McCready's quote in Spin concerns me....



  • What we have learned is this:

    Pearl Jam was happy screwing over Epic when Pearl Jam was getting guaranteed money and preaching about the art of music, but now they are going to become radio friendly when it is their butts on the line and not Epic's.

    This theory should appeal to many! Screw over the corporate rock label, then cash in like a mom and pop store.


    quite honestly, it swounds like classic pj...and i thought that is what many are lamenting? ;)
    look - i agreed again! :wtf:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • agreed.
    quite honestly, it swounds like classic pj...and i thought that is what many are lamenting? ;)
    look - i agreed again! :wtf:

    It's bizarro day...or, I've learned to think more clearly. Either way, it's freaking me out.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • agreed.
    quite honestly, it swounds like classic pj...and i thought that is what many are lamenting? ;)
    look - i agreed again! :wtf:

    It's bizarro day...or, I've learned to think more clearly. Either way, it's freaking me out.


    happy to oblige.

    i have always greatly respected pearl jam and their actions and stances...but i've never put them up on a pedestal, nor did i ever for one moment thought they didn't want to make $$$ and all that encompasses. yes, in the past they did many things to sabotage their careers, but only to the point to keep it manageable in a way that was comfortable to them. let's face it, they won the lottery right outta the gate. that's a lot to take in. so NONE of their behaviors/changes over the years at all surprise me. however, i've always looked at them realistically. i also never turned them into hereos. i appreciate that they use their fame and fortune to back up ideals they believe in, but all the rest....that's their own business. also too, i was not a fan from day one...and even if i were, i was not a young teen, but in my early 20s when they first came on the music scene, so i think less apt to make hereos out of rock stas by then.

    and hey, i'll go with thinking more clearly...;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • the fire is gone....the best is behind us....they are just conformists now...what is it with some guys...they have a kid and feel the need to turn into a big it's radio friendly fare and political conformity....makes me sad :cry: ...i still love the music...but that fire they once had seems to have fizzled out!! thing you know Ed will be saying he's a republican...not that democrats are any better.

    and no this isn't off topic because this is the part of the Int. that concerns me!
  • the fire is gone....the best is behind us

    Are you talking about our lives too? Because a lot of your post applies to me. :)

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • What we have learned is this:

    Pearl Jam was happy screwing over Epic when Pearl Jam was getting guaranteed money and preaching about the art of music, but now they are going to become radio friendly when it is their butts on the line and not Epic's.

    I'm not sure I would 100% agree with this, unless you believe the Ticketmaster boycott was to screw over epic as well.

    Does the quote concern me? Sure. In the vein that I hope they continue to make good music, not in that I dislike them if they're popular. It concerns me, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong. If they take one song per album and try to make it radio friendly to try to get an influx of fans, while giving us 10-12 really good old-time pearl jam songs, I don't see a problem with that. If they turn into nickelback, then there's a problem. But I don't see that happening.
  • they have a kid and feel the need to turn into a big pussy

    having kids changes you mate. good or bad.
  • they have a kid and feel the need to turn into a big pussy

    having kids changes you mate. good or bad.

    i have a daughter didn't make me want to be a conformist!!! in fact it made me even more concerned with this fucked up planet!!
  • do you honestly believe pearl jam is conformist?! :wtf:

    have they learned to fight their battles, to compromise, to work towards their own 'greater good'.....i think so.
    i also think, pearl jam has always chosen to do things on THEIR terms, and they still ARE. the fact that you or anyone may disagree/dislike it, well, i am sure they aware that will happen too, and apparently, they are a-ok with it. they have to do what feels right for them. i agree. i expect nothing less of anyone.

    also, as to the fire being gone and th best behind them, while i understand that thinking, i do have to disagree. perhaps their music that will stand the test of time Is in their past....but that in no way insinuates that they have no fire, and that they are on the downward slope. i am not too much younger than them and while wild days may be a bit behind me, i also still manage to do things that thrill and excite me, and hell NO....i do not believe my life is downhill from here in out. it's all perspective. i see it as they have GROWN, they have's a new and different chapter in their lives. thy are no longer angry young men, but mature men, with a lot of love and happiness in their lives...and enjoying that. i say, good for them. it's what we all strive for.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • do you honestly believe pearl jam is conformist?! :wtf:

    have they learned to fight their battles, to compromise, to work towards their own 'greater good'.....i think so.
    i also think, pearl jam has always chosen to do things on THEIR terms, and they still ARE. the fact that you or anyone may disagree/dislike it, well, i am sure they aware that will happen too, and apparently, they are a-ok with it. they have to do what feels right for them. i agree. i expect nothing less of anyone.

