"if you see me on the street call me eddie and i'll buy you a drink.."
then the crowd screamed. ed laughed and muttered "you'll never see me in the street..."
That was the funniest bit! I don't know if it will come through on the bootlegs (the mumbled aside bit, I mean). I thought from now on in case I ever meet him on the street, I need to carry the bootleg (so he can remember he said it) and my ticket/wristband to prove that I was there. I mean it's not like it was an open invitation, just specific to those in attendance I reckon...
people see him on streets all the time i'm sure.
but none of them are allowed to call him eddie. they have to call him ed. or tedward. or teddie.
Finally home after a couple of days off in NZ after the shows. For me this was the best show I went to(sydney, Auckland,Christchurch). I was on the rail on Mike side. The whole show was just awesome. Daughter as an opener really worked for me. Black was incredible and Mike and Ed were so pumped. I remember looking around the stadium during Yellow Ledbetter and everyone from the front row to the nosebleed seats in the stands were on their feet going nuts. Best concert ever. Christchurch's encore was out of this world but the whole night in Auckland was the best!! Got a couple of Mike picks too!!
A friend gave it to Neil for me since he was obviously seeing Eddie. So thanks a million Neil, not only were you the highlight of the CHCH show, but you're a bloody nice guy as well.
i think he used to be liam's flatmate in london - when all those kiwi musos migrated over there at the same time... he toured with liam, ej and the lovely and delicious lawrence arabia earlier this year, though to be frank, his contribution was more "dear sweet jesus wtf..." than anything else...
Back in the States after Auckland. WOW. Not sure if I saw it anywhere yet, but does anyone know why Eddie was rocking a Walter Payton jersey?
Cuz he's smart enough to be a Bears fan!
I just returned to the States myself after the most amazing 2 weeks ever! I can't believe it's over... I'm still not straight on what day (or time) it is. I just want to go back and just stay there!
Anyway, I know that Walter Payton died in November 1999- I remember bawling in the Detroit airport when I saw the news. I assumed he wore the jersey as a tribute (albeit a few weeks late) for the 10-year anniversary of his death.
W.P. was uncomparably loved and admired by his fans. As an athlete and as a human being, he was one of a kind.
R.I.P. "Sweetness"
I'm going to find you, and when I do, I don't plan on requesting a picture or an autograph. I'm just going redeem that drink you promised to buy all of "us f*#$ers" in New Zealand last year if we ever caught you out somewhere... and I'm going straight for the top-shelf, expensive bottle.
(nearly a week later, here's the sequel to my 98 synergy fanviews...whatever happened to all those old fanvews anyway...kat? sea? anyway, i do go on a bit...sorry.)
The thing about this gig was the huge gap between it and the last time pj graced our shores. you could see it on the faces of the people walking into mt smart. happy, excited, expectant...and just a little bit relieved that finally, finally, the boys were back in town. who knew in 1998 that it would be 11 years til next time? even in 2001, when ed played those 5 fantastic 7 worlds collide gigs, i had no idea it would be such along time before i heard that voice again, live and direct. so much has changed since 1998...just think...in 1998 there were no pearl jam dvds (hey, pretty much no dvds of anything really), no you tube, no camera phones, and the fanviews were on synergy. if you wanted a bootleg of the show, well, tape it yourself or know the right person - kiwi bootegs are stupidly rare. with all this tech, why even write a fanview? wanna know about pj in auckland 2009? - go watch it on youtube and download the official bootleg, or wait for the dvd to come out.
i was at the supertop in 95, and one thing that was really missing then, and at the 98 shows, but was happily in place this time, was the jumbotrons. bless you, pearl jam, for finally getting over yourselves and letting everyone, no matter where they are in the stadium, watch you as well as hear you. and the sound was superb - no wind - crystal clear, every note. in 98, ed flubbed loads of lyrics - 11 years later he's finally learnt the words! and everyone in the band sings now...i saw a tshirt that night which read 'you can never have too many guitars' - it seems you can also never have too many voices! i love watching mike sing...and jeff sing...and stone sing...ah you get the picture. i had no idea that ed had a cold, he sounded fantastic (of course). talking of sounding fantastic - the new songs! the new songs...were...incredible! they shone out from the rest of the set like diamonds, or as ed would have it, gems and rhinestones. as much as the waiting drove me mad (okay, you knew i would have to say it) in the middle of one of these new treasures i had the thought that, well, it's kinda great that they came back here with these brilliant new songs, with their best album since 98 - probably not such a huge bummer to miss the tours on the back of those other three albums....as much as i love riot act...an album that they played not one single song from, actually - for shame!
