Glen Beck



  • brandon10brandon10 Posts: 1,114
    polaris_x wrote:
    i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that.

    haha ... just found this too funny especially given the poster's name ...

    **did you order the code red!?**

    i don't get it...

    "You want the truth?!?!.......You can't handle the truth!!!"
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    inmytree wrote:
    Shawshank wrote:
    Instead of posting Southpark videos, why doesn't someone post something....ANYTHING....proving his statements wrong? I actually can't believe many of the claims he makes, until I research them further, and nearly shit myself when they check out. I personally, am hoping someone finds something disproving him, and posts it. However, I have yet to see a good counter argument at all, other than calling people lunatics if they give his statement any credibility. I'm not sitting here scared, and paranoid about any of this shit, because it's out of my control. My family is extremely self sufficient, and everything I own is paid for.

    It's also not about the "end of the world" because Obama is in office. This has been a steady progression of each administration since Reagan. The last administration was the worst of them all. Unfortunately, with the current state of our economy, and the idiotic ways they are trying to remedy the situation (being broke, and spending more money), it's only a matter of time before it comes to a head. When people start throwing around trillions of dollars, as if it's just loose change they found under their couch, there's a serious problem. This administration isn't the only one responsible, but they are doing nothing to remedy it and only making a bad situation worse. As I said before, we will suffer the consequences sooner or later, that IS the way our economy works. It will correct itself, and it won't be pretty. As Glenn would say...."I hope I'm wrong".

    ANYTHING --->>> ... tatements/

    and the b.s. about Obama being a racist...I'm sorry, but that's just plain he saying the guy hates half of himself...

    fact of business, beck is a shitslinger...he throws shit against the wall and hope it sticks...

    the sad thing is it doesn't even matter if it sticks or not for some. take hannity's 'apology' for the 'inadvertent' editing mishap, i'm pretty sure a large part of his audience doesn't watch the daily show, hannity apologized for an editing mistake but didn't say what it was, so many probably just went 'huh?' and forgot about it and have no clue.

    i wonder what would've happened if dan rather or someone did this about an obama rally? there'd be a drive to get him off the air

    also, i recall when that food shortage was going on glenn beck kept blaming it on ethanol...he said this for weeks. one night he had a guy on that said that was not true, first thing ethanol is made with corn, not wheat, which is what the shortage was over. beck said if people weren't growing corn for ethanol we would have enough wheat. the guest told him how this was also untrue as weather conditions and crop loss in other parts of the world caused it, the wheat production in the us was actually at an high....then a day or 2 later glenn started saying the food shortage was because of just doesn't matter with this network if a claim if proven to be false, they will continue pushing it regardless
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Been listening to him for about 5 years now but something changed wihin me.Over the passed few weeks or so i cant help but get pissed off curse the radio and hit the off button. Why the hell is he so doom and gloom ...i now shit is bad right now but can it be as bad as he makes it sound ? i mean hell he is talking about buying seeds to grow your own "emergency garden" and prepackaged food for the unlikely event that you'll be without food for 3 weeks....what exactly does he think is coming ? The other thing i kinda dont understand is that he has not one positive thing to say about Obama.... i'm not an obama fan but still come on now ....there's gotta be a flip side to obama's down falls right ? I think the older i get the more i realize that every political leader,advocate is full of shit and is only trying to push their own agenda. Any real honest to God American leaders out there ? Please stand up.
    I don't listen (I refuse to) to Beck. But it really is in our best interests to grow our own food. We're not heading in a good direction with food supply and prices. It's not that I agree with anything he says; one look at the big picture of our food issue, and it really makes sense to start being more self-sufficient. It's healthier, cheaper, and more sustainable. Relying strictly on stores for our food may just bite us in the ass eventually.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    Been listening to him for about 5 years now but something changed wihin me.Over the passed few weeks or so i cant help but get pissed off curse the radio and hit the off button. Why the hell is he so doom and gloom ...i now shit is bad right now but can it be as bad as he makes it sound ? i mean hell he is talking about buying seeds to grow your own "emergency garden" and prepackaged food for the unlikely event that you'll be without food for 3 weeks....what exactly does he think is coming ? The other thing i kinda dont understand is that he has not one positive thing to say about Obama.... i'm not an obama fan but still come on now ....there's gotta be a flip side to obama's down falls right ? I think the older i get the more i realize that every political leader,advocate is full of shit and is only trying to push their own agenda. Any real honest to God American leaders out there ? Please stand up.
    I don't listen (I refuse to) to Beck. But it really is in our best interests to grow our own food. We're not heading in a good direction with food supply and prices. It's not that I agree with anything he says; one look at the big picture of our food issue, and it really makes sense to start being more self-sufficient. It's healthier, cheaper, and more sustainable. Relying strictly on stores for our food may just bite us in the ass eventually.

