Glen Beck

Been listening to him for about 5 years now but something changed wihin me.Over the passed few weeks or so i cant help but get pissed off curse the radio and hit the off button. Why the hell is he so doom and gloom ...i now shit is bad right now but can it be as bad as he makes it sound ? i mean hell he is talking about buying seeds to grow your own "emergency garden" and prepackaged food for the unlikely event that you'll be without food for 3 weeks....what exactly does he think is coming ? The other thing i kinda dont understand is that he has not one positive thing to say about Obama.... i'm not an obama fan but still come on now ....there's gotta be a flip side to obama's down falls right ? I think the older i get the more i realize that every political leader,advocate is full of shit and is only trying to push their own agenda. Any real honest to God American leaders out there ? Please stand up.
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you can get them to believe just about anything.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
holy shit!!
government spelled with a 'u' and "mint" is the cherry and nuts on the wtf sundae :shock: :roll:
I can't believe the lack of intelligence shown when you think this was somehow a serious sign. The irony it is representing seems to be lost on the average thinker.
In regards to Beck, I don't necessarily discount his ramblings completely. You can bet that if the White House had a valid counter argument, they would be giving it. Some will say they don't need to do waste their time with him, but let's be honest, he's one of the top commentators out there right now whether you like him or not. That's kind of a big deal if everything he is saying is made up completely of fabrications and falsehoods.
The biggest factor behind the latest doom and gloom, is mainly centered around the fact that we are on the verge of an economic collapse. I know that many people out there like to stick their head in the sand, and pretend everything is just peachy, but the truth is, it's not......and people don't seem to care or they just want to ignore the severity of the problem. This country is broke. We are killing the value of our dollar, and things will get rough. It may take another year or so before the economy reacts to our dramatic increase in debt and the constant infusion of new cash being printed, but it will happen eventually. It has to. There is no way around it. It's just the way our economy has to work. It will correct itself, like it always does, and it's never pretty.
Anyway, I've listened to Beck off and on since I first heard him back in 2000 when he replaced Bob Lassiter at WFLA in Tampa. That was his only gig at the time. I actually find him to be much more mellow now than he was then. Like any good listener I always do exactly what he tells me to do.......and that is to question everything with boldness. Question him, question the government, and come up with your own opinion. It's funny, when I hear him spew something that I think "that can't possibly be true", more often than not unfortunately, it is. Our last President helped exacerbate our growing economic problems with ridiculous fiscal policies, and our current President seems intent on outdoing him.
As a side note, in regards to buying seeds, or whatever he was talking about, I didn't hear him. I have started to get my kids more involved in our gardening efforts. We have a complete fruit and vegetable garden that, once we start canning, and our crop rotations are in place, will keep us sustained all year. I'm not one of those paranoid people that think we are headed towards complete anarchy and chaos, but it never hurts to be prepared for anything.
And insults show your intelligence?
Can anyone discredit Glen?....and not just throw out the insults to he and his audience....he states constantly he hopes he is wrong.....
again you fail to see that YOU are being manipulated.
i can get on here and make up a bunch of shit and present it as fact, and i can be all scared and emotional and cry about how i am losing the country and make up the most egregious and dubious lies anyone can think of with NO evidence to support it and then say, "but i am just asking questions" or "but i really hope i am wrong".... he is using psychology to make people believe things that are not true, and what's worse, can never be true. he perpetuates myths that have already been proven false, and he plays to a lunatic fringe that is his normal audience. all the while he sits back and collects his money for doing nothing other than stirring up his viewers' worst fears. he is exploiting you and you are allowing it to happen. it is like he is walking up to a tent full of people and throwing a hand grenade inside and sitting back to watch the ensuing chaos. he is very very irresponsible with what he says and does.
for more evidence of how he acts please view my link from the other fux news thread....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas." ... eck-style/
the entire episode here:
the beck stuff starts at about the 5 minute mark and the episode is called "dances with Smurfs"
it shows what fux does, it attempts to distract and rile the idiot moron fringe of the republican party.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Now back to your degrading of people that don't think like you.
to me, it's funny that the US is suddenly ending because Obama is on office...I'd be willing to bet these end-of- worlders have been fermenting since Y2K...they need something to attach there paranoia to...
and the rapture nuts should be happy...if Obama is the antichrist, their dreams of rapture have come to pass....
don't assume, cincy...
you give this sign-holder some credit...I don't...
haha, cincy i think they were pointing out the irony that medicare IS government run health care, when in reality, if the government were taken out of medicare, then medicare would cease to exist. its funny how clueless some of these protesters are.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
hahahaha, more rocket scientists from the right, lol.....guess these people never learned how to spell. if i were going to make a sign i would at least check a damn dictionary before i went through the effort....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It's also not about the "end of the world" because Obama is in office. This has been a steady progression of each administration since Reagan. The last administration was the worst of them all. Unfortunately, with the current state of our economy, and the idiotic ways they are trying to remedy the situation (being broke, and spending more money), it's only a matter of time before it comes to a head. When people start throwing around trillions of dollars, as if it's just loose change they found under their couch, there's a serious problem. This administration isn't the only one responsible, but they are doing nothing to remedy it and only making a bad situation worse. As I said before, we will suffer the consequences sooner or later, that IS the way our economy works. It will correct itself, and it won't be pretty. As Glenn would say...."I hope I'm wrong".
i am not going to investigate all of his bullshit claims. common sense tells me he is an alarmist and most of his audience are the same.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It's the ' between Guv and mint that makes me see it that way.
