it was always on his website that he'd redeploy troops to Afghanistan while he campaigned. although he did have this gem to say about Iraq while campaigning:
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama October 27, 2007
i wonder how many people have read your quote above from Obama, feigned 'outrage', and then moved on to the next thread.
be proactive, rather than reactive.
you can write to the Obama Administration at and convey your displeasure there.
Fantastic! I admit, I'm guilty of reading that, and feeling depressed afterward. I'm writing right now, as I do love to bug the shit out of politicians. (I do, really.)
right on jeanwah. we must speak out.
like howard zinn said, small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
But that's just it (see Pepe's post below), a majority of Americans probably would vote for people like Kucinich if he wasn't written off as a left wing nut job by the media. People don't have the time or interest in researching candidates voting records and what they stand for. They're too lazy and settle for what the media spoon feeds them.
although i am just a canuck - i do spend lots of time down in the states and i am pretty sure the populace as a whole are not progressives ... sure, there is probably max 30% that could stand to have kucinich in office but the other 70% would probably revolt (which would at least show that people care) ... between the apathetic, the selfish and the ignorant - those are 3 major barriers to a progressive society ...
and for the peeps that think this is a "i hate US" rant - canada is moving in the exact same direction
But that's just it (see Pepe's post below), a majority of Americans probably would vote for people like Kucinich if he wasn't written off as a left wing nut job by the media. People don't have the time or interest in researching candidates voting records and what they stand for. They're too lazy and settle for what the media spoon feeds them.
although i am just a canuck - i do spend lots of time down in the states and i am pretty sure the populace as a whole are not progressives ... sure, there is probably max 30% that could stand to have kucinich in office but the other 70% would probably revolt (which would at least show that people care) ... between the apathetic, the selfish and the ignorant - those are 3 major barriers to a progressive society ...
and for the peeps that think this is a "i hate US" rant - canada is moving in the exact same direction
I think you're right, not the majority are progressives (unfortunately, we sure could use some more people thinking this way), but to believe that people would actually revolt against someone like Kucinich in office? That would mean they'd have to miss American Idol and Fox would just never happen. The entertainment box and just not caring is of utmost importance to this stereotype.
like howard zinn said, small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
although i am just a canuck - i do spend lots of time down in the states and i am pretty sure the populace as a whole are not progressives ... sure, there is probably max 30% that could stand to have kucinich in office but the other 70% would probably revolt (which would at least show that people care) ... between the apathetic, the selfish and the ignorant - those are 3 major barriers to a progressive society ...
and for the peeps that think this is a "i hate US" rant - canada is moving in the exact same direction