what is the 10C lottery worth to you



  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,568
    front row right in front of mike?

    having been lucky enough to enjoy that view a few times

    $5000 is my price, and maybe a reach around from the little lady :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    thats the best seat in the house, and an experience you cannot put a price on :!:
  • bosshogg18bosshogg18 Tacoma, WA Posts: 1,100
    It would be hard to pass the money up. I was front row once at the Showbox 2004 show...it was both the best and worst show of my life. I was front row, in what I think is the best spot, in front of Jeff. Mike and Eddie are my favorites, so being where I was at was the perfect place.
    Obviously being front row is why it was the best show I have attended. It was the worst show because I got a pick from Eddie and Jeff and put them in my pocket. Well after the show was over I dug into my pocket to check the picks out in the light...well they were nowhere to be found. I noticed a thumb-sized hole in my pocket, so they must have fallen out, or fallen out from digging my camera, or wallet out of my pocket.. I was devastated. It took me from the PJ high of high to the low of lows :cry:
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