Gun-toting soccer mom, husband found shot dead



  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    Usually, peopl who are anti-gun grew up in safe areas with zero experience shooting or being around a weapon. I ask people if they are so anti gun, they should educated themselves and go shooting or take a safety course just once before they take that position. If they're still anti-gun after that, then they have something to back their point.
  • I'd be anti-hand gun if there was any sort of way of getting ALL hand guns out of everyone's hands (including criminals). Since there isn't any way to do that, I don't agree with not allowing law abiding people (with background checks, training, etc) to own them.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I'd be anti-hand gun if there was any sort of way of getting ALL hand guns out of everyone's hands (including criminals). Since there isn't any way to do that, I don't agree with not allowing law abiding people (with background checks, training, etc) to own them.

    This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the situation.
  • Usually, peopl who are anti-gun grew up in safe areas with zero experience shooting or being around a weapon. I ask people if they are so anti gun, they should educated themselves and go shooting or take a safety course just once before they take that position. If they're still anti-gun after that, then they have something to back their point.

    I live in the once-murder capital of Canada. I don't own a gun. Never shot one. Never had the urge to shoot one. I don't want to kill a living thing, so why would I want to? What would shooting a gun do to make me have a logical point? I think guns are for idiots, making me shoot one at a coke can or a paper target won't change that opinion. Tell me how it would?

    A good friend of mine goes hunting all the time. We always get into arguments over why he feels the need to do this. He can go to the store and get his own meat. He shoots for sport. I just can't wrap my head around that nonsense. KILLING A LIVING THING FOR FUN. What the fuck is wrong with the world that you'd end the life of an innocent, beautiful animal, possibly orphaning their young, for YOUR AMUSEMENT? How sick do you have to be to do that?

    I think that guns are fine in the hands of a 100% responsible human. Problem is, that doesn't exist. Humans are egotistical and self-centred by nature. That's how the gun was invented in the first place. Pure human idiocy and arrogance.

    No, I'm not a vegetarian either. I eat steak and burgers all the time. I am not an animal activist by any stretch. I just think killing things for fun is as low as you can get.

    And the person who made the point about "well since Iran has nukes, we'd better get bigger nukes so we can all live in peace" is bang on. It makes no sense at all.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • I'd be anti-hand gun if there was any sort of way of getting ALL hand guns out of everyone's hands (including criminals). Since there isn't any way to do that, I don't agree with not allowing law abiding people (with background checks, training, etc) to own them.

    This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the situation.

    No amount of background checks or training can prevent accidental deaths. 0. Nada. Zilch.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    I'd be anti-hand gun if there was any sort of way of getting ALL hand guns out of everyone's hands (including criminals). Since there isn't any way to do that, I don't agree with not allowing law abiding people (with background checks, training, etc) to own them.

    This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the situation.

    No amount of background checks or training can prevent accidental deaths. 0. Nada. Zilch.

    See now if you had some sort of formal training you would know its physically impossible to have an accident with a gun if you follow the rules of a responsible gun owner. Accidents happen when people don't follow the rules of owning and operating a weapon.

    As for me, (because I'm selfcentered gun owner), I have a permit to carry a pistol. I never take it out with me, nor do I ever plan on hunting. I do however keep it with me while I hike or camp, something that I caught onto after living out west. Frankly, I avoid bad areas of town, so there isn't any reason to have it with me.

    Shooting is fun, not everyone has to like it, but at least know a little about what your against before forming your opinion.

