious is the way the shadow under Oswald's nose in the two photos tilts with his head. This shows that the same head photo was glued on at two different angles. These fake photos taken with a camera that didn't belong to Oswald were accepted as totally valid by the Warren Commission and the FBI. Marina Oswald was forced by the assassination team to testify that she took these two photos.
from the page, Backyard photos
(and i believe, also revealed in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" TV series)
Discovered in the Dallas Police Department records, in the mid 1980s,
HERE IS: larger, clearer image
Uh. So What WOULD you say this is evidence of, if not "REVISION"?
Sorry DBTS, that photo isn't real. The negative was "lost" by the DPD.
I haven't read every post but it seems a few names are missing. Kissinger, Bush (one of the "bums") and most of all, Richard M. Nixon.
Try to find some info. on Billy Lovelady.
Good fuckin luck.
Only thing you'll find is "Lovelady was a book depository employee who resembled Lee Harvey Oswald"
What a coincidence. Two individuals, working in the same place, who looked like each other.
Here is my take, and I was alive and in school on the day of the assasination. I do believe Oswald killed him, but I do not believe he was alone in the whole thing. I think the gov. had a part in it. I also believe Jack Ruby was paid to kill Oswald, but I am unsure if he knew who was at the top of wanting Oswald killed.
Kennedy made many enemies and some thought he was a danger to the country. It was easiest to take him out.
I do know the country felt he was the greatest ever, so an assassination was the only way. Bobby was taken out for similar reasons. Ted is a lucky bastard.
Why I feel all of this??? Cuz, where there is smoke, there is fire. and many of these "conspiracy" issues started immediately. They weren't called conspiracy theories back then.
Heck, back then, people were so unwilling to accept he was dead, that they felt he was being kept alive at an undisclosed location, they also felt his brain was removed and saved somnewhere...none of which is true. Either way, he is gone by now, if he did survive, he would be 92 now. But, he did not survive.
I think the CIA had a lot to do with it. That is their job, if a president needs to be taken out, they do it. Too bad, they didn't catch on to the fact we had a psychopath recently and do their duty then!!
You know what else? They use to say the Vietnam war ended in 1974, but I know it was still going in 1975, and they didn't admit that until more recently. I always knew it, cuz my ex and I were in the military at that time. Many vets are not receiving Vietnam war status 'cuz of those lies back then. We were still sending troops over in 1975!! The history books vary in what year it actual ended. I know it was 1995 or later!!
If my head didn't hurt so fuckin bad right now, I'd really rip into this thread. 'Nam had little, if anything to do with it. On the other hand, it had everything to do with it. War's big business, and it brings in big money. John Boy was going to put an end to the Federal Reserve and put the American currency back in the hands of The Corporation, i.e. The Federal Government. The "Money Lenders" (jew talkin to me?) weren't about to let that happen. They didn't then, and they ain't gonna now . (Listen up, Ron Paul)
Lincoln was about to do the same thing.
I'm sure he and Jack are kickin back in their eternal hot tub, surrounded by Marylin Monroe look-a-likes (ighting better Cubans than you or I will ever smoke), swirling snifters of Cognac, shaking their heads, and saying to each other (between giggles) "What the fuck were we thinking?"
(To which Marylin will reply, obviously, "How could you two think about anything with your brains in your lap?")
He MAY have had SOME involvement IN THE COVER UP, and he may have been induced in to SOME involvement before the fact, but i would assume any such involvement would have been very LIMITED.
The confession of E. Howard Hunt definitely makes it VERY hard to disbelieve JFK conspiracy in general, as Hunt was NEVER one to fabricate stories for his own aggrandizement. In fact, Hunt went out of his way to SUE, in civil court, a magazine that attempted to link him to the assassination way back in the 1980's.
Beyond the miles and miles of discrepancies, falsifications, and cover-ups that CLEARLY point to US government involvement (along with several OTHER factions: ie. mafia, vatican, private oil interests, ALL neatly inter-related in a swirling chain of elitist interests) in the murder of our first Catholic president, "Number Thirty Five", i believe it is Hunt's confession itself which seals the deal. The man just had ZERO cause to outright lie about his (and his colleagues at the CIA) involvement in Kennedy's murder.
His facts jive neatly with several other sources, including Oswald himself, who was convinced that his contact in Mexico, codenamed "Mr. Bishop" or "Maurice Bishop", was indeed David Atlee Phillips, the CIA's then Director of Operations for the Western Hemisphere.
Beyond those implicated (named directly) by EH Hunt, one has to expand the circle further to get closer to the "real" truth.
Those OTHER players most probably involved (implicated either by motive, or by circumstance) are:
Allen Dulles -- founding CIA director, still director until he was fired by Kennedy after Bay of Pigs, would have had a HUGE grudge on this account. He was also the second director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and had previously been a Princeton graduate law partern at Sullivan & Cromwell -- the mega international law firm that was in part responsible for the formation of General Electric AND US. Steel, has massive ties to Wall Street mega banks, the Rockefellers, the DuPont's, etc etc. He ALSO HAD INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE BUSH FAMILY, BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN, IG FARBEN, AND THE NAZI REICH [this is further expounded upon in the epic expose against the Bushs, Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker].