    also, as to the fire being gone and th best behind them, while i understand that thinking, i do have to disagree. perhaps their music that will stand the test of time Is in their past....but that in no way insinuates that they have no fire, and that they are on the downward slope. i am not too much younger than them and while wild days may be a bit behind me, i also still manage to do things that thrill and excite me, and hell NO....i do not believe my life is downhill from here in out. it's all perspective. i see it as they have GROWN, they have's a new and different chapter in their lives. thy are no longer angry young men, but mature men, with a lot of love and happiness in their lives...and enjoying that. i say, good for them. it's what we all strive for.

    do you think the minutemen of mass. didn't love their families? do you think they didn't want to be happy and live in peace? of course they did...but a man has to do what a man has to do..which is fight the good fight...PJ used to do it's like they just wanna lay down and be happy when the world is even more fucked up now than it was in the '90s!!!that is the fire i was talking about.
  • ...but a man has to do what a man has to do..which is fight the good fight...PJ used to do it's like they just wanna lay down and be happy when the world is even more fucked up now than it was in the '90s!!!that is the fire i was talking about.

    well, I'm pretty sure they are fighting the good fight. it just might not be as visible as it once was.

    and he's right, having kids DOES change you in a way that doesn't change your overall morals, but it changes your perspective and priorities. Would Ed rather go on ad nauseum at rally after rally, or spend time with his kids? I would say there is always time for both, just less time now for the former. That's all.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • do you honestly believe pearl jam is conformist?! :wtf:

    have they learned to fight their battles, to compromise, to work towards their own 'greater good'.....i think so.
    i also think, pearl jam has always chosen to do things on THEIR terms, and they still ARE. the fact that you or anyone may disagree/dislike it, well, i am sure they aware that will happen too, and apparently, they are a-ok with it. they have to do what feels right for them. i agree. i expect nothing less of anyone.

    also, as to the fire being gone and th best behind them, while i understand that thinking, i do have to disagree. perhaps their music that will stand the test of time Is in their past....but that in no way insinuates that they have no fire, and that they are on the downward slope. i am not too much younger than them and while wild days may be a bit behind me, i also still manage to do things that thrill and excite me, and hell NO....i do not believe my life is downhill from here in out. it's all perspective. i see it as they have GROWN, they have's a new and different chapter in their lives. thy are no longer angry young men, but mature men, with a lot of love and happiness in their lives...and enjoying that. i say, good for them. it's what we all strive for.

    do you think the minutemen of mass. didn't love their families? do you think they didn't want to be happy and live in peace? of course they did...but a man has to do what a man has to do..which is fight the good fight...PJ used to do it's like they just wanna lay down and be happy when the world is even more fucked up now than it was in the '90s!!!that is the fire i was talking about.

    ok, you have now gone off the deepend...hahahaha!
    you are comparing the minutemen, fighting for their freedoms, to um....a rockband?!
    i don't see pearl jam 'lying down' not at all. however, we obviously see things differently.

    as to your assertions here, all i can ask is as a non-conformist father yourself....what you giving?
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ...but a man has to do what a man has to do..which is fight the good fight...PJ used to do it's like they just wanna lay down and be happy when the world is even more fucked up now than it was in the '90s!!!that is the fire i was talking about.

    well, I'm pretty sure they are fighting the good fight. it just might not be as visible as it once was.

    and he's right, having kids DOES change you in a way that doesn't change your overall morals, but it changes your perspective and priorities. Would Ed rather go on ad nauseum at rally after rally, or spend time with his kids? I would say there is always time for both, just less time now for the former. That's all.

    that's bullshit!! he had plenty of time just a year ago when Bush was in office...almost every show he had something to Obama is here and Ed ain't saying shit...yet the war is still on..Obama is lying his ass off just like Bush...yet Ed has nothing to say?!?!!.....that is straight up BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    About halfway through the article, he is being asked about how PJ basically sabotaged their own career with no videos, the TM fiasco, etc, and this is a direct quote:

    "We've always tried to subvert the business, But now that we're putting out a record on our own, we're taking on the responsibility of sinking or swimming ourselves. If that means writing a song that sounds like a mainstream radio hit, we're going to do that. And if it means going on TV to promote ourselves, we're going to do that too".

    I have nothing against them promoting themselves. I'm not one of those nutjob Pearl Jam "purists" that judge all their decisions at every turn. The only part that didn't sit well with me was "...If that means writing a song that sounds like a mainstream radio hit, we're going to do that.".

