Best amp for PJ tone



  • ScrapeMySkyScrapeMySky Posts: 426
    I'd suggest investing in a Marshall Jackhammer pedal. That would bring you pretty close to that early Pj Marshall sound. I thing your guitar should do the trick just fine. Good luck!
  • SalJamSalJam Posts: 125
    I'd suggest investing in a Marshall Jackhammer pedal. That would bring you pretty close to that early Pj Marshall sound. I thing your guitar should do the trick just fine. Good luck!
    Are the Guvnor and Jackhammer still available anywhere>>> or do you have to go the ebay route?

  • Hub.Hub. Posts: 1,990
    Thanks for the answer, ScrapeMySky. ;)

    Unfortunately, I can't buy any pedal for the moment (but I keep that in mind).

    @SalJam: I don't know about the US, but in Europe, it's still possible (Thomann, for instance). :)
  • JW42505JW42505 Posts: 113
    Mike is actually playing with 2 Savage amps now. They are not cheap but they are Pearl Jam tone. He is using 2 blitz 50s. But you can get the cheaper macht 12x. Amazing amp.
  • Hub.Hub. Posts: 1,990
    Ouch! That's even more expensive than a pedal (and, apparently, not very close to their early soud), but thanks anyway, JW42505. :(
  • dissident52dissident52 Posts: 33
    That guitar will by all means get you to early Pearl Jam tone, but with that amp, you'll never get there. In order to get that tone, you will have to invest some into, at the very least, a pedal of some sort.

    If you like, I could give you some suggestions. But i do realize that you don't have the money for a pedal.
    05/03/2010 Kansas City, Missouri
    10/09/2014 Lincoln, Nebraska
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Posts: 6,395
    Hub. wrote:
    Here’s my problem (I know what you’re gonna say: “gotta buy a new Amp and a new guitar”, but the thing is, I can't afford that, for the moment :( ): I play with a Frontman 212R Amp and an Epiphone (Les Paul signature) guitar.

    With my band, we’re going to cover two PJ songs (Alive and Breath And A Scream), which means early PJ songs.

    I know that miracles don’t exist and that, with such an equipment, I’ll never get the same sound.

    But does someone know how to adjust this amp to get (in some way) closer to that sound. Something Early Pearl Jam-like?

    I hate to sound like an asshole (my wife probably wouldn't agree with me here, but anyhow...) but you're asking kind of an impossible question for us to answer. Note the following:

    1. You have a solid-state Fender amp. The tone you are chasing is that of a Marshall tube amp.
    2. The amp you have is *probably* not owned by anyone else here on the message board.
    3. Early PJ tone is defined by their use of Ibanez TS-9 and SD-9 pedals thru their Marshall amps.

    During the first year I played electric guitar, I spent a LOT of time chasing decent tone from my Fender Stage 100 solid-state amp. I never even got close. It wasn't until I went to tubes that my tone got anywhere close to good. That being said, I did spend a lot of time playing through various solid-state amps with varying results. And I have gotten decent tone (not great, but okay) from some of the Line 6 amps, and I've always been kind of a sucker for a TransTube Peavey Bandit.

    The other part of this, and it sounds like a cop-out until you eventually realize it's true, is that a lot of tone comes from the way each individual plays. That means that if I had your guitar and amp here with me, and I set it for a passable PJ-ish tone, you probably wouldn't sound the same if I handed the guitar to you. For example, I've seen guys with great tone from their guitars and amps, and when I've played their rigs, I get terrible tone. You gotta find what fits your style.

    That all being said...

    Keep the gain around half-way, or maybe 60%. Don't use too much distortion. Keep the mids up around 8, bass around 5, treble to taste. Bridge pickup or middle position on your guitar. If you're playing the rhythm parts, no reverb. If you're playing the leads, reverb on 3. Tweak from there.

    And start saving for a good amp and a couple pedals.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    SalJam wrote:
    I'd suggest investing in a Marshall Jackhammer pedal. That would bring you pretty close to that early Pj Marshall sound. I thing your guitar should do the trick just fine. Good luck!
    Are the Guvnor and Jackhammer still available anywhere>>> or do you have to go the ebay route?


    I just picked up a used Guv'nor at a local guitar store. (around 50$) Using it through a Blues Jr, that and a BD-2, MXR carbon copy, dunlop wah...feel like I'm kind of close to that sound.
  • Hub.Hub. Posts: 1,990
    I hate to sound like an asshole (my wife probably wouldn't agree with me here, but anyhow...) but you're asking kind of an impossible question for us to answer. Note the following:

    Don't worry, you don't. :lol:

    I mean, I know I'm asking for the moon, that’s why I thought about getting something close to that kind of sound, not the same. And I’m aware about the fact that the sound may vary according the way people play. :)

    It’s just, I need to adjust my amp for these two songs, but the rest of our setlist is our songs with our sound.

    I always play rhythm guitar since I’m the lead singer and I can’t do both things at the same time. :mrgreen:

    Anyway, thanks for the explanation and the settings, mccreadyisgod. ;)

    @dissident52: Concerning the pedal, as I said, I can’t buy one for the moment, but that’s very temporary (not before next month), and before this happens, I needed to see the results with a “not-too-far” sound.

    BTW guys, between the Guv'nor and the JackHammer, what would be your choice?

    Thanks a lot. :wave:
  • dissident52dissident52 Posts: 33
    Alright I gotcha. Between those 2, i've always been suggested the Guv'nor. Hope it works for you.
    05/03/2010 Kansas City, Missouri
    10/09/2014 Lincoln, Nebraska
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