i made sure we got there in time for 'under pressure' - which i was 99% sure would make an appearance - and it did...i swear, people around me people were hugging each other in total glee and happiness when ed walked out onto that stage! and then there was the girl behind me who said at the end 'that was awesome - is it a cover or something?' and i felt about a hundred years old. i must have heard that song a zillion times on the radio when it first came out, but the lyrics never seemed so relevant and real as when belted out by mssrs harper and vedder. they took that song and made it ...not theirs, but everyones. stunning.
it didn't seem so long after that that i was thinking - daughter?! heck, when do they ever start with daughter?! and i remembered in that moment leaving the last of the 7 worlds collide gigs and a chick behind me saying ' it was great but i wish He'd done Daughter"...and at the time that seemed a pretty tragic thing to say but, hey, maybe Ed heard her and granted her wish just as soon as he could...8 years later, but first song in the set! hope you were there for it honey!
thanks to the afforementioned jumbotrons. it was immediately obvious that when pearl jam arrived in oz 2 weeks ago, someone told them about mo-vember. mike looked very rock-n-roll with two weeks growth (his faced matched his solos) however stone and matt had a bit of a homeless wino vibe going. never mind boys, all in a good cause!
so, there i am, grinning my face off (i honestly had a sore face the next day), i'm just loving got some and the set is really heating up when - bam - hold on. i'll say hold on. i'll say, hold on a frikkin second, wtf? why is this sludgefest in the setlist when pearl jam literally have a hundred better songs to choose from? i have patiently waited 11 years and three albums and you have two hours to make up for it and you are playing HOLD ON?? not that it's being played badly. it's just...i mean...not a single song from riot act? but hold on made it into the set? there's a good reason it's hardly been played before and thats coz in the middle of a stonking stadium set its a frikking train wreck. i realise that, considering myself a hardcore fan who loves the 'rarities' i should have been pleased to hear this but i was not. it's my only quibble. i'm allowed one. huh? maybe pearl jam setslists are like a persian carpet - there must be an imperfection because only allah is perfect. okay, whatever, next song please and make it a goodie.
unthought known. so backspacer was released on my birthday but after that my life got turned so upside down and back-to-front that i didn't get to properly listen to it (without feeling heartbroken) until the three day surf trip on the way to this momentous gig. and this became my favourite tune on this brilliant album and bless them for playing it, i danced a wee jig at the first notes, and looked up at the moon, and well...you know. aurora australis. i wrote about it already.
and talking about 7 worlds collide (i was) yet another moment that reminded me of those terrific gigs was betterman. betterman was easily the biggest song of the thursday - or was it friday? - night (sorry neil and everyone else) and eddie was supernaturally huge without his band to do whatever it is that they do that keeps him eddie-sized. so at mt smart 8 years later eddie was eddie-sized but the song was gi-normous. it's been so long that i think it's the first time new zealand got to join voices with the worldwide choir that starts this song for ed. i think we did a pretty nice job! ed thought so anyway. yes, bless you ed, and bless your friends. and bless us all coz by now the whole pearl-jam-gig-as-uplifting-celebration vibe was rushing full on. better than any drug.
and eddie came back onto the stage with his acoustic and sat down and sang the one about breathing...and girly screams erupted around me and i thought, hey, some of these people are NEW fans of this band i've adored for the last 18 years and hey, that's pretty awesome to consider. and i do like the one about breathing.
but maybe not as much as the next song...i totally forgot that ben said he had been playing red mosquito...until he starting playing it, that it, at which point i nearly jumped out of my skin!! happy happy joy joy happy happy joy. i dragged my eyes away from the stage to see my lovely man looking astonished and blissed out, all at once. i suspect i had a similar look on my face. and even more so when booms piano tinkled... and i glanced over again and raised my eyebrows to say 'check THIS!"...faaaaaarrrrk!!! i played the xmas single of love reign o'er me to DEATH when it came out, and now...i'm hearing it...live....and i'd heard boots of it (most memorably copenhagen 07) and it was...okay...but they've been practicing huh? and i thought well i just don't care now that i didn't see the who coz hey, i don't think i need to now! faaaaarrrk. out of this world. decades of rock and roll all wrapped up in a single scream. you know that scream, people.