    Yes, you're right, guns primary purpose is to kill, but you very well know that getting rid of them isn't going to solve the problem. And out lawing them isn't going to stop criminals from getting them, and you're not going to stop the production of them.....that will never happen.
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240

    Any and all accidents can be traced to not following one of these rules listed above. Just like driving, if everyone would follow the rules, there would be no accidents, but we still hand out drivers licenses and sell cars to people. I'm almost willing to bet that the percentage is higher for car owners to be killed in a car accident then gun owners by guns.....don't know if there is data out there for that statistic or not.
  • Shooting is fun, not everyone has to like it, but at least know a little about what your against before forming your opinion.

    you said that again, without telling me exactly why I have to shoot a gun to know that it kills people. Do I have to try heroin to know that it's bad for me and society? I don't think so. Some may think it's fun, but I can be against it without trying it. Just like guns.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014

    Any and all accidents can be traced to not following one of these rules listed above. Just like driving, if everyone would follow the rules, there would be no accidents, but we still hand out drivers licenses and sell cars to people. I'm almost willing to bet that the percentage is higher for car owners to be killed in a car accident then gun owners by guns.....don't know if there is data out there for that statistic or not.

    and that proves my point. I said that guns would be fine as long as 100% of people were responsible 100% of the time. And we know that is not possible.

    The "bad people have guns so I deserve one too" is not a logical argument, and you know it.

    And the purpose of a car is not to kill someone. It's to get somewhere. You can't use that as a comparison. You could use that same analogy about pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon, but it's primary task is nothing to do with it at all. Guns were made to harm. Animals. People. Property. You cannot argue that.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • oh and, hey, while we're at it, we're never going to stop murder, rape, or any other type of crime, so let's make it all legal, since we can't stop it anyway.

    good point. :?
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240

    Any and all accidents can be traced to not following one of these rules listed above. Just like driving, if everyone would follow the rules, there would be no accidents, but we still hand out drivers licenses and sell cars to people. I'm almost willing to bet that the percentage is higher for car owners to be killed in a car accident then gun owners by guns.....don't know if there is data out there for that statistic or not.

    and that proves my point. I said that guns would be fine as long as 100% of people were responsible 100% of the time. And we know that is not possible.

    The "bad people have guns so I deserve one too" is not a logical argument, and you know it.

    And the purpose of a car is not to kill someone. It's to get somewhere. You can't use that as a comparison. You could use that same analogy about pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon, but it's primary task is nothing to do with it at all. Guns were made to harm. Animals. People. Property. You cannot argue that.

    I think it is a logical argument, its a right here in our country, and it can't be taken away. And how can you take something away based on a small percentage of people who cause gun crimes?

    If you want pro gun people to throw away their weapons and see you're point, you're going to have to have some idea of what you're talking about and at least go to a class. No one is making you buy a weapon, and you still don't have to like them, but at least know what your talking about. If anything it will make your argument stronger for it.

    Any and all accidents can be traced to not following one of these rules listed above. Just like driving, if everyone would follow the rules, there would be no accidents, but we still hand out drivers licenses and sell cars to people. I'm almost willing to bet that the percentage is higher for car owners to be killed in a car accident then gun owners by guns.....don't know if there is data out there for that statistic or not.

    and that proves my point. I said that guns would be fine as long as 100% of people were responsible 100% of the time. And we know that is not possible.

    The "bad people have guns so I deserve one too" is not a logical argument, and you know it.

    And the purpose of a car is not to kill someone. It's to get somewhere. You can't use that as a comparison. You could use that same analogy about pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon, but it's primary task is nothing to do with it at all. Guns were made to harm. Animals. People. Property. You cannot argue that.

    I think it is a logical argument, its a right here in our country, and it can't be taken away. And how can you take something away based on a small percentage of people who cause gun crimes?

    If you want pro gun people to throw away their weapons and see you're point, you're going to have to have some idea of what you're talking about and at least go to a class. No one is making you buy a weapon, and you still don't have to like them, but at least know what your talking about. If anything it will make your argument stronger for it.

    the debate here, as far as I understand, is not whether or not it is legal or not to own a firearm. It's whether it makes sense. To me, it does not. Simple as that. What do you need a gun for? I bet NOTHING. Part of your rationale is you say it is fun. So are a lot of things that are illegal and wrong and bad for you/others around you. Speeding is also fun. But illegal and dangerous. Drinking underage is fun. But illegal and dangerous. Shooting a gun is, to you, fun. Bringing a gun to a child's soccer game is ludicrous, and dangerous. Unfortunately, in your country, legal. Which is also ludicrous. In Canada, that mom would be put in jail and publicly chastised for being so stupid and irresponsible. In your country, unfortunately, she's applauded by some for exercising her right to bear arms. Any idea what this person was doing with her gun? Maybe she was scared of the murderous-looking 15 year old referee? :roll:

