Should pro-choice politicians be denied communion?



  • scb wrote:
    i am agnostic at best, tho can't entirely separate myself from catholicism, tho i definitely don't think of myself as a catholic, at all. that said, definitely b/c of my upbringing and my family, it still 'means' something to me...and yet, this kinda shit is exactly why i do NOT consider myself a catholic, and also makes me think badly about the catholic church. seems too many man-made rules, and loses a lot of the focus on the the teachings of jesus christ. it's decisive, and also i think....rather cavalier/unsafe preaching to the world. but sure, you's their church and they can say and do what they want. i think they look foolish at best.

    Ooh... another good question raised! Who's church is it, really?

    obviously it belongs to the dudes in the funny hats. they make the rules. :P
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    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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