3 witnesses say Terry Hobbs talked with son before death

3 witnesses have come forward to say that Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of one of the boys, did interact with his son and the other 2 boys prior to the murders, the day of the murders. He had originally said, and has maintained, that he never saw or talked to his son at any time, on the day of the murders. Now 3 witnesses say he is lying.
This is coupled with the evidence that one of the knots used to tie up the victims, contained Terry Hobbs hair.
I think obviously that the WM3 should be immediately released. I hope this new information leads to a new trial at the very least and hopefully getting them out of prison!
This is coupled with the evidence that one of the knots used to tie up the victims, contained Terry Hobbs hair.
I think obviously that the WM3 should be immediately released. I hope this new information leads to a new trial at the very least and hopefully getting them out of prison!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Why does everything in America now have to concern race?
The West Memphis 3 issue has nothing to do with race.
yes and no. Race was never an issue in the case, beyond a suspect the so called Mr Bojangles (Bojangles man) at a restauraunt) who hours after the murder was supposed to have occurred, turned up at a bathroom, with blood and sawdust on himself, and looked really out of it. That man was identified as being black, but no name or face was ever put to him.
And yes, race was never a motive in this case. I think its highly unlikely the boys were murdered because they were white.
That said, it has alot to do with race, in that, in this case the people who are in prison for the crimes are white. Prison is made up largely, of black males. Disproportionatley. In DC for example, the prisons are something absurd like 98 percent black or something.
And often times, no one bats an eyelash when those people, blacks, or latinos are thrown in jail. Even for minor offenses like possession of drugs, or other nonviolent crimes. And of course you can look at the case of Mumia abu Jamal, 20 plus years in prison, for a crime he didnt commit. And the reason he is in jail, is because of the color of his skin.
Often times, its mocked and made fun of, that every prisoner says they are innocent. But, race starts to creep in, when the majority of prisoners as I said are black males. Not for murder, rape, robbery, etc... but for in the majority of cases, drug offences.
So race plays a small part, only, in that in this case, the people wrongfully accused of the crimes are white, not a darker shade of pigmentation.
The prison system is obviously racist, but its more than that. The prison industry doesnt, in a way, care one way or another who gets locked up. Its just a matter of locking them up. Getting the bodies in the cell.
The prison industry is probably the only buisness in the world right now that is booming, while every other industry is getting hit by the Great Depression.
The West memphis pigs didnt give a damn who they fingered for the crimes. better they slander these 3 people, and labeled them satanists, and lock em up and throw away the key.
Its way more frightening to me, and I think to the West memphis community at large to come to the conclusion, that Terry Hobbs, a stepfather of one of the boys, lost control and butchered these boys, and got away with it for 15 years, than to think some teenagers who listened to metallica and read Stephen King, actually committed the crime.
As I said, the prison industry only cares about making money, and getting the bodies in the cell.
But you're talking about two different things here. The WM3 case on the one hand, and the disproportionality of blacks in U.S jails on the other hand.
Two separate issues.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/12/28/wes ... index.html
This Mr. Bojangles guy seems like the most plausible suspect and amazingly the DNA evidence they had from him was "lost".
While I think you are on the right track Gabers, I disagree. Indeed, the case was mismanaged from the minute the crime was committed, and the investigation really hasnt changed at all, in 15 years even in light of the overwhelming evidence that the WM3 are innocent and have spent 15 years in jail for crimes they didnt commit. Beyond that, your point about Mr Bojangles, is valid. Indeed, if someone, as Mr Bogangles was seen, with sawdust in his hair, blood all over him, and acting bizaarely right after the murders occured, indeed that person is a suspect. problem is, as you point out, Mr Bogangles probably will never be indentified.
However, as I said before, there is DNA at the crime scene. it doesnt match the Wm3 but it does match Terry Hobbes, the stepfather. Terry Hobbs, also is guilty of perjury if the 3 witnesses are to be believed, and that Terry Hobbs was with the 3 boys on the day of their murder, despite telling police he never saw them that day. Additionally, Terry is just a creepy guy. He was arrested for watching his neighbor shower, he walked in their house, and I guess, went into the bathroom and watched her. He, also, I think if I am not mistaken, killed his own brother in law in a fight. He kept a knife, that according to the stepsons mother, never left the boys person, and he kept in hidden in a drawer in the bedroom, years after the murder.