and at the other end of the spectrum, but still decades of rock'n'roll, neil and liam and ed and 30,000 voices singing for chris knox and i literally wiped away a tear at the end of that one. coz who ever thought you'd hear 30,000 people singing a chris knox tune - okay, so probably his most singalong songwriting moment, but hey... maybe we even sung loud enough for him to hear. i do hope. and there are lots of personal notes i could make here...but the most shallow is (and i'm going for shallow now coz it's easier) that three days before those '98 gigs i found out i'd won a mixtape from jeff in a 10c contest and MY mixtape was all new zealand music and i hoped that maybe one day, when they played here, that they would cover one of the bands on that tape, and yes, chris knox was on that tape, so...yay... i mean, of course 'not given lightly' had nothing to do with me, but it did happen and it was worth the wait. it was ALL worth the wait. the darkness ended with a frantic intense porch, stone whrling all over the stage, singing along but nowhere near a mic, jeffs fingers a total blur, and then the stadium lights started to flicker on and i dropped my sunnies back down over my eyes for ritfw and the obligatory YL, remembering jeffs smile during this song in 98...and look there it is again...only pearl jam would have a song that no-one really knows the words to as it's goodbye song, but there you go, we all love it to death anyway. The cheering hooting clapping and whistling finally dies down and I turn to my husband. "Well" he says, with a very decisive air "that's it. We need never go to another gig ever again. That was it. The perfect barrell." I take a step and my knees are suddenly wobbly. I realise I have been tense as hell for the last 3 hours, not wanting to miss a moment, never relaxed, just grinning grinning, singing, dancing, grinning, cheering. As we walk away from the stadium with a happy happy crowd I find myself over and over shaking the tension out of my arms, like I am coming down from a speedy trip that won't let go. It's an insane and lovely feeling. It was nearly all about the wait. And now the wait is over...and the waiting begins.
ya know it's no wonder there was such a crush at the front when venue staff didn't know the difference between a fixer ticket and a backspacer ticket. they were letting backspacer people into the fixer. cmon people. limited space! unlimited bodies! does. not. compute.
Thanks for sharing. I seriously thought it was some friend that he lost a bet too. I didn't realize he was some what popular and actually played anything. Oops on my part..
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.... (Voltaire)
Hopefully they dont take another 11 years to come back to NZ, I had open heart surgery two days before the concert and had to give away my ticket, absolutely gutted
people see him on streets all the time i'm sure.
but none of them are allowed to call him eddie. they have to call him ed. or tedward. or teddie.
The Rhymenocerous would know 'cause there ain't no party like my nanna's tea partay...
Only problem is I'm going to frame it so I'll never be able to look through it again!
Thanks Eddie, Stone and Neil!
HA HA!!! Thought it was Colin!!! Weird funny guy!!!
HA HA Could definately see that being the case
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 760&ref=nf
Cuz he's smart enough to be a Bears fan!
I just returned to the States myself after the most amazing 2 weeks ever! I can't believe it's over... I'm still not straight on what day (or time) it is. I just want to go back and just stay there!
Anyway, I know that Walter Payton died in November 1999- I remember bawling in the Detroit airport when I saw the news. I assumed he wore the jersey as a tribute (albeit a few weeks late) for the 10-year anniversary of his death.
W.P. was uncomparably loved and admired by his fans. As an athlete and as a human being, he was one of a kind.
R.I.P. "Sweetness"
(nearly a week later, here's the sequel to my 98 synergy fanviews...whatever happened to all those old fanvews anyway...kat? sea? anyway, i do go on a bit...sorry.)