    I will ask ONE MORE TIME: please enlighten me how going to a class and/or shooting a gun possibly could make any sense or difference in the context of this debate? how does going to a class about shooting a gun make me any more learned on the subject of guns killing people and give me more credibility? It's irrelevant.

    Just like I said. I don't have to do heroin to know that it's harmful. I don't have to shoot a gun to know that they kill people.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,313
    to whoever said that people who have been properly trained to handle firearms NEVER have accidents, i am going to have to ask for a source on this one. i know a guy with his concealed carry permit who accidently shot himself in the foot. and he has had guns for over 20 years. if you ask me, anyone that has a gun has the chance of having an accident. i dont own one and do not plan on owning one, so i am pretty much guaranteed to not have a gun accident or commit a gun crime.

    i have seen studies that have said that "legal" gun owners are more likely to injure or kill a member of their own family than people that own other types of weapons. i will have to try to find them when i have more time.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240

    Its called having an open mind. How are you going to form an educated opinion with out knowing both sides? For a far left board, people here really kick and scream when it comes to trying something different. You want people to have an open mind to your view point, you should do the same. I'm hearing your argument, and see your point, but I think a lot of it is in fear, and a stereotype of what Americans are. The experience will only strengthen your argument.
  • Johnny,

    Its called having an open mind. How are you going to form an educated opinion with out knowing both sides? For a far left board, people here really kick and scream when it comes to trying something different. You want people to have an open mind to your view point, you should do the same. I'm hearing your argument, and see your point, but I think a lot of it is in fear, and a stereotype of what Americans are. The experience will only strengthen your argument.

    I do have an open mind. You are not, again, again, again, telling me what exactly about the shooting experience will enlighten me on the subject?

    Holding a gun in my hands, or taking a class on how to use one, has absolutely no bearing on the argument on whether it should be a fundamental right of regular citizens to own one. That's ludicrous. See my comparisons of such ludicrousness in my previous posts.

    Fear. That's laughable and a weak argument that is the last gasp by someone who can't support their claims. I am asking for a simple explanation on why I need to hold a gun to know it's not necessary for a law abiding citizen to own one, and am repeatedly ignored.

    And I never said anything about any American stereotype. I commented on your gun laws being silly. There are as many gun-totin' nutjobs in Canada as there are in America, our justice system just treats them differently. And there's a reason for that.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240

    Its called having an open mind. How are you going to form an educated opinion with out knowing both sides? For a far left board, people here really kick and scream when it comes to trying something different. You want people to have an open mind to your view point, you should do the same. I'm hearing your argument, and see your point, but I think a lot of it is in fear, and a stereotype of what Americans are. The experience will only strengthen your argument.

    I do have an open mind. You are not, again, again, again, telling me what exactly about the shooting experience will enlighten me on the subject?

    Holding a gun in my hands, or taking a class on how to use one, has absolutely no bearing on the argument on whether it should be a fundamental right of regular citizens to own one. That's ludicrous. See my comparisons of such ludicrousness in my previous posts.

    Fear. That's laughable and a weak argument that is the last gasp by someone who can't support their claims. I am asking for a simple explanation on why I need to hold a gun to know it's not necessary for a law abiding citizen to own one, and am repeatedly ignored.

    And I never said anything about any American stereotype. I commented on your gun laws being silly. There are as many gun-totin' nutjobs in Canada as there are in America, our justice system just treats them differently. And there's a reason for that.

