Who are these people ?

If the president wasn't Barak Obama and was some white southern president and he had throughout his administration and in the white house appointed individuals who had praised or even belonged to the KKK or any kind of white supremacy,or hate group.
Do you think there would be attention paid to that ? Do you think there should be attention paid to that ?
Do you think we should know their names and their backgrounds ?
Do you think the president should be asked why he would appoint such people to his administration ?
Do you think it's healthy for the country to have such people in Gov. ?
I think it's obvious that it would be a major scandal, and it should be...
Now what about a president who has throughout his administration has appointees who quotes and praises Mao Tse Tung as one of their favorite philosophers ( Anita Dunn and Ron Bloom) or embraces Marxism ?
Or what about a person who is an advocate of Transnationalism (Harold Koh) which is defined as being a concept that argues in favor of Global Governance as opposed to the Constitutional Sovereignty of an independent nation or state.
Cass Susstien - Who believes that hunting should be banned ( 2nd amendment ) and thinks animals should have the right to sue people and wants to put in place the fairness doctrine.
John P. Holdren (science czar ) strong believer in Eugenics, forced abortions, Mass sterilization,Drugs put into our drinking water.. just go read some of his quotes from the book he co authored Eco-Science
Head of the FTC Mark Loyd- Who wants to regulate the internet and wants the fairness doctrine and praises Hugo Chevez for censoring the media in Venezuela ?
The list goes on and on..
Do you think there would be attention paid to that ? Do you think there should be attention paid to that ?
Do you think we should know their names and their backgrounds ?
Do you think the president should be asked why he would appoint such people to his administration ?
Do you think it's healthy for the country to have such people in Gov. ?
I think it's obvious that it would be a major scandal, and it should be...
Now what about a president who has throughout his administration has appointees who quotes and praises Mao Tse Tung as one of their favorite philosophers ( Anita Dunn and Ron Bloom) or embraces Marxism ?
Or what about a person who is an advocate of Transnationalism (Harold Koh) which is defined as being a concept that argues in favor of Global Governance as opposed to the Constitutional Sovereignty of an independent nation or state.
Cass Susstien - Who believes that hunting should be banned ( 2nd amendment ) and thinks animals should have the right to sue people and wants to put in place the fairness doctrine.
John P. Holdren (science czar ) strong believer in Eugenics, forced abortions, Mass sterilization,Drugs put into our drinking water.. just go read some of his quotes from the book he co authored Eco-Science
Head of the FTC Mark Loyd- Who wants to regulate the internet and wants the fairness doctrine and praises Hugo Chevez for censoring the media in Venezuela ?
The list goes on and on..
Post edited by Unknown User on
The most recent Anita Dunn thing is a perfect example... if you watch the whole thing in context, it's obvious that she is saying the whole Mao Tse Tung/Mother Theresa thing as a joke in a speech... I guess anyone who makes a joke in a college graduation speech or whatever can no longer try to put humor in it, for fear that someday they want to work in government.
And the Cass Susstien criticism... lambasting him for out of context things in books he has written or only edited is grasping at straws on all levels. And he is against hunting? so are a lot of people, I don't agree with it, but if some guy who works in a paper-pushing government department that has absolutely NOTHING to do with gun control or animal rights policy, then what do I care? That would be like saying and accountant is bad because of his stance on abortion.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
But what does Cass Sunstein's animal rights views have to do with his position in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
is this one of those stupid chain email things....?
cuz it sure reads like one...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
you disagree? so you think someone that is opposed to hunting is as bad and dangerous as someone wearing a white robe and lynching minorities?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Then again, I see that he has really good ratings.
I guess I should remind myself to "think about how stupid the average person is, then remember that half of the people are more stupid than that."
as to the validity of the claims in the OP, won't even bother....but you are comparing appels and oranges, really...outside of this one.
being anti-hunting isn't exactly a 'hate group'.....nor are any of the other examples presented. differing ideas on law and government ARE allowable in a democracy.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
My reaction, exactly.
In my dealings with the person who originated this... he has no clue who most of these people are (if any) and has nothing to back up his claim... other than, "I heard it on the Rush Limbaugh show" or "FOX did a story on this".
Hail, Hail!!!
In you dealings ? WTF is that suppose to mean. :? :? :roll: No you're the one who doesn't have a clue and you will be one of the people just like most of the people on here who are going to wake up one day and wonder what the hell happen to my country. Hopefully one day all you will take your head out of your ass and wake the hell up before it's to late. I know exactly who these people are and no I didnt get this from Fox or Rush. Do you know how many links there are for all of these people that I mentioned ? Way to many to list. Jesus just go wiki these people thats all Im asking and you will see for your self who these people are.
When did Glen Beck become a pearl jam fan?
how do you know your clues are pointing you in the right direction...?
Aside from the eugenics thing (which I already talked about), nothing you listed in your op really bothers me. Maybe you'll be waking up all pissed off one day, but if I woke up one day to a country with a media free of special interests buying the news and national health care, i'd be pretty pleased.
What about the President of the United States trying to dictate what is news and who is allowed to report it. Anyone can see this Presidency is getting out of hand. Who the hell does he think he is shutting out fox from the press pool. I have to say I was impressed with the other news stations standing up for Free Press! Freedom is something Obama does not understand!
He hasn't done that. He told Fox to go fuck themselves, a sentiment I readily agree with as Foxnews is a shining example of why a fairness doctrine isn't such a bad idea.
What about the President of the United States trying to dictate what is news and who is allowed to report it. Anyone can see this Presidency is getting out of hand. Who the hell does he think he is shutting out fox from the press pool. I have to say I was impressed with the other news stations standing up for Free Press! Freedom is something Obama does not understand![/quote]
So should Obama talk to everyone? What about the National Enquirer?
"freedom is something obama does not understand!" :?: what does this even mean?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
So your not for free press? and yes they said Fox could not interview the pay czar. Even the other news outlets saw how wrong this was wrong. The Fairness doctrine was written when there were only so many media outlets... in no way could it work today with out a dictatorship in controll.
Try it this way. Obama does not appreciate American Freedom... freedom of press...freedom of speech....the freedom to protest any grievance....do I need to go on? Get It?
by the way, do you even know what the fairness doctrine is?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Freedom of Speech he also believes in....."fox news...gfy"
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
potentially, i might be giving the fox News network audience too much credit, but, maybe if they were so interested in what the president had to say, they could just mosey on over to one of the other channels that he appears on. It's not that hard. just a thought, of course.
fox has made decision after decision, not to air Obama's primetime addresses on their network. why should Obama dignify them with his presence? They are a 24/7 anti-Obama outlet. They have aired everything they can against him. also, do you think he has forgotten the comments made by Liz Trotta? the network was more than happy to air that. what are your thoughts on her little episode, and the fact the network allowed it to air?
all i can say is, that if anyone has difficulty understanding why obama would be reluctant to appear on fox news, then any connection between your reality and mine, is purely coincidental.
did you see her 1/2 assed apology?
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Obama did give Fox an interview (O'Riley). I am talking about not letting Fox interview the pay czar which was wrong and the rest of the media knew it was wrong....and they know it could happen to them....so they stood up and said they were not going to do the interview if Fox was not allowed. The media knows they could be next....
So should Obama talk to everyone? What about the National Enquirer?[/quote]
Obama wants to pick and choose what news will be reported. No one is talking about Obama doing an interview.