    Is this emergency garden going to withstand the emergency Anyway ? nuclear attack....hmmm no ...well maybe, but they may glow alittle and taste kinda do you say fire,ice storm. I cant get over it, sorry for coming back to that whole thing again.

    Anyway back to glen beck, I really do believe the guy speaks from his heart...even though at times that works against him. We are living in uncertain times and i guess in a way his show reflects that. Btw some of the mispelled signs don't pass the smell test....not trying to say that those people didnt really misspell but they could also be done by photoshop...
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited November 2009
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    i appreciate your feedback, but i do not feel the need to prove beck wrong. i am one of the people on here that actually researches things and posts links to support my position. beck spouts off so much BS and lies in 15 minutes that it is impossible to try to research and dispute them all in an entire show, let alone an entire week of shows. i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that. i have a sensiive bullshit detector and it goes off constantly when i see his show. an old fomula that i adhere to states that the more outrageous the story, the more likely it is to be false. but then hitler said that the bigger the lie the more people will want to believe it, so take your pick as to which one you feel is more likely true. if you want someone to discredit beck, do it yourself for once, i am tired of doing things for everyone else when clearly if they are on this website and reading this thread, the internet and google is at their fingerti

    Maybe you should check those batteries in your B.S. detector. If your going to call someone a liar you really need to back it up. You say you don't have the time,but if you were to spend just half of the time that you spend trashing conservatives and guys like beck and do some research you would have the time to do so.

    this coming from the guy that learned how to cut and paste yesterday...

    go to media matters. its all there.

    do not tell me to do research. i do do research. i've done more research for my posts on the train than you ever will. just look at my posts where i cite sources and links. when you do try to research you steal from other people's blogs. all you do is put your subjective 2 cents in when it suits you.

    if some conservatives were not worthy of attack i would not put in the energy to attack them.

    Oh so now your going to act like a jerk. It's nice to see your true colors coming out. I didnt steal a goddamn thing. I would have cut and pasted it if I had known how. So now I do thanks to inmytree. And you can bet that I will be using the shit out of it.
  • ahh glenn beck.

    tell me friends, did he ever finally explain what he meant when he used that term ''white culture''?

    i have no respect for anyone that can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk, especially when they are asked a direct question relating to what he said, like when katie couric interviewed him.

    squirm baby squirm.
  • ahh glenn beck.

    tell me friends, did he ever finally explain what he meant when he used that term ''white culture''?

    i have no respect for anyone that can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk, especially when they are asked a direct question relating to what he said, like when katie couric interviewed him.

    squirm baby squirm.
    What he said.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    Anyone who thinks Obama hates white culture and is a racist has a screw loose and should be treated accordingly. How ANYONE thought this guy had ANY good ideas AT ANY POINT IN ANY TIME is beyond me. Only idiots and paranoids listen to this fuck. The country would be a better place if his car accidentally blew the fuck up.

    Thanks to Glen Beck the lunatic fringe morons of this country think they have a right to be heard. Sorry, they dont.
  • SolarWorld wrote:
    Anyone who thinks Obama hates white culture and is a racist has a screw loose and should be treated accordingly. How ANYONE thought this guy had ANY good ideas AT ANY POINT IN ANY TIME is beyond me. Only idiots and paranoids listen to this fuck. The country would be a better place if his car accidentally blew the fuck up.

