*** Christchurch Fanviews Here 11/29/09 ***



  • Best. Concert. Ever.
    Queenstown, New Zealand
  • Amazing, amazing, Amazing!! What a fantastic concert!! We were a long way back so didn't even get to see the boys but the screens were great & had a really good view of them & the music made up for it!! Was surpsrised at how many Ten songs there were - would have loved Cropduster, Light Years & RearView Mirror but hey whos complaining - was bludy fantastic!! Take my hat off to Ed - he did fantastically considering his voice did sound a little strained at times from him being sick. Thanks so much guys - cant wait for you to come back!!!
    "There's no wrong or right but I'm sure there's good & bad"
  • my first pearl jam concert ever and it was damn worth the wait :D as soon as eddie jumped on stage with liam and ej to sing cinnamon girl it was ON! i totally freaked out! great cover. it was the start of many screams in the crowd. then he went and did it again with ben for under pressure-brilliant also. i managed to get 8 people rows from the front (i wanted a barrier spot but was too slow good on you dedicated jammers who cued at 7 am) so i had some boof heads in front of me that clearly needed a haircut! and they were TALL as well! but hey thats what you get for GA. no complaints cos i had the time of my life.
    so pearl jam finally hit the stage and you can imagine the uproar :o heard the first notes of given to fly and it was ON! the crowd started moshing which got a bit out of hand for the first couple of songs. a few drunkin fucks in the crowd jumping into to everybody and even a fight broke out. we all tried signalling the band but no luck, security soon sorted it out. no problems there. crowd favourite was clearly the fixer cos everybody knows this song now thanks to high rotation 8-) better be home soon made me shiver it was so heart warmingly beautiful-full on crowd sing along with eddie looking a little bewildered with the participation from the crowd. i was actually amazed with just how loud the crowd was so amny songs ed just let us sing it. jeff had a cheeky smile on his face during one such time which made me sing even louder. mike was teasing the crowd with his finger pointing i so thought he was gonna throw out heaps of picks to all he picked out-but no he was just teasing it was cute and funny as hell. he thought so too you should have seen his face :D i didnt see ed smoke once must be his cold. theres so much more but ill remember that later.
    Christchurch, New Zealand 2009

  • haha, those guys needing the haircut were in front of me too, they kept flicking it around in everyones face!!!
    didnt ruin anything though, awesome concert, i might be biased but that was way better than the melbourne gig I also went to.
    great to hear tremor christchurch played!!!
    went spastic during i got id and also my fav state of love!!!!
    crowd really got into the fixer which was awesome, i had to look around a few times to see all the happy faces :D
    got some awesome photos and vids also, was great to be so close as I was a bit sick in melb and didnt get too close
    sure hope its not too long till they come again
    1998 Wellington
    2001 Rock Am Ring
    2009 CHCH and Melbourne
    2012 Manchester x 2
  • I really don’t get it. After seeing Pearl Jam at Rod Laver a few years ago, I couldn’t wait for them to finally come to New Zealand, but especially Christchurch was just one huge disappointment. For all I know they probably played extremely well, and the setlist was obviously great - but the sound was so shit I left after an hour, feeling heartbroken. Everything was just one big wash, and at times the echo off the back of the stadium was so bad that the songs were pretty much unrecognisable. I really don’t get why nobody has mentioned this so far. At previous PJ concerts I have felt nothing but exhilaration and happiness. Last night I felt nothing. Walking out on Pearl Jam was something that I never thought I would do, and I left the stadium with tears in my eyes. But when you’re faced with a choice of hearing your favourite songs being butchered by a shitty sound system, and preserving your memory of what a proper Pearl Jam show is like, walking away was the only reasonable thing I could do.
  • What an incredible experiance. I've been waiting to see PJ since being an angst pre teen adolescent in '93 and now that dream has been realised. I still feel a little gobsmacked by the whole experiance and can't stop grinning. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Aside from the obvious cameo's and big hits, the songs of the night for me were Tremor Christ, The End, Marker in The Sand and In My Tree ( and not the slowed down version either, but the original No Code styles). Fucking magic.

    Big ups to all the fan club members around me. You were all such choice and genuine people, looking out for the little guys and gals, ferrying water into the mosh, helping out the security when that fight broke out. You all definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the concert. Cheers guys.
  • Loved it...first PJ concert ever. But worth the wait. I was in the right hand side area, by the fence, about 5 people back, couldn't have been much better.

    There were a few chicks who reckoned they would try their lucky pushing through, but those who were there at the start held strong and sorted them out...got a bit intense in the first few songs as someone mentioned, but was all good.

    A night to remember....
  • maria83 wrote:
    I really don’t get it. After seeing Pearl Jam at Rod Laver a few years ago, I couldn’t wait for them to finally come to New Zealand, but especially Christchurch was just one huge disappointment. For all I know they probably played extremely well, and the setlist was obviously great - but the sound was so shit I left after an hour, feeling heartbroken. Everything was just one big wash, and at times the echo off the back of the stadium was so bad that the songs were pretty much unrecognisable. I really don’t get why nobody has mentioned this so far. At previous PJ concerts I have felt nothing but exhilaration and happiness. Last night I felt nothing. Walking out on Pearl Jam was something that I never thought I would do, and I left the stadium with tears in my eyes. But when you’re faced with a choice of hearing your favourite songs being butchered by a shitty sound system, and preserving your memory of what a proper Pearl Jam show is like, walking away was the only reasonable thing I could do.

    Im sorry you had this experience but i can tell you the sound was just fine. Im also saying this as a professional musician. You needed to be face on to the stage though. There will always be slap back from a stand facing the stage. Ive been to many MANY pj concerts and last night was up there as quite possibly the best. Did you try moving positions to see if you could get better sound? Walking out should have been a last resort.
  • had the same problem with sound as maria.. the echoing of the back of the stadium... SO WE MOVED... further to the left and forward and the sound was great... was also at rod laver arena during their last tour... actually this was my 11th PJ show... and this one (equal with a 3 hour gig in 2005 at gorge, washington state) was the best so far...
  • zezitozezito Posts: 164
    edited November 2009
    This was my 14th PJ concert...

    by far the crowd was the best one for sure! Everyone going off but no problemas at all. 10 clubbers were all bloody awesome.

    Special thanks for a club member, frinkyPJ (as I remember) for giving me a EV pick after the concert, thanks mate!!!

    Just got back home and uploading some vids on youtube : zezito777

    -Interesting fact, i've recorded a few songs that my camera fuddded up... just found out right on in the middle of I Got Shit. After that worked fine.... So, 1/2 Full of shit! The rest i'll be uploading for you guys!

    Keep on Rocking was amazing with everyone on stage.

    Eddie and the boys were having a great time... as was I and everyone else in there. The weather was not good, but I reckon it made the night more special.

    Also, one of my highlights was Indifference. The way that Ed and Ben put it together was bloody awesome.
    Post edited by zezito on
    "...take care of a couple of requests...one is from last night...I don't know if you are here again tonight...this first one...I'm not gonna tell you!"
    EV Adelaide 22-11-2006 ... yep I was there ... THANKS!
  • zezito77 wrote:
    This was my 14th PJ concert...

    by far the crowd was the best one for sure! Everyone going off but no problemas at all. 10 clubbers were all bloody awesome.

    Special thanks for a club member, freakinPJ (as I remember) for giving me a EV pick after the concert, thanks mate!!!

    Just got back home and uploading some vids on youtube : zezito777

    -Interesting fact, i've recorded a few songs that my camera fuddded up... just found out right on in the middle of I Got Shit. After that worked fine.... So, 1/2 Full of shit! The rest i'll be uploading for you guys!

    Keep on Rocking was amazing with everyone on stage.