    Am I reading that wrong? I am taking that as they have no problem deliberately writing a song so it gets on the radio. Or is he just saying if they write a song that HAPPENS to sound mainstream, they won't purposely shelve it for Lost Dogs 2 like they did in the past?
    I sure hope he meant the latter. Obviously, it's their band, and their career. I am not going to stand up on my soapbox and tell them what they should or shouldn't do. I just hopefully got the wrong impression that they would have no problem pandering to the masses if they felt like it.
    This is a great topic.
    I'd say, it's clear to see 1992 from 2009, not easy to see 2009 from 1992. Who'd have thought that things in the recording industry would have changed so drastically? Sure, formats change... but an entire upheaval of the industry? And at age 20something, age 40something is almost incomprehensible.
    But, things have changed, the market has changed and people have changed. It all depends on where they go from here... and whether or not we choose to follow.
    If Pearl Jam tries to make songs that are rehashed copies of past successes... releasing something like 'Grievin' Slow' or 'Improved Man', then, yeah, that would suck. If I want a band that makes all of their songs based on their past hits, I'd be in the Blink-182 Fan Club. That recycled shit gets old, really fast.
    But, if they want to make songs that are radio hits... that are capable of capturing a wide... and still play true to their artistic capabilities. Like from 'Backspacer'... how great is 'Unthought Known'? That would get radio play. Initially, from the Pearl Jam brand name, but I think it would receive wide acceptance. Maybe tougher now, since the B-Side of 'Got Some' seems to be getting play, but you get the gist.
    Sure, you are not going to get the mass appeal of a Kelly Clarkson or 'Name-Of-Rapper-Du-Jour here', but, you will get those kids that are not looking for that kind of shit.
    Finally... to the 'Sell-Out' calling shitheads... fuck 'em. They can leave this trip anytime they want. They are typically talentless nobodys who possess nothing worth buying. Pearl Jam will basically remain a cult band and not a mass appeal band, like U2. They can still carve out a living... as comfortably living artists. They don't have to be mega-luxury rock stars.
    Hopefully, they will continue to follow the Neil Young model... and avoid the KIZZ path.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    pearl jam is a rock band...nothing more and nothing less
  • norm wrote:
    pearl jam is a rock band...nothing more and nothing less

    norm, ever thought your inner-koala embracing self....would be a voice of reason? :wtf: :shock: :lol:
    well said.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • as to your assertions here, all i can ask is as a non-conformist father yourself....what you giving?

    i do and have done plenty!...i will not speak of what around here...but i am an activist...and if i had the ear of as many people as Ed does, i would never stop speaking out!!

  • as to your assertions here, all i can ask is as a non-conformist father yourself....what you giving?

    i do and have done plenty!...i will not speak of what around here...but i am an activist...and if i had the ear of as many people as Ed does, i would never stop speaking out!!

    and i personally believe that ed and the band can all make that assertion as well. the fact that you, personally, feel they are not doing 'enough'....or perhaps wht you think they 'should' on you, not them. once again, pj is true to themselves. i see them behind plenty of causes, even today. as ever, it's all perspective...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    I think its possible to over analyze. IMO the bottom line is - do you like the music? Do you love how it sounds and what it says in the song? If so, nothing else really matters. If you also like the stance of the band, its icing on the cake, but the bottom line is what is the music? I mean, do I agree with Ted Nugent's view of the world? No. But I like some of his songs. Do I agree with Radiohead's view of the world? More so, but I don't really like much of their music, though I respect their quality. Maybe its best sometimes to just pull back and focus on the aural experience and whether you like the music.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • norm wrote:
    pearl jam is a rock band...nothing more and nothing less

    norm, ever thought your inner-koala embracing self....would be a voice of reason? :wtf: :shock: :lol:
    well said.

    yeah...they are a rock band who came out the gate sticking up it's middle finger to corporations & corrupt politicians/ they do shows for corporations(yeah i went to charity :roll: ) and vote for those politicians (Obama)...big difference i would say....Ed has layed down and played dead on this tour...(soldiers are still dying every day Ed!!)...makes me sad.
  • JaneNY wrote:
    I think its possible to over analyze. IMO the bottom line is - do you like the music? Do you love how it sounds and what it says in the song? If so, nothing else really matters. If you also like the stance of the band, its icing on the cake, but the bottom line is what is the music? I mean, do I agree with Ted Nugent's view of the world? No. But I like some of his songs. Do I agree with Radiohead's view of the world? More so, but I don't really like much of their music, though I respect their quality. Maybe its best sometimes to just pull back and focus on the aural experience and whether you like the music.

    to some of us they were about more than just music...maybe not to you.
  • ...but a man has to do what a man has to do..which is fight the good fight...PJ used to do it's like they just wanna lay down and be happy when the world is even more fucked up now than it was in the '90s!!!that is the fire i was talking about.

    well, I'm pretty sure they are fighting the good fight. it just might not be as visible as it once was.

    and he's right, having kids DOES change you in a way that doesn't change your overall morals, but it changes your perspective and priorities. Would Ed rather go on ad nauseum at rally after rally, or spend time with his kids? I would say there is always time for both, just less time now for the former. That's all.

