what does everyone do after work?



  • not much.

    for years i taught and was home before 3:30....had oodles of time. didn't do much with it :D but it still was nice to have. nowadays i am home by 7 pm. i also have been working on mending my wicked ways and really try to be in bed by 10:30, 11 PM. so i only have about 3.5-4 hours. mr. dream is home by 5 so he usually practices his bass and then starts dinner before i arrive, so we normally can be sitting down to dinner about a half hour after i get home. so i usually sort thru the mail, take care of any pressing issues/bills....then we have a nice dinner together....usually watch a DVD or a bit of tv...then, bed. not too exciting, but i do cherish our mellow evenings. save most chores/shopping/errands for the weekends, just easier that way, tho sure...sometimes need to get things done on a weeknight, and occasionally we go out for dinner on a weeknight, or meet up with friends or family, but most nights, just us and all the animals. :)

    IF i ever workout, i do so in the mornings, i read every day during my lunch and commute home (unless chatting with train buddies) and i also have a really nice brisk walk to/from work after my train, so i do manage to get some excercise/reading in daily. we food shop together sunday evenings and do our own laundry - seperately, and really, that's about it for regular errands, so not too bad. we both let the housecleaning fall by the wayside often, but it's really not too bad as i am extremely neat, so once the dust is really evident...eventually get to it. amazingly, without kids or going to aschool anymore, even with work, still lots of time for our own interests.

    daily life definitely is nothing too 'exciting'...but hey, that's what makes weekends, special nights out, vacations.holidays, that much more special. :) and even the daily living, while mellow, overall...can still be enjoyable.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,876
    I generally go to the gym for a workout, eat dinner, shower, then who knows. At least one night a week I go to my gf's place. If I'm at home, I'll watch some sort of sporting event, mess aroudn on the internet, read or play PS3. Everyday feels kinda the same lately, but what can ya do?
    I go straight from the office to the gym, go home, shower and study till bed.....I have a very exciting life at the moment.

    You know what's sad is that most of us only have a 3 or 4 hour window at night to do what we enjoy. I consider myself lucky b/c I love music and I generally can spend my whole day at work with my ipod on. I guess, like everyone, I just wish I had more free time.
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    PJGARDEN wrote:

    You know what's sad is that most of us only have a 3 or 4 hour window at night to do what we enjoy. I consider myself lucky b/c I love music and I generally can spend my whole day at work with my ipod on. I guess, like everyone, I just wish I had more free time.

    yeah I know, it is pretty sad. I've gotten to the point that it seems pointless to leave the office at the end of the day. By the time I get home, the only thing I have time to do is prepare for coming in the next day!

    There was a time that I really relished the fact that when I get home from work, there's nothing to do but plop on the couch and watch some TV. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy that! Every night is too much though I think.
  • PJGARDEN wrote:
    I go straight from the office to the gym, go home, shower and study till bed.....I have a very exciting life at the moment.

    You know what's sad is that most of us only have a 3 or 4 hour window at night to do what we enjoy. I consider myself lucky b/c I love music and I generally can spend my whole day at work with my ipod on. I guess, like everyone, I just wish I had more free time.

    its all true, but if you think about it...we are really FORTUNATE. very, very fortunate. in the not so distant past, and the very distant past, "leisure time" barely existed, unless you were royalty/rich. the average worker worked like a dog for most of his/her life, very little free time....and paid vacations/sick leave? non-existent. so we really should appreciate the time we have that is 100% our own. may not be as much as we desire, but for most of us, it's a helluva LOT more than our ancestors ever got. add in those blessed weekends, vacation time.....yeeeeeaaaaaa...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    i live close to work (15 min bike ride) ... so, when i'm done (5) ... i got all night to do whatever ... i can volunteer, meet friends for dinner, do laundry, some chores and be home in time to play a little xbox live ... the big thing is tho i think is so many people are tired after they are done work ... i'm not sure what that is all about ... in any case - there's lots of time to do whatever you want if you don't have a huge commute or are too tired ...
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    polaris_x wrote:
    i live close to work (15 min bike ride) ... so, when i'm done (5) ... i got all night to do whatever ... i can volunteer, meet friends for dinner, do laundry, some chores and be home in time to play a little xbox live ... the big thing is tho i think is so many people are tired after they are done work ... i'm not sure what that is all about ... in any case - there's lots of time to do whatever you want if you don't have a huge commute or are too tired ...

    well I have a pretty short commute, also about a 15-minute bike ride. But I get home at about 7 on average, sometimes 7:30 or later, sometimes a bit earlier. Because I go to the gym or running in the morning, I get in on the later side, and then I've got a long work day anyway. That kind of screws me up I guess, but I really hate working out after work- the gym is so crowded!!! The last time I went after work, I got hit with a jump rope! (plus I enjoy working out more when it's sunny out and I feel nice and refreshed after a good sleep).
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Lauri wrote:
    well I have a pretty short commute, also about a 15-minute bike ride. But I get home at about 7 on average, sometimes 7:30 or later, sometimes a bit earlier. Because I go to the gym or running in the morning, I get in on the later side, and then I've got a long work day anyway. That kind of screws me up I guess, but I really hate working out after work- the gym is so crowded!!! The last time I went after work, I got hit with a jump rope! (plus I enjoy working out more when it's sunny out and I feel nice and refreshed after a good sleep).

