Impossible for some people to understand the PJ feeling

BeeGirl86BeeGirl86 Posts: 172
edited November 2009 in The Porch
I have been in love with Pearl Jam since about 6th grade, I am 22 now. Whenever I get a chance to see them live, it is a meaningful experience to me. Each time I see them I am amazed, and usually can not put into words how the show made me feel and the experience I had. After the show, when I have to go back to the regular world to people whom do not have the same passion for Pearl Jam...there is one thing that drives me crazy. When people ask me how the show was, there are no words to describe really. These people would not even understand if I tried to explain the expereience. Pearl Jam is unlike another band (to me) and seeing them live is unlike any other concert experience. I just wanted to vent...I'm not sure I even got my point across haha but I just wanted to vent.

I miss you alreddie...
I miss you alreddie.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • BeeGirl86 wrote:
    I have been in love with Pearl Jam since about 6th grade, I am 22 now. Whenever I get a chance to see them live, it is a meaningful experience to me. Each time I see them I am amazed, and usually can not put into words how the show made me feel and the experience I had. After the show, when I have to go back to the regular world to people whom do not have the same passion for Pearl Jam...there is one thing that drives me crazy. When people ask me how the show was, there are no words to describe really. These people would not even understand if I tried to explain the expereience. Pearl Jam is unlike another band (to me) and seeing them live is unlike any other concert experience. I just wanted to vent...I'm not sure I even got my point across haha but I just wanted to vent.

    I miss you alreddie...

    Everyone here gets it :)
  • RosdowerRosdower Posts: 119
    will you marry me, that is... if you're a female
  • i know...which is why I chose to vent here : ) haha
    I miss you alreddie.
  • Rosdower wrote:
    will you marry me, that is... if you're a female

    Hahaha what a great first post! Dude - you're the dude! :D
  • fly me to Australia and I'll consider :D haha
    I miss you alreddie.
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    edited November 2009
    I don't even bother trying to explain anymore. Most people think of it as just going and seeing some band play. They wonder why I have to see them so often. Kinda like "if you've seen them once...".
    They don't understand its a whole experience. They don't get the being a part of the band feeling. They certainly don't get my enthusism.
    So, I don't bother. The one person who I think does understand is my young grandson. He is 8 years old now, but ever since he was quite young, I would dance with him in my arms to PJ and sing Wishlist, as if it was a lullaby. We'd dance to lots of songs.
    When I put in MSG I, he thinks he was there, for some reason, and will point to a random spot and ask if that's where he was sitting. He knows all the band members names.
    What is worse is they don't get this forum. My neighbor may call or come over and in just gabbing will ask what were you doing, and when I say "oh, I was on the intenet", they always ask what was I doing on the internet, I say, "oh you know, on the PJ site". They give me a blank stare and move on to other discussion. I don't know why they ask. They know what I was doing if I was online.

    I guess its their problem, not mine.
    Post edited by Heatherj43 on
    Save room for dessert!
  • BeeGirl86 wrote:
    fly me to Australia and I'll consider :D haha

    It wasn't me who asked, I might get into trouble from my wife if I did :) And while I'm a sweet talker and she is a good sport, I don't think I could talk her (or you) into that scenario :lol:
  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    BeeGirl86 wrote:
    I have been in love with Pearl Jam since about 6th grade, I am 22 now. Whenever I get a chance to see them live, it is a meaningful experience to me. Each time I see them I am amazed, and usually can not put into words how the show made me feel and the experience I had. After the show, when I have to go back to the regular world to people whom do not have the same passion for Pearl Jam...there is one thing that drives me crazy. When people ask me how the show was, there are no words to describe really. These people would not even understand if I tried to explain the expereience. Pearl Jam is unlike another band (to me) and seeing them live is unlike any other concert experience. I just wanted to vent...I'm not sure I even got my point across haha but I just wanted to vent.

    I miss you alreddie...

    This is why you MUST make Pearl Jam friends. Because then you have "your peeps" who understand. Go to meet ups or the pre parties....such an amazing group of people out there to meet!
  • GoatboyGoatboy Posts: 509
    it is impossible for some, I feel bad for them really. it doesn't matter though. all that matters is that you feel it. you can always come here because we all know how you feel. or go to the show and meet many awesome people who you can relate to. I went to the halloween show by myself because i was the only person to choose pj over the world series. and ya know what, it didn't matter at all to me. in fact I had a better time going by myself. met some cool people and saw pearl jam....perfect night.
  • RosdowerRosdower Posts: 119
    BeeGirl86 wrote:
    fly me to Australia and I'll consider :D haha

    i'll fly you to NY. that's the best i can do.
  • ToneTone Posts: 1,206
    I pity those who don't get it... never fear, there are plenty of us that do. I had the most fantastic week last week and I met so many great people. I've been bombarding my PJ friends in Canada all week with emails, pics, links, I think they even may be sick of my raving (they weren't there), but at least I know they understand :D
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
  • marcosmarcos Posts: 2,112
    Yeah I still haven't fully processed the 4 PJ shows into my small brain yet. They lighten the load that we carry in such simple ways.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    BeeGirl86 wrote:
    I have been in love with Pearl Jam since about 6th grade, I am 22 now. Whenever I get a chance to see them live, it is a meaningful experience to me. Each time I see them I am amazed, and usually can not put into words how the show made me feel and the experience I had. After the show, when I have to go back to the regular world to people whom do not have the same passion for Pearl Jam...there is one thing that drives me crazy. When people ask me how the show was, there are no words to describe really. These people would not even understand if I tried to explain the expereience. Pearl Jam is unlike another band (to me) and seeing them live is unlike any other concert experience. I just wanted to vent...I'm not sure I even got my point across haha but I just wanted to vent.

    I miss you alreddie...

    This is why you MUST make Pearl Jam friends. Because then you have "your peeps" who understand. Go to meet ups or the pre parties....such an amazing group of people out there to meet!
    Agree totally! I've made so many great friends it's unbelievable. Great group of people. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • I have some friends that love Pj but they do not live near me anymore, I actually met up with them for the Philly show. I just mean it would be nice if my close friends felt the same...I guess I'm on the hunt for PJ friends haha
    I miss you alreddie.
  • Aero83_Aero83_ Posts: 933
    You sound like a very special pj fan...keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be rewarded...
    ...10/31/09, 05/21/10, Peru, Los Angeles
  • Hey, it's cool! People on here really DO get it....I know I understand EXACTLY what you are saying.......we need more PJ people out there. When I was talking to someone the other day, I was telling her how excited I was to be seeing them soon, and she looked at me with this really bizarre look and said "man...I didn't even know they were still around!'.....Now she is younger than me (I'm 33 she's 28), and she thinks that I am a freak for being so into them......but I just figure, that's what makes it more special when you do find someone who actually is as into them as you are yourself....Come to think of it, maybe our different opinions on Pearl Jam is why I ended up kicking my ex husband out!? Just never understood...I think if I EVER get serious about someone again, it MUST be a Pearl Jam finer people to be found anywhere!! :D
  • BeeGirl86 wrote:
    I have some friends that love Pj but they do not live near me anymore, I actually met up with them for the Philly show. I just mean it would be nice if my close friends felt the same...I guess I'm on the hunt for PJ friends haha
    You'd be surprised to find there is a huge10c group of all ages in your backyard. If they hit the Burgh next tour,I'll be happy to introduce you. Did you miss the June 06 show? Pm me your age grp and I'll give you some names to start.:-D
    "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.

  • I'm glad all of you keep me company every day at work :D
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • BeeGirl86 wrote:
    I have been in love with Pearl Jam since about 6th grade, I am 22 now. Whenever I get a chance to see them live, it is a meaningful experience to me. Each time I see them I am amazed, and usually can not put into words how the show made me feel and the experience I had. After the show, when I have to go back to the regular world to people whom do not have the same passion for Pearl Jam...there is one thing that drives me crazy. When people ask me how the show was, there are no words to describe really. These people would not even understand if I tried to explain the expereience. Pearl Jam is unlike another band (to me) and seeing them live is unlike any other concert experience. I just wanted to vent...I'm not sure I even got my point across haha but I just wanted to vent.

    I miss you alreddie...

    I do know how you feel, i felt that way alot when i was younger. PJ changed my world when i was 16 and i'm now 33. I love all kinds of music but PJ will always be my favourite band. I still can't even put into words how i feel about PJ. They inspired me to start playing the drums. I am lucky in one respect because a few of my friends are musicians too and they get it. It took awhile but even my mum gets it now and i took her to the last concert that was in Adelaide and she still talks about it and has the bootleg in her car(she's 58).
    Just remember we all get it here!!! :D
  • johnnywhip7johnnywhip7 Posts: 7
    edited November 2009
    Pearl Jam defines music for me… Pearl Jam's music takes me directly to some sort of instant inner emotion. There is a self absorbing high that develops straight through every melody and song.
    They are truly defined musicians that begins with Eddie’s voice, through Stones rhythym, Mike’s lead and backed by Matt, Boom & Jeff’s consistancy!
    I have been posting for the first time , this week, because Pearl Jams live musical infuence has me wanting more of that buzz that a “Live Pear Jam Concert Gives Ya” . Music is the last true voice of the Human Spirit, according to Ben Harper, and it can move straight through Time, Age and Race, straight to the Heart and Soul of each Human Being. I love that Quote and love to be able to use it. It truly is Music’s best definition or at least how I hear it. Once again thanks for a great week PJ!
    Post edited by johnnywhip7 on
  • NossieNossie Posts: 1,039
    BeeGirl86 wrote:
    fly me to Australia and I'll consider :D haha

    It wasn't me who asked, I might get into trouble from my wife if I did :) And while I'm a sweet talker and she is a good sport, I don't think I could talk her (or you) into that scenario :lol:

    When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do...

    Pearl Jam - Adelaide: 1995, 1998, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2014
    Eddie Vedder Solo - Adelaide: 27th & 28th March 2011, Melbourne 16th 2014
  • i think its even harder for people in europe as well ( i think)...christ i shit my pants if i see someone with a pearl jam t-shirt does not happen often..
    i dont know of anyone at all who listens to pj .most go owwww that group from the 90's jeremy yeahh..

    even my wife does not understand now much i like them..its its owww inside you 247..

    so glad this forum is here or i would look like some sado..with no friends.lmao
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Hello and welcome, it's good to come on here and see other people like yourself, I seem to pop in every day and I've only been a member a few months. Hubby likes PJ too, but not as much as me, after my continual playing of Backspacer he started to tell me that you can get too much of a good thing. There is another person in my town thats a fan and we all shared a car to Manchester, I text him now and then about PJ, it's handy as our sons are in the same class at school. Other people, there aren't really many who know about PJ, one of my best friends does because she has had heard me going on about them since the early 90's, people at work have maybe noticed their music because they have heard me playing it, I've had comments like 'it's music to die to' or 'they sound like Jimi Hendrix', one girl just keeps going on about getting into the mosh pit. It's her wedding do tonight and she swears she's going to ask the DJ to put some on - that'll be fun.

    Not really that bothered about people understanding though, it's nice to have something to myself.
  • KloddzKloddz Posts: 2,573
    Good thread - feels nice to see that I'm not alone... :mrgreen:
    Bern - September 13, 2006
    Berlin - August 15, 2009
    Lisbon - July 10, 2010
    Berlin - June 26, 2014
    Zurich - June 23, 2022
  • KloddzKloddz Posts: 2,573
    i think its even harder for people in europe as well ( i think)...christ i shit my pants if i see someone with a pearl jam t-shirt does not happen often..
    i dont know of anyone at all who listens to pj .most go owwww that group from the 90's jeremy yeahh..

    even my wife does not understand now much i like them..its its owww inside you 247..

    so glad this forum is here or i would look like some sado..with no friends.lmao
    Yep, I hardly ever see anyone with a PJ shirt on either (except a former colleague of mine, who is about as obsessed a fan as me). Seems like people have no taste in music...
    Bern - September 13, 2006
    Berlin - August 15, 2009
    Lisbon - July 10, 2010
    Berlin - June 26, 2014
    Zurich - June 23, 2022
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I am so proud to be a Pearl Jam fanatic
  • This hits so close to home for me. I'm 22 and I go to a small college in Western New York. Everyday I'm surrounded by people my age, yet I feel so isolated all the time. I have yet to find anyone, even my closest friends, who even come close to understanding my passion for Pearl Jam. I would give just about anything to find someone near me that I could talk to that shares the same passion as me. Every relationship I have been in has started out well and then gone south because none of my girlfriends could understand why I wanted to share Pearl Jam with them so much. I would give just about anything to meet a girl who let Pearl Jam play as big a role in her life as I let them play in mine.
    If hope can grow from dirt like me ...
  • ItsOK921ItsOK921 Posts: 169
    It's true, we all get it. The week of the Philly shows everyone was asking me how was the same concert for the ___ time this week... everyday. Or "You're seeing Pearl Jam again??" and so on. I started spazzing saying "Its the same band, NOT THE SAME CONCERT!!!!" They just dont get it. I didnt even bother trying to explain.
  • ofthegirl75ofthegirl75 Posts: 315
    edited November 2009
    Totally get it! Saw 3 PJ concerts in one week and no one could believe it! They were like "but you saw them already" Can't even began to explain my love for the band. Wish I had friends that were into them as much as me that could understand. Got a lot of crap from one guy about how he was so sick of hearing PJ on the radio- Jeremy, Even flow etc... that he changed stations. Yeah me too- listen to MMR in Phillie- best PJ loving station on the east coast.
    Post edited by ofthegirl75 on
  • goldrushgoldrush Posts: 7,484
    ItsOK921 wrote:
    It's true, we all get it. The week of the Philly shows everyone was asking me how was the same concert for the ___ time this week... everyday. Or "You're seeing Pearl Jam again??" and so on. I started spazzing saying "Its the same band, NOT THE SAME CONCERT!!!!" They just dont get it. I didnt even bother trying to explain.
    I know exactly what you mean. I saw the two London shows in August and people in work with me just didn't get it. When I was talking about going to the O2 they said "Didn't you just see them last week? Why are you going again?" Luckily there is one other PJ fanatic in the office so our entire working day revolves around talking about PJ and football (and doing very little work!) but the rest of them just don't understand.

    I feel very lucky that I have been able to see them twice a year in each of the last 4 years. When one of the supervisors heard this she said "Maybe you should get a life!" :shock:
    “Do not postpone happiness”
    (Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)

    “Put yer good money on the sunrise”
    (Tim Rogers)
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