The thing about this gig was the huge gap between it and the last time pj graced our shores. you could see it on the faces of the people walking into mt smart. happy, excited, expectant...and just a little bit relieved that finally, finally, the boys were back in town. who knew in 1998 that it would be 11 years til next time? even in 2001, when ed played those 5 fantastic 7 worlds collide gigs, i had no idea it would be such along time before i heard that voice again, live and direct. so much has changed since 1998...just think...in 1998 there were no pearl jam dvds (hey, pretty much no dvds of anything really), no you tube, no camera phones, and the fanviews were on synergy. if you wanted a bootleg of the show, well, tape it yourself or know the right person - kiwi bootegs are stupidly rare. with all this tech, why even write a fanview? wanna know about pj in auckland 2009? - go watch it on youtube and download the official bootleg, or wait for the dvd to come out.
i was at the supertop in 95, and one thing that was really missing then, and at the 98 shows, but was happily in place this time, was the jumbotrons. bless you, pearl jam, for finally getting over yourselves and letting everyone, no matter where they are in the stadium, watch you as well as hear you. and the sound was superb - no wind - crystal clear, every note. in 98, ed flubbed loads of lyrics - 11 years later he's finally learnt the words! and everyone in the band sings now...i saw a tshirt that night which read 'you can never have too many guitars' - it seems you can also never have too many voices! i love watching mike sing...and jeff sing...and stone sing...ah you get the picture. i had no idea that ed had a cold, he sounded fantastic (of course). talking of sounding fantastic - the new songs! the new songs...were...incredible! they shone out from the rest of the set like diamonds, or as ed would have it, gems and rhinestones. as much as the waiting drove me mad (okay, you knew i would have to say it) in the middle of one of these new treasures i had the thought that, well, it's kinda great that they came back here with these brilliant new songs, with their best album since 98 - probably not such a huge bummer to miss the tours on the back of those other three albums....as much as i love riot act...an album that they played not one single song from, actually - for shame!
i made sure we got there in time for 'under pressure' - which i was 99% sure would make an appearance - and it did...i swear, people around me people were hugging each other in total glee and happiness when ed walked out onto that stage! and then there was the girl behind me who said at the end 'that was awesome - is it a cover or something?' and i felt about a hundred years old. i must have heard that song a zillion times on the radio when it first came out, but the lyrics never seemed so relevant and real as when belted out by mssrs harper and vedder. they took that song and made it ...not theirs, but everyones. stunning.
it didn't seem so long after that that i was thinking - daughter?! heck, when do they ever start with daughter?! and i remembered in that moment leaving the last of the 7 worlds collide gigs and a chick behind me saying ' it was great but i wish He'd done Daughter"...and at the time that seemed a pretty tragic thing to say but, hey, maybe Ed heard her and granted her wish just as soon as he could...8 years later, but first song in the set! hope you were there for it honey!
thanks to the afforementioned jumbotrons. it was immediately obvious that when pearl jam arrived in oz 2 weeks ago, someone told them about mo-vember. mike looked very rock-n-roll with two weeks growth (his faced matched his solos) however stone and matt had a bit of a homeless wino vibe going. never mind boys, all in a good cause!
so, there i am, grinning my face off (i honestly had a sore face the next day), i'm just loving got some and the set is really heating up when - bam - hold on. i'll say hold on. i'll say, hold on a frikkin second, wtf? why is this sludgefest in the setlist when pearl jam literally have a hundred better songs to choose from? i have patiently waited 11 years and three albums and you have two hours to make up for it and you are playing HOLD ON?? not that it's being played badly. it's just...i mean...not a single song from riot act? but hold on made it into the set? there's a good reason it's hardly been played before and thats coz in the middle of a stonking stadium set its a frikking train wreck. i realise that, considering myself a hardcore fan who loves the 'rarities' i should have been pleased to hear this but i was not. it's my only quibble. i'm allowed one. huh? maybe pearl jam setslists are like a persian carpet - there must be an imperfection because only allah is perfect. okay, whatever, next song please and make it a goodie.
unthought known. so backspacer was released on my birthday but after that my life got turned so upside down and back-to-front that i didn't get to properly listen to it (without feeling heartbroken) until the three day surf trip on the way to this momentous gig. and this became my favourite tune on this brilliant album and bless them for playing it, i danced a wee jig at the first notes, and looked up at the moon, and well...you know. aurora australis. i wrote about it already.