    Thanks to Glen Beck the lunatic fringe morons of this country think they have a right to be heard. Sorry, they dont.

    I don't think Obama is a racist,but :wtf:
    You got some class wishing death on someone just because you don't agree with them. Also everyone has a right to be heard. I thought liberals were all about tolerance and freedom of speech. :?
  • youngsteryoungster Boston Posts: 6,576
    prfctlefts wrote:
    SolarWorld wrote:
    Anyone who thinks Obama hates white culture and is a racist has a screw loose and should be treated accordingly. How ANYONE thought this guy had ANY good ideas AT ANY POINT IN ANY TIME is beyond me. Only idiots and paranoids listen to this fuck. The country would be a better place if his car accidentally blew the fuck up.

    Thanks to Glen Beck the lunatic fringe morons of this country think they have a right to be heard. Sorry, they dont.

    I don't think Obama is a racist,but :wtf:
    You got some class wishing death on someone just because you don't agree with them. Also everyone has a right to be heard. I thought liberals were all about tolerance and freedom of speech. :?

    No, no, no. Liberals are all about smearing conservatives and conservatives are all about smearing liberals. Haven't you watched the news lately? It is just one giant smear campaign that each party is doing to the other. Both parties are to blame. That's why there won't be any bi-partisanship in the years to come.
    He who forgets will be destined to remember.

    9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
    5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
    8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
    EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    i appreciate your feedback, but i do not feel the need to prove beck wrong. i am one of the people on here that actually researches things and posts links to support my position. beck spouts off so much BS and lies in 15 minutes that it is impossible to try to research and dispute them all in an entire show, let alone an entire week of shows. i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that. i have a sensiive bullshit detector and it goes off constantly when i see his show. an old fomula that i adhere to states that the more outrageous the story, the more likely it is to be false. but then hitler said that the bigger the lie the more people will want to believe it, so take your pick as to which one you feel is more likely true. if you want someone to discredit beck, do it yourself for once, i am tired of doing things for everyone else when clearly if they are on this website and reading this thread, the internet and google is at their fingerti

    Maybe you should check those batteries in your B.S. detector. If your going to call someone a liar you really need to back it up. You say you don't have the time,but if you were to spend just half of the time that you spend trashing conservatives and guys like beck and do some research you would have the time to do so.
    i did back it up, but i am sure you did not investigate for yourself.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:

    media matters monitors more than just beck. they have entire sections on olberman, maddow, ed schultz, in addition to the right wing hacks. so soros funding media matters is worse than fox being funded by murdoch????i highly disagree, one is a watchdog organization to correct disinformation in the media by both sides, and the other deliberately creates disinformation and spreads it as gospel to a willing and stupid following. you tell me what is worse...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    i appreciate your feedback, but i do not feel the need to prove beck wrong. i am one of the people on here that actually researches things and posts links to support my position. beck spouts off so much BS and lies in 15 minutes that it is impossible to try to research and dispute them all in an entire show, let alone an entire week of shows. i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that. i have a sensiive bullshit detector and it goes off constantly when i see his show. an old fomula that i adhere to states that the more outrageous the story, the more likely it is to be false. but then hitler said that the bigger the lie the more people will want to believe it, so take your pick as to which one you feel is more likely true. if you want someone to discredit beck, do it yourself for once, i am tired of doing things for everyone else when clearly if they are on this website and reading this thread, the internet and google is at their fingerti


    Oh so now your going to act like a jerk. It's nice to see your true colors coming out. I didnt steal a goddamn thing. I would have cut and pasted it if I had known how. So now I do thanks to inmytree. And you can bet that I will be using the shit out of it.