    how long is your work day?
  • Beck..Beck.. Posts: 535
    Partisan wrote:
    After work i go too a kung fu class most nights,

    We do Tai Chi on Monday evenings :)
    I do tai chi on a monday too, what style?, im doing chen at the moment.
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    polaris_x wrote:

    how long is your work day?

    generally I'm in the office for about 9-91/2 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Depends how much work I have to do and what time I get in.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    time to chill with some red wine- gonna watch GH -James Franco joining cast for a bit as a killer or ?- ooooooo
    he was awesome in Pineapple Express- best movie in a long time-
    then off to BBQ and listen to PJ- pretty night here the stars are back 8-)
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    have a beer
    eat dinner with the girl, help her cook it if she needs the help...she usually declines.
    spend some time on the internet (try not to make it overkill)
    take the dogs out for a walk, or to the park
    thursdays are usually racquetball nights with Mike
    Have some friends over for the vaporizer
    depending on the day, watch basketball on the tube
    sex 8-)
    get really lit and listen to music through my skullcandies while lying on the gigantic beanbag in the corner of the living room
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • polaris_x wrote:
    i live close to work (15 min bike ride) ... so, when i'm done (5) ... i got all night to do whatever ... i can volunteer, meet friends for dinner, do laundry, some chores and be home in time to play a little xbox live ... the big thing is tho i think is so many people are tired after they are done work ... i'm not sure what that is all about ... in any case - there's lots of time to do whatever you want if you don't have a huge commute or are too tired ...

    i think the biggest issue really is...what do you think you can do EVERY single night that would be so entertaining, and not make you broke. too much of *any*thing eventually doesn't seem as interesting or fun. the occasional night out during the week - such as thai with my sister tonight - yay! - adds an element of specialness to the day. we can't be doing fun/exciting every single day.....or it wouldn't seem so fun/exciting. ya know? reality is, most of us have to eat dinner, do laundry, pay bills, make our lunches, etc, etc....and what better time than a weeknight and save your weekends for bigger, more fun things? and even on any given dull weeknight...you might just get together with friends...read a great book...catch an entertaining show/DVD...have mind-blowing sex...or just great convo. and sure, some days you just drag your ass home, veg out mentally and physically on the sofa....and cuddle with the dogs, and that's it. :D
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,555
    The Champ wrote:
    Usually check in here, then attempt to work out, followed by eating something, then I hit the bottle, then hopefully my wife as well later...

    Sounds about right :lol::lol: ..
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • LauriLauri Posts: 748
    i think the biggest issue really is...what do you think you can do EVERY single night that would be so entertaining, and not make you broke. too much of *any*thing eventually doesn't seem as interesting or fun. the occasional night out during the week - such as thai with my sister tonight - yay! - adds an element of specialness to the day. we can't be doing fun/exciting every single day.....or it wouldn't seem so fun/exciting. ya know? reality is, most of us have to eat dinner, do laundry, pay bills, make our lunches, etc, etc....and what better time than a weeknight and save your weekends for bigger, more fun things?

    I agree! I've just not been one for couch-potatoism, and I feel that I am becoming one. As you say, you need an occasional weeknight out. I definitely jump on those opportunities when they arise! (as opposed to many people I know, who seem to take pride in being "too tired from work").
    and even on any given dull weeknight...you might just get together with friends...read a great book...catch an entertaining show/DVD...have mind-blowing sex...or just great convo. and sure, some days you just drag your ass home, veg out mentally and physically on the sofa....and cuddle with the dogs, and that's it. :D

    I definitely know all about 2,3, and 6, 1 and 4 are what I wish I were doing!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Lauri wrote:
    i think the biggest issue really is...what do you think you can do EVERY single night that would be so entertaining, and not make you broke. too much of *any*thing eventually doesn't seem as interesting or fun. the occasional night out during the week - such as thai with my sister tonight - yay! - adds an element of specialness to the day. we can't be doing fun/exciting every single day.....or it wouldn't seem so fun/exciting. ya know? reality is, most of us have to eat dinner, do laundry, pay bills, make our lunches, etc, etc....and what better time than a weeknight and save your weekends for bigger, more fun things?

    I agree! I've just not been one for couch-potatoism, and I feel that I am becoming one. As you say, you need an occasional weeknight out. I definitely jump on those opportunities when they arise! (as opposed to many people I know, who seem to take pride in being "too tired from work").
    and even on any given dull weeknight...you might just get together with friends...read a great book...catch an entertaining show/DVD...have mind-blowing sex...or just great convo. and sure, some days you just drag your ass home, veg out mentally and physically on the sofa....and cuddle with the dogs, and that's it. :D

    I definitely know all about 2,3, and 6, 1 and 4 are what I wish I were doing!

    i recommend copious amounts of marijuana use. you will not care anymore how much time you spend on the couch.
  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076

    i recommend copious amounts of marijuana use. you will not care anymore how much time you spend on the couch.

    That usually is the conclusion I meet when indulging... :D
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
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