and talking about 7 worlds collide (i was) yet another moment that reminded me of those terrific gigs was betterman. betterman was easily the biggest song of the thursday - or was it friday? - night (sorry neil and everyone else) and eddie was supernaturally huge without his band to do whatever it is that they do that keeps him eddie-sized. so at mt smart 8 years later eddie was eddie-sized but the song was gi-normous. it's been so long that i think it's the first time new zealand got to join voices with the worldwide choir that starts this song for ed. i think we did a pretty nice job! ed thought so anyway. yes, bless you ed, and bless your friends. and bless us all coz by now the whole pearl-jam-gig-as-uplifting-celebration vibe was rushing full on. better than any drug.
and eddie came back onto the stage with his acoustic and sat down and sang the one about breathing...and girly screams erupted around me and i thought, hey, some of these people are NEW fans of this band i've adored for the last 18 years and hey, that's pretty awesome to consider. and i do like the one about breathing.
but maybe not as much as the next song...i totally forgot that ben said he had been playing red mosquito...until he starting playing it, that it, at which point i nearly jumped out of my skin!! happy happy joy joy happy happy joy. i dragged my eyes away from the stage to see my lovely man looking astonished and blissed out, all at once. i suspect i had a similar look on my face. and even more so when booms piano tinkled... and i glanced over again and raised my eyebrows to say 'check THIS!"...faaaaaarrrrk!!! i played the xmas single of love reign o'er me to DEATH when it came out, and now...i'm hearing it...live....and i'd heard boots of it (most memorably copenhagen 07) and it was...okay...but they've been practicing huh? and i thought well i just don't care now that i didn't see the who coz hey, i don't think i need to now! faaaaarrrk. out of this world. decades of rock and roll all wrapped up in a single scream. you know that scream, people.
and at the other end of the spectrum, but still decades of rock'n'roll, neil and liam and ed and 30,000 voices singing for chris knox and i literally wiped away a tear at the end of that one. coz who ever thought you'd hear 30,000 people singing a chris knox tune - okay, so probably his most singalong songwriting moment, but hey... maybe we even sung loud enough for him to hear. i do hope. and there are lots of personal notes i could make here...but the most shallow is (and i'm going for shallow now coz it's easier) that three days before those '98 gigs i found out i'd won a mixtape from jeff in a 10c contest and MY mixtape was all new zealand music and i hoped that maybe one day, when they played here, that they would cover one of the bands on that tape, and yes, chris knox was on that tape, so...yay... i mean, of course 'not given lightly' had nothing to do with me, but it did happen and it was worth the wait. it was ALL worth the wait. the darkness ended with a frantic intense porch, stone whrling all over the stage, singing along but nowhere near a mic, jeffs fingers a total blur, and then the stadium lights started to flicker on and i dropped my sunnies back down over my eyes for ritfw and the obligatory YL, remembering jeffs smile during this song in 98...and look there it is again...only pearl jam would have a song that no-one really knows the words to as it's goodbye song, but there you go, we all love it to death anyway. The cheering hooting clapping and whistling finally dies down and I turn to my husband. "Well" he says, with a very decisive air "that's it. We need never go to another gig ever again. That was it. The perfect barrell." I take a step and my knees are suddenly wobbly. I realise I have been tense as hell for the last 3 hours, not wanting to miss a moment, never relaxed, just grinning grinning, singing, dancing, grinning, cheering. As we walk away from the stadium with a happy happy crowd I find myself over and over shaking the tension out of my arms, like I am coming down from a speedy trip that won't let go. It's an insane and lovely feeling. It was nearly all about the wait. And now the wait is over...and the waiting begins.
when my ears ring, my heart beats
Wait, that guy has his own show? What does he do? Obviously not play instruments?
Not the lyrics to TC he didn't...
Naah, just messin' with ya! Great review
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
Thanks for sharing. I seriously thought it was some friend that he lost a bet too. I didn't realize he was some what popular and actually played anything. Oops on my part..
if they'd played tremor christ in auckland i would hsave been to deleriously happy to notice mistakes.
when my ears ring, my heart beats
um, but, ya know... black, so, they could have come on, played black... told a couple of dirty limericks and i would have been happy.
you like that song huh?
maybe it was that honking great sign hanging off the stage in ak that gave it away, i dunno.
they just ignored my one, it said please play bugs.
can't think why.
when my ears ring, my heart beats
yeah. it's alright i guess.
Auckland 1998
EV (Neil Finn and Friends, April 2, 2001)
Auckland 2009
Auckland 2014
Auckland 1 2024
Auckland 2 2024