    I think you're getting a little heated here bud, this is a board for debate....I don't know who pissed in your cheerios but relax a little. I'm not asking you to see things my way, I'm just asking you to at least see experience the other side of things before making a formal opinion. You can hate guns even more after the fact for all I care, but at least you will know what you're talking about.

    I want to own a gun for the following reasons:

    -Its a right in my country

    - I like shooting them

    - And to protect myself or family if the situation should ever happen (which is the absolute last situation after calling the police or simply running away)

    I'm not looking to hurt anyone, end of story. I'm a repsonsible gun owner and I don't want it taken away from me because of the actions of a few. You have absolutly no reason to fear them, and it is fear, otherwise you wouldn't be so angry about the topic.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984

    I think you're getting a little heated here bud, this is a board for debate....I don't know who pissed in your cheerios but relax a little. I'm not asking you to see things my way, I'm just asking you to at least see experience the other side of things before making a formal opinion. You can hate guns even more after the fact for all I care, but at least you will know what you're talking about.

    I want to own a gun for the following reasons:

    -Its a right in my country

    - I like shooting them

    some people like shooting heroin too, does not necessarily mean it should be legal.

    - And to protect myself or family if the situation should ever happen (which is the absolute last situation after calling the police or simply running away)

    i knew a kid in highschool who used to ask kids if their parents owned any guns. and if he found some who did he would break into their house and steal them. the fact that they had guns made them LESS safe, not more.
  • NoKNoK Posts: 824
    Commy wrote:
    i knew a kid in highschool who used to ask kids if their parents owned any guns. and if he found some who did he would break into their house and steal them. the fact that they had guns made them LESS safe, not more.

    That kid had one hell of a death wish. Breaking into a house where the owners owned guns. That is a first.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    NoK wrote:
    Commy wrote:
    i knew a kid in highschool who used to ask kids if their parents owned any guns. and if he found some who did he would break into their house and steal them. the fact that they had guns made them LESS safe, not more.

    That kid had one hell of a death wish. Breaking into a house where the owners owned guns. That is a first.
    yeah man. he is probably dead now or in jail, but no joke. the fact the homeowners had guns made them a target.
  • I think you're getting a little heated here bud, this is a board for debate....I don't know who pissed in your cheerios but relax a little. I'm not asking you to see things my way, I'm just asking you to at least see experience the other side of things before making a formal opinion. You can hate guns even more after the fact for all I care, but at least you will know what you're talking about.

    I want to own a gun for the following reasons:

    -Its a right in my country

    - I like shooting them

    - And to protect myself or family if the situation should ever happen (which is the absolute last situation after calling the police or simply running away)

    I'm not looking to hurt anyone, end of story. I'm a repsonsible gun owner and I don't want it taken away from me because of the actions of a few. You have absolutly no reason to fear them, and it is fear, otherwise you wouldn't be so angry about the topic.

    I'm not heated. If you are reading that into my posts, there's nothing I can do about that. And I don't eat cheerios. I'm a Shreddies man. ;) I'm just waiting, patiently, for your explanation on why shooting a gun would at all change my perception or add to my enlightenment on the subject. You just keep saying over and over again that I am not allowed my opinion until I shoot a gun. My opinion on that is it's ludicrous. If that's heated, then I hope you never have to use the arms you bear at anyone you think may have eaten pissed-in-Cheerios. God help us all.

    I don't fear guns. I don't hate guns. Just like I don't fear heroin, but I fear if my kid were to try it. I fear idiots with guns. Humans, as a species, are not smart enough as a whole to possess such a weapon.

    Yes, there are those that are responsible, and you say you are one of them. Kudos to you. I sincerely hope for your sake that someone in your family does not become just another statistic of mistaken identity when you (or someone else in your family) is mistaken for an intruder. It happens, responsible gun owner or not.

    And yes, it currently IS your right to have a gun. My opinion is that it shouldn't be. And you don't need any gun experience to hold that opinion.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • and you keep telling me that I'm fearful of guns. It is my position that you are the pot calling the kettle black. Half, if not most, of the reason people own guns, besides hunters and enthusiasts/collectors, is FEAR, as you outlined as one of the 3 reasons you own a gun.