    Eddie and the boys were having a great time... as was I and everyone else in there. The weather was not good, but I reckon it made the night more special.

    Also, one of my highlights was Indifference. The way that Ed and Ben put it together was bloody awesome.
    Thats was my mate frinky
  • zezitozezito Posts: 164
    "...take care of a couple of requests...one is from last night...I don't know if you are here again tonight...this first one...I'm not gonna tell you!"
    EV Adelaide 22-11-2006 ... yep I was there ... THANKS!
  • Unbelievably insanely great show. Crowd was awesome. I thought the sound was awesome too! Every song was stellar - each member of the band were all in great moods and having a blast. I didn't even realise it was raining until - I saw it on the big screens - then I touched my hair and found out I was soaked. Some real treats on the setlist and from where I was - everyone was just so into it - what fun. Set list was amazing. For Rockin in the Free World - everyone came on stage and were just dancing and bashing the tamborines. Matt handed over the kit to the R7 drummer and was bouncing around. Neil, Liam, Ben, Eliza Jane - were just all going nuts - dancing. And the Neil/Liam/Ed songs were magic - that was just so special. Getting this boot for sure.

    The extreme weather on this tour has been messed up. Sydney - 45C, Christchurch 7C - wtf?!?! I'm going to need that permission note Eddie promised us - knowing we'd get sick from the hot and cold temps.

    Thank you Pearl Jam - please come back soon! Had the time of my life!
  • zezito77 wrote:

    Thanks for sharing those vids....WOW it must have been cold as...they were all rugged up...
    Adelaide 17th November 2009
    Melbourne 20th November 2009
    Sydney 22nd November 2009
    Brisvegas 25th November 2009
  • XClemXXClemX Posts: 61
    Thank-you so kindly for thevideo...that was awesome just seeing it on youtube...

    Great spot too by the way...

    If you have more, please post them up!
  • zezitozezito Posts: 164
    "...take care of a couple of requests...one is from last night...I don't know if you are here again tonight...this first one...I'm not gonna tell you!"
    EV Adelaide 22-11-2006 ... yep I was there ... THANKS!
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    zezito77 wrote:

    fuck dude ... thank you so much for that ... two of my favourite songs ... honestly, as someone who's been down in NZ twice - i wished i was there last nite ...
  • zezito77 wrote:

    You are a legend for posting those - thank you so much!
  • Fantastic Video coverage - thank you.
  • zezito77 wrote:
    Hey thanks heaps dude, great coverage and nice steady hand.
    BBHS Just made me cry!
  • HinnHinn Posts: 1,517
    zezito77 wrote:
    I love you. Marry me.
    115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
  • what a show! this was my third show of this Oz/En-Zed tour (Melb's, AK and CHCH) and i have to say it was my favourite. You could really feel like it was the last night of the tour and all of the bands were leaving nothing in the dressing room.

    Liam was awesome once again - his energy and musical prowess is really inspiring. I don't think many people realize how bloody hard it is to create all of those loops live on stage - and make it all sound cool. Cinnamon Girl with Ed on vocals was a huge highlight, it really set the tone and started the night off right.

    Ben and especially the R7 were really going for it - they're best show that i saw of them without question. The drummer is bloody awesome! A friend of mine saw those guy in the airport yesterday as they were leaving NZ. they said themselves that they thought CHCH was the best show of the tour!

    PJ - before this tour guessing the first song was in the realm of the possible - but not these days. After hearing Daughter open up AK it was anyones guess what would kick off tonight. 'Given to Fly' really got the crowd going. from there the night is a bit of a blur. the crowd was fantastic - much better then Auckland. In AK i was second row from the rail and was crushed to the point that i almost pulled the pin and asked to get hauled out. CHCH was totally different - i was about 4 rows back on Mike's side and it was perfect! everybody was jumping around having a great time dancing away - respecting everyones space. there were lots of hugs, lots of high fives. there was a feeling amongst the mass that we were experiencing something special, something that we wouldn't soon forget.

    i was stoked to hear 'I Got Shit' and 'State of Love and Trust' - two favourites i hadn't heard since my first show in '96. Having Neil and Liam come out and play with the full band and not just Ed was awesome - 'Better be Home Soon' had everybody in the crowd singing along with everything we had.