    i am not acting like a jerk, you are hanging yourself by your own "did not steal a goddamn thing"??? right, so this was not stealing from that blog?? ... 9&start=15 the last two posts on that page and the last post has the link with the evidence.. ... 9&start=30 and all of that page

    so tell me, when you were typing that out word for word did you really think we were not going to know you did not write it?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    Jeanwah wrote:
    Been listening to him for about 5 years now but something changed wihin me.Over the passed few weeks or so i cant help but get pissed off curse the radio and hit the off button. Why the hell is he so doom and gloom ...i now shit is bad right now but can it be as bad as he makes it sound ? i mean hell he is talking about buying seeds to grow your own "emergency garden" and prepackaged food for the unlikely event that you'll be without food for 3 weeks....what exactly does he think is coming ? The other thing i kinda dont understand is that he has not one positive thing to say about Obama.... i'm not an obama fan but still come on now ....there's gotta be a flip side to obama's down falls right ? I think the older i get the more i realize that every political leader,advocate is full of shit and is only trying to push their own agenda. Any real honest to God American leaders out there ? Please stand up.
    I don't listen (I refuse to) to Beck. But it really is in our best interests to grow our own food. We're not heading in a good direction with food supply and prices. It's not that I agree with anything he says; one look at the big picture of our food issue, and it really makes sense to start being more self-sufficient. It's healthier, cheaper, and more sustainable. Relying strictly on stores for our food may just bite us in the ass eventually.

    Is this emergency garden going to withstand the emergency Anyway ? nuclear attack....hmmm no ...well maybe, but they may glow alittle and taste kinda do you say fire,ice storm. I cant get over it, sorry for coming back to that whole thing again.

    Try reading my post again, and try to have a perspective that has nothing to do with idiot people on tv with nothing but an opinion. It is in our BEST INTEREST to be self-sufficient and sustainable in considering growing our own food. It has nothing to do with Glenn Beck.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    i appreciate your feedback, but i do not feel the need to prove beck wrong. i am one of the people on here that actually researches things and posts links to support my position. beck spouts off so much BS and lies in 15 minutes that it is impossible to try to research and dispute them all in an entire show, let alone an entire week of shows. i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that. i have a sensiive bullshit detector and it goes off constantly when i see his show. an old fomula that i adhere to states that the more outrageous the story, the more likely it is to be false. but then hitler said that the bigger the lie the more people will want to believe it, so take your pick as to which one you feel is more likely true. if you want someone to discredit beck, do it yourself for once, i am tired of doing things for everyone else when clearly if they are on this website and reading this thread, the internet and google is at their fingerti


    Oh so now your going to act like a jerk. It's nice to see your true colors coming out. I didnt steal a goddamn thing. I would have cut and pasted it if I had known how. So now I do thanks to inmytree. And you can bet that I will be using the shit out of it.

    i am not acting like a jerk, you are hanging yourself by your own "did not steal a goddamn thing"??? right, so this was not stealing from that blog?? ... 9&start=15 the last two posts on that page and the last post has the link with the evidence.. ... 9&start=30 and all of that page

    so tell me, when you were typing that out word for word did you really think we were not going to know you did not write it?[/quote]

    You know exactly what my intentions were. I was not trying to fool any one. I already explained why I did what I did. Why don't you go and read the rest of the thread. Oh wait you must have already done that... I mean how else would you have known that I didn't know how to cut and paste. Can we please try and stay on topic ? :yawn:
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:

    i am not acting like a jerk, you are hanging yourself by your own "did not steal a goddamn thing"??? right, so this was not stealing from that blog?? ... 9&start=15 the last two posts on that page and the last post has the link with the evidence.. ... 9&start=30 and all of that page

    so tell me, when you were typing that out word for word did you really think we were not going to know you did not write it?

    You know exactly what my intentions were. I was not trying to fool any one. I already explained why I did what I did. Why don't you go and read the rest of the thread. Oh wait you must have already done that... I mean how else would you have known that I didn't know how to cut and paste. Can we please try and stay on topic ? :yawn:
    who is off topic, oh great distractor???

    why not admit when you are defeated, unless you like being embarrassed on the bbs...clearly you would rather get personal than speak about anything meaningful........
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • :lol::lol: Ok Gimmie you win... but like I said "aw fuck it. Nevermind
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    :lol::lol: Ok Gimmie you win... but like I said "aw fuck it. Nevermind
    when did you say that? not in any thread in the last few weeks....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."

