If you're lucky enough to own your own painting/plumbing/what have you business, then yeah. The only bullshit you hear is from your own internal monologue. But all the trades you mentioned are union trades. And if you think corporate rhetoric is full of bland people who perk up at the chance to backstab, you don't know anyone that's ever been in a union.
Oh man, have you ever owned a business? It ain't easy. It comes with its own set of chalenges, one of the largest of which is RUNNING a business and GETTING enough business to survive. Plus you get to pay not only your own share of social security plus the part the employer pays, and if you're unlucky enough to not have a spouse with health benefits from their job that can cover you also, you get to pay your own health insurance too. Its no gravy train.
Running your own business is a lot more preferable to me than working for someone else - especially in a corporate style. I ran my grandparents' pub for 4 years and it was incredibly stressful, but it was absolutely worth it because you felt the effects, good or bad, instantaneously.
Running your own business is a lot more preferable to me than working for someone else - especially in a corporate style. I ran my grandparents' pub for 4 years and it was incredibly stressful, but it was absolutely worth it because you felt the effects, good or bad, instantaneously.