Beyond that, the most damning evidence is the nuts and bolts of it all. Hobbs hair was found at the scene, along with the hair of his friend a man named jacoby.
Hobbs murdered three boys, said nothing as 3 innocent boys were sent to prison for the crimes he committed, and has done nothing to admit to anything in 15 years. Then he has the nerve to take natalie maines, lead singer of the dixie chicks to court because he felt his rights were threatened when she publicly said in a Wm3 rally that Terry Hobbs and not Damien, Jessie and Jason were responsible for the crimes? Outrageous to say the least.
Its as I said it. Terry Hobbs was angry at his stepson for some reason. Their have long been rumors, that one of the boys was going to runaway. Maybe Terry was upset his stepson was late coming home, the 2 other boys were with him. Terry hit one of them, and just lost all control. This jacoby character whose dna was found at the scene helped Terry clean up, and move the bodies to Robin Hood hills. That is my belief of what happened.
Go read Damien Echols hospital records....
Go read Damien Echols arrest record, before he was convicted of murder........
Damien Echols is a creepy guy.......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The neighbor now says he saw Terry Hobbs with the 3 children??????
16 years later?????? This guy waits 16 years to come up with this little bit of information?????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
far as I know Damien is not guilty of murdering his brother in law, and never was arrested for spying on a neighbor in a shower. Damien has never lied on the stand, we have never found out later that he said he was at home, or at school, or whereever when he said he was elsewhere.
One can ultimately be creepy all they want, but the facts are the facts. Damien, Jessie, and jasons dna appears nowhere in this case. its not on the bodies, and its not in the woods. The kids DNA was never found in the houses of the wm3. The only dna at the crime scene was that of jacoby and terry hobbs. Those are the facts friend. The only person who has verifiable lied in this case is Terry. Jessie Jason, and Damien were never verifiably seen with the 3 boys. Terry is the only suspect with dna at the scene who was seen with the boys.
as far as the witnesses coming forward 16 years later, you must not be familiar with the justice system, at least the american justice system. This happens all the time.
YOU are not familiar with this case....
First of all....
Terry Hobbs did not murder his brother in law......Was never accused of the murder of his brother in law.....Was never charged with the murder of his brother in law......Was never convicted of the murder of his brother in law....
Why????? Because his brother in law was never murdered..........
I can show you video of your buddy Damien Echols lying on the witness stand........
I can also show you the transcripts of the Misskelley kids first confession......
Then I can show you transcripts of the Misskelley kids second confession, 8 months later, with his lawyer present.
If YOU are going to jump on a case, and want to free 3 convicted child murderers, because Mr. Eddie Vedder says they are innocent.......Then you might want to do some research on the 3 convicted murderers, do some research on their history before they were convicted of murder.....
You might then realize that Damien Echols isnt the kind of guy you would invite over to your house for Christmas dinner.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The shit you can find on the internet.....
Echols' gift of persuasion may have been one of the reason why his counsel, Vat Price, allowed him to take the witness stand. Unfortunately for Echols, judge and jury aren't quite as easy to push over and his testimony leaves the door wide open for damaging evidence that, otherwise, would not be admissible. Rebutting Echols' assertion that he is non-violent, regardless of whether he is on medication or not, the prosecution brings up two earlier incidents that speak to Echols' propensity for violence: one that took place just 8-9 month before the murders in which he threatened his father that he is going to "eat him alive," another in which he tried to claw out the eyes of a classmate.
Of course, none of this footage survives the editing table. The fact that Crowley is a proponent of human sacrifices is cut out, lest the viewer gets the impression that this is the motive for the murders. Amazingly, it his Echols himself who volunteers that information — the "Cult Cop" didn't know. No mention anywhere in the documentary that Anton LaVey, "the person […] that I read a lot," is the author of the "Satanic Bible" and founder of the American Church of Satan.
