you guys are such losers!!
i can stop crying- and its not even that funny.
sorry carry on.
(no sleep and caffeine)
also, we DO have influence on them- havent you seen my no tour thread.
ok back to work.
but yup, they are big boys- they can take care of themselves. just like they always have with major decisions. and its great that people think about their needs we're all good here.
is it really Jeff? soo not that funny, but I still cant stop laughing. anyone else? I know that not sleeping at all and consumption of the caffeine I am not use to is a big factor....but just checking. sorry, carry on. back to work (should be sleep) for me.
Happy New Year again everyone!!!
ps also, I might be dehydrated- we all need to drink more water!!! even if its not the 8 thats recommended, try 5. better than nothing right?
you guys are such losers!!
i can stop crying- and its not even that funny.
sorry carry on.
(no sleep and caffeine)
also, we DO have influence on them- havent you seen my no tour thread.
ok back to work.
but yup, they are big boys- they can take care of themselves. just like they always have with major decisions. and its great that people think about their needs we're all good here.
is it really Jeff? soo not that funny, but I still cant stop laughing. anyone else? I know that not sleeping at all and consumption of the caffeine I am not use to is a big factor....but just checking. sorry, carry on. back to work (should be sleep) for me.
Happy New Year again everyone!!!
ps also, I might be dehydrated- we all need to drink more water!!! even if its not the 8 thats recommended, try 5. better than nothing right?
yeah, I just hope you are not operating any heavy machinery....
yeah, I just hope you are not operating any heavy machinery....
ha ha dear God no. Its quite obvious that "I" am the loser. but it was a term of endearment....nonetheless.
Ironically, all the fans that I know with pics are the big fans. I personally feel uncomfortable doing it....but to each their own. but yes, there might be some "poseur" fans out there. hopefully not too many.
maybe I am one and dont even know it? am I a bad fan if I dont know their sexual orientation, if they even have kids??? its always been about the music- and thats how they've always honestly promoted themselves...thanks for showing concern for the group- we are lucky to have them in this world.
anywhoose- ciao.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. 2008?? Hope its a good one for all.
If everyone on here were real fans and truly loved and respected the band, we'd give them their very well deserved break and then some! Creating takes time and energy and if we want another great album, tour, etc. we need to let them take their time...and we'll be patiently waiting!!
you guys are such losers!!
i can stop crying- and its not even that funny.
sorry carry on.
(no sleep and caffeine)
also, we DO have influence on them- havent you seen my no tour thread.
ok back to work.
but yup, they are big boys- they can take care of themselves. just like they always have with major decisions. and its great that people think about their needs we're all good here.
is it really Jeff? soo not that funny, but I still cant stop laughing. anyone else? I know that not sleeping at all and consumption of the caffeine I am not use to is a big factor....but just checking. sorry, carry on. back to work (should be sleep) for me.
Happy New Year again everyone!!!
ps also, I might be dehydrated- we all need to drink more water!!! even if its not the 8 thats recommended, try 5. better than nothing right?
hey nobody calls $ a loser!!
well at least it made you laugh, it was a joke bc he was so pro pj having time off...
Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
Do you think. It seems that their popularity is as big as ever right now...I work with alot of kids (13-18 year olds) and I am always surprised to discover how many of them even know who Eddie Vedder is.
Why would these new fans be 'bandwagonners'? PJ is not a 'trendy' band, their music is not the easiest to get into... Praise these 13-18 year olds who discovered a band and will continue to enjoy their music for years to come!
PS... rargh.. can I have some of whatever you're having?
I've started listening to Pearl Jam two years ago (when I was bout 16) Thanks to my dad who had some Pearl Jam stuff at home. Thank God he listened to Pearl Jam
When I heard they were playing at Werchter in 2007 I almost immediately bought myself a 4-day ticket. And now i'm, well, in some way addicted.
I'm still on a hunt trying to get most albums of the band, because I rather have an album I can 'touch' or something like that. Not some mp3-collection.
But to be honest, they deserve some rest after the 2007 tour if you ask me.
But that's just my '2-year' fan opinion
Im not a regular visitor to this board and I mostly just read posts with interest, but I have to say all this talk of "needing" another tour to start or expecting another studio album seems somewhat overboard. Wouldn't all of you rather have a well-rested, excited and motivated Pearl Jam when they tour again, or a tired, overworked band whose performances may be sub-par. Eddie has seemed to be everywhere since last August, and I have a hard time imagining he has the energy to head out on tour with Pearl Jam right now. Let the man rest...Besides, Im hoping that if they take an extended break (like 12-15 months), some of the "fans" that are bandwagoneers will take a flying leap. Discuss...
I think there's a huge difference between NEED and WANT. And yeah.. I don't need nor want a tour or album.... I would like one... and if one came along, I'd take it. But, as far as a need or want... there are other things that rank higher on my priority list.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Wow- it's been an eye opener for me to hear from folks still in their teens singing the praises of the band. That's cool. By no way did I mean to imply that teens are automatically "bandwagoneers' or poseurs. In fact, in my experience, teens are some of the most honest and real folks I know.
personally, i think they should be given two weeks holidays a year, and ten sick days. Oh, and they can have Christmas and Easter off but not Thanksgiving....that's just a made up day anyway.
you guys are such losers!!
i can stop crying- and its not even that funny.
sorry carry on.
(no sleep and caffeine)
also, we DO have influence on them- havent you seen my no tour thread.
ok back to work.
but yup, they are big boys- they can take care of themselves. just like they always have with major decisions. and its great that people think about their needs we're all good here.
is it really Jeff? soo not that funny, but I still cant stop laughing. anyone else? I know that not sleeping at all and consumption of the caffeine I am not use to is a big factor....but just checking. sorry, carry on. back to work (should be sleep) for me.
Happy New Year again everyone!!!
ps also, I might be dehydrated- we all need to drink more water!!! even if its not the 8 thats recommended, try 5. better than nothing right?
yeah, I just hope you are not operating any heavy machinery....
Ironically, all the fans that I know with pics are the big fans. I personally feel uncomfortable doing it....but to each their own. but yes, there might be some "poseur" fans out there. hopefully not too many.
maybe I am one and dont even know it?
anywhoose- ciao.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. 2008?? Hope its a good one for all.
I don't think it's hoping for something crazy to *hope hope hope* for at least a few shows in 2008.
well at least it made you laugh, it was a joke bc he was so pro pj having time off...
PS... rargh.. can I have some of whatever you're having?
When I heard they were playing at Werchter in 2007 I almost immediately bought myself a 4-day ticket. And now i'm, well, in some way addicted.
I'm still on a hunt trying to get most albums of the band, because I rather have an album I can 'touch' or something like that. Not some mp3-collection.
But to be honest, they deserve some rest after the 2007 tour if you ask me.
But that's just my '2-year' fan opinion
I think there's a huge difference between NEED and WANT. And yeah.. I don't need nor want a tour or album.... I would like one... and if one came along, I'd take it. But, as far as a need or want... there are other things that rank higher on my priority list.
Hail, Hail!!!