Starts Wednesday night:
Going to a Pre Thanksgiving parade party, the Hob Nobble Gobble, (my wife got invited through work). I have to wear a tux!
Thursday morning go to the Detroit Thanksgiving parade - supposed to be 40 degrees and rain woo hooo Then head home where we have Thanksgiving at our place (my in laws).
Friday head up north 3 hours to my vacation place.
If you have a chance to make life better for others, and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.
Starts Wednesday night:
Going to a Pre Thanksgiving parade party, the Hob Nobble Gobble, (my wife got invited through work). I have to wear a tux!
Thursday morning go to the Detroit Thanksgiving parade - supposed to be 40 degrees and rain woo hooo Then head home where we have Thanksgiving at our place (my in laws).
Friday head up north 3 hours to my vacation place.
made me think of a great joke by a chicago comedian named prescott tolk:
"the gay pride parade... why do we have that? aren't all parades kinda gay?"
Starts Wednesday night:
Going to a Pre Thanksgiving parade party, the Hob Nobble Gobble, (my wife got invited through work). I have to wear a tux!
Thursday morning go to the Detroit Thanksgiving parade - supposed to be 40 degrees and rain woo hooo Then head home where we have Thanksgiving at our place (my in laws).
Friday head up north 3 hours to my vacation place.
made me think of a great joke by a chicago comedian named prescott tolk:
"the gay pride parade... why do we have that? aren't all parades kinda gay?"
LOL! Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this!
If you have a chance to make life better for others, and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.
First Thanksgiving without my mother-in-law. :(
My mom is taking us out to eat and it will be a very fancy spread indeed. Besides my mom, there will be the prince and I, my FIL, and my nephew, whose wife is working that day.
The downside is no leftovers. :thumbdown:
The upside is no cooking and no clean up. :thumbup:
Going to a Pre Thanksgiving parade party, the Hob Nobble Gobble, (my wife got invited through work). I have to wear a tux!
Thursday morning go to the Detroit Thanksgiving parade - supposed to be 40 degrees and rain woo hooo
Friday head up north 3 hours to my vacation place.
Roberto Clemente.
Turkey & ham
Then poker/games.
Can't wait to see my son whom I haven't seen for over 2 months.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
made me think of a great joke by a chicago comedian named prescott tolk:
"the gay pride parade... why do we have that? aren't all parades kinda gay?"
LOL! Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this!
Roberto Clemente.
My mom is taking us out to eat and it will be a very fancy spread indeed. Besides my mom, there will be the prince and I, my FIL, and my nephew, whose wife is working that day.
The downside is no leftovers. :thumbdown:
The upside is no cooking and no clean up. :thumbup: