If McCain won the election........



  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Fair enough, and thanks for acknowledging that I'm not one of these people you define in your first paragraph. I urge you to keep close watch on this movement from a perspective outside of mainstream news. Were you the one who said he attended one of these things and had first hand experience with it? If so, I give you credit and appreciate your honest assessment of what you see at these rallies. Keep watching-- I'm sure you'll see that the Neo-Con bandwagon has made its large one-time impact on what was a small, but sincere movement. I'm positive that I'm seeing minds gravitating towards the classic libertarian conservatism, hence my enthusiasm here, but also because we're going to have to-- We simply are not going to be able to afford to pay any more taxes or subsidize any more failure over the course of the next few years. I sincerely believe that that inflation train is going to hit us full speed ahead, and that the effects are going to be devastating. We are going to actually have to take care of each other by choice-- not with federally funded programs, because there will be no amount of money with value to be able to take care of the masses through the state. If the state has any role in things, it may only be to help coordinate relief efforts, and they will be doing it for free, out of necessity. I hope I'm terribly wrong.

    i hope so too... you sound like drifting or onelongsong with the predictions of total collapse there ;) personally, i doubt anything quite so dramatic will happen. if it does, i'll live.

    i did go to a tea party, though admittedly to sit there with my brothers and our obama gear and see what all the fuss was about. there were a fair number of decent, normal people, but it was pretty clear there was a heavy neo con presence... it truly felt like the cheney/rove contingent sat the last election out figuring mccain was a lost cause in that he was unelectable and not really a neo con anyway and instead spent their time plotting this... a fabricated grass roots movement aimed solely at smearing obama to set up someone for a run in 2012. much as i'd love to see the republicans run a moderate or libertarian style candidate, i think their next choice will be someone like palin... a clear religious ideologue just itching to resurrect the neo con agenda. the whole thing felt very staged. lots of nazi comparisons, then it was cap and trade now it's health care... i just very much doubt the honesty and legitimacy of these people. i think they're being led around by the nose by people like beck and hannity. maybe they hijacked a legit movement, but that's all the more reason for the original movement to distance itself from these people that are hurting its credibility.
  • i think they're being led around by the nose by people like beck and hannity. maybe they hijacked a legit movement, but that's all the more reason for the original movement to distance itself from these people that are hurting its credibility.
    I'm on the fence about this, and am watching it closely for this reason. I will admit, that I had that awful feeling in my gut the second I saw the "conservative" talking heads championing these events. It's like when Jon Stewart said to Ron Paul, and I paraphrase, "Don't you feel like that cool indie band that pioneered a whole different sound, but never sold lots of records, only to see someone rip off your style and reap all of the rewards?" referring to the tea parties.

    I think the whole tea party movement has been a wake up call for a lot of people, including some members of my family who LOVED Bush, but are now realizing that you can't blame Obama SOLELY for almost anything-- the precedent was set by his predecessors, W. being the worst. That is exactly my litmus test for people I talk to that rail against Obama. If they cannot acknowledge the wrongdoings of the last administration, they have no credibility in my eyes. Some change their minds, others don't.

    Some tea parties have barred elected officials who actively contributed to this country's problems from speaking at the events. +1 for the people! Others are puppets.

    Maybe I'm just optimistic? Probably about as optimistic as most Obama supporters... SO HEY MAN, GIVE THE TEA PARTY PROTESTS SOME TIME! WE'VE ONLY BEEN AT THIS FOR 10 MONTHS! Change doesn't come overnight! ;)
  • i did go to a tea party, though admittedly to sit there with my brothers and our obama gear and see what all the fuss was about.

    Somehow, I don't think you got to experience the better half of the Tea Party people for this reason. You know, we keep very short pieces of electrical tape in our pockets for people like you... So we can stick it on your t-shirt ICON'S upper lip. Boom. Instant Hitler transformation! :D

    What you and your brothers did would be like wearing full Yankee garb into Fenway... It definitely took some balls, but you came out unscathed, right? Can't say that for a Yankee fan in Boston!

    Anyway, time to find some common ground here: Can't we all just throw out all of The House in 2010 as well as every one of the 36(?) Senate seats up for election? Also, can we all just acknowledge that we need to Audit and reign in the Federal Reserve if not abolish it over time?
  • it truly felt like the cheney/rove contingent sat the last election out figuring mccain was a lost cause in that he was unelectable and not really a neo con anyway and instead spent their time plotting this... a fabricated grass roots movement aimed solely at smearing obama to set up someone for a run in 2012. much as i'd love to see the republicans run a moderate or libertarian style candidate, i think their next choice will be someone like palin... a clear religious ideologue just itching to resurrect the neo con agenda.