  • would it be possible for you not to post links that are bias?
    Just sayin. And as far as the last one is concerned,what do you think will happen if you don't pay the fine if you don't get Insursnce through the gov?
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:

    would it be possible for you not to post links that are bias?
    Just sayin. And as far as the last one is concerned,what do you think will happen if you don't pay the fine if you don't get Insursnce through the gov?

    what? you are actually looking at this stuff? stop the press....

    why don't you paste things to refute it? something. anything. anything other than beck or hannity.... :

    wait, you can't....... :lol:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    by the way, being articulate has nothing to do with it.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    oh yeah, and cite your sources please... 8-)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    prfctlefts wrote:

    who cares who helps to fund it, can any of the info in any of those links be refuted?
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    prfctlefts wrote:

    would it be possible for you not to post links that are bias?
    Just sayin. And as far as the last one is concerned,what do you think will happen if you don't pay the fine if you don't get Insursnce through the gov?

    what would some of those be?

    i got one for ya, more than a year ago he had a guy on for a whole week who wrote a book about liberals being fascists. 1 of his pieces of 'proof' was the trans fat issue. according to this guy there's nothing wrong with trans fats, it was all just a clever ploy, those shiesty fascist liberals just used trans-fats to get their foot in the door to the government controlling everything about your life, even down to what you eat (and this is the ultimate goal of a universal option, apparently) glenn beck agreed with are you saying you stand behind that, as well? are you saying they were correct in those claims?

    he also pushes drilling everywhere and anywhere. he made statements even if it means drilling right through a polar bear's head....many will say it's a joke but i honestly don't think he would care, especially given other comments like kids saying what about the polar bears and yeah, the 48in flat screen would be great but don't we deserve the 52 in? not to mention he sells shirts with similar statements basically saying who cares about any other life on this planet, we should drill for oil. to me, that's pathetic even without bringing in killing animals, some to extinction, pushing this 'drill everywhere!!!!' mentality is just stupid. look at how far technology has advanced in pretty much everything else, you're telling me we can't develop something more efficient and less polluting from sources you don't have to rape the earth for?? we can buy iphones and charge them with solar chargers and do all sorts of shit but we're stuck with oil and the combustible engine for life? the oil companies, who receive a lot of subsidies, don't want to lose their control of the market and so shitty, outdated forms get large amounts of our tax money (oil, coal, nuclear) while researching and developing alternatives get very little in comparison and even a lot of that money is given to 'alternatives' like 'clean' coal :roll:

    he's a stooge. i liked when his show was on CNN he''d remind you at virtually every commercial break tonights show was brought to you by....some corporate sponsor. he's there to incite anger and partisanship, helping make the system pretty ineffectual and to push the line of his corporate sponsors.

    have you bought his book, the christmas sweater? :lol::lol:
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • here are some links... by the non-partisan
    Just a pet peeve of mine... when people try to portray some wildly biased organization as being objective because they're "non-partisan". I guess that great weight should also be given to all 'evidence' from the Heritage Foundation or Cato Institute, since they're 'non-partisan', eh? Sure, Media Matters haven't affiliated themselves with the Democrat party, but it's completely disingenuous to imply that they are just providing the unadulterated facts. Both they and their right wing counterpart, Media Research Center, and several other 'non-partisan' media commentators are, IMO, reprehensible muckrakers who make a living from distorting and taking out of context the words of their political enemies.

    FWIW, Beck, IMO, is a demagogue who often overlooks pertinent facts if they aren't convenient to his case. He also catches some really good things that need to be brought to the nation's attention. Life ain't always black and white.