George Herbert Walker Bush -- all you need to do is read Family of Secrets by Russ Bakers to have MORE than a fucking handful of SERIOUSLY DAMNING questions for Mr. President, New World Order proponent & Former CIA Director George HW Bush.
He, like EH Hunt, WAS IN DALLAS THE NIGHT BEFORE and (as Russ Baker proves) THE DAY OF KENNEDY'S MURDER. There is a phone conversation transcript of him phoning the FBI just minutes after the Kennedy story broke to report a suspicious fellow who he alleges made threats against the president's life. Why was this information given to the FBI AFTER JFK's death? Why was the man he accuses WORKING UNDER BUSH as a volunteer at the Young Republicans association in texas? WHY DID HE END UP ON BUSH'S CAMPAIGN STAFF 3 DECADES LATER !??! Why did George De Mohrenschildt (Russian emigre, and admitted close associate of Oswald) write a PERSONAL letter to George HW Bush when he was CIA director in the mid-late 70s requesting help for FEAR OF HIS LIFE? After being reassured by Bush personally that this was a misunderstanding, and that he was in no danger, WHY DID DE MOHRENSCHILDT END UP DEAD IN HIS HOME JUST BEFORE TESTIFYING IN FRONT OF CONGRESS ON THE MATTER OF JFK'S ASSASSINATION?
The Owners of the Federal Reserve -- Largely the same players as many others mentioned elsewhere in Kennedy conspiracy theory, these folks would have been LIVID about Kennedy's EO 11110 which gave authority back to the Treasury itself to PRINT NON FEDERAL-RESERVE, GOLD\SILVER BACKED HARD CURRENCY.
The Oil Fat Cats -- again, largely overlapping with both CIA and Fed Res interests, these fuckers would also have been LIVID about Kennedy's plans to substantially reduce the Oil Depletion allowance tax credit scheme.
The Mafia -- and particularly Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana (both of whom turned up dead around the time of the House Select Committee Investigations, along with De Mohrenschildt) are implicated by sources left and right in this matter. There names ALSO dubiously appear in the CIA's OWN paper trail, as part of "The Jewel Files" which, under Item #2 (Item #1 being ENTIRELY redacted, and most likely being an admission about JFK's assassination itself!) lists these two figures as being HIRED BY THE US GOVERNMENT TO ASSASSINATE CASTRO!
The Vatican -- POSSIBLY THE ULTIMATE PLAYER IN THIS WHOLE GAME, the Vatican has direct and covert links to just about every other player heretofore named in the conspiracy. Certainly they are very well linked to The Mafia, and to the Nazis, but also one only needs to look to the large number of meetings US officials have with Cardinals and the Pope to understand just how interconnected the Vatican Government (and all its shady goings-on) is to the not-so-open workings of the US Government (and the "intelligence" agencies in particular).
That's my summary in brief.
PS -- Check out the "death bed" confession of Chauncey Holt, a CIA criminal for hire, who lays bare a great swath of the behind the scenes workings of the Kennedy assassination. Perhaps nothing of enormous import, but certainly a LOT of interesting facts that will lead to a better understanding of what was going on at the ground level that day -- like why the "three tramps" were in that railroad car at all, how the fake SS indentifcations were made, more backstory on oswald, etc.
Also, for the serious JFK (RFK, AND Jonestown also) afficianado, EVIDENCE OF REVISION is a MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY!!!
If you think the assassination of ONE MAN trumps THE WAGING OF A DECADE LONG HOT GROUND WAR THAT KILLED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF US CITIZENS, AND COUNTLESS VIETNAMESE & CAMBODIANS, then you need to reevaluate your stance on things in general.
If the powers that be can cover up an operation that started with US Warships ILLEGALLY (according to INTERNATIONAL LAW!) FIRING UPON VIETNAMESE TROOPS, including LYING DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC VIA PRESS CONFERENCE, and managing to shut up ALL THE TROOPS INVOLVED IN THE ACTUAL INCIDENT, then what leads you to believe that they could not cover up the murder of one measly executive !?!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
LBJ for sure ... I agree with your comments- I have read a lot about the LBJ connection -- Seems legit to me!
i've never really looked into the assassination other than a video i think drifting by the storm posted a long time ago about CIA involvement so i've never read anything about LBJ being behind it but why didn't he seek a 2nd term? seems odd to have the president killed so you could take over then say you don't want the job
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Well it was pretty well documented that his years in the oval office took a humongous toll on LBJ. He died a few years after his term ended, in the mid 19's I think. A large part of his stress level, was the amazing toll Vietnam took on him. Just on an abstract level, you had the entire world literally up in flames, riots, protests, firebombings etc... You had Vietnam, which of course was HUGELY unpopular on both sides of the aisle. You had scores of protestors outside the white house, loudly chanting, "hey hey lbj, how many kids did you kill today"? and LBJ did indeed hear those chants. You had young people staging an outright revolt, completely abandoning their social roles. Nowadays we dont look at it as that wierd, but to people like LBJ and others of his generation, to have college kids, walking out of classes, or protesting the war, or merely dropping out of school to do drugs or whatever, that was a HUGE deal.
