SWINDLE FLU: Doctors laugh at consumers wanting shots

The pharmaceutical companies are making 200 million doses of swine flu vaccine for 300 million Americans [citation needed.] They are going to sell it to us by any means necessary!
Fast forward the video to 5:30. Listen as doctors "LOL" about stupid consumers when they discuss having the media invent demand for the vaccine by pretending it is scarce.
Fast forward the video to 5:30. Listen as doctors "LOL" about stupid consumers when they discuss having the media invent demand for the vaccine by pretending it is scarce.
"May you live in interesting times."
Post edited by Unknown User on
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
These are my thoughts exactly. When I mentioned to people at work "hey, thousands die from the regular flu each year" the response I got was "oh yeah, I never thought about that". I swear I work with drones!
Yes, but some people are at a higher risk. No reason to panic, but if you are in the high risk area, I'd strongly consider it.
I wonder how many of those that die form the "regular" flu each year decided to skip the vaccination.
yes ... i think the issue tho is those same people are also high risk for any other flu ... this flu is no different ...
actually I've heard it isn't as bad as the seasonal flu. My wife didn't think it was as bad anyway... she didn't have nausea and didn't throw up once.
My 4 month old had it for christ's sake, and he was over it in 2 days. We couldn't have got him vaccinated anyway cause he is too young.
I keep my immune system on its toes with all sorts of substances so I didn't get it.
haha ... my personal theory that the "5 second rule" has kept me as healthy as i've been over the years ...
Heck - I don't even know anyone who's had it.
It's all a scam. I like the term Swindle Flu...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I know the N1H1 virus exists. I know that most people who get it will get typical flu symptoms... maybe harsher. 1 in thousands will be critically affected by the virus and one in tens of thousands will die from it.
That is my reasoning. If by my selfish act.. I choose to avoid the vaccination and contact the virus... thinking it is just the seasonal flu or something... and pass it on to someone... who passes it on to someone... who passes it on to someone's kid... who passes it on to someone who ends up in the hospital or the morgue. I would feel like a complete asshole.
So... I'm not going to be a carrier of the bug... or a conduit of its distribution.
I don't have much trust in governement... but, i ain't fucking paranoid, either.
Hail, Hail!!!
dude ... to each their own for sure ...
by january tho - the "pandemic" would have passed ... any flu related to to H1N1 will have mutated for sure by then making the vaccine absolutely useless ...
we're all probably killing more people in the future by NOT passing on weaker diseases like this and not developing immunities. maybe that fact will soothe your conscience a little.
if you just dont want the flu and want a vaccine thats fine i guess...
I think what makes this flu different from the seasonal flu is who's getting sick less than how the sick people feel. H1N1 is affecting a different population of people because those who aren't old don't have the same immunity to it as they have to the seasonal flu.
True. And I think it's noteworthy that pregnancy and obesity are considered underlying conditions that put people at higher risk.
Look... I'm not saying anyone should feel as I do. That anyone should get the shot, just because i am. I'm just telling you guys why I feel "I" should get the shot. and the reasoning I employed to get there.
As for the January date... that is the date given to my employer. i don't know enough about viruses... mutating... and all of that. All i know is that this particular virus is deadly to some people. I will do what is within my power to help them avoid getting it from me.
That's all.
Hail, Hail!!!
I'll pass
No doubt that a lot of people are profiting from it. You should see the contingency plan my work has rolled out. Under direction from our corporate office, The Purchase Order I just signed in order to get the medical supplies we need to keep our business running was astronomical. There are a lot of beneficiaries for sure
My wife is a nurse and she was forced to take the shot if she wanted to work. Part of the Government's contingency plan that all medical personel and essential service are all imunized.
All the doctor's are saying they don't know how well it works, but statistically, it's the best option to keep yourself healthy.
yeah ... it's all good - i don't want to come across like you are making a bad decision ... was just saying that many (not all) experts believed we've reached the peak already and it's only november ... of course there are always second and third waves of the virus so - it may help you if another outbreak hits in the spring ...
There must be thousands in the UK that had Tamiflu without having anything worse than a bad cold.
rumsfield is making a killing!
Speaking of which...while deciding whether or not to get vaccinations for myself and my kids, I decided to look into WHO was profitting the most from this massive fear campaign....checked out Glaxxo's Board of Directors (the main manufacturer of the vaccine).....guess who is on their board?
Rupert Murdoch's son.
gee, what a coincidence :roll:
Oh yeah, I know tons of people who have had it. My only issue with this whole thing is that I would have liked to get the shot just like I would have gotten a regular flu shot (which people have said isn't even really going around this year because swine flu has over taken it). I just don't want to get the flu! I have friends who are doctors and nurses and they see tons of people with H1N1, but going to the doctor or ER just to get tested for it causes so much more harm than good! They can't do anything about it, and unless you have an underlying condition, you'll be out of school or work for a week and that's that. Since I haven't gotten a flu shot for the first time in years, I'm just carrying around Purell and washing my hands constantly. I'm also trying to avoid kids. I know that sounds terrible, but they seem to be the little carriers...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
This is interesting, i've heard stories of doctors reporting a case was swine when actually it wasn't. I don't think the numbers we are hearing are very acurate.