The producers of Paradise Lost also don't want you to know about an "in camera" meeting between Judge David Burnett, defense attorneys, and prosecutors which could have ended the trial. After the evidence phase was over, the prosecution asked permission to present evidence that a necklace Echols was wearing during his arrest contained blood stains from two of the victims. After being admonished by the judge that the introduction of new evidence so late in the trial might result in a mistrial, prosecutors withdrew the request — certain that they could obtain a conviction without it
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
On the night of Damien's arrest, a necklace he was wearing was taken in as evidence and sent away for testing as there appeared to be blood spots on it. The results of these tests were not available when other evidence had been presented at the trial so the prosecution asked for a continuance in order to obtain these results. The continuance was granted and the court reconvened two days later. The minute quantities of genetic material present for testing meant that only the blood types present could be determined. It was found that one spot was consistent with the blood type of Damien and the second spot was consistent with the blood type shared by both Jason Baldwin and Steven Branch, and 11% of the world's population
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
And the moral of this story is: Never shout any threats at your parents, and never take an interest in the occult. Because if you do, then you may be accused of murdering children somewhere down the line.
You mean convicted.....right????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Dont ever confess, TWICE, to murdering 3 children....
Because that too, may put you behind bars for life.....
As Damien Echols good friend, Jessie Misskelley, found out......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
But as you well know, those confessions were coerced, and are therefore redundant.
'...Throughout the course of the trial and afterward, many teenagers came forward with statements regarding being questioned and polygraphed by the local police. They said that Durham, among others, was at times aggressive and verbally abusive if they did not say what was expected of them.[who?] After the test, when asked what he was afraid of, Echols replied, "The electric chair."
On June 3, police interrogated Misskelley. Misskelley, whose IQ was reported to be 72 (making him borderline mentally retarded), was questioned alone; his parents were not present during the interrogation.[3] Misskelley's father gave permission for Misskelley to go with police, but did not explicitly give permission for his minor son to be questioned or interrogated.[3] Misskelley was questioned for roughly twelve hours; only two segments, totaling 46 minutes, were recorded.[15] Misskelley quickly recanted his confession, citing intimidation, coercion, fatigue, and veiled threats from police.[3] During Misskelley's trial, Dr. Richard Ofshe, an expert on false confessions and police coercion and Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley, testified that the brief recording of Misskelley's interrogation was a "classic example" of police coercion.[11] He has further described Misskelley's statement as "the stupidest fucking confession I've ever seen."[16] Critics have also stated that Misskelley's "confession" was in many respects inconsistent with the particulars of the crime scene and murder victims, including (for example) an "admission" that Misskelley "watched Damien rape one of the boys." Police had initially suspected that the boys were raped due to their dilated anuses, but forensic evidence later proved conclusively that the murdered boys had not been raped at all, and their dilated anuses were a normal post-mortem condition.'
With his lawyer present....
Basically telling Misskelley to SHUT THE FUCK UP..........
He confessed again????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
You're very selective with the facts.
Here's another fact:
'Misskelley, whose IQ was reported to be 72 (making him borderline mentally retarded)
Critics have also stated that Misskelley's "confession" was in many respects inconsistent with the particulars of the crime scene and murder victims..'
If I am to ignore Misskelleys confessions.....Because he is a mentally unstable person....
Then I have to ignore Damien Echols denial of guilt......Because he is also mentally unstable....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
And at what point did Damien Echols claim to be guilty of murdering the 3 boys?
Why should I believe him???
Like Misskelley, Damien is mentally unstable.....right????
You tell me, I should not believe Misskelley...
I tell you, you shouldnt believe Damien Echols......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
No, not as far as I'm aware.
Shouting some abusive shit at your parents one time doesn't constitute being mentally unstable. If that were the case then 90% of us would qualify as cuckoo.
"... serious mental illness characterized by grandiose and persecutory delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, disordered thought processes, substantial lack of insight, and chronic, incapacitating mood swings
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
In the documentary 'Paradise Lost' Echols seems to be prefectly rational and intelligent. Still, let's just assume for arguments sake that he's mentally ill and that we can dismiss anything he says relating to the murders. In which case, let's look at the evidence linking him and his co-defendants to the murders: there isn't any. There's no evidence linking any of the 3 to the murders other than the fact that they wore black clothes and had some books by Aleister Crowley on their bookshelves. Not exactly a water-tight case.
i noticed you left this part of Byrnzie's quote out....
i guess you took it out because you didn't have a reply?
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'