    For reasons like this, I really wish just ONE third party could get their shit together. Historically speaking, these have NOT been the only 2 parties that have had legitimate power in our country. Maybe it's time for another one or two to rise, and maybe it is actually possible? You never know until you try. I don't feel like anyone is trying, but we're running out of options.
  • i did go to a tea party, though admittedly to sit there with my brothers and our obama gear and see what all the fuss was about.

    Somehow, I don't think you got to experience the better half of the Tea Party people for this reason. You know, we keep very short pieces of electrical tape in our pockets for people like you... So we can stick it on your t-shirt ICON'S upper lip. Boom. Instant Hitler transformation! :D

    What you and your brothers did would be like wearing full Yankee garb into Fenway... It definitely took some balls, but you came out unscathed, right? Can't say that for a Yankee fan in Boston!
    i must admit that i enjoyed soulsingings insight into his tea party experience. i think i can also safely say vinny, that from reading and appreciating your posts, you are one of those decent, normal people he is talking about. i guess to me anyway, it's a reminder that we should not label everyone with the same brush, and that goes for whatever side of the fence you sit on. i think that's something we are all guilty of at times.

    can you both just clear something up for me?

    So, apparently when you arrive to the party, you are given a number that directly reflects the amount of money you make. then, in a serious show of violent force, some books are burned.

    before the day ends, the KKK arrives and gives their approval of the day's carnage by celebrating over a burning cross and a fried chicken buffet. the person with the lowest number then gives up their first born, who is nailed to the cross (while burning) as a sacrifice for Jesus Christ. (You know how violent those christians are!!) all the while, the commentators from fox news fawn over the death of the child for the "greater good".

    true or false?

  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    haven't read all the responses on this post yet.

    seems ironic though how SO MANY people wanted Obama for president knowing full well what his plans were, yet SO MANY turned on him within this first year. It doesn't seem to me like he has strayed too much from his original plans. Everybody knew it was going to take money for everything he preached about. I don't pay attention to everything that has gone on in his first year, but it just seems very strange to me how so many people could turn on him so quickly. I didn't vote. I wasn't sure what to make of all the chaos this time around. I just sat back and watched everyone become hypocrits for turning on a president that THEY wanted so badly. It really doesn't make any sense at all.

    It seems as if you are implying that everyone that doesn't agree with him actually voted for him. I did not vote for Obama. It all seemed a little to pop starish during the campaign run and it was just a big slobering love affair between him and the media circus...still is. To many people, Obama can do no wrong no matter what he does. I do understand how it would seem that EVERYONE used to be an Obamaniac, they kind of made it look that way.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    mb262200 wrote:

    there not questions.....they're opinions, and pretty knowing opinions at that. I'll admit, McCain was for stimulus but not nearly as much because he didn't want any pork in his plan, and maybe the oil thing is questionable because of the high sulphur content makes it very expensive to refine....but other than that, it's pretty acurate.

    Psychosinlove, is that you?!?!?!

    Hey guys, remember psychosinlove from the old boards? Same kinda guy!
    Spelling is slightly better though...
  • mca47 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:

    there not questions.....they're opinions, and pretty knowing opinions at that. I'll admit, McCain was for stimulus but not nearly as much because he didn't want any pork in his plan, and maybe the oil thing is questionable because of the high sulphur content makes it very expensive to refine....but other than that, it's pretty acurate.

    Psychosinlove, is that you?!?!?!

    Hey guys, remember psychosinlove from the old boards? Same kinda guy!
    Spelling is slightly better though...

    We had a psychos chat in the "At What Point..." thread

    miss that guy
  • can you both just clear something up for me?

    So, apparently when you arrive to the party, you are given a number that directly reflects the amount of money you make. then, in a serious show of violent force, some books are burned.

    before the day ends, the KKK arrives and gives their approval of the day's carnage by celebrating over a burning cross and a fried chicken buffet. the person with the lowest number then gives up their first born, who is nailed to the cross (while burning) as a sacrifice for Jesus Christ. (You know how violent those christians are!!) all the while, the commentators from fox news fawn over the death of the child for the "greater good".

    true or false?


    This is funny because it does demonstrate some of the GLARING differences among "conservatives."