    'Rockin' was un-real! everybody was on stage having a great time - tambourines were flying into the crowd everywhere and the song went on and on and on - it was a great end to an amazing night.

    Thanks to PJ, Liam, Eliza, Ben and the R7 and Neil for what would have to be my best PJ show! thanks also to all the 10C folks i met here, in AK and Melbourne for sharing some amazing nights together!
    Toronto - 1996
    Calgary - 2009
    San Francisco - 2009
    Melbourne - 2009
    Auckland - 2009
    Christchurch - 2009
  • So finally get a chance to post... I was on the right hand side on the rail. My 4th concert, and though it's not many and the others were awesome, this topped them. Such an amazing setlist, especially the final encore. Couldn't have planned it better.

    Highlight of the night for me... had to be when Eddie ran up to me and gave me his tambourine when he ran down the middle :D I still can't stop smiling.
  • I went to both shows and thought they were both brilliant. The crowd however at CHCH was much better. I put it down to one thing, the amount of booze drunk. People at the Auckland show had to pretty much leave work and get to the concert straight away, while the CHCH people got to happily drink in the great pubs down there all day. More booze equals more fun and more applause. We were up the front on the left side both concerts, four rows back in Auckland and on the rail in CHCH, and we only got there near the end of Ben's set and walked straight up (not pushing past people). It's funny, we do this at all concerts, you arrive quite late, go to the left and always get a great view, it doesn't tend fill up behind you to much later on. CHCH is now officially the best concert I've been to. Just beating the first Brisbane one last time they were there.

    But, the most pleasure I've got from the concerts is hearing all the people at work who you'd never hear talking about PJ normally raving about the concerts, the songs they loved, the songs they were sad PJ didn't play, the energy for two and a half hours and Eddies perfect voice. Makes me proud to be such a big PJ fan.

    Thanks PJ, I can't wait to see you back.
  • My first PJ show - the 2nd best night of my life (should probably put my wedding in 1st position)!

    Amazing setlist, great sound, we had a primo position. Under Pressure is my fave non PJ song of all time, I was flipping out when they played that (we have it on video, unsure if I want to post to Youtube as you can hear me singing in various parts which no one wants to hear...)

    I went with a bunch of non 10c peeps so didn't get right up the front, was about 10 rows back, in between Ed and Mike.

    It was like Mike was commanding the weather! During Alive (an absolute highlight for me) the rain had stopped but then Mike stepped towards the front and started on the solo and the rain started coming down right at that point - it was epic!

    A couple of real idiots were moshing way too dangerously right beside us (way too drunk) at the beginning which sucked (as I am not very big) but they got hauled out by security and the rest of the night the crowd was really good (apart from the odd passing wanker who would quickly get pulled out too).

    Can't wait for the opportunity to go to another show, although it sounded like it might be a while.
  • zezito77 wrote:

    Thanks man awesome vids!!!!!!!
    Red Lukin wrote:
    Nice looking setlist

    I agree . . . but surprised Amongst The Waves was left out!

    Amongst The Waves

    Based on the video, it looks as if there was a lot of elbow room upfront.

    Anyone else notice that?
  • does anyone know what the first two words were that Eddie said in his NZ accent?
    here's a friends vid of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ8HBk8Z4bI
    sounds like something "meeting"
  • does anyone know what the first two words were that Eddie said in his NZ accent?
    here's a friends vid of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ8HBk8Z4bI
    sounds like something "meeting"
    Is it band meeting??
    "In the age of darkness
    want to be enlightened"
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