George W. Out Of Office, But Not Forgotten...



  • Great time to be on Welfare! Shitty time if you make decent money and pay taxes....
  • A man falls off a boat and ends up on an island. After a lot of walking he comes across a shop that specializes in brains.
    Artists' brains $9.00 per ounce
    Philosophers' brains $12.00 per ounce
    Scientists' brains $15.00 per ounce
    Republicans' $19.00 per ounce
    Democrats' brains $2,000 per ounce

    After the man reads the prices he says "wow, those democrat brains must be popular."

    The shop owner says:

    "Are you kidding? Do you know how many democrats you have to kill to get one ounce of brains?"


    connect the dots ... :b28759115

    GANGSTER GOVT ... re=related

    Why is that you feel the need to insult others in a failed attempt to get your point across? It would be more useful to make your argument using intelligent words to sway those you are trying to convince. This kind of behavior is reminiscent of a grade school playground. Obviously you're old enough to figure out how to use the internet to find conspiracy theroies so how about trying to act like an adult.

    If you have children, have you ever had a situation where two of them are fighting. Both children can only see their side and it escalates. Your role as a parent is to mediate. If not, it never ends and focus is lost. Do you follow me?

    Have you ever thought that this polarization bullshit is a diversion tactic? When you have the American people at each others throats by using fear tactics, the Government can do whatever they want because who's watching. Dems vs Repubs, Christians vs Muslims, Black vs White, Man vs Woman. Take your pick.

    Maybe we should care less about these labels and work on fixing things...just a thought.
    Be Kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle
  • WashedWashed Posts: 736
    awww...I applaud those of you who still feel the need to defend this nation's first mentally challenged president, little bush. He may have flown in a special short Air Force One, but he did the best he could.

    What we should remember, though, is that nobody can clean off all the crayon drawings he left on the country's walls overnight. Hang in there, though. The place will look much nicer 8 years after his departure.

    Until then, lets just sit back and enjoy some Pearl Jam.
    this city is so filthy, like my mind in ways
  • neither one is an Abraham Lincoln, however at least Bush is a bonafied American. Is Obama, until he offers some simple proof and starts to act like one, I'd say no.
  • this thread makes me want to sing :

    And I hope that you die
    And your death'll come soon
    I will follow your casket
    In the pale afternoon
    And I'll watch while you're lowered
    Down to your deathbed
    And I'll stand o'er your grave
    'Til I'm sure that you're dead
  • dawitchdoc wrote:
    neither one is an Abraham Lincoln, however at least Bush is a bonafied American. Is Obama, until he offers some simple proof and starts to act like one, I'd say no.

    we have proof there is a record of it in Hawaii...don't tell me you believe that "Obama wasn't born in America" crap...people could say the SAME exact thing about McCain...he was born in Panama, sure it was a military base, but if someone is ridiculed for being born in Hawaii which IS a US state, then being born on a military base in Panama should be even more of a reason to be ridiculed.
  • merkinball wrote:
    Not to derail the thread. But I agree with the original poster 100%. Kathleen Edwards is really, really great.

    Fuck yeah she is...PJ should let her open for them for a leg...imagine her dueting on Long Road or The End...if you all think Ed sounds tortured, you have not heard "Little Duck" or "Injustica"
    "No way to save someone who won't take the rope,and just lets go..."
  • DH62179DH62179 Posts: 312
    EvilRabbit wrote:
    Wow. The ignorance of you Bush-lovers and Obama-haters is staggering.

    As for the comment by the guy not getting the "return of science" line... words escape me. Many Republicans don't even believe in evolution. If you're one of them, please don't perform a job where you have to make decisions that will affect other people. You simply aren't intelligent enough.

    Words escape you? So, believing that humans didn't evlove from apes or whatever the hell you think means they're not intelligent? Seeing as you are obviously so intelligent can you explain how you know my feelings on issues from one comment? That escapes me...I say I don't understand Obama's comment and you label me as an unintelligent republican? How is it you know so much about me....amazing, really amazing. I'm assuming you're a liberal, you obviously are since you think no one else can have an opinion other than yours, hence, the 'evolution' comment. I'm surprised at your close-mindedness considering you're the kind of people who are supposed to be fair, helpful and unassuming unlike those nasty republicans you group me with...wait, I'm starting to sound like a douchbag who thinks he knows people from one comment, sorry.

    Check out these quotes from the president regarding a commitment to renewable energy for climate change:

    "America has to change its habits. It has to get off oil. Until we change our habits, we are going to be dependent on oil,"

    "Look, I understand that stereotypes are hard to defeat. People get an image planted in their head and sometimes it causes them not to listen to the facts. But America is in the lead when it comes to energy independence, we're in the lead when it comes to new technologies, we're in the lead when it comes to global climate change and it will stay that way."

    "I'd rather have corn farmers growing energy rather than import oil from countries that may not like us--that's how I view it,"

    "I'm confident that when we look back at this period of time, we'll say how could we have doubted the capacity of mankind to develop the technologies necessary to deal with the real problems of the 21st century,"

    Are you surprised to learn they more made by our previous president? If not, please enlighten me since you know sooooooooo much about everything, like the proof you obviously have of evolution, I mean, you have proof right, you must since you've closed the book on the subject.
  • DH62179DH62179 Posts: 312
    what doesn't make sense?

    The stem cell reseach ban has been lifted. The administration believes the science behind climate change (unlike the previous one).
    DH62179 wrote:
    aNiMaL wrote:
    You know another thing I am really liking about the Obama administration, the return of SCIENCE!! It's a good thing.

    I still don't know what the hell that means, it didn't make sense when Obama said it and it doesn't make sense now. :roll:

    Ban? You make it sound like Bush didn't allow stem cell research which is flat out wrong. He limited the research to only adult stem cells, excluding embryonic stem cells since that has the potential to destroy human life. How can you fault someone for trying to give everyone a chance to live? That being said, I don't mind that Obama lifted the RESTRICTIONS because I'm sure it will be of help in the long run.
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