    Giving people a 'number' is something I'm opposed to-- others would rather have every single person on this planet documented and accounted for, some might even love it if state-issued identification were based on wealth! It'd be like a caste system here in America. True Constitutional Conservatives respect and cherish privacy, after all, it is our RIGHT under the Constitution, why give it up? Others believe in mircomanagement of every aspect of your life, so long as it all fits within the morals they seek to legislate.

    Same goes for censorship. Let's see-- How can I say this? FUCK CENSORSHIP. Bad speech and ideas die when people learn to ignore them, not when they are made illegal, and given more attention. Besides, the wording in the Constitution is very clear. Speech isn't to be restricted-- but let's not forget the personal responsibility that comes with freedom, and try our best to ignore the morons who abuse it, and let's not abuse it ourselves. To maintain a free and functioning society, the lines must be drawn very clearly, but not in any real restrictive way, in fact, jus the opposite. Besides, outlawing speech only breeds contempt for the law, and probably promotes the 'speech' that most of us would rather not hear. Yet, there are 'conservatives' out there that would outlaw just about anything they wanted in the name of protecting all of society. Really, all any censorship does is give a few assholes a loudspeaker that spans the whole country-- it's their point of view that is what HAS TO BE accepted. It's just another area where laws stifle competition-- in this case, it's ideas. It's like Soulsinging has said before about heads exploding on television, but a BOOB-- God forbid we see a BOOB. If it were up to the television, we'd never stop making war-- and never start making love, unless we wait till it's dark and flip to SKINEMAX. ;)
  • Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.

    not only do they complain about losing, they flatly refuse to go along with any ideas that may help and refuse to go along with any part of the new president's agenda. they try to block EVERYTHING. they also have the biggest inferiority complex i have ever seen. they blame the media and have every other excuse but fail to realize that the majority of the country has left their positions on issues behind. their views are not in line with mainstream america, and that is a fact. its quite sad.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.
    by the way, i appreciate your analysis. if its that easy for an outsider to see why can't the american population see it?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.
    by the way, i appreciate your analysis. if its that easy for an outsider to see why can't the american population see it?


    Seriously, take out the word "liberal" and you've got it.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.
    by the way, i appreciate your analysis. if its that easy for an outsider to see why can't the american population see it?


    Seriously, take out the word "liberal" and you've got it.

    "reality has a liberal bias..."
    stephen colbert
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Obama wouldnt won the nobel peace prize
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”

  • "reality has a liberal bias..."
    stephen colbert

    I don't know if I explained myself right in my other post, but basically I was saying ALL OF OUR MEDIA, liberal or conservative is why it's hard for us to see our country in the same light that the rest of the world does.

    The rise of Stephen Colbert as a star is proof of that. Him and Stewart as "fake news" icon speaks volumes about how ironically "entertainment" our news has become in this country.
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    Watching from the North this is what I see:

    1. 8 terrible years under a horrible, horrible president.
    2. The population finally speaks up and decides to try something different
    3. The losers of the Election bitch and complain because they lost
    4. When you try to argue with them, their only counterpoint.......ever........is "liberal Media"

    Jesus Christ.....you dug yourself into the mess and the majority of you chose to hire someone you thought would help you dig your way out. Let him do the job he was hired to do.

    not only do they complain about losing, they flatly refuse to go along with any ideas that may help and refuse to go along with any part of the new president's agenda. they try to block EVERYTHING. they also have the biggest inferiority complex i have ever seen. they blame the media and have every other excuse but fail to realize that the majority of the country has left their positions on issues behind. their views are not in line with mainstream america, and that is a fact. its quite sad.

    And on the other hand, some might say that some people refuse to see Obama doing any wrong. Of course we complain about the media. Think back to the campaign, Biden openly admits that if Obama is elected we will most probably be attacked again, and Obama sponsored media news top story for the next two weeks.....Palin is wearing expensive clothes. Some people just refuse to see the truth when it's right in front of there eyes.
  • Some good reading on this thread.
    Philly-8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/3/05, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 4/28/16, 4/29/16
    Jones Beach-8/25/00
    San Diego-6/5/03
    The Gorge-9/1/05
    E. Rutherford, NJ-6/1/06,6/3/06
    VA Beach-6/17/08
    Baltimore 10/27/13
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    if mccain won the election you would most likely have joe the plumber in a cabinet postion, if not that then at least an ambassadorship. you know how these politicians reward those that they use to help them get elected....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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