    that's bullshit!! he had plenty of time just a year ago when Bush was in office...almost every show he had something to Obama is here and Ed ain't saying shit...yet the war is still on..Obama is lying his ass off just like Bush...yet Ed has nothing to say?!?!!.....that is straight up BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

    "he ain't sayin' shit" about Obama because he's giving the guy a chance, rather than jumping all over him like the rest of the country is. can you imagine trying to clean up the clusterfuck mess that dubya left? that's not an easy job.

    anyway, this is off-topic, so I'll stop there. ;)
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014

  • as to your assertions here, all i can ask is as a non-conformist father yourself....what you giving?

    i do and have done plenty!...i will not speak of what around here...but i am an activist...and if i had the ear of as many people as Ed does, i would never stop speaking out!!

    and i personally believe that ed and the band can all make that assertion as well. the fact that you, personally, feel they are not doing 'enough'....or perhaps wht you think they 'should' on you, not them. once again, pj is true to themselves. i see them behind plenty of causes, even today. as ever, it's all perspective...

    please!!! him talking about the war and Bush at every show...then enter Obama and NOTHING?!?! Obama is doing the same shit Bush was!!!! If i know this Ed must know it too!!!! yet he's "happy now"? fuck that!! he just put on blinders!! never thought i'd see the day! oh well.... :cry:
  • JaneNY wrote:
    I think its possible to over analyze. IMO the bottom line is - do you like the music? Do you love how it sounds and what it says in the song? If so, nothing else really matters. If you also like the stance of the band, its icing on the cake, but the bottom line is what is the music? I mean, do I agree with Ted Nugent's view of the world? No. But I like some of his songs. Do I agree with Radiohead's view of the world? More so, but I don't really like much of their music, though I respect their quality. Maybe its best sometimes to just pull back and focus on the aural experience and whether you like the music.

    absolutely music comes first. it would just suprirse me if they'd write a song for the purpose of getting airplay, which I'm still not sure if that's what Mike meant, but whatever. Backspacer is awesome, and yes, the bottom line is that's all I care about.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • "he ain't sayin' shit" about Obama because he's giving the guy a chance, rather than jumping all over him like the rest of the country is. can you imagine trying to clean up the clusterfuck mess that dubya left? that's not an easy job.

    anyway, this is off-topic, so I'll stop there. ;)

    giving him a chance to fuck us even more?!?!?! Obama has already fucked us...PLENTY!!!!!!!!!!

    he isn't cleaning shit...he is continuing down the same fucking road!!!...he's just a better lier than Bush...that's the only difference!!
  • i do and have done plenty!...i will not speak of what around here...but i am an activist...and if i had the ear of as many people as Ed does, i would never stop speaking out!!

    and i personally believe that ed and the band can all make that assertion as well. the fact that you, personally, feel they are not doing 'enough'....or perhaps wht you think they 'should' on you, not them. once again, pj is true to themselves. i see them behind plenty of causes, even today. as ever, it's all perspective...

    please!!! him talking about the war and Bush at every show...then enter Obama and NOTHING?!?! Obama is doing the same shit Bush was!!!! If i know this Ed must know it too!!!! yet he's "happy now"? fuck that!! he just put on blinders!! never thought i'd see the day! oh well.... :cry:

    or...he sees things differently from you.
    anyhoo, i've said my peace....agree, disagree...c'est la vie.
    ed's a big boy, i think he can handle yours, and many other's, criticisms.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    it would just surprise me if they'd write a song for the purpose of getting airplay,

    but all that does is show their unbelievable talent...they can write songs that aren't generally popular but extremely good and then decide to make songs that that are or potentially are popular yet the quality is just as good as the unpopular songs
  • or...he sees things differently from you.
    anyhoo, i've said my peace....agree, disagree...c'est la vie.
    ed's a big boy, i think he can handle yours, and many other's, criticisms.

    it's cool...some people will make excuses for them no matter what they do or don't do...i'm not one of those people.

    take care D2D...ttyl
  • giving him a chance to fuck us even more?!?!?! Obama has already fucked us...PLENTY!!!!!!!!!!

    he isn't cleaning shit...he is continuing down the same fucking road!!!...he's just a better lier than Bush...that's the only difference!!

    Quote of the day, so far...Maybe the WEEK...or month...
  • or...he sees things differently from you.
    anyhoo, i've said my peace....agree, disagree...c'est la vie.
    ed's a big boy, i think he can handle yours, and many other's, criticisms.

    it's cool...some people will make excuses for them no matter what they do or don't do...i'm not one of those people.

    take care D2D...ttyl

    nor am i.

    as i said, i have never...nor will i ever....hold pj up to a higher standard, nor place them on a pedestal. just you, me, and perhaps ed....see things differently. that is not 'making excuses' not at all. it's....seeing, things. differently.

    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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