    ...can any of the info in any of those links be refuted?
    Yeah... if you heard the entire comments... if you have context. Just like Obama is constantly taken out of context by Rush, Hannity, etc. Hell... I don't feel all that bad for Beck, because he's doing the same thing with one of Obama's advisors these days. He has legitimately damning comments from several of Obama's people, but one of the guys is clearly speaking about GOP accusations of how Team Obama feels, but Beck shows it as if it's the guy's own feelings about things. IT ALL SUCKS.
    Last Philly Spectrum Show - Halloween 2009
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  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    here are some links... by the non-partisan
    Just a pet peeve of mine... when people try to portray some wildly biased organization as being objective because they're "non-partisan". I guess that great weight should also be given to all 'evidence' from the Heritage Foundation or Cato Institute, since they're 'non-partisan', eh? Sure, Media Matters haven't affiliated themselves with the Democrat party, but it's completely disingenuous to imply that they are just providing the unadulterated facts. Both they and their right wing counterpart, Media Research Center, and several other 'non-partisan' media commentators are, IMO, reprehensible muckrakers who make a living from distorting and taking out of context the words of their political enemies.

    FWIW, Beck, IMO, is a demagogue who often overlooks pertinent facts if they aren't convenient to his case. He also catches some really good things that need to be brought to the nation's attention. Life ain't always black and white.

    ...can any of the info in any of those links be refuted?
    Yeah... if you heard the entire comments... if you have context. Just like Obama is constantly taken out of context by Rush, Hannity, etc. Hell... I don't feel all that bad for Beck, because he's doing the same thing with one of Obama's advisors these days. He has legitimately damning comments from several of Obama's people, but one of the guys is clearly speaking about GOP accusations of how Team Obama feels, but Beck shows it as if it's the guy's own feelings about things. IT ALL SUCK.

    then please refute the links i have posted. its easy for you to sit back and call bullshit on me without doing anything to give credence to your position. but that would require actual digging, which most people are not willing to do. its all there, and if you can refute it then please, be my guest....

    media matters counts, keeps track of, and debunks the outright lies and distortions that people like beck, hannity, fat rush, olbermann, maddow, and any other pundit puts on the air. they call it on both sides. it just so happens that the soulless ones on the right are doing most of the lying these days. and it is MUCH worse and much more frequent since obama won the election. there can be no discourse when the dems are constantly playing defense and trying to correct the disinformation out there before they can move forward with anything.

    by the way, it is democratic party, not deomcrat party. its very easy to type 2 additional letters. just a pet peeve of mine...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • then please refute the links i have posted.
    That's "it's". It's very easy to type one additional character. Just another pet peeve of mine ;)
    easy for you to sit back and call bullshit on me without doing anything to give credence to your position. but that would require actual digging, which most people are not willing to do.
    It's fair enough for you to feel that way, but I've done it way too many times in the past in other forums. And I doubt it would have any effect on you anyway. Been there and done that with believers like you all too often. Just I have I've encountered far too many believers on the other side who accept as gospel slanted examples offered up by Media Research Center, and how I wouldn't waste the time trying to dissuade them.
    media matters counts, keeps track of, and debunks the outright lies and distortions that people like beck, hannity, fat rush, olbermann, maddow, and any other pundit puts on the air. they call it on both sides.
    I readily concede that I could be wrong, but I'd wager that Media Matters' criticisms of Olbermann, Maddow, etc. are for what they feel are instances of covering for or excusing DemocratIC pols who aren't engaging in activities or words 'progressive' enough for the Media Matters folks. If that is, in fact, the case, then it's hardly a rebuttal to my point about how biased they are.
    it just so happens that the soulless ones on the right are doing most of the lying these days.
    Didn't you just mention Olbermann & Maddow? :lol:
    and it is MUCH worse and much more frequent since obama won the election.
    Can't argue that when it comes to the Hannity/Limbaughs out there. I'll concede that point.
    there can be no discourse
    You act as if the Dem wing of the RepubliCratic party have any interest in that. Not that the GOP wing does either.
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