Not that you care, but your response is actually disappointing. You typically have some really good arguments on here, and I enjoy reading them. This one just kind of falls flat. How do you know he does not hope he's wrong? Is he a personal friend of yours? Has he confided in you his diabolical plans? His show has always done well, and it actually grew exponentially during the Bush years. Funny, a time when all those evil conservatives had "their" man in office, yet I heard Glenn consistently rail against him and his audience still grew. So no, there was more than just hate-mongering, and scare tactics being used. Maybe, just maybe he was saying the same things many Americans were thinking regardless of their party affiliation? I agree there are the fringe that will just adhere to a certain party, regardless of how idiotic that party's policies are. However, there is also a rather large segment of the population that is just wanting what is good for the country.
I would think that anyone here would just salivate at the opportunity to prove Glenn wrong. I mean his claims are so wild and outrageous, you should be able to dispel them rather easily. Man, what a bummer it will be if no one does.
i appreciate your feedback, but i do not feel the need to prove beck wrong. i am one of the people on here that actually researches things and posts links to support my position. beck spouts off so much BS and lies in 15 minutes that it is impossible to try to research and dispute them all in an entire show, let alone an entire week of shows. i have neither the time nor the inclination to waste my day off of work doing that. i have a sensiive bullshit detector and it goes off constantly when i see his show. an old fomula that i adhere to states that the more outrageous the story, the more likely it is to be false. but then hitler said that the bigger the lie the more people will want to believe it, so take your pick as to which one you feel is more likely true. if you want someone to discredit beck, do it yourself for once, i am tired of doing things for everyone else when clearly if they are on this website and reading this thread, the internet and google is at their fingertips....
he is an ENTERTAINER, and in tv entertainment you sink or swim based on RATINGS and advertisement money. what is going to draw more ratings, a serious news discussion like meet the press or beck's trainwreck doom and gloom the world is ending sky is falling complete and utter trainwreck? personally i am more of a meet the press kinda guy, but i can see the attraction to beck's show. it has pretty blue and red colors and flashing lights, and a pleasant looking, very animated doughboy as the center of know the kind of thing babies like in their tv shows while lying in their cribs....its the "what will he say next?" thing. the guy thrives on controversy, so he has been successful. that said, he is not a friend of mine, and if he were i would put him in a gobaplata just to shut him up for 15 minutes. but why would a man making millions of dollars predicting the failure of this country actually hope he is wrong? why would he want the best for us when he is clearly saying that the worst is upon us? "i am just asking questions...." bullshit, he is leading, and playing on the fears and concerns of his audience. which no proper journalist or anchor should do.
whatever happened to the integrity of walter cronkite and andy rooney and news people from that era?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
ANYTHING --->>> ... tatements/
and the b.s. about Obama being a racist...I'm sorry, but that's just plain he saying the guy hates half of himself...
fact of business, beck is a shitslinger...he throws shit against the wall and hope it sticks...
the sad thing is it doesn't even matter if it sticks or not for some. take hannity's 'apology' for the 'inadvertent' editing mishap, i'm pretty sure a large part of his audience doesn't watch the daily show, hannity apologized for an editing mistake but didn't say what it was, so many probably just went 'huh?' and forgot about it and have no clue.
i wonder what would've happened if dan rather or someone did this about an obama rally? there'd be a drive to get him off the air
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
haha ... just found this too funny especially given the poster's name ...
**did you order the code red!?**
Maybe you should check those batteries in your B.S. detector. If your going to call someone a liar you really need to back it up. You say you don't have the time,but if you were to spend just half of the time that you spend trashing conservatives and guys like beck and do some research you would have the time to do so.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
Hey, nice peace sign……………….mercedes benz logo you got there Ed.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
this coming from the guy that learned how to cut and paste yesterday...
go to media matters. its all there.
do not tell me to do research. i do do research. i've done more research for my posts on the train than you ever will. just look at my posts where i cite sources and links. when you do try to research you steal from other people's blogs. all you do is put your subjective 2 cents in when it suits you.
if some conservatives were not worthy of attack i would not put in the energy to attack them.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
i don't get it...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."