    Take a poll of North Americans, and wade through the "I own it because it's my right" BS.

    Protection will be your #1 answer. FEAR.

    I, on the other hand, don't own a gun because I'm NOT fearful.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    and you keep telling me that I'm fearful of guns. It is my position that you are the pot calling the kettle black. Half, if not most, of the reason people own guns, besides hunters and enthusiasts/collectors, is FEAR, as you outlined as one of the 3 reasons you own a gun.

    Take a poll of North Americans, and wade through the "I own it because it's my right" BS.

    Protection will be your #1 answer. FEAR.

    I, on the other hand, don't own a gun because I'm NOT fearful.

    Sorry man, I don't know what else I could say. I pretty much sumed up my view on the situation, I don't know what else I can tell you to answer your question.....unless you're just trying to play games by running around with open ended questions? People seem to do that here a lot.

    I'm pretty happy with my choice to own a weapon, and I lucky that I have that right to do so. I guess if people don't like the fact that people own weapons, then vote on a change, if the majority says its wrong, then I will have to give it up. One thing is for sure, violent crime isn't going to fall off with the banning weapons. You're going to just take them away from people who aren't the risk.
  • and you keep telling me that I'm fearful of guns. It is my position that you are the pot calling the kettle black. Half, if not most, of the reason people own guns, besides hunters and enthusiasts/collectors, is FEAR, as you outlined as one of the 3 reasons you own a gun.

    Take a poll of North Americans, and wade through the "I own it because it's my right" BS.

    Protection will be your #1 answer. FEAR.

    I, on the other hand, don't own a gun because I'm NOT fearful.

    Sorry man, I don't know what else I could say. I pretty much sumed up my view on the situation, I don't know what else I can tell you to answer your question.....unless you're just trying to play games by running around with open ended questions? People seem to do that here a lot.

    I'm pretty happy with my choice to own a weapon, and I lucky that I have that right to do so. I guess if people don't like the fact that people own weapons, then vote on a change, if the majority says its wrong, then I will have to give it up. One thing is for sure, violent crime isn't going to fall off with the banning weapons. You're going to just take them away from people who aren't the risk.

    no, I'm not trying to play games. that annoys me as well. I think maybe we are just on different wavelengths.

    I agree completely that violent crime won't go away with the banning of weapons, if anything, it will strengthen the black market on such items. there is no easy answer either way.

    Can we at least agree that is was somewhat ridiculous that a person brought a handgun to a kid's soccer game?
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    and you keep telling me that I'm fearful of guns. It is my position that you are the pot calling the kettle black. Half, if not most, of the reason people own guns, besides hunters and enthusiasts/collectors, is FEAR, as you outlined as one of the 3 reasons you own a gun.

    Take a poll of North Americans, and wade through the "I own it because it's my right" BS.

    Protection will be your #1 answer. FEAR.

    I, on the other hand, don't own a gun because I'm NOT fearful.

    Sorry man, I don't know what else I could say. I pretty much sumed up my view on the situation, I don't know what else I can tell you to answer your question.....unless you're just trying to play games by running around with open ended questions? People seem to do that here a lot.

    I'm pretty happy with my choice to own a weapon, and I lucky that I have that right to do so. I guess if people don't like the fact that people own weapons, then vote on a change, if the majority says its wrong, then I will have to give it up. One thing is for sure, violent crime isn't going to fall off with the banning weapons. You're going to just take them away from people who aren't the risk.

    no, I'm not trying to play games. that annoys me as well. I think maybe we are just on different wavelengths.

    I agree completely that violent crime won't go away with the banning of weapons, if anything, it will strengthen the black market on such items. there is no easy answer either way.

    Can we at least agree that is was somewhat ridiculous that a person brought a handgun to a kid's soccer game?

    Yes we can...I would never bring my kids some place I felt the need to carry a weapon. Not smart.
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