LBJ was often near the end of his term, photographed, with his head in his hands, clearly stressed out. He was literally driven to his death via all the pressure put on him about ending the war.
So as 1968 approached, and the world started to talk about who was gonna be president in 1968, its quite clear, by 1968, that the war, is not only unpopular with college radicals, but it was a mainstream position. 1968 saw the world literally on the brink of revolution. The Panthers, increasing riots over race, antiwar activism became violent and more radical, and you had cops videotaped on the evening news beating in the heads of college kids at the 68 DNC.
It also was clear that given the choice, at that time, between Nixon, Humphreys, LBJ or RFK, you werent going to be elected if you were anti Vietnam war. RFK was the only one who was that. LBJ stood no chance. He (LBJ)was under increasing pressure from black activists for not being radical enough in terms of civil rights and black equality.
It also point out the stark differences between then and now. We are in an eerily similar time now. Unpopular wars, wars unpopular with not just radicals but mainstream americans, we have a democrat president who is unwilling to pull out. The main difference of course beyond the lack of a draft, is the fact Bush, and Obama seem to not be affected by the protests at all.
Those are the reasons.
In regards to the famous shot of Oswald holding his rifle and the Marxist papers there has always been the theory that the body belonged to a CIA agent and that the head was glued on above the chin.
These two photos are enlargements of the two photos found in the garage. The line where Oswald's real head was glued onto the two photos of another man's body at the chin line can be seen. A whole series of mistakes was made by the team who did this work. One of the most obvious is the way the shadow under Oswald's nose in the two photos tilts with his head. This shows that the same head photo was glued on at two different angles. These fake photos taken with a camera that didn't belong to Oswald were accepted as totally valid by the Warren Commission and the FBI. Marina Oswald was forced by the assassination team to testify that she took these two photos.
from the page, Backyard photos
(and i believe, also revealed in "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" TV series)
Discovered in the Dallas Police Department records, in the mid 1980s,
larger, clearer image
Uh. So What WOULD you say this is evidence of, if not "REVISION"?
8 Hour, 5 Part Documentary: Evidence of Revision
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I haven't read every post but it seems a few names are missing. Kissinger, Bush (one of the "bums") and most of all, Richard M. Nixon.
Try to find some info. on Billy Lovelady.
Good fuckin luck.
Only thing you'll find is "Lovelady was a book depository employee who resembled Lee Harvey Oswald"
What a coincidence. Two individuals, working in the same place, who looked like each other.
Happens to me all the time.
Bang, Bang.
Carry on
Kennedy made many enemies and some thought he was a danger to the country. It was easiest to take him out.
I do know the country felt he was the greatest ever, so an assassination was the only way. Bobby was taken out for similar reasons. Ted is a lucky bastard.
Why I feel all of this??? Cuz, where there is smoke, there is fire. and many of these "conspiracy" issues started immediately. They weren't called conspiracy theories back then.
Heck, back then, people were so unwilling to accept he was dead, that they felt he was being kept alive at an undisclosed location, they also felt his brain was removed and saved somnewhere...none of which is true. Either way, he is gone by now, if he did survive, he would be 92 now. But, he did not survive.
I think the CIA had a lot to do with it. That is their job, if a president needs to be taken out, they do it. Too bad, they didn't catch on to the fact we had a psychopath recently and do their duty then!!
You know what else? They use to say the Vietnam war ended in 1974, but I know it was still going in 1975, and they didn't admit that until more recently. I always knew it, cuz my ex and I were in the military at that time. Many vets are not receiving Vietnam war status 'cuz of those lies back then. We were still sending troops over in 1975!! The history books vary in what year it actual ended. I know it was 1995 or later!!
If my head didn't hurt so fuckin bad right now, I'd really rip into this thread. 'Nam had little, if anything to do with it. On the other hand, it had everything to do with it. War's big business, and it brings in big money. John Boy was going to put an end to the Federal Reserve and put the American currency back in the hands of The Corporation, i.e. The Federal Government. The "Money Lenders" (jew talkin to me?) weren't about to let that happen. They didn't then, and they ain't gonna now . (Listen up, Ron Paul)
Lincoln was about to do the same thing.
I'm sure he and Jack are kickin back in their eternal hot tub, surrounded by Marylin Monroe look-a-likes (ighting better Cubans than you or I will ever smoke), swirling snifters of Cognac, shaking their heads, and saying to each other (between giggles) "What the fuck were we thinking?"
(To which Marylin will reply, obviously, "How could you two think about anything with your brains in your lap?")
Rinse and repeat.